6 research outputs found

    Affective design using machine learning : a survey and its prospect of conjoining big data

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    Customer satisfaction in purchasing new products is an important issue that needs to be addressed in today’s competitive markets. Consumers not only need to be solely satisfied with the functional requirements of a product, and they are also concerned with the affective needs and aesthetic appreciation of the product. A product with good affective design excites consumer emotional feelings so as to buy the product. However, affective design often involves complex and multi-dimensional problems for modelling and maximising affective satisfaction of customers. Machine learning is commonly used to model and maximise the affective satisfaction, since it is effective in modelling nonlinear patterns when numerical data relevant to the patterns is available. This article presents a survey of commonly used machine learning approaches for affective design when two data streams namely traditional survey data and modern big data are used. A classification of machine learning technologies is first provided which is developed using traditional survey data for affective design. The limitations and advantages of each machine learning technology are also discussed and we summarize the uses of machine learning technologies for affective design. This review article is useful for those who use machine learning technologies for affective design. The limitations of using traditional survey data are then discussed which is time consuming to collect and cannot fully cover all the affective domains for product development. Nowadays, big data related to affective design can be captured from social media. The prospects and challenges in using big data are discussed so as to enhance affective design, in which very limited research has so far been attempted. This article provides guidelines for researchers who are interested in exploring big data and machine learning technologies for affective design

    Quantification of R-Fuzzy sets

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    The main aim of this paper is to connect R-Fuzzy sets and type-2 fuzzy sets, so as to provide a practical means to express complex uncertainty without the associated difficulty of a type-2 fuzzy set. The paper puts forward a significance measure, to provide a means for understanding the importance of the membership values contained within an R-fuzzy set. The pairing of an R-fuzzy set and the significance measure allows for an intermediary approach to that of a type-2 fuzzy set. By inspecting the returned significance degree of a particular membership value, one is able to ascertain its true significance in relation, relative to other encapsulated membership values. An R-fuzzy set coupled with the proposed significance measure allows for a type-2 fuzzy equivalence, an intermediary, all the while retaining the underlying sentiment of individual and general perspectives, and with the adage of a significantly reduced computational burden. Several human based perception examples are presented, wherein the significance degree is implemented, from which a higher level of detail can be garnered. The results demonstrate that the proposed research method combines the high capacity in uncertainty representation of type-2 fuzzy sets, together with the simplicity and objectiveness of type-1 fuzzy sets. This in turn provides a practical means for problem domains where a type-2 fuzzy set is preferred but difficult to construct due to the subjective type-2 fuzzy membership


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    Computer Aided Design (CAD) is a powerful tool for designing parametric geometry. However, many CAD models of current configurations are constructed in previous generations of CAD systems, which represent the configuration simply as a collection of surfaces instead of as a parametrized solid model. But since many modern analysis techniques take advantage of a parametrization, one often has to re-engineer the configuration into a parametric model. The objective here is to generate an efficient, robust, and accurate method for fitting parametric models to a cloud of points. The process uses a gradient-based optimization technique, which is applied to the whole cloud, without the need to segment or classify the points in the cloud a priori. First, for the points associated with any component, a variant of the Levenberg-Marquardt gradient-based optimization method (ILM) is used to find the set of model parameters that minimizes the least-square errors between the model and the points. The efficiency of the ILM algorithm is greatly improved through the use of analytic geometric sensitivities and sparse matrix techniques. Second, for cases in which one does not know a priori the correspondences between points in the cloud and the geometry model\u27s components, an efficient initialization and classification algorithm is introduced. While this technique works well once the configuration is close enough, it occasionally fails when the initial parametrized configuration is too far from the cloud of points. To circumvent this problem, the objective function is modified, which has yielded good results for all cases tested. This technique is applied to a series of increasingly complex configurations. The final configuration represents a full transport aircraft configuration, with a wing, fuselage, empennage, and engines. Although only applied to aerospace applications, the technique is general enough to be applicable in any domain for which basic parametrized models are available

    Bio-inspired robotic control in underactuation: principles for energy efficacy, dynamic compliance interactions and adaptability.

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    Biological systems achieve energy efficient and adaptive behaviours through extensive autologous and exogenous compliant interactions. Active dynamic compliances are created and enhanced from musculoskeletal system (joint-space) to external environment (task-space) amongst the underactuated motions. Underactuated systems with viscoelastic property are similar to these biological systems, in that their self-organisation and overall tasks must be achieved by coordinating the subsystems and dynamically interacting with the environment. One important question to raise is: How can we design control systems to achieve efficient locomotion, while adapt to dynamic conditions as the living systems do? In this thesis, a trajectory planning algorithm is developed for underactuated microrobotic systems with bio-inspired self-propulsion and viscoelastic property to achieve synchronized motion in an energy efficient, adaptive and analysable manner. The geometry of the state space of the systems is explicitly utilized, such that a synchronization of the generalized coordinates is achieved in terms of geometric relations along the desired motion trajectory. As a result, the internal dynamics complexity is sufficiently reduced, the dynamic couplings are explicitly characterised, and then the underactuated dynamics are projected onto a hyper-manifold. Following such a reduction and characterization, we arrive at mappings of system compliance and integrable second-order dynamics with the passive degrees of freedom. As such, the issue of trajectory planning is converted into convenient nonlinear geometric analysis and optimal trajectory parameterization. Solutions of the reduced dynamics and the geometric relations can be obtained through an optimal motion trajectory generator. Theoretical background of the proposed approach is presented with rigorous analysis and developed in detail for a particular example. Experimental studies are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Towards compliance interactions with the environment, accurate modelling or prediction of nonlinear friction forces is a nontrivial whilst challenging task. Frictional instabilities are typically required to be eliminated or compensated through efficiently designed controllers. In this work, a prediction and analysis framework is designed for the self-propelled vibro-driven system, whose locomotion greatly relies on the dynamic interactions with the nonlinear frictions. This thesis proposes a combined physics-based and analytical-based approach, in a manner that non-reversible characteristic for static friction, presliding as well as pure sliding regimes are revealed, and the frictional limit boundaries are identified. Nonlinear dynamic analysis and simulation results demonstrate good captions of experimentally observed frictional characteristics, quenching of friction-induced vibrations and satisfaction of energy requirements. The thesis also performs elaborative studies on trajectory tracking. Control schemes are designed and extended for a class of underactuated systems with concrete considerations on uncertainties and disturbances. They include a collocated partial feedback control scheme, and an adaptive variable structure control scheme with an elaborately designed auxiliary control variable. Generically, adaptive control schemes using neural networks are designed to ensure trajectory tracking. Theoretical background of these methods is presented with rigorous analysis and developed in detail for particular examples. The schemes promote the utilization of linear filters in the control input to improve the system robustness. Asymptotic stability and convergence of time-varying reference trajectories for the system dynamics are shown by means of Lyapunov synthesis