54 research outputs found

    Physical waveform research for beyond 52.6 GHz in 5G NR networks

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    Historically, in order to fulfil all the requirements for the new generations, the frequency bands have been expanded from generation to generation. In particular for the fifth generation new radio (5G NR), where the use of millimetre wave (mmWave) frequencies can offer higher bandwidths, communications in frequencies beyond 52.6 GHz seem really promising and are now under discussion in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standardisation for the 5G NR future releases. More concretely, both academia and industry are doing research for the frequency range between 52.6 GHz and 114.25 GHz. The reasons why communications beyond 52.6 GHz are interesting is because in those frequencies, high data rate and low latency can be provided due to the large and contiguous channel bandwidth that is available. Also, new use cases can be explored in this frequency range since high accuracy positioning is possible at higher carrier frequencies, such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) radar sensing, that allows new kinds of services. New challenges appear at higher frequencies, or other implementation issues that were not critical in lower frequencies start to become dominant and have to be taken into consideration while defining the new modulations and comparing the possible candidates. The main problems that have to be faced at higher frequencies are the poor propagation conditions (propagation losses are higher than in frequencies below 52.6 GHz), and the radio frequency (RF) impairments that electronic components may have, especially the lower power amplifier (PA) efficiency. Therefore, in order to have a good signal quality, if the peak to average power ratio (PAPR) of the original signal is high, the back-off should be high to make the PA work in the linear region. Thus, the waveform design has to be focused on generating signals with “nearly constant” envelope in order to be able to work closer to the saturation zone of the amplifier without distorting the signal. Also, another problem that has to be taken into account is the large phase noise (PN) present at these frequencies. The main goal of this work is the comparison between different modulations for discrete Fourier transform (DFT) Spread OFDM (DFTs-OFDM) in order to find a suitable candidate that can be part of the 5G NR communications for carrier frequencies beyond 52.6 GHz, and targeting specially low spectral efficiency (between 1 and 2 bps/Hz). Therefore, the main modulation references are pulse shaped π/2- binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) supported in 5G NR Release 15 up link (UL). In this Thesis, several modulation candidates have been tested under realistic conditions by using a 3GPP 5G NR compliant radio link simulator in Matlab. In order to find the best candidate, the waveforms should be able to present good characteristics that can overcome the problems present in mmWave communications. The main contribution of this thesis is to propose a new "constrained" phase shift keying (PSK) modulation, called CPSK, which applies a constraint to the symbols that are transmitted in order to reduce the PAPR of the signal. The results have shown that under the mmWave communications conditions (such as low PA efficiency and high PN), the new CPSK modulations can provide significant improvement with the evaluated PA model when compared to QPSK modulation, and together with extensive link level performance evaluations, a clear link budget gain can also be shown for specific CPSK modulation candidates and pulse shaped π/2-BPSK

    Advanced receivers and waveforms for UAV/Aircraft aeronautical communications

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    Nowadays, several studies are launched for the design of reliable and safe communications systems that introduce Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), this paves the way for UAV communication systems to play an important role in a lot of applications for non-segregated military and civil airspaces. Until today, rules for integrating commercial UAVs in airspace still need to be defined, the design of secure, highly reliable and cost effective communications systems still a challenging task. This thesis is part of this communication context. Motivated by the rapid growth of UAV quantities and by the new generations of UAVs controlled by satellite, the thesis aims to study the various possible UAV links which connect UAV/aircraft to other communication system components (satellite, terrestrial networks, etc.). Three main links are considered: the Forward link, the Return link and the Mission link. Due to spectrum scarcity and higher concentration in aircraft density, spectral efficiency becomes a crucial parameter for largescale deployment of UAVs. In order to set up a spectrally efficient UAV communication system, a good understanding of transmission channel for each link is indispensable, as well as a judicious choice of the waveform. This thesis begins to study propagation channels for each link: a mutipath channels through radio Line-of-Sight (LOS) links, in a context of using Meduim Altitude Long drones Endurance (MALE) UAVs. The objective of this thesis is to maximize the solutions and the algorithms used for signal reception such as channel estimation and channel equalization. These algorithms will be used to estimate and to equalize the existing muti-path propagation channels. Furthermore, the proposed methods depend on the choosen waveform. Because of the presence of satellite link, in this thesis, we consider two low-papr linear waveforms: classical Single-Carrier (SC) waveform and Extented Weighted Single-Carrier Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (EW-SC-OFDM) waveform. channel estimation and channel equalization are performed in the time-domain (SC) or in the frequency-domain (EW-SC-OFDM). UAV architecture envisages the implantation of two antennas placed at wings. These two antennas can be used to increase diversity gain (channel matrix gain). In order to reduce channel equalization complexity, the EWSC- OFDM waveform is proposed and studied in a muti-antennas context, also for the purpose of enhancing UAV endurance and also increasing spectral efficiency, a new modulation technique is considered: Spatial Modulation (SM). In SM, transmit antennas are activated in an alternating manner. The use of EW-SC-OFDM waveform combined to SM technique allows us to propose new modified structures which exploit exces bandwidth to improve antenna bit protection and thus enhancing system performances

    Spectrally and Energy Efficient Wireless Communications: Signal and System Design, Mathematical Modelling and Optimisation

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    This thesis explores engineering studies and designs aiming to meeting the requirements of enhancing capacity and energy efficiency for next generation communication networks. Challenges of spectrum scarcity and energy constraints are addressed and new technologies are proposed, analytically investigated and examined. The thesis commences by reviewing studies on spectrally and energy-efficient techniques, with a special focus on non-orthogonal multicarrier modulation, particularly spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM). Rigorous theoretical and mathematical modelling studies of SEFDM are presented. Moreover, to address the potential application of SEFDM under the 5th generation new radio (5G NR) heterogeneous numerologies, simulation-based studies of SEFDM coexisting with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) are conducted. New signal formats and corresponding transceiver structure are designed, using a Hilbert transform filter pair for shaping pulses. Detailed modelling and numerical investigations show that the proposed signal doubles spectral efficiency without performance degradation, with studies of two signal formats; uncoded narrow-band internet of things (NB-IoT) signals and unframed turbo coded multi-carrier signals. The thesis also considers using constellation shaping techniques and SEFDM for capacity enhancement in 5G system. Probabilistic shaping for SEFDM is proposed and modelled to show both transmission energy reduction and bandwidth saving with advantageous flexibility for data rate adaptation. Expanding on constellation shaping to improve performance further, a comparative study of multidimensional modulation techniques is carried out. A four-dimensional signal, with better noise immunity is investigated, for which metaheuristic optimisation algorithms are studied, developed, and conducted to optimise bit-to-symbol mapping. Finally, a specially designed machine learning technique for signal and system design in physical layer communications is proposed, utilising the application of autoencoder-based end-to-end learning. Multidimensional signal modulation with multidimensional constellation shaping is proposed and optimised by using machine learning techniques, demonstrating significant improvement in spectral and energy efficiencies

    Constellation design for future communication systems: a comprehensive survey

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    [EN] The choice of modulation schemes is a fundamental building block of wireless communication systems. As a key component of physical layer design, they critically impact the expected communication capacity and wireless signal robustness. Their design is also critical for the successful roll-out of wireless standards that require a compromise between performance, efficiency, latency, and hardware requirements. This paper presents a survey of constellation design strategies and associated outcomes for wireless communication systems. The survey discusses their performance and complexity to address the need for some desirable properties, including consistency, channel capacity, system performance, required demapping architecture, flexibility, and independence. Existing approaches for constellation designs are investigated using appropriate metrics and categorized based on their theoretical algorithm design. Next, their application to different communication standards is analyzed in context, aiming at distilling general guidelines applicable to the wireless building block design. Finally, the survey provides a discussion on design directions for future communication system standardization processes.This work was supported in part by the Basque Government under Grant IT1234-19, in part by the PREDOC under Program PRE_2020_2_0105, and in part by the Spanish Government through the Project PHANTOM (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) under Gran

    Advanced constellation and demapper schemes for next generation digital terrestrial television broadcasting systems

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    206 p.Esta tesis presenta un nuevo tipo de constelaciones llamadas no uniformes. Estos esquemas presentan una eficacia de hasta 1,8 dB superior a las utilizadas en los últimos sistemas de comunicaciones de televisión digital terrestre y son extrapolables a cualquier otro sistema de comunicaciones (satélite, móvil, cable¿). Además, este trabajo contribuye al diseño de constelaciones con una nueva metodología que reduce el tiempo de optimización de días/horas (metodologías actuales) a horas/minutos con la misma eficiencia. Todas las constelaciones diseñadas se testean bajo una plataforma creada en esta tesis que simula el estándar de radiodifusión terrestre más avanzado hasta la fecha (ATSC 3.0) bajo condiciones reales de funcionamiento.Por otro lado, para disminuir la latencia de decodificación de estas constelaciones esta tesis propone dos técnicas de detección/demapeo. Una es para constelaciones no uniformes de dos dimensiones la cual disminuye hasta en un 99,7% la complejidad del demapeo sin empeorar el funcionamiento del sistema. La segunda técnica de detección se centra en las constelaciones no uniformes de una dimensión y presenta hasta un 87,5% de reducción de la complejidad del receptor sin pérdidas en el rendimiento.Por último, este trabajo expone un completo estado del arte sobre tipos de constelaciones, modelos de sistema, y diseño/demapeo de constelaciones. Este estudio es el primero realizado en este campo

    Formes d'ondes avancées et traitements itératifs pour les canaux non linéaires satellites

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    L'augmentation de l'efficacité spectrale des transmissions mono-porteuses sur un lien de diffusion par satellite est devenu un défi d'envergure afin de pallier la demande croissante en débits de transmission. Si des techniques émergentes de transmissions encouragent l'utilisation de modulations à ordre élevé telles que les modulations de phase et d'amplitude (APSK), certaines dégradations sont encourues lors du traitement à bord du satellite. En effet, en raison de l'utilisation d'amplificateurs de puissance ainsi que de filtres à mémoires, les modulations d'ordre élevé subissent des distorsions non-linéaires dues à la fluctuation de leur enveloppe, ce qui nécessite des traitements au sein de l'émetteur ou bien au sein du récepteur. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au traitement de l'interférence non-linéaire au sein du récepteur, avec une attention particulière aux égaliseurs itératifs qui améliorent les performances du système au prix d'une complexité élevée. A partir du modèle temporel des interférences non-linéaires induites par l'amplificateur de puissance, des algorithmes de réception optimaux et sous optimaux sont dérivés, et leurs performances comparées. Des égaliseurs à complexité réduite sont aussi étudiés dans le but d'atteindre un compromis performances-complexité satisfaisant. Ensuite, un modèle des non-linéarités est dérivé dans le domaine fréquentiel, et les égaliseurs correspondants sont présentés. Dans un second temps, nous analysons et dérivons des récepteurs itératifs pour l'interférence entre symboles non linéaire. L'objectif est d'optimiser les polynômes de distributions d'un code externe basé sur les codes de contrôle de parité à faible densité (LDPC) afin de coller au mieux à la sortie de l'égaliseur. Le récepteur ainsi optimisé atteint de meilleures performances comparé à un récepteur non optimisé pour le canal non-linéaire. Finalement, nous nous intéressons à une classe spécifique de techniques de transmissions mono-porteuse basée sur le multiplexage par division de fréquence (SC-OFDM) pour les liens satellites. L'avantage de ces formes d'ondes réside dans l'efficacité de leur égaliseur dans le domaine fréquentiel. Des formules analytiques de la densité spectrale de puissance et du rapport signal sur bruit et interférence sont dérivées et utilisées afin de prédire les performances du système. ABSTRACT : Increasing both the data rate and power efficiency of single carrier transmissions over broadcast satellite links has become a challenging issue to comply with the urging demand of higher transmission rates. If emerging transmission techniques encourage the use of high order modulations such as Amplitude and Phase Shift Keying (APSK) and Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), some channel impairments arise due to onboard satellite processing. Indeed, due to satellite transponder Power Amplifiers (PA) as well as transmission filters, high order modulations incur non linear distortions due to their high envelope fluctuations which require specific processing either at the transmitter or at the receiver. In this thesis, we investigate on non linear interference mitigation at the receiver with a special focus on iterative equalizers which dramatically enhance the performance at the cost of additional complexity. Based on the time domain model of the non linear interference induced by the PA, optimal and sub-optimal receiving algorithms are proposed and their performance compared. Low complexity implementations are also investigated for the sake of a better complexity-performance trade-off. Then, a non linear frequency domain model is derived and the corresponding frequency equalizers are investigated. In the second part, we analyse and design an iterative receiver for the non linear Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) channel. The objective is to optimize an outer Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) code distribution polynomials so as to best fit the inner equalizer Extrinsic information. The optimized receiver is shown to achieve better performance compared to a code only optimized for linear ISI channel. Finally, we investigate on a specific class of single carrier transmissions relying on Single Carrier Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (SCO-FDM) for satellite downlink. The advantage of such waveforms lies in their practical receiver implementation in the frequency domain. General analytical formulas of the power spectral density and signal to noise and interference ratio are derived and used to predict the bit error rate for frequency selective multiplexers

    Bit Loading and Peak Average Power Reduction Techniques for Adaptive Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Systems

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    In a frequency-selective channel a large number of resolvable multipaths are present which lead to the fading of the signal. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is well-known to be effective against multipath distortion. It is a multicarrier communication scheme, in which the bandwidth of the channel is divided into subcarriers and data symbols are modulated and transmitted on each subcarrier simultaneously. By inserting guard time that is longer than the delay spread of the channel, an OFDM system is able to mitigate intersymbol interference (ISI). Significant improvement in performance is achieved by adaptively loading the bits on the subcarriers based on the channel state information from the receiver. Imperfect channel state information (CSI) arises from noise at the receiver and also due to the time delay in providing the information to the transmitter for the next data transmission. This thesis presents an investigation into the different adaptive techniques for loading the data bits on the subcarriers. The choice of the loading technique is application specific. The spectral efficiency and the bit error rate (BER) performance of adaptive OFDM as well as the implementation complexity of the different loading algorithms is studied by varying any one of the parameters, data rate or BER or total transmit power subject to the constraints on the other two. A novel bit loading algorithm based on comparing the SNR with the threshold in order to minimize the BER is proposed and its performance for different data rates is plotted. Finally, this thesis presents a method for reducing the large peak to average power ratio (PAPR) problem with OFDM which arises when the sinusoidal signals of the subcarriers add constructively. The clipping and the probabilistic approaches were studied. The probabilistic technique shows comparatively better BER performance as well as reduced PAPR ratio but is more complex to implement