4,405 research outputs found

    Linear Bounded Composition of Tree-Walking Tree Transducers: Linear Size Increase and Complexity

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    Compositions of tree-walking tree transducers form a hierarchy with respect to the number of transducers in the composition. As main technical result it is proved that any such composition can be realized as a linear bounded composition, which means that the sizes of the intermediate results can be chosen to be at most linear in the size of the output tree. This has consequences for the expressiveness and complexity of the translations in the hierarchy. First, if the computed translation is a function of linear size increase, i.e., the size of the output tree is at most linear in the size of the input tree, then it can be realized by just one, deterministic, tree-walking tree transducer. For compositions of deterministic transducers it is decidable whether or not the translation is of linear size increase. Second, every composition of deterministic transducers can be computed in deterministic linear time on a RAM and in deterministic linear space on a Turing machine, measured in the sum of the sizes of the input and output tree. Similarly, every composition of nondeterministic transducers can be computed in simultaneous polynomial time and linear space on a nondeterministic Turing machine. Their output tree languages are deterministic context-sensitive, i.e., can be recognized in deterministic linear space on a Turing machine. The membership problem for compositions of nondeterministic translations is nondeterministic polynomial time and deterministic linear space. The membership problem for the composition of a nondeterministic and a deterministic tree-walking tree translation (for a nondeterministic IO macro tree translation) is log-space reducible to a context-free language, whereas the membership problem for the composition of a deterministic and a nondeterministic tree-walking tree translation (for a nondeterministic OI macro tree translation) is possibly NP-complete

    Open Programming Language Interpreters

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    Context: This paper presents the concept of open programming language interpreters and the implementation of a framework-level metaobject protocol (MOP) to support them. Inquiry: We address the problem of dynamic interpreter adaptation to tailor the interpreter's behavior on the task to be solved and to introduce new features to fulfill unforeseen requirements. Many languages provide a MOP that to some degree supports reflection. However, MOPs are typically language-specific, their reflective functionality is often restricted, and the adaptation and application logic are often mixed which hardens the understanding and maintenance of the source code. Our system overcomes these limitations. Approach: We designed and implemented a system to support open programming language interpreters. The prototype implementation is integrated in the Neverlang framework. The system exposes the structure, behavior and the runtime state of any Neverlang-based interpreter with the ability to modify it. Knowledge: Our system provides a complete control over interpreter's structure, behavior and its runtime state. The approach is applicable to every Neverlang-based interpreter. Adaptation code can potentially be reused across different language implementations. Grounding: Having a prototype implementation we focused on feasibility evaluation. The paper shows that our approach well addresses problems commonly found in the research literature. We have a demonstrative video and examples that illustrate our approach on dynamic software adaptation, aspect-oriented programming, debugging and context-aware interpreters. Importance: To our knowledge, our paper presents the first reflective approach targeting a general framework for language development. Our system provides full reflective support for free to any Neverlang-based interpreter. We are not aware of any prior application of open implementations to programming language interpreters in the sense defined in this paper. Rather than substituting other approaches, we believe our system can be used as a complementary technique in situations where other approaches present serious limitations

    Formal Attributes Traceability in Modular Language Development Frameworks

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    AbstractModularization and component reuse are concepts that can speed up the design and implementation of domain specific languages. Several modular development frameworks have been developed that rely on attributes to share information among components. Unfortunately, modularization also fosters development in isolation and attributes could be undefined or used inconsistently due to a lack of coordination. This work presents 1) a type system that permits to trace attributes and statically validate the composition against attributes lack or misuse and 2) a correct and complete type inference algorithm for this type system. The type system and inference are based on the Neverlang development framework but it is also discussed how it can be used with different frameworks

    The ModelCC Model-Driven Parser Generator

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    Syntax-directed translation tools require the specification of a language by means of a formal grammar. This grammar must conform to the specific requirements of the parser generator to be used. This grammar is then annotated with semantic actions for the resulting system to perform its desired function. In this paper, we introduce ModelCC, a model-based parser generator that decouples language specification from language processing, avoiding some of the problems caused by grammar-driven parser generators. ModelCC receives a conceptual model as input, along with constraints that annotate it. It is then able to create a parser for the desired textual syntax and the generated parser fully automates the instantiation of the language conceptual model. ModelCC also includes a reference resolution mechanism so that ModelCC is able to instantiate abstract syntax graphs, rather than mere abstract syntax trees.Comment: In Proceedings PROLE 2014, arXiv:1501.0169

    Statically Scheduling Circular Remote Attribute Grammars

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    Classical attribute grammars invented by Knuth have been the subject of extensive study. Over the years there have been various extensions introduced, each with the goal of making attribute grammar more useful for applications such as program analysis. The first extension described here is circular attribute grammar by Farrow. It is followed by remote attribute grammar, which was introduced separately by Boyland and Hedin. More recently, Hedin introduced circular remote attribute grammars and a proof of concept implementation with demand evaluation. Remote attribute grammars make it possible for semantic rules to access attributes of nodes that are not local, and circular attribute grammars make it possible to define and solve problems that are circularly defined. Combining these two extensions opens the door that enables users to define various circular tree problems in attribute grammars. Having the means to evaluate circular remote attribute grammars efficiently both in terms of space and time complexity is important for real-world applications. Unfortunately, demand evaluation methods lack in both aspects. However, another type of static evaluation called visit sequence evaluation was introduced earlier by Kastens for l-ordered subset of classical attribute grammars. This evaluation method is efficient as schedules are generated statically and not dependent on a particular derivation. The goal of this thesis is to statically schedule and evaluate circular remote attribute grammars, and lastly, implement these changes into APS which is a declarative attribute grammar system introduced by Boyland

    Meta-programming composers in 2nd generation component systems

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    Future component systems will require that components can be composed flexibly. In contrast to current systems which only support a fixed set of composition mechanisms, the component system should provide a composition language in which users can define their own specific composers. It is argued for an object-oriented setting that this will be possible by meta-programming the class-graph. Composers will be based on two important elements. First, they will express coupling by graph-based operators which transform parts of the class-graph (coupling design patterns). Second, during these transformations, elementary meta-operators will be used to transform data and code, rearranging slots and methods of parameter-components. Thus during their reuse, components are queried by introspection and transformed by meta-programming. Composers that use meta-programming generalize connectors in architectural languages. Hence they encapsulate context-dependent aspects of a system, and make components independent of their embedding context. Since meta-programming composers may change behavior of components transparently, meta-programming composers will lead to a nice form of grey-box reuse, which supports embedding of components (and classes) into application contexts in a new and flexible way

    Well-Formed and Scalable Invasive Software Composition

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    Software components provide essential means to structure and organize software effectively. However, frequently, required component abstractions are not available in a programming language or system, or are not adequately combinable with each other. Invasive software composition (ISC) is a general approach to software composition that unifies component-like abstractions such as templates, aspects and macros. ISC is based on fragment composition, and composes programs and other software artifacts at the level of syntax trees. Therefore, a unifying fragment component model is related to the context-free grammar of a language to identify extension and variation points in syntax trees as well as valid component types. By doing so, fragment components can be composed by transformations at respective extension and variation points so that always valid composition results regarding the underlying context-free grammar are yielded. However, given a language’s context-free grammar, the composition result may still be incorrect. Context-sensitive constraints such as type constraints may be violated so that the program cannot be compiled and/or interpreted correctly. While a compiler can detect such errors after composition, it is difficult to relate them back to the original transformation step in the composition system, especially in the case of complex compositions with several hundreds of such steps. To tackle this problem, this thesis proposes well-formed ISC—an extension to ISC that uses reference attribute grammars (RAGs) to specify fragment component models and fragment contracts to guard compositions with context-sensitive constraints. Additionally, well-formed ISC provides composition strategies as a means to configure composition algorithms and handle interferences between composition steps. Developing ISC systems for complex languages such as programming languages is a complex undertaking. Composition-system developers need to supply or develop adequate language and parser specifications that can be processed by an ISC composition engine. Moreover, the specifications may need to be extended with rules for the intended composition abstractions. Current approaches to ISC require complete grammars to be able to compose fragments in the respective languages. Hence, the specifications need to be developed exhaustively before any component model can be supplied. To tackle this problem, this thesis introduces scalable ISC—a variant of ISC that uses island component models as a means to define component models for partially specified languages while still the whole language is supported. Additionally, a scalable workflow for agile composition-system development is proposed which supports a development of ISC systems in small increments using modular extensions. All theoretical concepts introduced in this thesis are implemented in the Skeletons and Application Templates framework SkAT. It supports “classic”, well-formed and scalable ISC by leveraging RAGs as its main specification and implementation language. Moreover, several composition systems based on SkAT are discussed, e.g., a well-formed composition system for Java and a C preprocessor-like macro language. In turn, those composition systems are used as composers in several example applications such as a library of parallel algorithmic skeletons
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