329 research outputs found

    Learning from Toronto: An Experiment in Participatory Urban Data Visualization

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    Despite the unprecedented amount of data about the world that is collected and produced in our increasingly information-dependent societies, the possibilities for significant differences between human perception and actual data on the same phenomena are all but reduced, as are their potential effects on environments and communities. This thesis explores the opportunities offered by data visualization and interaction design to reveal and address such disconnect and to challenge widespread misconceptions by generating a deeper and more engaging understanding of information. These principles inform the proposal for a methodology for visual, interactive communication of data within urban environments, aimed at generating an iterative exchange of information between citizens and institutions. A concrete application of this proposal is investigated through the development of a digital platform for urban data visualization addressing issues within the city of Toronto

    Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference GISRUK 2010

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    This volume holds the papers from the 18th annual GIS Research UK (GISRUK). This year the conference, hosted at University College London (UCL), from Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 April 2010. The conference covered the areas of core geographic information science research as well as applications domains such as crime and health and technological developments in LBS and the geoweb. UCL’s research mission as a global university is based around a series of Grand Challenges that affect us all, and these were accommodated in GISRUK 2010. The overarching theme this year was “Global Challenges”, with specific focus on the following themes: * Crime and Place * Environmental Change * Intelligent Transport * Public Health and Epidemiology * Simulation and Modelling * London as a global city * The geoweb and neo-geography * Open GIS and Volunteered Geographic Information * Human-Computer Interaction and GIS Traditionally, GISRUK has provided a platform for early career researchers as well as those with a significant track record of achievement in the area. As such, the conference provides a welcome blend of innovative thinking and mature reflection. GISRUK is the premier academic GIS conference in the UK and we are keen to maintain its outstanding record of achievement in developing GIS in the UK and beyond

    How to tell stories using visualization: strategies towards narrative visualization

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    Os benefícios da utilização das narrativas são desde há muito conhecidos e o seu potencial para simplificar conceitos, transmitir valores culturais e experiências, criar ligações emocionais e capacidade para ajudar a reter a informação tem sido explorado em diferentes áreas. As narrativas não são só a principal forma como as pessoas obtêm o sentido do mundo, mas também a forma mais fácil que encontrámos para partilhar informações complexas. Devido ao seu potencial, as narrativas foram recentemente abordadas na área da Visualização de Informação e do Conhecimento, muitas vezes apelidada de Visualização Narrativa. Esta questão é particularmente importante para os media, uma das áreas que tem impulsionado a investigação em Visualização Narrativa. A necessidade de incorporar histórias nas visualizações surge da necessidade de partilhar dados complexos de um modo envolvente. Hoje em dia somos confrontados com a elevada quantidade de informação disponível, um desafio difícil de resolver. Os avanços da tecnologia permitiram ir além das formas tradicionais de narrativa e de representação de dados, dando-nos meios mais atraentes e sofisticados para contar histórias. Nesta tese, exploro os benefícios da introdução de narrativas nas visualizações. Adicionalmente também exploro formas de combinar histórias com a visualizações e métodos eficientes para representar e dar sentido aos dados de uma forma que permite que as pessoas se relacionem com a informação. Esta investigação está bastante próxima da área do jornalismo, no entanto estas técnicas podem ser aplicadas em diferente áreas (educação, visualização científica, etc.). Para explorar ainda mais este tema foi adotada um avaliação que utiliza diferentes metodologias como a tipologia, vários casos de estudo, um estudo com grupos de foco, e ainda estudos de design e análise de técnicas.The benefits of storytelling are long-known and its potential to simplify concepts, convey cultural values and experiences, create emotional connection, and capacity to help retain information has been explored in di erent areas, such as journalism, education, marketing, and others. Narratives not only have been the main way people make sense of the world, but also the easiest way humans found out to share complex information. Due to its potential narratives have also recently been approached in the area of Information and Knowledge Visualization, several times being referred to as Narrative Visualization. This matter is also particularly important for news media, one of the areas that has been pushing the research on Narrative Visualization. The necessity to incorporate storytelling in visualizations arises from the need to share complex data in a way that is engaging. Nowadays we also have the challenge of the high amount of information available, which can be hard to cope with. Advances in technology have enabled us to go beyond the traditional forms of storytelling and representing data, giving us more attractive and sophisticated means to tell stories. In this dissertation, I explore the benefits of infusing visualizations with narratives. In addition I also present ways of combining storytelling with visualization and e cient methods to represent and make sense of data in a way that allows people to relate with the information. This research is closely related to journalism, but these techniques can be applied to completely di erent areas (education, scientific visualization, etc.). To further explore this topic a mixedmethod evaluation that consists of a typology, several case studies and a focus group study was chosen, as well as design studies and techniques review. This dissertation is intended to contribute to the evolving understanding of the field of narrative visualization

    The production of space in liquid modernity

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    L’article vol mostrar que el marc teòric de la modernitat líquida, definit per Zygmunt Bauman, pot oferir perspectives i camps d’exploració nous en l’estudi dels fenòmens geogràfics. La divisió de l’espai en tres parts (pràctiques espacials, representació de l’espai i espais de representació), ideada pel sociòleg francès Henri Lefebvre, serà el punt de partida. Per a cada dimensió espacial, s’hi analitza un exemple utilitzant la modernitat líquida com a marc d’anàlisi. Aquests exemples són, successivament: les polítiques de desenvolupament local, la geoweb i els no-llocs com a nous espais simbòlics. Al final de l’article, s’hi valoren les aportacions de la modernitat líquida a l’anàlisi de cadascun dels tres exemples, així com algunes aportacions possibles que el marc de la modernitat líquida podria oferir a l’anàlisi geogràfica.El artículo quiere mostrar que el marco teórico de la modernidad líquida, definido por Zygmunt Bauman, puede ofrecer nuevos campos de exploración y nuevas perspectivas en el estudio de los fenómenos geográficos. La división del espacio en tres partes (prácticas espaciales, representación del espacio y espacios de representación), ideada por el sociólogo francés Henri Lefebvre, será el punto de partida. Para cada dimensión espacial, se analiza un ejemplo utilizando la modernidad líquida como marco de análisis. Dichos ejemplos son, sucesivamente: las políticas de desarrollo local, la geoweb y los no-lugares como nuevos espacios simbólicos. Al final del artículo, se valoran las aportaciones de la modernidad líquida al análisis de cada uno de los ejemplos, así como algunas posibles aportaciones que el marco de la modernidad líquida podría ofrecer al análisis geográfico.The article aims to show how the theoretical framework of liquid modernity, explained by Zygmunt Bauman, can offer new fields for exploration and new perspectives on the study of geographical phenomena. The article is based on the division of space conceived by French sociologist Henri Lefebvre in spatial practice, representation of space and representational spaces. An example in each dimension is analyzed using liquid modernity as an analytical framework; these are, successively: local development policies, geoweb and no-places as new symbolic spaces. At the end, the article acknowledges the value of contributions from liquid modernity to analyze each example, and also some possible contributions that liquid modernity could offer for a geographical analysis

    La producció de l'espai en la modernitat líquida

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    L'article vol mostrar que el marc teòric de la modernitat líquida, definit per Zygmunt Bauman, pot oferir perspectives i camps d'exploració nous en l'estudi dels fenòmens geogràfics. La divisió de l'espai en tres parts (pràctiques espacials, representació de l'espai i espais de representació), ideada pel sociòleg francès Henri Lefebvre, serà el punt de partida. Per a cada dimensió espacial, s'hi analitza un exemple utilitzant la modernitat líquida com a marc d'anàlisi. Aquests exemples són, successivament: les polítiques de desenvolupament local, la geoweb i els no-llocs com a nous espais simbòlics. Al final de l'article, s'hi valoren les aportacions de la modernitat líquida a l'anàlisi de cadascun dels tres exemples, així com algunes aportacions possibles que el marc de la modernitat líquida podria oferir a l'anàlisi geogràfica.El artículo quiere mostrar que el marco teórico de la modernidad líquida, definido por Zygmunt Bauman, puede ofrecer nuevos campos de exploración y nuevas perspectivas en el estudio de los fenómenos geográficos. La división del espacio en tres partes (prácticas espaciales, representación del espacio y espacios de representación), ideada por el sociólogo francés Henri Lefebvre, será el punto de partida. Para cada dimensión espacial, se analiza un ejemplo utilizando la modernidad líquida como marco de análisis. Dichos ejemplos son, sucesivamente: las políticas de desarrollo local, la geoweb y los no-lugares como nuevos espacios simbólicos. Al final del artículo, se valoran las aportaciones de la modernidad líquida al análisis de cada uno de los ejemplos, así como algunas posibles aportaciones que el marco de la modernidad líquida podría ofrecer al análisis geográfico.L'article veut nous démontrer que le cadre théorique de la modernité liquide, défini par Zygmunt Bauman, peut nous offrir de nouveaux champs d'exploration et de nouvelles perspectives en ce qui concerne l'étude des phénomènes géographiques. Le point de départ est la division de l'espace faite par le sociologue français Henri Lefebvre entre : les pratiques spatiales, la représentation de l'espace et les espaces de représentation. Pour chaque dimension spatiale on analyse un exemple en utilisant la modernité liquide comme cadre d'analyse; ceux-ci sont, successivement: les politiques de développement locales, la géoweb et les non-lieux comme nouveaux espaces symboliques. Á la fin de l'article il y a une évaluation des apportations que peut faire la modernité liquide dans chacun des trois exemples et certaines apportations possibles que le cadre de la modernité liquide pourrait offrir à l'analyse géographique.The article aims to show how the theoretical framework of liquid modernity, explained by Zygmunt Bauman, can offer new fields for exploration and new perspectives on the study of geographical phenomena. The article is based on the division of space conceived by French sociologist Henri Lefebvre in spatial practice, representation of space and representational spaces. An example in each dimension is analyzed using liquid modernity as an analytical framework; these are, successively: local development policies, geoweb and no-places as new symbolic spaces. At the end, the article acknowledges the value of contributions from liquid modernity to analyze each example, and also some possible contributions that liquid modernity could offer for a geographical analysis

    Data and the city – accessibility and openness. a cybersalon paper on open data

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    This paper showcases examples of bottom–up open data and smart city applications and identifies lessons for future such efforts. Examples include Changify, a neighbourhood-based platform for residents, businesses, and companies; Open Sensors, which provides APIs to help businesses, startups, and individuals develop applications for the Internet of Things; and Cybersalon’s Hackney Treasures. a location-based mobile app that uses Wikipedia entries geolocated in Hackney borough to map notable local residents. Other experiments with sensors and open data by Cybersalon members include Ilze Black and Nanda Khaorapapong's The Breather, a "breathing" balloon that uses high-end, sophisticated sensors to make air quality visible; and James Moulding's AirPublic, which measures pollution levels. Based on Cybersalon's experience to date, getting data to the people is difficult, circuitous, and slow, requiring an intricate process of leadership, public relations, and perseverance. Although there are myriad tools and initiatives, there is no one solution for the actual transfer of that data

    Research Advances in Behavioral, Economic and Health Geography Inspired by Gerard Rushton

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    This is a festschrift including nine scientific papers and six abstracts of papers written by Dr. Gerard Rushton or his former graduate students and colleagues to celebrate his retirement from teaching at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA. The festschrift begins with Rushton’s own review of his research advances in Behavioral Geography, Economic Geography and Health Geography that coincide with three recurring phases of his academic career during 45 years of teaching at the University of Iowa. Following this, each paper by a former student or colleague reviews the special personal and academic contributions of Rushton to him or her in one of those research areas. Each paper then proceeds to review the author’s (or authors’) contributions to scientific theory and empirical analysis that he or she (or they) has(ve) subsequently advanced or evolved from Rushton’s original contributions. These papers are scientific contributions of interest to an academic readership, as opposed to personal or anecdotal recollections.https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/sac-books/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Socio-cultural and spatial metamorphosis : a study of public open spaces in traditional urban centre and sprawled area of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

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    This thesis investigates the socio-cultural and spatial transformations of public open spaces by comparing such changes in the public open spaces of the traditional urban centre (TUC) and the sprawled area (SA) of the Kathmandu Valley, individually and in respect to each other over time, particularly during the recent period of suburbanisation. The public spaces in the Valley not only shape the image of the Valley but also help maintain the quality of life that is associated with Nepalese society. The urban form of the Valley that exists today is the result of progressive growth in the traditional settlements over different historical periods: Lichhavi, Malla, and Rana. During each of these periods, particular forms of open space developed in the Valley linked to socio-cultural patterns. The low density spread after the Rana period developed into an unprecedented urban growth and expansion in the contemporary period. This thesis examines the extent to which this growth is introducing new meanings in the open spaces. Hence, a mixed methods approach is used that involves a five-phased systematic approach, including archival study, surveys (denominative, perceptive, photographic, and graphical), questionnaires, and interviews for the analysis of public open spaces and their transformations. For this purpose, three different types of open spaces based on different use functions were selected as the case study open spaces in TUC and SA that form part of a wider study. A comparative study of market squares, neighbourhood squares and community squares was carried out in each TUC and SA. Furthermore, the archival study and interviews were conducted with institutional bodies for the analysis of policies on urban growth and open spaces. The research shows that public open spaces in both TUC and SA are undergoing socio-cultural and spatial transformations. The mono-cultural spaces of the past have become multi-cultural spaces. The significances of the spaces in both cases are associated with meanings attached to the physical settings (such as places of religious, commercial, social, and others) and their use, linked to their respective sensory perceptions (visual, smell, and sound) and the patterns of activities. The open spaces in both TUC and SA have structures that were added in recent years due to needs of society. Commercialization seems to be the predominant change in terms of activity in most of the case study open spaces, not common in the past (except market squares). It is also found that the cultures associated with most of the open spaces are still being preserved. The change in user groups, physical changes, and uses have affected the users of public open spaces either positively, negatively or both in TUC and SA. The interviews with the users show that ethnic pluralism has a strong role in the sense of community in both cases. However, a stronger community attachment is found in the users of TUC than SA. Open spaces in TUC and SA are given low priority in relation to infrastructural development in the government institutions. No clear and concrete guidelines or strategies have yet been introduced for preservation or management of existing as well as development of new open spaces at any level of the government due to ambiguous policies, weak co-ordination among different levels of government, and weak institutional capacity. Therefore, this thesis recommends an integrated approach that includes participation of all levels of government, CBOs including local clubs, and private sector for preparing plans and policies for managing open spaces. The method developed in this thesis also gives an opportunity for further research to explore whether similar findings prevail in public open spaces of other SAs of the Kathmandu Valley

    Research Advances in Behavioral, Economic and Health Geography Inspired by Gerard Rushton

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