143 research outputs found

    The Role of Epigenetics in the Progression of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma and the Basis for Future Epigenetic Treatments

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    Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is curable when diagnosed at an early stage, but when disease is non-confined it is the urologic cancer with worst prognosis. Antiangiogenic treatment and immune checkpoint inhibition therapy constitute a very promising combined therapy for advanced and metastatic disease. Many exploratory studies have identified epigenetic markers based on DNA methylation, histone modification, and ncRNA expression that epigenetically regulate gene expression in ccRCC. Additionally, epigenetic modifiers genes have been proposed as promising biomarkers for ccRCC. We review and discuss the current understanding of how epigenetic changes determine the main molecular pathways of ccRCC initiation and progression, and also its clinical implications. Despite the extensive research performed, candidate epigenetic biomarkers are not used in clinical practice for several reasons. However, the accumulated body of evidence of developing epigenetically-based biomarkers will likely allow the identification of ccRCC at a higher risk of progression. That will facilitate the establishment of firmer therapeutic decisions in a changing landscape and also monitor active surveillance in the aging population. What is more, a better knowledge of the activities of chromatin modifiers may serve to develop new therapeutic opportunities. Interesting clinical trials on epigenetic treatments for ccRCC associated with well established antiangiogenic treatments and immune checkpoint inhibitors are revisited.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIComisión Europe

    Computational characterisation of DNA methylomes in mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing hyper- and hypo-virulent strains

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDMycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is estimated to infect approximately one-third of the world’s population and is responsible for around 2 million deaths per year. The disease is endemic in South Africa which has one of the world’s highest tuberculosis incidence and death rates. The M. tuberculosis Beijing genotype are characterised by having an enhanced virulence capability over other M. tuberculosis strains and are the predominant strain observed in the Western Cape of South Africa. DNA methylation is a largely untapped area of research in M.tuberculosis and has been poorly described in the literature especially given its connection to virulence despite it being well characterised along with its role in virulence in other pathogenic bacteria such as E.coli. The overall aim was to characterise a global DNA methylation profile for two M. tuberculosis Beijing strains, hyper-virulent and hypo-virulent, using single molecule real time sequencing data technology. Moreover, to determine if adenine methylation in promoter regions has a possible functional role. This study identified and characterised the DNA methylation profile at the single nucleotide resolution in these strains using Pacific Biosciences single molecule real time sequencing data. A computational approach was used to discern DNA methylation patterns between the hyper and hypo-virulent strains with a view of understanding virulence in the hyper-virulent strain. Methylated motifs, which belong to known Restriction Modification (RM) systems of the H37Rv referencegenome were also identified. N6-methyladenine (m6A) and N4-methlycytosine (m4C) loci were identified in both strains. m6A were idenitified in both strains occuring within the following sequence motifs CACGCAG (Type II RM system), GATNNNNRTAC/GTAYNNNNATC (Type I RM system), while the CTGGAGGA motif was found to be uniquley methylated in the hyper-virulentstrain.Interestingly, the CACGCAG motif was significantly methylated (p = 9.9 x10 -63) at a higher proportion in intergenic regions (~70%) as opposed to genic regions in both the hyper-virulent and hypo-virulent strains suggesting a role in gene regulation. There appeared to be a higher proportion of m6A occuring in intergenic regions compared to within genes for hyper-virulent (61%) and hypo-virulent (62%) strains. The genic proportion revealed that 35% of total m6A occurred uniquely within genes for the hyper-virulent strain while 27.9% for uniquely methylated genes in hypo-virulent strain

    Funkce RNA demetylázy FTO v diferenciaci, regulaci energetického metabolismu a citlivosti k streprozotocinu modelových neuronálních a gliových buněk

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    Fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) demethylase is responsible for erasure of the most abundant epitranscriptomic mark in eukaryotic mRNA, the N6-methyladenosine (m6A) residue. Together with other m6A erasers, writers (methyltransferases) and readers it forms an m6A regulatory pathway that controls the amount, location and biological effect of m6A. The dynamic regulation of the brain's m6A methylome during neurodevelopment is essential for maintaining cerebral functions. In addition, preclinical research suggests that the m6A regulatory pathway regulates energy balance in a tissue- and cell type-specific manner. The FTO gene has been associated with lifelong risks of obesity and metabolic syndrome as well as regulation of total body energy intake and expenditure. However, little is understood about the function of the m6A pathway in control of brain energy metabolism. That is of interest in pursuit of understanding Alzheimer's disease, as this illness is characterized by profound disruptions in cerebral energy metabolism and mounting evidence suggests that disrupted brain bioenergetics may play a role in the disease's early genesis, before the appearance of clinical symptoms. In the present thesis we aimed to investigate the role of FTO in models of two brain cell types, neurons and astrocytes....Demetyláza FTO (z angl. Fat mass and obesity associated) je zodpovědná za odstraňování nejrozšířenější epitranskriptomické modifikace v eukaryotické mRNA, N6- methyladenosinu (m6A). FTO spolu s dalšími demetylázami, metyltransferázami a m6A- čtecími proteiny tvoří regulační dráhu, která řídí množství, lokalizaci a biologický účinek m6A. Dynamická regulace metylomu m6A v mozku během vývoje je nezbytná pro zachování mozkových funkcí. Předklinický výzkum navíc ukázal, že způsob regulace energetické rovnováhy pomocí m6A dráhy může být rozdílný v odlišných tkáních či buněčných typech. Gen FTO je spojován s celoživotním rizikem obezity a rozvojem metabolického syndromu, a také s regulací celkového příjmu a výdeje energie v těle. O funkci dráhy m6A při řízení energetického metabolismu v mozku je však známo jen málo. Studium tohoto fenoménu je žádoucí mimo jiné pro lepší porozumění Alzheimerově chorobě, protože toto onemocnění je charakteristické poruchami energetického metabolismu mozku a stále více důkazů naznačuje, že narušená bioenergetika mozku může hrát roli v ranných fázích onemocnění, ještě před objevením klinických příznaků. V této práci jsme se zaměřili na zkoumání role FTO v modelech dvou typů mozkových buněk, neuronů a astrocytů. Pomocí neuronálních buněk SH-SY5Y jsme chtěli zjistit, zda FTO...Katedra fyziologieDepartment of PhysiologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Funkce RNA demetylázy FTO v diferenciaci, regulaci energetického metabolismu a citlivosti k streprozotocinu modelových neuronálních a gliových buněk

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    Demetyláza FTO (z angl. Fat mass and obesity associated) je zodpovědná za odstraňování nejrozšířenější epitranskriptomické modifikace v eukaryotické mRNA, N6- methyladenosinu (m6A). FTO spolu s dalšími demetylázami, metyltransferázami a m6A- čtecími proteiny tvoří regulační dráhu, která řídí množství, lokalizaci a biologický účinek m6A. Dynamická regulace metylomu m6A v mozku během vývoje je nezbytná pro zachování mozkových funkcí. Předklinický výzkum navíc ukázal, že způsob regulace energetické rovnováhy pomocí m6A dráhy může být rozdílný v odlišných tkáních či buněčných typech. Gen FTO je spojován s celoživotním rizikem obezity a rozvojem metabolického syndromu, a také s regulací celkového příjmu a výdeje energie v těle. O funkci dráhy m6A při řízení energetického metabolismu v mozku je však známo jen málo. Studium tohoto fenoménu je žádoucí mimo jiné pro lepší porozumění Alzheimerově chorobě, protože toto onemocnění je charakteristické poruchami energetického metabolismu mozku a stále více důkazů naznačuje, že narušená bioenergetika mozku může hrát roli v ranných fázích onemocnění, ještě před objevením klinických příznaků. V této práci jsme se zaměřili na zkoumání role FTO v modelech dvou typů mozkových buněk, neuronů a astrocytů. Pomocí neuronálních buněk SH-SY5Y jsme chtěli zjistit, zda FTO...Fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) demethylase is responsible for erasure of the most abundant epitranscriptomic mark in eukaryotic mRNA, the N6-methyladenosine (m6A) residue. Together with other m6A erasers, writers (methyltransferases) and readers it forms an m6A regulatory pathway that controls the amount, location and biological effect of m6A. The dynamic regulation of the brain's m6A methylome during neurodevelopment is essential for maintaining cerebral functions. In addition, preclinical research suggests that the m6A regulatory pathway regulates energy balance in a tissue- and cell type-specific manner. The FTO gene has been associated with lifelong risks of obesity and metabolic syndrome as well as regulation of total body energy intake and expenditure. However, little is understood about the function of the m6A pathway in control of brain energy metabolism. That is of interest in pursuit of understanding Alzheimer's disease, as this illness is characterized by profound disruptions in cerebral energy metabolism and mounting evidence suggests that disrupted brain bioenergetics may play a role in the disease's early genesis, before the appearance of clinical symptoms. In the present thesis we aimed to investigate the role of FTO in models of two brain cell types, neurons and astrocytes....Katedra fyziologieDepartment of PhysiologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Identificação de novos reguladores da fidelidade da síntese proteica

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    Doutoramento em BiomedicinaProtein synthesis is central to life and is being intensively studied at various levels. The exception is mRNA translational fidelity whose study has been hampered by technical difficulties in detecting amino acid misincorporations in proteins. Few genes have so far been associated to the control of protein synthesis fidelity and it is unclear how many genes control this biological process. We investigated the role of RNA modification by RNA modifying enzymes (RNAmods) in protein synthesis efficiency and accuracy. Our hypothesis was that RNAmods that modify tRNA nucleosides (tRNAmods) have a significant impact on protein synthesis through modulation of codonanticodon interactions. To address this issue, we focused our work on tRNAmods involved in the modification of tRNA anticodons. The biology of these enzymes is still poorly understood, but they are involved in RNA processing, stability and function and their deregulation is associated with cancer, neurodegenerative, metabolic and other diseases. We have set up a yeast genetic screen and used mass-spectrometry methods to determine the role of tRNAmods on proteome homeostasis. Our work identified a subgroup of yeast tRNAmods that play essential roles in protein synthesis fidelity and folding. The genes that encode insoluble proteins isolated from yeast cells lacking U34 modification were enriched in codon sites that are decoded by the hypomodified tRNAs. These aggregated proteins also participate in specific biological processes, suggesting that tRNAmods are linked to specific physiological pathways. Interestingly, we detected amino acid misincorporations at the codon sites decoded by the anticodons of the hypomodified tRNAs, demonstrating that tRNA U34 modifications control translational error rate.A síntese proteica é central para a vida e tem sido extensivamente estudada a vários níveis. Contudo, o estudo da fidelidade da tradução do mRNA tem progredido lentamente devido a dificuldades técnicas na deteção de incorporações incorretas de aminoácidos nas proteínas. Poucos genes têm sido associados com o controlo da fidelidade da síntese proteica e não é evidente quais os genes que controlam este processo biológico. Nesta tese investigámos o papel da modificação dos nucleósidos do RNA na eficiência e precisão da síntese proteica. A nossa hipótese é que as enzimas que modificam nucleósidos do tRNA (tRNAmods) têm um impacto significativo na síntese proteica através da modulação das interações codão-anticodão. A biologia das tRNAmods e das modificações do tRNA são ainda pouco conhecidas, mas estão envolvidas na estabilidade e função do RNA e mutações nos seus genes causam doenças neurodegenerativas, metabólicas, cancro, entre outras. Neste projeto realizámos um rastreio genético em levedura com o objetivo de identificar tRNAmods que asseguram a homeostase do proteoma (proteostase) e usámos espectrometria de massa para clarificar o papel das tRNAmods na fidelidade da síntese proteica. Os resultados do estudo genético mostram que um sub-grupo de tRNAmods envolvidas na modificação de nucleósidos do anticodão do tRNA são essenciais para manter a estabilidade do proteoma. Outras tRNAmods estudadas não produziram impactos visíveis na proteostase. Os genes de proteínas agregadas que isolámos a partir de células de levedura com tRNAs hipomodificados são enriquecidos em codões descodificados por estes tRNAs. Os nossos dados mostram também que tais proteínas participam em processos biológicos específicos e têm níveis de aminoácidos errados mais elevados que as células wild-type. Estes dados mostram que certas modificações do tRNA são essenciais para a fisiologia celular, estabilidade do proteoma e fidelidade da síntese proteica

    RNA, the Epicenter of Genetic Information

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    The origin story and emergence of molecular biology is muddled. The early triumphs in bacterial genetics and the complexity of animal and plant genomes complicate an intricate history. This book documents the many advances, as well as the prejudices and founder fallacies. It highlights the premature relegation of RNA to simply an intermediate between gene and protein, the underestimation of the amount of information required to program the development of multicellular organisms, and the dawning realization that RNA is the cornerstone of cell biology, development, brain function and probably evolution itself. Key personalities, their hubris as well as prescient predictions are richly illustrated with quotes, archival material, photographs, diagrams and references to bring the people, ideas and discoveries to life, from the conceptual cradles of molecular biology to the current revolution in the understanding of genetic information. Key Features Documents the confused early history of DNA, RNA and proteins - a transformative history of molecular biology like no other. Integrates the influences of biochemistry and genetics on the landscape of molecular biology. Chronicles the important discoveries, preconceptions and misconceptions that retarded or misdirected progress. Highlights major pioneers and contributors to molecular biology, with a focus on RNA and noncoding DNA. Summarizes the mounting evidence for the central roles of non-protein-coding RNA in cell and developmental biology. Provides a thought-provoking retrospective and forward-looking perspective for advanced students and professional researchers

    Single molecule MATAC-seq reveals key determinants for DNA replication efficiency

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    The stochastic nature of origin activation results in significant variability in the way genome replication is carried out from cell to cell. The reason for the diversity in efficiency and timing of individual origins has remained an unresolved issue for a long time. Cell-to-cell variability has been demonstrated to play a crucial role in cellular plasticity and cancer in mammalian cells. Although population-based methods have provided valuable insight into biological processes, it is necessary to use single molecule techniques to uncover events that are hidden by the population average. Many biological processes, such as DNA replication, transcription, and gene expression, are closely linked to the local chromatin structure. In yeast, although DNA replication origins have conserved DNA sequences, they display remarkable differences in timing and efficiency. Some origins initiate replication earlier during S-phase or more frequently than others, resulting in a high degree of heterogeneity among the cells in a population, with no two cells having the exact same replication profile. Our hypothesis is that the local nucleosomal structure may affect the DNA replication profile of individual origins. To explore this relationship, we have developed Methylation Accessibility of Targeted Chromatin domain Sequencing (MATAC-Seq) to determine single-molecule chromatin accessibility maps of specific genomic locations after targeted purification in their native chromatin context. Our analysis of selected early-efficient (EE) and late-inefficient (LI) replication origins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using MATAC-Seq revealed significant cell-to-cell heterogeneity in their chromatin states. Disrupting the INO80 or ISW2 chromatin remodeling complexes led to changes at individual nucleosomal positions that correspond to changes in replication efficiency. Our results show that a chromatin state with a narrow size of accessible origin DNA in combination with well-positioned surrounding nucleosomes and an open +2 linker region was a strong predictor for efficient origin activation. MATAC-Seq provides a single-molecule assay for chromatin accessibility that reveals the large spectrum of alternative chromatin states that coexist at a given locus, which was previously masked in population-based experiments. This provides a mechanistic basis for origin activation heterogeneity that occurs during DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. As a result, our single-molecule assay for chromatin accessibility will be ideal for defining single-molecule heterogeneity across many biological processes, such as transcription, replication, or DNA repair in vitro and ex vivo.Die stochastische Natur der Aktivierung von Replikationsursprüngen führt zu einer signifikanten Variabilität in der Art und Weise, wie die DNA Replikation von Zelle zu Zelle durchgeführt wird. Der Grund für die Diversität in Effizienz und Zeitpunkt der individuellen Aktivierung von Ursprüngen blieb lange ein ungelöstes Problem. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Zell-zu-Zell-Variabilität eine entscheidende Rolle bei der zellulären Plastizität und Krebs in Säugetierzellen spielt. Obwohl populationsbasierte Methoden wertvolle Einblicke in biologische Prozesse geliefert haben, ist es notwendig, Einzelmolekültechniken zu verwenden, um Ereignisse aufzudecken, die durch das Durchschnittsverhalten aller Moleküle verborgen sind. Viele biologische Prozesse wie DNA-Replikation, Transkription und Genexpression sind eng mit der lokalen Chromatinstruktur verbunden. Obwohl die DNA-Replikationsursprünge in Hefe konservierte DNA-Sequenzen aufweisen, zeigen sie bemerkenswerte Unterschiede im Zeitpunkt und Effizienz der Replikation. Einige Ursprünge initiieren die Replikation früher während der S-Phase oder häufiger als andere, was zu einem hohen Grad an Heterogenität zwischen den Zellen in einer Population führt, wobei keine zwei Zellen das exakt gleiche Replikationsprofil aufweisen. Unsere Hypothese ist, dass die lokale nukleosomale Struktur das DNA-Replikationsprofil beeinflussen kann. Um diese Beziehung zu untersuchen, haben wir Methylation Accessibility of Targeted Chromatin Domain Sequencing (MATAC-Seq) entwickelt, um Einzelmolekül-Chromatin-Zugänglichkeitskarten spezifischer genomischer Orte nach gezielter Reinigung in ihrem nativen Chromatin-Kontext zu bestimmen. Unsere Analyse ausgewählter früh-effizient (EE) und spät-ineffizient (LI) feuernde Replikationsursprünge in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mit MATAC-Seq ergab eine signifikante Zell-zu-Zell-Heterogenität in ihren Chromatinzuständen. Die genetische Deletion der INO80- oder ISW2-Chromatin-Remodeling Komplexe führte zu Veränderungen an einzelnen nukleosomalen Positionen, die mit Veränderungen der Replikationseffizienz korrespondierten. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigten, dass ein Chromatinzustand mit einem engen Fenster an zugänglicher Replikationsursprungs-DNA in Kombination mit gut positionierten umgebenden Nukleosomen und einer offenen +2-Linkerregion ein starker Prädiktor für eine effiziente Ursprungsaktivierung war. MATAC-Seq bietet einen Einzelmolekül-Assay für die Zugänglichkeit von Chromatin, der das große Spektrum alternativer Chromatinzustände aufzeigt, die an einem bestimmten genomischen Lokus koexistieren, der zuvor in populationsbasierten Experimenten maskiert war. Dies liefert eine mechanistische Grundlage für die Heterogenität der Ursprungsaktivierung, die während der DNA-Replikation in eukaryotischen Zellen auftritt. Infolgedessen ist unser Einzelmolekül-Assay 5 für Chromatin-Zugänglichkeit ideal für die Definition der Einzelmolekül-Heterogenität über viele biologische Prozesse hinweg, wie z. B. Transkription, Replikation oder DNA-Reparatur in vitro und ex vivo

    Novel Insights of Viroid Biology and Host Responses to Their Infection

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Los viroides son los patógenos con replicación autónoma más simples y sólo se han encontrado de forma natural infectando plantas superiores. Desde que se descubrieron en los años setenta, se ha adquirido un conocimiento considerable sobre su naturaleza y mecanismos de replicación en las plantas huésped. Sin embargo, aún quedan por descubrir muchos aspectos de la biología de los viroides. Por lo tanto, un conocimiento más profundo de la naturaleza y el modo de acción de los viroides han sido los objetivos principales que engloban esta tesis. Para ello, es esencial contar con procedimientos sencillos y eficientes para la obtención de clones de ADNc infecciosos. Se desarrolló un nuevo método eficiente para construir clones de viroides infecciosos y se probó con un viroide de cada familia: El viroide latente de la berenjena (ELVd, Avsunviroidae) y el viroide del lúpulo (HSVd, Pospiviroidae). Esta aproximación se basó en enzimas de restricción de tipo IIS que cortan fuera del sitio de reconocimiento y supone un procedimiento universal para obtener clones infecciosos de un viroide independientemente de su secuencia, con una alta eficiencia. A pesar de que los viroides han sido considerados como ARN no codificantes desde su descubrimiento, nuestro análisis computacional predijo pequeños marcos de lectura abiertos en cada uno de los genomas de HSVd y ELVd. No se encontraron similitudes significativas con las proteínas de la base de datos de plantas superiores, pero algunos de estos péptidos predichos estaban altamente conservados entre todas las variantes de HSVd y ELVd. Curiosamente, la fusión de estas secuencias conservadas con una proteína fluorescente reveló una localización subcelular específica en el correspondiente orgánulo donde tiene lugar la replicación/acumulación para cada viroide: nucleolo y cloroplasto para HSVd y ELVd, respectivamente. Las mutaciones que truncan el dominio nucleolar de HSVd fueron perjudiciales para el viroide, mientras que el truncamiento de cualquiera de los dos ORF de ELVd que contiene una señal de localización al cloroplasto también disminuyó (pero en menor medida) la eficiencia biológica del viroide, tal vez debido a la redundancia funcional. Se encontraron formas circulares de los ARN de HSVd y ELVd en fracciones polisómicas, lo que revela su interacción física con la maquinaria de traducción de la célula vegetal. En conjunto, estas observaciones experimentales indican que no se puede descartar la capacidad de codificación de los viroides, aunque la prueba definitiva (la detección de los péptidos codificados por los circRNAs) es un reto tecnológico que deberá abordarse en futuras líneas de investigación. Finalmente, para estudiar qué cambios se producen en el huésped durante la infección con un viroide sintomático, se realizó un análisis integrador de las alteraciones genómicas de plantas de pepino infectadas con HSVd. Se integraron los transcriptomas, el sRNAnomas y el metilomas para determinar la respuesta temporal a la infección por el viroide. Nuestros resultados apoyan que el HSVd promueve el rediseño de las vías reguladoras del pepino afectando predominantemente a capas reguladoras específicas en diferentes fases de la infección. La respuesta inicial se caracterizó por una reconfiguración del transcriptoma del hospedador mediante el uso diferencial de exones, seguido de una predominante regulación a la baja de la actividad transcripcional modulada por los cambios epigenéticos del hospedador asociados a la infección y caracterizada por un aumento de la hipermetilación. Las alteraciones en el metabolismo de los ARN pequeños y microARNs del huésped fueron marginales y se produjeron principalmente en la fase tardía. En general, estos datos constituyen el primer mapa exhaustivo de las respuestas de la planta a la infección de un viroide.[CA] Els viroids són els patògenes més simples amb replicació autònoma i només s'han identificat de forma natural infectant a plantes superiors. Des que es descobriren als anys setanta, s'ha adquirit un coneixement considerable sobre la seua natura i els mecanismes de replicació en plantes hoste. No obstant, encara queden per descobrir molts aspectes de la biologia dels viroids. Per tant, un coneixement més profund de la natura i el mode d'acció dels viroids han sigut els objectius principals que engloben aquesta tesi. Per a això, és essencial la disponibilitat de procediments senzills i eficients per a l'obtenció de clones infecciosos. Es va desenvolupar un nou mètode eficient per a construir clones infecciosos y es fa provar amb un viroid de cada família: el viroide latent de la albergínia (ELVd, Avsunviroidae) y el viroid del llúpol (HSVd, Pospiviroidae). Aquesta aproximació es basà en enzims de restricció de tipus IIS que tallen fora del lloc de reconeixement i suposa un procediment universal per obtenir clones infecciosos de un viroid independentment de la seua seqüencia amb una elevada eficiència. Tot i que els viroids s'han considerat com ARNs no codificants des del seu descobriment, el nostre anàlisi computacional va predir xicotets ORF als genomes de HSVd y ELVd. No es trobaren similituds significatives amb proteïnes depositades a les bases de dades, però alguns d'aquest pèptids estaven altament conservats a les variants de HSVd y ELVd. Curiosament, la fusió d'aquestes seqüencies conservades amb una proteïna fluorescent revelà una localització subcel·lular especifica al orgànul on te lloc la replicació/acumulació de cada viroid: nuclèol i cloroplast per a HSVd i ELVd, respectivament. Les mutacions que trunquen el domini nucleolar de HSVd foren perjudicials per al viroid, mentre que el truncament de qualsevol de les dos ORF de ELVd que contenen una senyal de localització al cloroplast també va disminuir (però en menor mesura) l'eficiència biològica del viroid, el que pot ser degut a una redundància funcional. Es detectaren formes d'ARN circular de HSVd i ELVd a les fraccions polisòmiques, el que revela la seua interacció física amb la maquinaria de traducció cel·lular. En conjunt, aquestes observacions experimentals indiquen que no es pot descartar la capacitat codificants dels viroids, encara que la evidencia definitiva (la detecció del pèptids codificats per ARN circulars) es un repte tecnològic que s'haurà d'adreçar en línies d'investigació futures. Finalment, per tal d'estudiar que canvis es produeixen a l'hoste durant la infecció amb un viroid simptomàtic, es va realitzar un anàlisi integrador de les alteracions genòmiques de les plantes de cogombre infectades amb HSVd. S'integraren els transcriptomes, sARNomes i metilomes per determinar la resposta temporal a la infecció per viroid. Els resultats obtinguts suporten que HSVd promou un redisseny de les vies reguladores de cogombre afectant predominantment a nivells reguladors específics a les diferents etapes de la infecció. La resposta inicial es caracteritzà per una reconfiguració del transcriptoma de l'hoste mitjançant l'ús diferencial d'exons, seguit d'una repressió transcripticional modulada per canvis epigenètics de l'hoste caracteritzats per una major hipermetilació. Les alteracions al metabolisme de ARN xicotets i microARNs de l'hoste van ser marginals i es produïren principalment al final de la infecció. En general, aquestes dades constitueixen el primer mapa exhaustiu de les respostes de la planta a la infecció per un viroid.[EN] Viroids are the simplest pathogens with autonomous replication and have only been found naturally infecting higher plants. Since viroids were discovered in the seventies, we have gained considerable knowledge about their nature and replication mechanisms in host plants. However, many aspects of viroid biology are yet to be discovered. Therefore, a deeper understanding of the nature and mode of action of viroids have been the encompassing main goals of this thesis. For this purpose, simple and efficient procedures for obtaining infectious cDNA clones are essential. A new efficient method for constructing infectious viroid clones was developed and tested with one viroid of each family: eggplant latent viroid (ELVd, Avsunviroidae) and hop stunt viroid (HSVd, Pospiviroidae). This procedure was based on type IIS restrictions enzymes that cut outside of the recognition site and supposes a universal procedure for obtaining infectious clones of a viroid independently of its sequence, with a high efficiency. Despite viroids have been considered as plant-pathogenic non-coding RNAs since their discovery, our computational analysis predicted small open reading frames in each of the HSVd and ELVd genomes. No significant similarities with proteins in the database of higher plants were found, but some of these predicted peptides were highly conserved among all HSVd and ELVd variants. Interestingly, the fusion of these conserved sequences to a fluorescent protein revealed a specific subcellular localization in the corresponding organelle where replication/accumulation takes place for each viroid: nucleolus and chloroplast for HSVd and ELVd, respectively. Mutations that truncate the nucleolar domain of HSVd were detrimental for the viroid while truncating any of the two ELVd ORF that contains a chloroplast transit signal also diminished (but to a lesser extent) viroid biological efficiency, maybe because of functional redundancy. Circular forms of both, HSVd and ELVd RNAs were found in polysome fractions, revealing their physical interaction with the translational machinery of the plant cell. Altogether, these experimental observations indicate that the coding capacity of viroids cannot be ruled out, although the definitive evidence (detection of the circRNA-encoded peptides) is a technological challenge to be addressed in future research lines. Finally, to study the host changes that are produced during a symptomatic viroid infection, an integrative analysis of the timing and intensity of the genome-wide alterations in cucumber plants infected with HSVd was performed. Differential host transcriptome, sRNAnome and methylome were integrated to determine the temporal response to viroid-infection. Our results support that HSVd promotes the redesign of the cucumber regulatory-pathways predominantly affecting specific regulatory layers at different infection-phases. The initial response was characterized by a reconfiguration of the host-transcriptome by differential exon usage, followed by a predominant down-regulation of the transcriptional activity modulated by the host epigenetic changes associated to infection and characterized by increased hypermethylation. The alterations in host sRNA and microRNA metabolism were marginal and mainly occurred at the late stage. Overall, these data constitute the first comprehensive map of the plant responses to a viroid infection.La Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esports (Generalitat Valenciana) y el Fondo Social Europeo (FSECV 2014-2020) han cofinanciado la contratación del doctorando como personal investigador de carácter predoctoral (ACIF/2017/114) y unas estancias predoctorales fuera de la Comunitat Valenciana (BEFPI/2020). La realización de esta tesis doctoral también se ha realizado en el marco de dos proyectos de investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, con cofinanciación de fondos FEDER [BIO2017-88321-R y AGL2016-79825-R] .Márquez Molins, J. (2022). Novel Insights of Viroid Biology and Host Responses to Their Infection [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183479TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctoralesCompendi

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    Identification by proximity labeling of novel lipidic and proteinaceous potential partners of the dopamine transporter

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    Dopamine (DA) transporters (DATs) are regulated by trafficking and modulatory processes that probably rely on stable and transient interactions with neighboring proteins and lipids. Using proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID), we found novel potential partners for DAT, including several membrane proteins, such as the transmembrane chaperone 4F2hc, the proteolipid M6a and a potential membrane receptor for progesterone (PGRMC2). We also detected two cytoplasmic proteins: a component of the Cullin1-dependent ubiquitination machinery termed F-box/LRR-repeat protein 2 (FBXL2), and the enzyme inositol 5-phosphatase 2 (SHIP2). Immunoprecipitation (IP) and immunofluorescence studies confirmed either a physical association or a close spatial proximity between these proteins and DAT. M6a, SHIP2 and the Cullin1 system were shown to increase DAT activity in coexpression experiments, suggesting a functional role for their association. Deeper analysis revealed that M6a, which is enriched in neuronal protrusions (filopodia or dendritic spines), colocalized with DAT in these structures. In addition, the product of SHIP2 enzymatic activity (phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate [PI(3,4)P2]) was tightly associated with DAT, as shown by co-IP and by colocalization of mCherry-DAT with a specific biosensor for this phospholipid. PI(3,4)P2 strongly stimulated transport activity in electrophysiological recordings, and conversely, inhibition of SHIP2 reduced DA uptake in several experimental systems including striatal synaptosomes and the dopaminergic cell line SH-SY5Y. In summary, here we report several potential new partners for DAT and a novel regulatory lipid, which may represent new pharmacological targets for DAT, a pivotal protein in dopaminergic function of the brainOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by grants from the Spanish MINECO (RTI2018-098712-B-100) and the “Fundación Ramón Areces”, the latter also providing an institutional grant to CBMS