85 research outputs found

    The Ekaterinburg Seminar "Algebraic Systems": 50 Years of Activities

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    The aim of the present article is to give a characterization of distinctive features of the scientic seminar founded and led by the author as well as to show the main sides of its activities during half a century

    Quantified Constraints in Twenty Seventeen

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    I present a survey of recent advances in the algorithmic and computational complexity theory of non-Boolean Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems, incorporating some more modern research directions

    A remark on pseudo proof systems and hard instances of the satisfiability problem

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    We link two concepts from the literature, namely hard sequences for the satisfiability problem sat and so-called pseudo proof systems proposed for study by Krajícek. Pseudo proof systems are elements of a particular nonstandard model constructed by forcing with random variables. We show that the existence of mad pseudo proof systems is equivalent to the existence of a randomized polynomial time procedure with a highly restrictive use of randomness which produces satisfiable formulas whose satisfying assignments are probably hard to find.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    2-manifold recognition is in logspace

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    We prove that the homeomorphism problem for 2 manifolds can be decided in logspace. The proof relies on Reingold's logspace solution to the undirected s, t-connectivity problem in graphs

    Comparison-Free Polyregular Functions.

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    This paper introduces a new automata-theoretic class of string-to-string functions with polynomialgrowth. Several equivalent definitions are provided: a machine model which is a restricted variant ofpebble transducers, and a few inductive definitions that close the class of regular functions undercertain operations. Our motivation for studying this class comes from another characterization,which we merely mention here but prove elsewhere, based on a λ-calculus with a linear type system.As their name suggests, these comparison-free polyregular functions form a subclass of polyregularfunctions; we prove that the inclusion is strict. We also show that they are incomparable withHDT0L transductions, closed under usual function composition – but not under a certain “map”combinator – and satisfy a comparison-free version of the pebble minimization theorem.On the broader topic of polynomial growth transductions, we also consider the recently introducedlayered streaming string transducers (SSTs), or equivalently k-marble transducers. We prove that afunction can be obtained by composing such transducers together if and only if it is polyregular,and that k-layered SSTs (or k-marble transducers) are closed under “map” and equivalent to acorresponding notion of (k + 1)-layered HDT0L systems

    Synergy Between Circuit Obfuscation and Circuit Minimization

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    We study close connections between Indistinguishability Obfuscation (IO) and the Minimum Circuit Size Problem (MCSP), and argue that efficient algorithms/construction for MCSP and IO create a synergy. Some of our main results are: - If there exists a perfect (imperfect) IO that is computationally secure against nonuniform polynomial-size circuits, then for all k ? ?: NP ? ZPP^{MCSP} ? SIZE[n^k] (MA ? ZPP^{MCSP} ? SIZE[n^k]). - In addition, if there exists a perfect IO that is computationally secure against nonuniform polynomial-size circuits, then NEXP ? ZPEXP^{MCSP} ? P/poly. - If MCSP ? BPP, then statistical security and computational security for IO are equivalent. - If computationally-secure perfect IO exists, then MCSP ? BPP iff NP = ZPP. - If computationally-secure perfect IO exists, then ZPEXP ? BPP. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first consequence of strong circuit lower bounds from the existence of an IO. The results are obtained via a construction of an optimal universal distinguisher, computable in randomized polynomial time with access to the MCSP oracle, that will distinguish any two circuit-samplable distributions with the advantage that is the statistical distance between these two distributions minus some negligible error term. This is our main technical contribution. As another immediate application, we get a simple proof of the result by Allender and Das (Inf. Comput., 2017) that SZK ? BPP^{MCSP}

    Improved Algorithms for Sparse MAX-SAT and MAX-k-CSP

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    On polynomial recursive sequences

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    International audienceWe study the expressive power of polynomial recursive sequences, a nonlinear extension of the well-known class of linear recursive sequences. These sequences arise naturally in the study of nonlinear extensions of weighted automata, where (non)expressiveness results translate to class separations. A typical example of a polynomial recursive sequence is bn=n!b_n=n!. Our main result is that the sequence un=nnu_n=n^n is not polynomial recursive