66 research outputs found

    Middleware for Network Interoperability in IoT

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    One solution for interoperability issue in IoT is a middleware which is competent on resolving the problems of syntactical, semantic, and network interoperability. In previous study, a middleware capable of addressing semantic and syntactical interoperability challenges has been developed, yet has not responded to network interoperability matter. In this paper we continue our previous research by adding BLE and 6LoWPAN features to the middleware's communication media, so it may communicate with various devices. Interoperability test results show that the middleware is capable of responding to network interoperability challenges and able to receive data from multiple nodes simultaneously

    Comparación experimental de protocolos de comunicación de IOT en cuanto a la seguridad de transmisión de datos en dispositivos IOT de cobertura WLAN

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis de los protocolos de seguridad IoT dentro de una red WAN, mediante una metodología experimental y sistemática, basada en la recolección de información para la selección de los protocolos. Estos protocolos serán sometidos a un ataque ARP Spoffing para visualizar las vulnerabilidades que se pueden presentarse en cada protocolo, la información recolectada se realiza mediante el sniffer wireshark que permitió la captura de paquetes para su análisis. Al realizar el procedimiento se determina que en los protocolos MQTT, COAP, WEBSOCKET se pudo ejecutar un envenenamiento ARP el cual capturo información en texto plano como la interacción que se realiza mediante métodos GET y POST. Se pudo visualizar los puertos de comunicación sobre los cuales está interactuando el dispositivo IoT y la plataforma con el usuario. De acuerdo con las pruebas realizadas se determinó que el protocolo más seguro es MQTT, debido a que presentó menores vulnerabilidades en las pruebas realizadas, es decir, que la interacción que se realizó entre este protocolo y la plataforma Thinger.io, mostro datos encriptados por el protocolo TLS/SSL a pesar de ser capturados por el sniffer.This article aims to perform an analysis of IoT security protocols within a WAN network, through an experimental and systematic methodology, based on the collection of information for the selection of protocols. These protocols will be subjected to an ARP Spoofing attack to visualize the vulnerabilities that may occur in each protocol, the information collected is done using the wireshark sniffer that allowed the capture of packets for analysis. By performing the procedure, it was determined that in the MQTT, COAP, WEBSOCKET protocols it was possible to execute an ARP poisoning which captured information in plain text as the interaction that is performed by GET and POST methods. It was possible to visualize the communication ports on which the IoT device and the platform are interacting with the user. According to the tests performed, it was determined that the most secure protocol is MQTT, since it presented fewer vulnerabilities in the tests performed, i.e., the interaction between this protocol and the Thinger.io platform showed data encrypted by the TLS/SSL protocol despite being captured by the sniffer

    Enabling seamless communication over several IoT messaging protocols in OpenFlow network

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    The most prominent protocols for data transfer in internet of things (IoT) are message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) and constrained application protocol (CoAP). The existing clients from both sides are unable to communicate directly because of the packet’s header structure difference in application and transport layer. In response, this paper aims to develop a bidirectional conversion server used to translate the specified messaging protocol interchangeably in the OpenFlow network and transmit the converted packet from both sides. The conversion server integrated the MQTT subscriber and CoAP POST object for converting the MQTT message into CoAP data. Similarly, the CoAP-MQTT translation was processed by CoAP GET and MQTT publisher object. The research was evaluated by analysing the round trip time (RTT) value, conversion delay, and power consumption. The RTT value for MQTT-CoAP required 0.5 s while the CoAP-MQTT was accumulated in 0.1 s for single-packet transmission. In addition, the SDN controller and the conversion server only consumed less than 1% central processing unit (CPU) usage during the experiment. The result indicated that the proposed conversion server could handle the translation even though there was an overwhelming request from the clients

    Automotive real-time data acquisition using Wi-Fi connected embedded system

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    The advancement in embedded systems, which includes the mass deployment of internet-connected electronics, allows the concept of Internet of Things (IoT), to become a reality. This paper discusses one example of how an internet-connected embedded system is utilized in an automotive system. An Electronic Control Unit (ECU), which functions as a control unit in a fuel injection system, are equipped with Wi-Fi capability and installed on 110cc motorcycle. The ECU is connected to multiple sensors that is used by the ECU as part of control system, as well as giving raw data in real time to the server by using Wi-Fi as the communication medium. The server will accumulate data transmitted from ECU by using MQTT protocol, chosen due to its minimal data profile. The data can be visualized through web portal, or opened by any other web-enabled devices. The data collected may also be used later for any other purposes, such as On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) system, etc

    MongoDB Based Real-Time Monitoring Heart Rate Using Websocket For Remote Healthcare

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    With the gradual development of Industry 4.0, the internet of things (IoT) concept has become an even more current and fundamental study topic. Consisting of devices and objects with communication capability, IoT is a network that uses internet infrastructure, especially for data collection, display, decision-making, control, and optimization of processes. Recently, patient tracking systems have become even more critical with Covid19 and have diversified in health for IoT topics such as biomedical device tracking and disease diagnosis. Within the scope of this study, a prototype of a patient tracking system was developed over the sensor in order to contribute to the biomedical field. We aimed to observe real-time heart rates using WebSockets to demonstrate its use in the medical field via the web application. Monitoring the heart rate using a WebSocket can help doctors make faster and better diagnoses. The current technology study instantly collected the patient's heart rhythm with the pulse sensor. The pulse data collected in real time was then transferred to a web platform with the NodeMCU ESP 8266 board. With this platform, the patient was monitoring in real-time. With the opportunities provided by the study, the doctor implemented an application monitors the instantaneous pulse of the patients

    Blind guide: anytime, anywhere

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    Sight dominates our mental life, more than any other sense. Even when we are just thinking about something the world, we end imagining what looks like. This rich visual experience is part of our lives. People need the vision for two complementary reasons. One of them is vision give us the knowledge to recognize objects in real time. The other reason is vision provides us the control one need to move around and interact with objects. Eyesight helps people to avoid dangers and navigate in our world. Blind people usually have enhanced accuracy and sensibility of their other natural senses to sense their surroundings. But sometimes this is not enough because the human senses can be affected by external sources of noise or disease. Without any foreign aid or device, sightless cannot navigate in the world. Many assistive tools have been developed to help blind people. White canes or guide dogs help blind in their navigation. Each device has their limitation. White canes cannot detect head level obstacles, drop-offs, and obstructions over a meter away. The training of a guide dog takes a long time, almost five years in some cases. The sightless also needs training and is not a solution for everybody. Taking care of a guide dog can be expensive and time consuming. Humans have developed technology for helping us in every aspect of our lives. The primary goal of technology is helping people to improve their quality of life. Technology can assist us with our limitations. Wireless sensor networks is a technology that has been used to help people with disabilities. In this dissertation, the author proposes a system based on this technology called Blind Guide. Blind Guide is an artifact that helps blind people to navigate in indoors or outdoors scenarios. The prototype is portable assuring that can be used anytime and anywhere. The system is composed of wireless sensors that can be used in different parts of the body. The sensors detect an obstacle and inform the user with an audible warning providing a safety walk to the users. A great feature about Blind Guide is its modularity. The system can adapt to the needs of the user and can be used in a combination with other solution. For example, Blind Guide can be used in conjunction with the white cane. The white cane detects obstacles below waist level and a Blind Guide wireless sensor in the forehead can detect obstacles at the head level. This feature is important because some sightless people feel uncomfortable without the white cane. The system is scalable giving us the opportunity to create a network of interconnected Blind Guide users. This network can store the exact location and description of the obstacles found by the users. This information is public for all users of this system. This feature reduces the time required for obstacle detection and consequent energy savings, thus increasing the autonomy of the solution. One of the main requirements for the development of this prototype was to design a low-cost solution that can be accessible for anyone around the world. All the components of the solution can provide a low-cost solution, easily obtainable and at a low cost. Technology makes our life easier and it must be available for anyone. Modularity, portability, scalability, the possibility to work in conjunction with other solutions, detecting objects that other solutions cannot, obstacle labeling, a network of identified obstacles and audible warnings are the main aspects of the Blind Guide system. All these aspects makes Blind Guide an anytime, anywhere solution for blind people. Blind Guide was tested with a group of volunteers. The volunteers were sightless and from different ages. The trials performed to the system show us positive results. The system successfully detected incoming obstacles and informed in real time to its users. The volunteers gave us a positive feedback telling that they felt comfortable using the prototype and they believe that the system can help them with their daily routine

    Thinger.io: an open source platform for deploying data fusion applications in IoT environments

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    In The Last Two Decades, Data And Information Fusion Has Experienced Significantdevelopment Due Mainly To Advances In Sensor Technology. The Sensors Provide A Continuousflow Of Data About The Environment In Which They Are Deployed, Which Is Received And Processed Tobuild A Dynamic Estimation Of The Situation. With Current Technology, It Is Relatively Simple To Deploya Set Of Sensors In A Specific Geographic Area, In Order To Have Highly Sensorized Spaces. However, Tobe Able To Fusion And Process The Information Coming From The Data Sources Of A Highly Sensorizedspace, It Is Necessary To Solve Certain Problems Inherent To This Type Of Technology. The Challengeis Analogous To What We Can Find In The Field Of The Internet Of Things (Iot). Iot Technology Ischaracterized By Providing The Infrastructure Capacity To Capture, Store, And Process A Huge Amountof Heterogeneous Sensor Data (In Most Cases, From Different Manufacturers), In The Same Way That Itoccurs In Data Fusion Applications. This Work Is Not Simple, Mainly Due To The Fact That There Is Nostandardization Of The Technologies Involved (Especially Within The Communication Protocols Usedby The Connectable Sensors). The Solutions That We Can Find Today Are Proprietary Solutions Thatimply An Important Dependence And A High Cost. The Aim Of This Paper Is To Present A New Opensource Platform With Capabilities For The Collection, Management And Analysis Of A Huge Amount Ofheterogeneous Sensor Data. In Addition, This Platform Allows The Use Of Hardware-Agnostic In A Highlyscalable And Cost-Effective Manner. This Platform Is Called Thinger.Io. One Of The Main Characteristicsof Thinger.Io Is The Ability To Model Sensorized Environments Through A High Level Language Thatallows A Simple And Easy Implementation Of Data Fusion Applications, As We Will Show In This Paper.This work was funded by public research projects of Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO), references TEC2017-88048-C2-2-R, TEC2014-57022-C2-2-RRTC-2016-5595-2, RTC-2016-5191-8 and RTC-2016-5059-8

    A Smart System for Sitting Posture Detection Based on Force Sensors and Mobile Application

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    The employees health and wellbeing are an actual topic in our fast-moving world. The employers losing money when their employees suffer from different health problems and cannot work. The major problem is the spinal pain caused by the poor sitting posture on the office chair. This paper deals with the proposal and realization of the system for the detection of incorrect sitting positions. The smart chair has six flexible force sensors. The Internet of Things (IoT) node based on Arduino connects these sensors into the system. The system detects wrong seating positions and notifies the users. In advance, we develop a mobile application to receive those notifications. The user gets feedback about sitting posture and additional statistical data. We defined simple rules for processing the sensor data for recognizing wrong sitting postures. The data from smart chairs are collecting by a private cloud solution from QNAP and are stored in the MongoDB database. We used the Node-RED application for whole logic implementation.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, article in journa

    Enabling seamless communication over several IoT messaging protocols in OpenFlow network

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    The most prominent protocols for data transfer in internet of things (IoT) are message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) and constrained application protocol (CoAP). The existing clients from both sides are unable to communicate directly because of the packet’s header structure difference in application and transport layer. In response, this paper aims to develop a bidirectional conversion server used to translate the specified messaging protocol interchangeably in the OpenFlow network and transmit the converted packet from both sides. The conversion server integrated the MQTT subscriber and CoAP POST object for converting the MQTT message into CoAP data. Similarly, the CoAP-MQTT translation was processed by CoAP GET and MQTT publisher object. The research was evaluated by analysing the round trip time (RTT) value, conversion delay, and power consumption. The RTT value for MQTT-CoAP required 0.5 swhile the CoAP-MQTT was accumulated in 0.1 s for single-packet transmission. In addition, the SDN controller and the conversion server only consumed less than 1% central processing unit (CPU) usage during the experiment. The result indicated that the proposed conversion server could handle the translation even though there was an overwhelming request from the clients

    Internet of things platform for manage multiple message queuing telemetry transport broker server

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    This study proposed the Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring platform model to manage multiple Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) broker server. The Broker is a part of the MQTT protocol system to deliver the message from publisher to subscriber. The single MQTT protocol that setup in a server just have one broker system. However, many users used more than one broker to develop their system. One of the problems with the user that use more than one MQTT broker to develop their system is no recording system that helps users to record configurations from multi brokers and connected devices. This can cause to slow the deployment process of the device because the configuration of the device and broker not properly managed. The platform built is expected to solve the problem. This proposed platform can manage multiple MQTT broker server and device configuration from different product or vendor. The platform also can manage the topic that connects to a registered broker on the platform. The other advantages of this platform are open source and can modify to a specific business process. After usability testing and response time testing, the proposed platform can manage multiple MQTT broker server, functional to use, and an average of response time from the platform page is not more than 10 seconds