690 research outputs found

    Query Response TIME Comparison Nosqldb Mongodb with Sqldb Oracle

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    Penyimpanan data saat ini terdapat dua jenis yakni relational database dan non-relational database. Kedua jenis DBMS (Database Managemnet System) tersebut berbeda dalam berbagai aspek seperti per-formansi eksekusi query, scalability, reliability maupun struktur penyimpanan data. Kajian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan performansi DBMS antara Oracle sebagai jenis relational data-base dan MongoDB sebagai jenis non-relational database dalam mengolah data terstruktur. Eksperimen dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbandingan performansi kedua DBMS tersebut untuk operasi insert, select, update dan delete dengan menggunakan query sederhana maupun kompleks pada database Northwind. Untuk mencapai tujuan eksperimen, 18 query yang terdiri dari 2 insert query, 10 select query, 2 update query dan 2 delete query dieksekusi. Query dieksekusi melalui sebuah aplikasi .Net yang dibangun sebagai perantara antara user dengan basis data. Eksperimen dilakukan pada tabel dengan atau tanpa relasi pada Oracle dan embedded atau bukan embedded dokumen pada MongoDB. Response time untuk setiap eksekusi query dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode statistik. Eksperimen menunjukkan response time query untuk proses select, insert, dan update pada MongoDB lebih cepatdaripada Oracle. MongoDB lebih cepat 64.8 % untuk select query;MongoDB lebihcepat 72.8 % untuk insert query dan MongoDB lebih cepat 33.9 % untuk update query. Pada delete query, Oracle lebih cepat 96.8 % daripada MongoDB untuk table yang berelasi, tetapi MongoDB lebih cepat 83.8 % daripada Oracle untuk table yang tidak memiliki relasi.Untuk query kompleks dengan Map Reduce pada MongoDB lebih lambat 97.6% daripada kompleks query dengan aggregate function pada Oracle

    Migrating From SQL to NoSQL Database: Practices and Analysis

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    Most of the enterprises that are dealing with big data are moving towards using NoSQL data structures to represent data. Converting existing SQL structures to NoSQL structure is a very important task where we should guarantee both better Performance and accurate data. The main objective of this thesis is to highlight the most suitable NoSQL structure to migrate from relational Database in terms of high performance in reading data. Different combinations of NoSQL structures have been tested and compared with SQL structure to be able to conclude the best design to use.For SQL structure, we used the MySQL data that is stored in five tables with different types of relationships among them. For NoSQL, we implemented three different MongoDB structures. We considered combinations of different levels of embedding documents and reference relationships between documents. Our experiments showed that using a mix of one level embedded document with a reference relationship with another document is the best structure to choose. We have used a database that contains five tables with a variety of relationships many-to-one, and many-to-many. Also the huge amount of data stored in all the structures about 2 millions record/document. The research compares clearly between the performances of retrieving data from different MongDB representation of data and the result shows that in some cases using more than one collection to represent huge data with complex relationships is better than keeping all the data in one document

    Studi Perbandingan Performansi antara MongoDB dan MySQL dalam Lingkungan Big Data

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    Tiada hari tanpa, penggunaan data yang terus berkembangan dikuti dengan kemajuan teknologi dibidang dalam teknologi informasi, sehingga kebutuhan untuk pengolahan data sangat diperlukan, proses pertambahan data yang terus meningkat bersumber dari berbagai macam transaksi seperti data posting blog, data percakapan dijaringan selular, sms, chat dan banyak sumber data lain yang setiap saat terus bertambah, sehingga terkenal dengan nama Big Data. Dalam pengolahan big data ini diketahui adanya database NoSQL, sedangkan database yanbg selama ini banyak dipakai adalah MySQL. Untuk mengetahui performansi response time masing-masing database maka diperlukan sebuah penelitian untuk mendapatkan hasil performansi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan database dengan jumlah record yang besar yaitu sebanyak 226.232 record. Untuk keluarga NoSQL penulis menggunakan MongoDB dan untuk keluarga SQL penulis menggunakan MySQL, pengujian dilakukan pada lingkungan yang seimbang, pada hardware dan software yang memiliki spesifikasi yang sama. Hasil akhir penelitian menunjukkan bahwa MongoDB menunjukan performansi yang baik dibandingkan MySQL

    Benchmarking of RDBMS and NoSQL performance on unstructured data

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    New requirements are arising in the database field. Big data has been soaring. The amount of data is ever increasing and becoming more and more varied. Traditional relational database management systems have been a dominant force in the database field but due to the massive growth of unstructured and multiform data, firms are now turning to architectures that have scaleout capabilities using open source software, commodity servers, cloud computing and services like Database as a Service. Due to this, relational databases ought to adopt and meet these new data requirements with easier and faster data processing capabilities and also provide multiple analytical tools that have the possibility of displaying analytics instantly. This study aims to benchmark the performance of relational systems and NoSQL systems on unstructured data.Novos requisitos estão surgindo na área das bases de dados. “Big data” permitiu avanços consideráveis em vários setores. O volume de dados tem aumentado e tornase cada vez mais variado. Os sistemas tradicionais de gestão de base de dados relacionais têm sido uma força dominante na área, mas devido ao crescimento massivo de dados não estruturados e multiformes, as empresas agora recorrem a arquiteturas que possuem recursos escaláveis usando software livre, servidores, computação em nuvem e serviços, tais como “base de dados como um serviço”. Nesse sentido, as bases de dados relacionais devem considerar e adotar novos requisitos de dados com maior agilidade no seu processamento e também fornecer múltiplas ferramentas analíticas com a possibilidade de mostrar análises em tempo real. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de sistemas relacionais e sistemas NoSQL em dados não estruturados

    Accelerating Aggregation Efficiency: Using Postgres as a Cache with MongoDB

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    For decades now relational databases, namely SQL, have been the industry standard. However, recently MongoDB and other NoSQL databases have been growing in popularity due to their flexibility and scalability. SQL still has the upper hand in a variety of areas, including data consistency, advanced and established analytics functions, and efficient “JOIN” functions. This project focuses on MongoDB’s shortcomings when it comes to replicating “JOIN” operations using MongoDB’s aggregate functions. “JOIN” operations refer to the action of comparing data from one or more collections of data and joining similar data together in order to analyze and draw statistics from the combined data pool. MongoDB’s performance in regards to these expensive aggregate operations can be accelerated with the help of Postgres, an SQL database management system. By caching, or storing, the results of these MongoDB aggregate operations along with information about the aggregate queries themselves into Postgres, users can greatly improve the performance of MongoDB “JOIN” equivalents. Thus, users can enjoy the benefits of a NoSQL database system without sacrificing the ability to efficiently gather insightful statistics and analytics from the database

    Database management system performance comparisons: A systematic literature review

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    Efficiency has been a pivotal aspect of the software industry since its inception, as a system that serves the end-user fast, and the service provider cost-efficiently benefits all parties. A database management system (DBMS) is an integral part of effectively all software systems, and therefore it is logical that different studies have compared the performance of different DBMSs in hopes of finding the most efficient one. This study systematically synthesizes the results and approaches of studies that compare DBMS performance and provides recommendations for industry and research. The results show that performance is usually tested in a way that does not reflect real-world use cases, and that tests are typically reported in insufficient detail for replication or for drawing conclusions from the stated results.Comment: 36 page

    Performance Evaluation Between HarperDB, Mongo DB and PostgreSQL

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    Several modern-day problems, like information overload and big data, need to deal with large amounts of data. As such, to meet the application requirements, for instance, performance and consistency, more and more systems are adapting to the specificities. The existing Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)’s the processing of massive data has become an issue because these databases do not deal with a massive amount of data. NoSQL is a database management system that makes processing massive and/or unstructured data easier because it uses key-value to store the data, collections or document stores instead of tables. Many companies today tend to start a project using NoSQL. However, HarperDB aims to produce a relational and nonrelational DBMS, allowing developers to choose between different solutions. This paper aims to show the most relevant differences between HarperDB, MongoDB and PostgreSQL and compare their performances. Preliminary results show that PostgreSQL performs better with structured data, but HarperDB can integrate NoSQL and SQL, which can be a significant advantage to HarperDB compared to the other solutions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transitioning From Relational to Nosql: a Case Study

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    Data storage requirements have increased dramatically in recent years due to the explosion in data volumes brought about by the Web 2.0 era. Changing priorities for database system requirements has seen NoSQL databases emerge as an alternative to relational database systems that have dominated this market for over 40 years. Web-enabled, always on applications mean availability of the database system is critically important as any downtime can translate in to unrecoverable financial loss. Cost is also hugely important in this era where credit is difficult to obtain and organizations look to get the maximum from their IT infrastructure from the least amount of investment. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the current NoSQL market and assess its suitability as an alternative to a relational database. The research will look at a case study of a bulletin board application that uses a relational database for data storage and evaluate how such an application can be converted to using a NoSQL database. This case study will also be used to assess the performance attributes of a NoSQL database when implemented on a low cost hardware platform. The findings will provide insight to those who are considering making the switch from a relational database system to a NoSQL database system
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