5,969 research outputs found

    Structured Random Linear Codes (SRLC): Bridging the Gap between Block and Convolutional Codes

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    Several types of AL-FEC (Application-Level FEC) codes for the Packet Erasure Channel exist. Random Linear Codes (RLC), where redundancy packets consist of random linear combinations of source packets over a certain finite field, are a simple yet efficient coding technique, for instance massively used for Network Coding applications. However the price to pay is a high encoding and decoding complexity, especially when working on GF(28)GF(2^8), which seriously limits the number of packets in the encoding window. On the opposite, structured block codes have been designed for situations where the set of source packets is known in advance, for instance with file transfer applications. Here the encoding and decoding complexity is controlled, even for huge block sizes, thanks to the sparse nature of the code and advanced decoding techniques that exploit this sparseness (e.g., Structured Gaussian Elimination). But their design also prevents their use in convolutional use-cases featuring an encoding window that slides over a continuous set of incoming packets. In this work we try to bridge the gap between these two code classes, bringing some structure to RLC codes in order to enlarge the use-cases where they can be efficiently used: in convolutional mode (as any RLC code), but also in block mode with either tiny, medium or large block sizes. We also demonstrate how to design compact signaling for these codes (for encoder/decoder synchronization), which is an essential practical aspect.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure

    Distributed video coding for wireless video sensor networks: a review of the state-of-the-art architectures

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a relatively new video coding architecture originated from two fundamental theorems namely, Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv. Recent research developments have made DVC attractive for applications in the emerging domain of wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art DVC architectures with a focus on understanding their opportunities and gaps in addressing the operational requirements and application needs of WVSNs

    Cross-layer Optimized Wireless Video Surveillance

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    A wireless video surveillance system contains three major components, the video capture and preprocessing, the video compression and transmission over wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and the video analysis at the receiving end. The coordination of different components is important for improving the end-to-end video quality, especially under the communication resource constraint. Cross-layer control proves to be an efficient measure for optimal system configuration. In this dissertation, we address the problem of implementing cross-layer optimization in the wireless video surveillance system. The thesis work is based on three research projects. In the first project, a single PTU (pan-tilt-unit) camera is used for video object tracking. The problem studied is how to improve the quality of the received video by jointly considering the coding and transmission process. The cross-layer controller determines the optimal coding and transmission parameters, according to the dynamic channel condition and the transmission delay. Multiple error concealment strategies are developed utilizing the special property of the PTU camera motion. In the second project, the binocular PTU camera is adopted for video object tracking. The presented work studied the fast disparity estimation algorithm and the 3D video transcoding over the WSN for real-time applications. The disparity/depth information is estimated in a coarse-to-fine manner using both local and global methods. The transcoding is coordinated by the cross-layer controller based on the channel condition and the data rate constraint, in order to achieve the best view synthesis quality. The third project is applied for multi-camera motion capture in remote healthcare monitoring. The challenge is the resource allocation for multiple video sequences. The presented cross-layer design incorporates the delay sensitive, content-aware video coding and transmission, and the adaptive video coding and transmission to ensure the optimal and balanced quality for the multi-view videos. In these projects, interdisciplinary study is conducted to synergize the surveillance system under the cross-layer optimization framework. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed schemes. The challenges of cross-layer design in existing wireless video surveillance systems are also analyzed to enlighten the future work. Adviser: Song C

    Cross-layer Optimized Wireless Video Surveillance

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    A wireless video surveillance system contains three major components, the video capture and preprocessing, the video compression and transmission over wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and the video analysis at the receiving end. The coordination of different components is important for improving the end-to-end video quality, especially under the communication resource constraint. Cross-layer control proves to be an efficient measure for optimal system configuration. In this dissertation, we address the problem of implementing cross-layer optimization in the wireless video surveillance system. The thesis work is based on three research projects. In the first project, a single PTU (pan-tilt-unit) camera is used for video object tracking. The problem studied is how to improve the quality of the received video by jointly considering the coding and transmission process. The cross-layer controller determines the optimal coding and transmission parameters, according to the dynamic channel condition and the transmission delay. Multiple error concealment strategies are developed utilizing the special property of the PTU camera motion. In the second project, the binocular PTU camera is adopted for video object tracking. The presented work studied the fast disparity estimation algorithm and the 3D video transcoding over the WSN for real-time applications. The disparity/depth information is estimated in a coarse-to-fine manner using both local and global methods. The transcoding is coordinated by the cross-layer controller based on the channel condition and the data rate constraint, in order to achieve the best view synthesis quality. The third project is applied for multi-camera motion capture in remote healthcare monitoring. The challenge is the resource allocation for multiple video sequences. The presented cross-layer design incorporates the delay sensitive, content-aware video coding and transmission, and the adaptive video coding and transmission to ensure the optimal and balanced quality for the multi-view videos. In these projects, interdisciplinary study is conducted to synergize the surveillance system under the cross-layer optimization framework. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed schemes. The challenges of cross-layer design in existing wireless video surveillance systems are also analyzed to enlighten the future work. Adviser: Song C

    Content-access QoS in peer-to-peer networks using a fast MDS erasure code

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    This paper describes an enhancement of content access Quality of Service in peer to peer (P2P) networks. The main idea is to use an erasure code to distribute the information over the peers. This distribution increases the users’ choice on disseminated encoded data and therefore statistically enhances the overall throughput of the transfer. A performance evaluation based on an original model using the results of a measurement campaign of sequential and parallel downloads in a real P2P network over Internet is presented. Based on a bandwidth distribution, statistical content-access QoS are guaranteed in function of both the content replication level in the network and the file dissemination strategies. A simple application in the context of media streaming is proposed. Finally, the constraints on the erasure code related to the proposed system are analysed and a new fast MDS erasure code is proposed, implemented and evaluated

    On-the-fly erasure coding for real-time video applications

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    This paper introduces a robust point-to-point transmission scheme: Tetrys, that relies on a novel on-the-fly erasure coding concept which reduces the delay for recovering lost data at the receiver side. In current erasure coding schemes, the packets that are not rebuilt at the receiver side are either lost or delayed by at least one RTT before transmission to the application. The present contribution aims at demonstrating that Tetrys coding scheme can fill the gap between real-time applications requirements and full reliability. Indeed, we show that in several cases, Tetrys can recover lost packets below one RTT over lossy and best-effort networks. We also show that Tetrys allows to enable full reliability without delay compromise and as a result: significantly improves the performance of time constrained applications. For instance, our evaluations present that video-conferencing applications obtain a PSNR gain up to 7dB compared to classic block-based erasure codes

    Optimized Scalable Image and Video Transmission for MIMO Wireless Channels

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    In this chapter, we focus on proposing new strategies to efficiently transfer a compressed image/video content through wireless links using a multiple antenna technology. The proposed solutions can be considered as application layer physical layer (APP-PHY) cross layer design methods as they involve optimizing both application and physical layers. After a wide state-of-the-art study, we present two main solutions. The first focuses on using a new precoding algorithm that takes into account the image/video content structure when assigning transmission powers. We showed that its results are better than the existing conventional precoders. Second, a link adaptation process is integrated to efficiently assign coding parameters as a function of the channel state. Simulations over a realistic channel environment show that the link adaptation activates a dynamic process that results in a good image/video reconstruction quality even if the channel is varying. Finally, we incorporated soft decoding algorithms at the receiver side, and we showed that they could induce further improvements. In fact, almost 5 dB peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) improvements are demonstrated in the case of transmission over a Rayleigh channel
