12 research outputs found

    Symbolic regression for approximating graph geodetic number

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    Graph properties are certain attributes that could make the structure of the graph understandable. Occasionally, standard methods cannot work properly for calculating exact values of graph properties due to their huge computational complexity, especially for real-world graphs. In contrast, heuristics and metaheuristics are alternatives proved their ability to provide sufficient solutions in a reasonable time. Although in some cases, even heuristics are not efficient enough, where they need some not easily obtainable global information of the graph. The problem thus should be dealt in completely different way by trying to find features that related to the property and based on these data build a formula which can approximate the graph property. In this work, symbolic regression with an evolutionary algorithm called Cartesian Genetic Programming has been used to derive formulas capable to approximate the graph geodetic number which measures the minimal-cardinality set of vertices, such that all shortest paths between its elements cover every vertex of the graph. Finding the exact value of the geodetic number is known to be NP-hard for general graphs. The obtained formulas are tested on random and real-world graphs. It is demonstrated how various graph properties as training data can lead to diverse formulas with different accuracy. It is also investigated which training data are really related to each property

    Parameterized Complexity of Geodetic Set

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    A vertex set S of a graph G is geodetic if every vertex of G lies on a shortest path between two vertices in S. Given a graph G and k ? ?, the NP-hard Geodetic Set problem asks whether there is a geodetic set of size at most k. Complementing various works on Geodetic Set restricted to special graph classes, we initiate a parameterized complexity study of Geodetic Set and show, on the negative side, that Geodetic Set is W[1]-hard when parameterized by feedback vertex number, path-width, and solution size, combined. On the positive side, we develop fixed-parameter algorithms with respect to the feedback edge number, the tree-depth, and the modular-width of the input graph

    Hardness and approximation for the geodetic set problem in some graph classes

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    In this paper, we study the computational complexity of finding the \emph{geodetic number} of graphs. A set of vertices SS of a graph GG is a \emph{geodetic set} if any vertex of GG lies in some shortest path between some pair of vertices from SS. The \textsc{Minimum Geodetic Set (MGS)} problem is to find a geodetic set with minimum cardinality. In this paper, we prove that solving the \textsc{MGS} problem is NP-hard on planar graphs with a maximum degree six and line graphs. We also show that unless P=NPP=NP, there is no polynomial time algorithm to solve the \textsc{MGS} problem with sublogarithmic approximation factor (in terms of the number of vertices) even on graphs with diameter 22. On the positive side, we give an O(n3logn)O\left(\sqrt[3]{n}\log n\right)-approximation algorithm for the \textsc{MGS} problem on general graphs of order nn. We also give a 33-approximation algorithm for the \textsc{MGS} problem on the family of solid grid graphs which is a subclass of planar graphs

    Three problems on well-partitioned chordal graphs

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    In this work, we solve three problems on well-partitioned chordal graphs. First, we show that every connected (resp., 2-connected) well-partitioned chordal graph has a vertex that intersects all longest paths (resp., longest cycles). It is an open problem [Balister et al., Comb. Probab. Comput. 2004] whether the same holds for chordal graphs. Similarly, we show that every connected well-partitioned chordal graph admits a (polynomial-time constructible) tree 3-spanner, while the complexity status of the Tree 3-Spanner problem remains open on chordal graphs [Brandstädt et al., Theor. Comput. Sci. 2004]. Finally, we show that the problem of finding a minimum-size geodetic set is polynomial-time solvable on well-partitioned chordal graphs. This is the first example of a problem that is NP -hard on chordal graphs and polynomial-time solvable on well-partitioned chordal graphs. Altogether, these results reinforce the significance of this recently defined graph class as a tool to tackle problems that are hard or unsolved on chordal graphs.acceptedVersio

    On the Computational Complexity of the Strong Geodetic Recognition Problem

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    A strong geodetic set of a graph~G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a vertex set~SV(G)S \subseteq V(G) in which it is possible to cover all the remaining vertices of~V(G)SV(G) \setminus S by assigning a unique shortest path between each vertex pair of~SS. In the Strong Geodetic problem (SG) a graph~GG and a positive integer~kk are given as input and one has to decide whether~GG has a strong geodetic set of cardinality at most~kk. This problem is known to be NP-hard for general graphs. In this work we introduce the Strong Geodetic Recognition problem (SGR), which consists in determining whether even a given vertex set~SV(G)S \subseteq V(G) is strong geodetic. We demonstrate that this version is NP-complete. We investigate and compare the computational complexity of both decision problems restricted to some graph classes, deriving polynomial-time algorithms, NP-completeness proofs, and initial parameterized complexity results, including an answer to an open question in the literature for the complexity of SG for chordal graphs

    Some remarks on the geodetic number of a graph

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    A set of vertices D of a graph G is geodetic if every vertex of G lies on a shortest path between two not necessarily distinct vertices in D. The geodetic number of G is the minimum cardinality of a geodetic set of G. We prove that it is NP complete to decide for a given chordal or chordal bipartite graph G and a given integer k whether G has a geodetic set of cardinality at most k. Furthermore, we prove an upper bound on the geodetic number of graphs without short cycles and study the geodetic number of cographs, split graphs, and unit interval graphs

    Modeling and Optimizing for NP-hard Problems in Graph Theory

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    This PhD thesis introduces optimization methods for graph problems classified as NP-hard. These are problems for which no deterministic algorithm is capable of solving them in polynomial time. More specifically, three graph problems were addressed, and for each, different optimization methods were used. These methods include standard methods, metaheuristics, and heuristics. In all cases, the performance of these methods was compared with those proposed in the literature, considering factors such as execution time and the quality of the solutions achieved. This comparative analysis aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimization methods