117,393 research outputs found

    RACS: Rapid Analysis of ChIP-Seq data for contig based genomes

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    Background: Chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to next generation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) is a widely used technique to investigate the function of chromatin-related proteins in a genome-wide manner. ChIP-Seq generates large quantities of data which can be difficult to process and analyse, particularly for organisms with contig based genomes. Contig-based genomes often have poor annotations for cis-elements, for example enhancers, that are important for gene expression. Poorly annotated genomes make a comprehensive analysis of ChIP-Seq data difficult and as such standardized analysis pipelines are lacking. Methods: We report a computational pipeline that utilizes traditional High-Performance Computing techniques and open source tools for processing and analysing data obtained from ChIP-Seq. We applied our computational pipeline "Rapid Analysis of ChIP-Seq data" (RACS) to ChIP-Seq data that was generated in the model organism Tetrahymena thermophila, an example of an organism with a genome that is available in contigs. Results: To test the performance and efficiency of RACs, we performed control ChIP-Seq experiments allowing us to rapidly eliminate false positives when analyzing our previously published data set. Our pipeline segregates the found read accumulations between genic and intergenic regions and is highly efficient for rapid downstream analyses. Conclusions: Altogether, the computational pipeline presented in this report is an efficient and highly reliable tool to analyze genome-wide ChIP-Seq data generated in model organisms with contig-based genomes. RACS is an open source computational pipeline available to download from: https://bitbucket.org/mjponce/racs --or-- https://gitrepos.scinet.utoronto.ca/public/?a=summary&p=RACSComment: Submitted to BMC Bioinformatics. Computational pipeline available at https://bitbucket.org/mjponce/rac

    Practical guidelines for the comprehensive analysis of ChIP-seq data.

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    Mapping the chromosomal locations of transcription factors, nucleosomes, histone modifications, chromatin remodeling enzymes, chaperones, and polymerases is one of the key tasks of modern biology, as evidenced by the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project. To this end, chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) is the standard methodology. Mapping such protein-DNA interactions in vivo using ChIP-seq presents multiple challenges not only in sample preparation and sequencing but also for computational analysis. Here, we present step-by-step guidelines for the computational analysis of ChIP-seq data. We address all the major steps in the analysis of ChIP-seq data: sequencing depth selection, quality checking, mapping, data normalization, assessment of reproducibility, peak calling, differential binding analysis, controlling the false discovery rate, peak annotation, visualization, and motif analysis. At each step in our guidelines we discuss some of the software tools most frequently used. We also highlight the challenges and problems associated with each step in ChIP-seq data analysis. We present a concise workflow for the analysis of ChIP-seq data in Figure 1 that complements and expands on the recommendations of the ENCODE and modENCODE projects. Each step in the workflow is described in detail in the following sections

    Evaluation of Algorithm Performance in ChIP-Seq Peak Detection

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    Next-generation DNA sequencing coupled with chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP-seq) is revolutionizing our ability to interrogate whole genome protein-DNA interactions. Identification of protein binding sites from ChIP-seq data has required novel computational tools, distinct from those used for the analysis of ChIP-Chip experiments. The growing popularity of ChIP-seq spurred the development of many different analytical programs (at last count, we noted 31 open source methods), each with some purported advantage. Given that the literature is dense and empirical benchmarking challenging, selecting an appropriate method for ChIP-seq analysis has become a daunting task. Herein we compare the performance of eleven different peak calling programs on common empirical, transcription factor datasets and measure their sensitivity, accuracy and usability. Our analysis provides an unbiased critical assessment of available technologies, and should assist researchers in choosing a suitable tool for handling ChIP-seq data

    GimmeMotifs: a de novo motif prediction pipeline for ChIP-sequencing experiments

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    Summary: Accurate prediction of transcription factor binding motifs that are enriched in a collection of sequences remains a computational challenge. Here we report on GimmeMotifs, a pipeline that incorporates an ensemble of computational tools to predict motifs de novo from ChIP-sequencing (ChIP-seq) data. Similar redundant motifs are compared using the weighted information content (WIC) similarity score and clustered using an iterative procedure. A comprehensive output report is generated with several different evaluation metrics to compare and evaluate the results. Benchmarks show that the method performs well on human and mouse ChIP-seq datasets. GimmeMotifs consists of a suite of command-line scripts that can be easily implemented in a ChIP-seq analysis pipeline

    An integrated ChIP-seq analysis platform with customizable workflows

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by next generation sequencing (ChIP-seq), enables unbiased and genome-wide mapping of protein-DNA interactions and epigenetic marks. The first step in ChIP-seq data analysis involves the identification of peaks (i.e., genomic locations with high density of mapped sequence reads). The next step consists of interpreting the biological meaning of the peaks through their association with known genes, pathways, regulatory elements, and integration with other experiments. Although several programs have been published for the analysis of ChIP-seq data, they often focus on the peak detection step and are usually not well suited for thorough, integrative analysis of the detected peaks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To address the peak interpretation challenge, we have developed ChIPseeqer, an integrative, comprehensive, fast and user-friendly computational framework for in-depth analysis of ChIP-seq datasets. The novelty of our approach is the capability to combine several computational tools in order to create easily customized workflows that can be adapted to the user's needs and objectives. In this paper, we describe the main components of the ChIPseeqer framework, and also demonstrate the utility and diversity of the analyses offered, by analyzing a published ChIP-seq dataset.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>ChIPseeqer facilitates ChIP-seq data analysis by offering a flexible and powerful set of computational tools that can be used in combination with one another. The framework is freely available as a user-friendly GUI application, but all programs are also executable from the command line, thus providing flexibility and automatability for advanced users.</p

    Evaluation of experimental design and computational parameter choices affecting analyses of ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data in undomesticated poplar trees.

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    BackgroundOne of the great advantages of next generation sequencing is the ability to generate large genomic datasets for virtually all species, including non-model organisms. It should be possible, in turn, to apply advanced computational approaches to these datasets to develop models of biological processes. In a practical sense, working with non-model organisms presents unique challenges. In this paper we discuss some of these challenges for ChIP-seq and RNA-seq experiments using the undomesticated tree species of the genus Populus.ResultsWe describe specific challenges associated with experimental design in Populus, including selection of optimal genotypes for different technical approaches and development of antibodies against Populus transcription factors. Execution of the experimental design included the generation and analysis of Chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing (ChIP-seq) data for RNA polymerase II and transcription factors involved in wood formation. We discuss criteria for analyzing the resulting datasets, determination of appropriate control sequencing libraries, evaluation of sequencing coverage needs, and optimization of parameters. We also describe the evaluation of ChIP-seq data from Populus, and discuss the comparison between ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data and biological interpretations of these comparisons.ConclusionsThese and other "lessons learned" highlight the challenges but also the potential insights to be gained from extending next generation sequencing-supported network analyses to undomesticated non-model species

    Computational methods in cancer gene networking

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    In the past few years, many high-throughput techniques have been developed and applied to biological studies. These techniques such as &#x201c;next generation&#x201d; genome sequencing, chip-on-chip, microarray and so on can be used to measure gene expression and gene regulatory elements in a genome-wide scale. Moreover, as these technologies become more affordable and accessible, they have become a driving force in modern biology. As a result, huge amount biological data have been produced, with the expectation of increasing number of such datasets to be generated in the future. High-throughput data are more comprehensive and unbiased, but &#x2018;real signals&#x2019; or biological insights, molecular mechanisms and biological principles are buried in the flood of data. In current biological studies, the bottleneck is no longer a lack of data, but the lack of ingenuity and computational means to extract biological insights and principles by integrating knowledge and high-throughput data. &#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;Here I am reviewing the concepts and principles of network biology and the computational methods which can be applied to cancer research. Furthermore, I am providing a practical guide for computational analysis of cancer gene networks

    Distinguishing direct versus indirect transcription factor–DNA interactions

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    Transcriptional regulation is largely enacted by transcription factors (TFs) binding DNA. Large numbers of TF binding motifs have been revealed by ChIP-chip experiments followed by computational DNA motif discovery. However, the success of motif discovery algorithms has been limited when applied to sequences bound in vivo (such as those identified by ChIP-chip) because the observed TF–DNA interactions are not necessarily direct: Some TFs predominantly associate with DNA indirectly through protein partners, while others exhibit both direct and indirect binding. Here, we present the first method for distinguishing between direct and indirect TF–DNA interactions, integrating in vivo TF binding data, in vivo nucleosome occupancy data, and motifs from in vitro protein binding microarray experiments. When applied to yeast ChIP-chip data, our method reveals that only 48% of the data sets can be readily explained by direct binding of the profiled TF, while 16% can be explained by indirect DNA binding. In the remaining 36%, none of the motifs used in our analysis was able to explain the ChIP-chip data, either because the data were too noisy or because the set of motifs was incomplete. As more in vitro TF DNA binding motifs become available, our method could be used to build a complete catalog of direct and indirect TF–DNA interactions. Our method is not restricted to yeast or to ChIP-chip data, but can be applied in any system for which both in vivo binding data and in vitro DNA binding motifs are available.National Science Foundation (U.S.). (CAREER Award 0347801

    Inference of hierarchical regulatory network of estrogen-dependent breast cancer through ChIP-based data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Global profiling of in vivo protein-DNA interactions using ChIP-based technologies has evolved rapidly in recent years. Although many genome-wide studies have identified thousands of ERα binding sites and have revealed the associated transcription factor (TF) partners, such as AP1, FOXA1 and CEBP, little is known about ERα associated hierarchical transcriptional regulatory networks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we applied computational approaches to analyze three public available ChIP-based datasets: ChIP-seq, ChIP-PET and ChIP-chip, and to investigate the hierarchical regulatory network for ERα and ERα partner TFs regulation in estrogen-dependent breast cancer MCF7 cells. 16 common TFs and two common new TF partners (RORA and PITX2) were found among ChIP-seq, ChIP-chip and ChIP-PET datasets. The regulatory networks were constructed by scanning the ChIP-peak region with TF specific position weight matrix (PWM). A permutation test was performed to test the reliability of each connection of the network. We then used DREM software to perform gene ontology function analysis on the common genes. We found that FOS, PITX2, RORA and FOXA1 were involved in the up-regulated genes.</p> <p>We also conducted the ERα and Pol-II ChIP-seq experiments in tamoxifen resistance MCF7 cells (denoted as MCF7-T in this study) and compared the difference between MCF7 and MCF7-T cells. The result showed very little overlap between these two cells in terms of targeted genes (21.2% of common genes) and targeted TFs (25% of common TFs). The significant dissimilarity may indicate totally different transcriptional regulatory mechanisms between these two cancer cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study uncovers new estrogen-mediated regulatory networks by mining three ChIP-based data in MCF7 cells and ChIP-seq data in MCF7-T cells. We compared the different ChIP-based technologies as well as different breast cancer cells. Our computational analytical approach may guide biologists to further study the underlying mechanisms in breast cancer cells or other human diseases.</p