67 research outputs found

    A cross-lingual adaptation approach for rapid development of speech recognizers for learning disabled users

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    Building a voice-operated system for learning disabled users is a difficult task that requires a considerable amount of time and effort. Due to the wide spectrum of disabilities and their different related phonopathies, most approaches available are targeted to a specific pathology. This may improve their accuracy for some users, but makes them unsuitable for others. In this paper, we present a cross-lingual approach to adapt a general-purpose modular speech recognizer for learning disabled people. The main advantage of this approach is that it allows rapid and cost-effective development by taking the already built speech recognition engine and its modules, and utilizing existing resources for standard speech in different languages for the recognition of the users’ atypical voices. Although the recognizers built with the proposed technique obtain lower accuracy rates than those trained for specific pathologies, they can be used by a wide population and developed more rapidly, which makes it possible to design various types of speech-based applications accessible to learning disabled users.This research was supported by the project ‘Favoreciendo la vida autónoma de discapacitados intelectuales con problemas de comunicación oral mediante interfaces personalizados de reconocimiento automático del habla’, financed by the Centre of Initiatives for Development Cooperation (Centro de Iniciativas de Cooperación al Desarrollo, CICODE), University of Granada, Spain. This research was supported by the Student Grant Scheme 2014 (SGS) at the Technical University of Liberec

    Challenges in speech processing of Slavic languages (case studies in speech recognition of Czech and

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    Abstract. Slavic languages pose a big challenge for researchers dealing with speech technology. They exhibit a large degree of inflection, namely declension of nouns, pronouns and adjectives, and conjugation of verbs. This has a large impact on the size of lexical inventories in these languages, and significantly complicates the design of text-to-speech and, in particular, speech-to-text systems. In the paper, we demonstrate some of the typical features of the Slavic languages and show how they can be handled in the development of practical speech processing systems. We present our solutions we applied in the design of voice dictation and broadcast speech transcription systems developed for Czech. Furthermore, we demonstrate how these systems can be converted to another similar Slavic language, in our case Slovak. All the presented systems operate in real time with very large vocabularies (350K words in Czech, 170K words in Slovak) and some of them have been already deployed in practice

    Acoustic Modelling for Under-Resourced Languages

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    Automatic speech recognition systems have so far been developed only for very few languages out of the 4,000-7,000 existing ones. In this thesis we examine methods to rapidly create acoustic models in new, possibly under-resourced languages, in a time and cost effective manner. For this we examine the use of multilingual models, the application of articulatory features across languages, and the automatic discovery of word-like units in unwritten languages

    Accuracy Analysis of Generalized Pronunciation Variant Selection in ASR Systems

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    Abstract. Automated speech recognition systems work typically with pronunciation dictionary for generating expected phonetic content of particular words in recognized utterance. But the pronunciation can vary in many situations. Besides the cases with more possible pronunciation variants specified manually in the dictionary there are typically many other possible changes in the pronunciation depending on word context or speaking style, very typical for our case of Czech language. In this paper we have studied the accuracy of proper selection of automatically predicted pronunciation variants in Czech HMM ASR based systems. We have analyzed correctness of pronunciation variant selection in forced alignment of known utterances used as an ASR training data. Using the proper pronunciation variant, more exact transcriptions of utterances were created for further purposes, mainly for the more accurate training of acoustic HMM models. Finally, as the target and the most important application are LVCSR systems, the accuracy of LVCSR results using different levels of automated pronunciation generation were tested

    Adaptation of speech recognition systems to selected real-world deployment conditions

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    Tato habilitační práce se zabývá problematikou adaptace systémů rozpoznávání řeči na vybrané reálné podmínky nasazení. Je koncipována jako sborník celkem dvanácti článků, které se touto problematikou zabývají. Jde o publikace, jejichž jsem hlavním autorem nebo spoluatorem, a které vznikly v rámci několika navazujících výzkumných projektů. Na řešení těchto projektů jsem se podílel jak v roli člena výzkumného týmu, tak i v roli řešitele nebo spoluřešitele. Publikace zařazené do tohoto sborníku lze rozdělit podle tématu do tří hlavních skupin. Jejich společným jmenovatelem je snaha přizpůsobit daný rozpoznávací systém novým podmínkám či konkrétnímu faktoru, který významným způsobem ovlivňuje jeho funkci či přesnost. První skupina článků se zabývá úlohou neřízené adaptace na mluvčího, kdy systém přizpůsobuje svoje parametry specifickým hlasovým charakteristikám dané mluvící osoby. Druhá část práce se pak věnuje problematice identifikace neřečových událostí na vstupu do systému a související úloze rozpoznávání řeči s hlukem (a zejména hudbou) na pozadí. Konečně třetí část práce se zabývá přístupy, které umožňují přepis audio signálu obsahujícího promluvy ve více než v jednom jazyce. Jde o metody adaptace existujícího rozpoznávacího systému na nový jazyk a metody identifikace jazyka z audio signálu. Obě zmíněné identifikační úlohy jsou přitom vyšetřovány zejména v náročném a méně probádaném režimu zpracování po jednotlivých rámcích vstupního signálu, který je jako jediný vhodný pro on-line nasazení, např. pro streamovaná data.This habilitation thesis deals with adaptation of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems to selected real-world deployment conditions. It is presented in the form of a collection of twelve articles dealing with this task; I am the main author or a co-author of these articles. They were published during my work on several consecutive research projects. I have participated in the solution of them as a member of the research team as well as the investigator or a co-investigator. These articles can be divided into three main groups according to their topics. They have in common the effort to adapt a particular ASR system to a specific factor or deployment condition that affects its function or accuracy. The first group of articles is focused on an unsupervised speaker adaptation task, where the ASR system adapts its parameters to the specific voice characteristics of one particular speaker. The second part deals with a) methods allowing the system to identify non-speech events on the input, and b) the related task of recognition of speech with non-speech events, particularly music, in the background. Finally, the third part is devoted to the methods that allow the transcription of an audio signal containing multilingual utterances. It includes a) approaches for adapting the existing recognition system to a new language and b) methods for identification of the language from the audio signal. The two mentioned identification tasks are in particular investigated under the demanding and less explored frame-wise scenario, which is the only one suitable for processing of on-line data streams

    Comparison of ALBAYZIN query-by-example spoken term detection 2012 and 2014 evaluations

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    Query-by-example spoken term detection (QbE STD) aims at retrieving data from a speech repository given an acoustic query containing the term of interest as input. Nowadays, it is receiving much interest due to the large volume of multimedia information. This paper presents the systems submitted to the ALBAYZIN QbE STD 2014 evaluation held as a part of the ALBAYZIN 2014 Evaluation campaign within the context of the IberSPEECH 2014 conference. This is the second QbE STD evaluation in Spanish, which allows us to evaluate the progress in this technology for this language. The evaluation consists in retrieving the speech files that contain the input queries, indicating the start and end times where the input queries were found, along with a score value that reflects the confidence given to the detection of the query. Evaluation is conducted on a Spanish spontaneous speech database containing a set of talks from workshops, which amount to about 7 h of speech. We present the database, the evaluation metric, the systems submitted to the evaluation, the results, and compare this second evaluation with the first ALBAYZIN QbE STD evaluation held in 2012. Four different research groups took part in the evaluations held in 2012 and 2014. In 2014, new multi-word and foreign queries were added to the single-word and in-language queries used in 2012. Systems submitted to the second evaluation are hybrid systems which integrate letter transcription- and template matching-based systems. Despite the significant improvement obtained by the systems submitted to this second evaluation compared to those of the first evaluation, results still show the difficulty of this task and indicate that there is still room for improvement.This research was funded by the Spanish Government ('SpeechTech4All Project' TEC2012 38939 C03 01 and 'CMC-V2 Project' TEC2012 37585 C02 01), the Galician Government through the research contract GRC2014/024 (Modalidade: Grupos de Referencia Competitiva 2014) and 'AtlantTIC Project' CN2012/160, and also by the Spanish Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under project TACTICA

    ALBAYZIN Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection 2016 evaluation

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    [EN] Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection (QbE STD) aims to retrieve data from a speech repository given an acoustic (spoken) query containing the term of interest as the input. This paper presents the systems submitted to the ALBAYZIN QbE STD 2016 Evaluation held as a part of the ALBAYZIN 2016 Evaluation Campaign at the IberSPEECH 2016 conference. Special attention was given to the evaluation design so that a thorough post-analysis of the main results could be carried out. Two different Spanish speech databases, which cover different acoustic and language domains, were used in the evaluation: the MAVIR database, which consists of a set of talks from workshops, and the EPIC database, which consists of a set of European Parliament sessions in Spanish. We present the evaluation design, both databases, the evaluation metric, the systems submitted to the evaluation, the results, and a thorough analysis and discussion. Four different research groups participated in the evaluation, and a total of eight template matching-based systems were submitted. We compare the systems submitted to the evaluation and make an in-depth analysis based on some properties of the spoken queries, such as query length, single-word/multi-word queries, and in-language/out-of-language queries.This work was partially supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) under the projects UID/EEA/50008/2013 (pluriannual funding in the scope of the LETSREAD project) and UID/CEC/50021/2013, and Grant SFRH/BD/97187/2013. Jorge Proenca is supported by the SFRH/BD/97204/2013 FCT Grant. This work was also supported by the Galician Government ('Centro singular de investigacion de Galicia' accreditation 2016-2019 ED431G/01 and the research contract GRC2014/024 (Modalidade: Grupos de Referencia Competitiva 2014)), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the projects "DSSL: Redes Profundas y Modelos de Subespacios para Deteccion y Seguimiento de Locutor, Idioma y Enfermedades Degenerativas a partir de la Voz" (TEC2015-68172-C2-1-P) and the TIN2015-64282-R funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad in Spain, the Spanish Government through the project "TraceThem" (TEC2015-65345-P), and AtlantTIC ED431G/04.Tejedor, J.; Toledano, DT.; Lopez-Otero, P.; Docio-Fernandez, L.; Proença, J.; Perdigão, F.; García-Granada, F.... (2018). ALBAYZIN Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection 2016 evaluation. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech and Music Processing. 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13636-018-0125-9S125Jarina, R, Kuba, M, Gubka, R, Chmulik, M, Paralic, M (2013). UNIZA system for the spoken web search task at MediaEval 2013. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 791–792).Ali, A, & Clements, MA (2013). Spoken web search using and ergodic hidden Markov model of speech. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 861–862).Buzo, A, Cucu, H, Burileanu, C (2014). SpeeD@MediaEval 2014: Spoken term detection with robust multilingual phone recognition. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 721–722).Caranica, A, Buzo, A, Cucu, H, Burileanu, C (2015). SpeeD@MediaEval 2015: Multilingual phone recognition approach to Query By Example STD. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 781–783).Kesiraju, S, Mantena, G, Prahallad, K (2014). IIIT-H system for MediaEval 2014 QUESST. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 761–762).Ma, M, & Rosenberg, A (2015). CUNY systems for the Query-by-Example search on speech task at MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 831–833).Takahashi, J, Hashimoto, T, Konno, R, Sugawara, S, Ouchi, K, Oshima, S, Akyu, T, Itoh, Y (2014). An IWAPU STD system for OOV query terms and spoken queries. In Proc. of NTCIR-11. National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, (pp. 384–389).Makino, M, & Kai, A (2014). Combining subword and state-level dissimilarity measures for improved spoken term detection in NTCIR-11 SpokenQuery & Doc task. In Proc. of NTCIR-11. National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, (pp. 413–418).Konno, R, Ouchi, K, Obara, M, Shimizu, Y, Chiba, T, Hirota, T, Itoh, Y (2016). An STD system using multiple STD results and multiple rescoring method for NTCIR-12 SpokenQuery & Doc task. In Proc. of NTCIR-12. National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, (pp. 200–204).Sakamoto, N, Yamamoto, K, Nakagawa, S (2015). Combination of syllable based N-gram search and word search for spoken term detection through spoken queries and IV/OOV classification. In Proc. of ASRU. IEEE, New York, (pp. 200–206).Hou, J, Pham, VT, Leung, C-C, Wang, L, 2, HX, Lv, H, Xie, L, Fu, Z, Ni, C, Xiao, X, Chen, H, Zhang, S, Sun, S, Yuan, Y, Li, P, Nwe, TL, Sivadas, S, Ma, B, Chng, ES, Li, H (2015). The NNI Query-by-Example system for MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 141–143).Vavrek, J, Viszlay, P, Lojka, M, Pleva, M, Juhar, J, Rusko, M (2015). TUKE at MediaEval 2015 QUESST. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 451–453).Mantena, G, Achanta, S, Prahallad, K (2014). Query-by-example spoken term detection using frequency domain linear prediction and non-segmental dynamic time warping. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 22(5), 946–955.Anguera, X, & Ferrarons, M (2013). Memory efficient subsequence DTW for query-by-example spoken term detection. In Proc. of ICME. IEEE, New York, (pp. 1–6).Tulsiani, H, & Rao, P (2015). The IIT-B Query-by-Example system for MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 341–343).Bouallegue, M, Senay, G, Morchid, M, Matrouf, D, Linares, G, Dufour, R (2013). LIA@MediaEval 2013 spoken web search task: An I-Vector based approach. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 771–772).Rodriguez-Fuentes, LJ, Varona, A, Penagarikano, M, Bordel, G, Diez, M (2013). GTTS systems for the SWS task at MediaEval 2013. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 831–832).Wang, H, Lee, T, Leung, C-C, Ma, B, Li, H (2013). Using parallel tokenizers with DTW matrix combination for low-resource spoken term detection. In Proc. of ICASSP. IEEE, New York, (pp. 8545–8549).Wang, H, & Lee, T (2013). The CUHK spoken web search system for MediaEval 2013. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 681–682).Proenca, J, Veiga, A, Perdigão, F (2014). The SPL-IT query by example search on speech system for MediaEval 2014. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 741–742).Proenca, J, Veiga, A, Perdigao, F (2015). Query by example search with segmented dynamic time warping for non-exact spoken queries. In Proc. of EUSIPCO. Springer, Berlin, (pp. 1691–1695).Proenca, J, Castela, L, Perdigao, F (2015). The SPL-IT-UC Query by Example search on speech system for MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 471–473).Proenca, J, & Perdigao, F (2016). Segmented dynamic time warping for spoken Query-by-Example search. In Proc. of Interspeech. ISCA, Baixas, (pp. 750–754).Lopez-Otero, P, Docio-Fernandez, L, Garcia-Mateo, C (2015). GTM-UVigo systems for the Query-by-Example search on speech task at MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 521–523).Lopez-Otero, P, Docio-Fernandez, L, Garcia-Mateo, C (2015). Phonetic unit selection for cross-lingual Query-by-Example spoken term detection. In Proc. of ASRU. IEEE, New York, (pp. 223–229).Saxena, A, & Yegnanarayana, B (2015). Distinctive feature based representation of speech for Query-by-Example spoken term detection. In Proc. of Interspeech. ISCA, Baixas, (pp. 3680–3684).Skacel, M, & Szöke, I (2015). BUT QUESST 2015 system description. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 721–723).Chen, H, Leung, C-C, Xie, L, Ma, B, Li, H (2016). Unsupervised bottleneck features for low-resource Query-by-Example spoken term detection. In Proc. of Interspeech. ISCA, Baixas, (pp. 923–927).Yuan, Y, Leung, C-C, Xie, L, Chen, H, Ma, B, Li, H (2017). Pairwise learning using multi-lingual bottleneck features for low-resource Query-by-Example spoken term detection. In Proc. of ICASSP. IEEE, New York, (pp. 5645–5649).Torbati, AHHN, & Picone, J (2016). A nonparametric Bayesian approach for spoken term detection by example query. In Proc. of Interspeech. ISCA, Baixas, (pp. 928–932).Popli, A, & Kumar, A (2015). 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    Keyword spotting (KWS) is a task to automatically detect keywords of interest in continuous speech, which has been an active research topic for over 40 years. Recently there is a rising demand for KWS techniques in resource constrained conditions. For example, as for the year of 2016, USC Shoah Foundation covers audio-visual testimonies from survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust in 63 countries and 39 languages, and providing search capability for those testimonies requires substantial KWS technologies in low language resource conditions, as for most languages, resources for developing KWS systems are not as rich as that for English. Despite the fact that KWS has been in the literature for a long time, KWS techniques in resource constrained conditions have not been researched extensively. In this dissertation, we improve KWS performance in two low resource conditions: low language resource condition where language specific data is inadequate, and low computation resource condition where KWS runs on computation constrained devices. For low language resource KWS, we focus on applications for speech data mining, where large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR)-based KWS techniques are widely used. Keyword spotting for those applications are also known as keyword search (KWS) or spoken term detection (STD). A key issue for this type of KWS technique is the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) keyword problem. LVCSR-based KWS can only search for words that are defined in the LVCSR's lexicon, which is typically very small in a low language resource condition. To alleviate the OOV keyword problem, we propose a technique named "proxy keyword search" that enables us to search for OOV keywords with regular LVCSR-based KWS systems. We also develop a technique that expands LVCSR's lexicon automatically by adding hallucinated words, which increases keyword coverage and therefore improves KWS performance. Finally we explore the possibility of building LVCSR-based KWS systems with limited lexicon, or even without an expert pronunciation lexicon. For low computation resource KWS, we focus on wake-word applications, which usually run on computation constrained devices such as mobile phones or tablets. We first develop a deep neural network (DNN)-based keyword spotter, which is lightweight and accurate enough that we are able to run it on devices continuously. This keyword spotter typically requires a pre-defined keyword, such as "Okay Google". We then propose a long short-term memory (LSTM)-based feature extractor for query-by-example KWS, which enables the users to define their own keywords