266 research outputs found

    Hybrid distributed application in banking transaction using remote method invocation

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    Today banks have many branches in big cities of the world. System usually used  a central database in a particular city. Increased of database server performance due to number of users accessing this application should not degrade performance of application. To keep  database server performance optimally, application must distributed to the network. In distributed applications it takes a remote method call, that is why we are going to used Remote Method Invocation to develop this system. Based on results of analysis conducted, author can draw following conclusion of the application, which is once the client get a reference from the remote object then method of remote object is called like calling method from local object and methods that we have defined and implemented on remote object can we call or use both on desktop and web applications so we do not need to work twice. This approach makes more effective and efficient in application development, allows for better optimization, eliminates the need for processing of type information at run time and makes a light weight communication protocol possible. We have built a hybrid application, which supports both compile time and run time generation of marshallers in desktop and web application

    Dynamic service-based integration of mobile clusters in grids

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    February 2008 and is reprinted here with permission. The report is available on the CoreGRID website, at

    Naming and sharing resources across administrative boundaries

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    I tackle the problem of naming and sharing resources across administrative boundaries. Conventional systems manifest the hierarchy of typical administrative structure in the structure of their own mechanism. While natural for communication that follows hierarchical patterns, such systems interfere with naming and sharing that cross administrative boundaries, and therefore cause headaches for both users and administrators. I propose to organize resource naming and security, not around administrative domains, but around the sharing patterns of users. The dissertation is organized into four main parts. First, I discuss the challenges and tradeoffs involved in naming resources and consider a variety of existing approaches to naming. Second, I consider the architectural requirements for user-centric sharing. I evaluate existing systems with respect to these requirements. Third, to support the sharing architecture, I develop a formal logic of sharing that captures the notion of restricted delegation. Restricted delegation ensures that users can use the same mechanisms to share resources consistently, regardless of the origin of the resource, or with whom the user wishes to share the resource next. A formal semantics gives unambiguous meaning to the logic. I apply the formalism to the Simple Public Key Infrastructure and discuss how the formalism either supports or discourages potential extensions to such a system. Finally, I use the formalism to drive a user-centric sharing implementation for distributed systems. I show how this implementation enables end-to-end authorization, a feature that makes heterogeneous distributed systems more secure and easier to audit. Conventionally, gateway services that bridge administrative domains, add abstraction, or translate protocols typically impede the flow of authorization information from client to server. In contrast, end-to-end authorization enables us to build gateway services that preserve authorization information, hence we reduce the size of the trusted computing base and enable more effective auditing. I demonstrate my implementation and show how it enables end-to-end authorization across various boundaries. I measure my implementation and argue that its performance tracks that of similar authorization mechanisms without end-to-end structure. I conclude that my user-centric philosophy of naming and sharing benefits both users and administrators

    Performance Comparison of Enterprise Applications on Mobile Operating Systems

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    Due to the advances in mobile phone technology, Smartphones have the ability to access web services within applications the user interacts with to retrieve and send information from and to web services. As Smartphones have grown in popularity, the utilisation of both new web services and web services already in place will also grow. This paper provides a comparison of the two main types of web services, SOAP and REST.  We evaluate the performance of using SOAP and REST on a smartphone. The tests performed include the time taken to perform a web service call, the RAM used making a web service call and the data transmitted and received while making a web service call

    Efficient sharing of dynamic WSNs

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    The Ambient middleware supports real-time monitoring and remote maintenance across the Internet via wired and mobile wireless network access technologies. Additionally, the middleware offers easy integration with third-party applications. Ambient Studio utilizes the middleware for remote WSN configuration and monitoring. The ConnectBox utilizes it to monitor and maintain WSNs remotely. This paper describes the Ambient middleware and compares its efficiency with the existing messaging protocols used for instant messaging and web services

    WS-I* Compliant Web Service SOAP Message Security Performance

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    Architecture et mise en place de services web dans un environnement sécurisé garantissant la confidentialité des informations d'un centre de contrôle de qualité externe

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    Ce travail a pour but de définir une architecture de services Web performante, évolutive et facile à maintenir puis de la mettre en place dans un environnement sécurisé. A cet effet, une analyse de différentes solutions d’architectures est présentée. Elle inclut les principaux précurseurs des architectures distribuées tels CORBA, DCOM et RMI ainsi que des technologies plus récentes, à savoir SOAP et REST. Les choix retenus se basent sur l’analyse des avantages et inconvénients de ces différentes technologies. Ils conduisent par la suite au développement d’une application côté serveur qui permet de gérer le service Web et au développement d’une application côté client qui permet d’interagir avec ce service tant sur des terminaux mobiles que des postes de travail standard. Ces applications sont développées pour le Centre Suisse de Contrôle de Qualité (Chêne-Bourg, Suisse) qui traite des données confidentielles. Une attention particulière est donc portée au développement de services satisfaisant cette contrainte. Dans ce cadre, une recherche parallèle est réalisée tout au long de ce travail analysant différentes solutions de sécurité permettant de garantir la confidentialité des informations accédées par un service Web