132 research outputs found

    Comparative Performance Analysis of Different Fingerprint Biometric Scanners for Patient Matching

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    Unique patient identification within health services is an operational challenge in healthcare settings. Use of key identifiers, such as patient names, hospital identification numbers, national ID, and birth date are often inadequate for ensuring unique patient identification. In addition approximate string comparator algorithms, such as distance-based algorithms, have proven suboptimal for improving patient matching, especially in low-resource settings. Biometric approaches may improve unique patient identification. However, before implementing the technology in a given setting, such as health care, the right scanners should be rigorously tested to identify an optimal package for the implementation. This study aimed to investigate the effects of factors such as resolution, template size, and scan capture area on the matching performance of different fingerprint scanners for use within health care settings. Performance analysis of eight different scanners was tested using the demo application distributed as part of the Neurotech Verifinger SDK 6.0

    An overview of touchless 2D fingerprint recognition

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    Touchless fingerprint recognition represents a rapidly growing field of research which has been studied for more than a decade. Through a touchless acquisition process, many issues of touch-based systems are circumvented, e.g., the presence of latent fingerprints or distortions caused by pressing fingers on a sensor surface. However, touchless fingerprint recognition systems reveal new challenges. In particular, a reliable detection and focusing of a presented finger as well as an appropriate preprocessing of the acquired finger image represent the most crucial tasks. Also, further issues, e.g., interoperability between touchless and touch-based fingerprints or presentation attack detection, are currently investigated by different research groups. Many works have been proposed so far to put touchless fingerprint recognition into practice. Published approaches range from self identification scenarios with commodity devices, e.g., smartphones, to high performance on-the-move deployments paving the way for new fingerprint recognition application scenarios.This work summarizes the state-of-the-art in the field of touchless 2D fingerprint recognition at each stage of the recognition process. Additionally, technical considerations and trade-offs of the presented methods are discussed along with open issues and challenges. An overview of available research resources completes the work

    Distributed incremental fingerprint identification with reduced database penetration rate using a hierarchical classification based on feature fusion and selection

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    Fingerprint recognition has been a hot research topic along the last few decades, with many applications and ever growing populations to identify. The need of flexible, fast identification systems is therefore patent in such situations. In this context, fingerprint classification is commonly used to improve the speed of the identification. This paper proposes a complete identification system with a hierarchical classification framework that fuses the information of multiple feature extractors. A feature selection is applied to improve the classification accuracy. Finally, the distributed identification is carried out with an incremental search, exploring the classes according to the probability order given by the classifier. A single parameter tunes the trade-off between identification time and accuracy. The proposal is evaluated over two NIST databases and a large synthetic database, yielding penetration rates close to the optimal values that can be reached with classification, leading to low identification times with small or no accuracy loss

    Iris image reconstruction from binary templates: An efficient probabilistic approach based on genetic algorithms

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Computer Vision and Image Understanding. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 117, 10, (2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2013.06.003A binary iriscode is a very compact representation of an iris image. For a long time it was assumed that the iriscode did not contain enough information to allow for the reconstruction of the original iris. The present work proposes a novel probabilistic approach based on genetic algorithms to reconstruct iris images from binary templates and analyzes the similarity between the reconstructed synthetic iris image and the original one. The performance of the reconstruction technique is assessed by empirically estimating the probability of successfully matching the synthesized iris image against its true counterpart using a commercial matcher. The experimental results indicate that the reconstructed images look reasonably realistic. While a human expert may not be easily deceived by them, they can successfully deceive a commercial matcher. Furthermore, since the proposed methodology is able to synthesize multiple iris images from a single iriscode, it has other potential applications including privacy enhancement of iris-based systems.This work has been partially supported by projects Contexts (S2009/TIC-1485) from CAM, Bio-Challenge (TEC2009-11186) and Bio-Shield (TEC2012-34881) from Spanish MECD, TABULA RASA (FP7-ICT-257289) and BEAT (FP7-SEC-284989) from EU, and Cátedra UAM-Telefónica

    Vulnerabilities and attack protection in security systems based on biometric recognition

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, noviembre de 200

    Integration of biometrics and steganography: A comprehensive review

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    The use of an individual’s biometric characteristics to advance authentication and verification technology beyond the current dependence on passwords has been the subject of extensive research for some time. Since such physical characteristics cannot be hidden from the public eye, the security of digitised biometric data becomes paramount to avoid the risk of substitution or replay attacks. Biometric systems have readily embraced cryptography to encrypt the data extracted from the scanning of anatomical features. Significant amounts of research have also gone into the integration of biometrics with steganography to add a layer to the defence-in-depth security model, and this has the potential to augment both access control parameters and the secure transmission of sensitive biometric data. However, despite these efforts, the amalgamation of biometric and steganographic methods has failed to transition from the research lab into real-world applications. In light of this review of both academic and industry literature, we suggest that future research should focus on identifying an acceptable level steganographic embedding for biometric applications, securing exchange of steganography keys, identifying and address legal implications, and developing industry standards

    Privacy and Security Assessment of Biometric Template Protection

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    Minutiae-based Fingerprint Extraction and Recognition

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    Embedding Local Quality Measures in Minutiae-Based Biometric Recognition

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    Degradation in data quality is still a main source of errors in the modern biometric recognition systems. However, the data quality can be embedded in the recognition methods at global and local levels to build more accurate biometric systems. Local quality measures represent the quality of local parts within a biometric sample. They are either combined into a global quality measure or directly embedded into the recognition techniques. Minutiae-based comparison is the main and the most common technique used for fingerprint recognition and high-resolution palmprint recognition in various security and forensic applications. The focus of this thesis is mainly on direct incorporation of the local quality measures into the state-of-the-art minutiae-based recognition methods, particularly those based on Minutiae Cylinder-Code (MCC). Firstly, we introduce cylinder quality measures as a new type of local quality measures associated with the local minutiae descriptors. Then, we propose several methods for incorporating such local quality measures into the biometric systems, in order to improve their recognition performance. Among them is a novel and efficient quality-based consolidation method for embedding minutiae quality and cylinder quality measures in MCC based comparison methods. We also propose a supervised embedding method based on a binary classification model, which requires labeled minutiae for training. Finally, we apply a variant of the proposed consolidation method for the challenging case of latent fingerprint and palmprint identification with embedded subjective and objective minutiae quality
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