26 research outputs found

    Optimization of WDM Optical Networks

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    Optical network, with its enormous data carrying capability, has become the obvious choice for today\u27s high speed communication networks. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology and Traffic Grooming techniques enable us to efficiently exploit the huge bandwidth capacity of optical fibers. Wide area translucent networks use sparse placement of regenerators to overcome the physical impairments and wavelength constraints introduced by all optical (transparent) networks, and achieve a performance level close to fully switched (opaque) networks at a much lesser network cost. In this dissertation we discuss our research on several issues on the optimal design of optical networks, including optimal traffic grooming in WDM optical networks, optimal regenerator placement problem (RRP) in translucent networks, dynamic lightpath allocation and dynamic survivable lightpath allocation in translucent networks and static lightpath allocation in translucent networks. With extensive simulation experiments, we have established the effectiveness and efficiencies of our proposed algorithms

    Meta Heuristic Algorithms for Routing and Spectrum Assignment in Elastic Optical Networks

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    The day to day improvement of bandwidth hungry applications such as video streaming, video gaming and many more has lead to more stringent requirements on networks. These requirements have generated a significant shift from the traditional fixed-grid Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) networks to flexible-grid Elastic Optical networks (EONs). Flexible-grid EONs have brought in new ways for allocating spectrum in an efficient manner. Unfortunately, they have also brought in new challenges with respect to spectrum allocation. It is much more complex to grant demands in flexible-grid EONs, as they take into account more constraints than traditional fixed-grid WDM networks. Despite the effort that has been made by the research community to handle those constraints separately, very little has been done tackling them simultaneously, and under realistic scenarios. In this thesis, we propose two meta-heuristic algorithms for allocating demands in flexible grid EONs while simultaneously taking into accounts all the constraints. Our algorithms are tested on small and large networks, with heavy load. Experimental results show that our algorithms perform quite well on all the instances that were selected

    Optimization, Design, and Analysis of Flexible-Grid Optical Networks with Physical-Layer Constraints

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    The theme of this thesis is the optimization, design, and analysis of flexible-grid optical networks that are constrained by physical-layer impairments (PLIs). We consider three flexible-grid network scenarios. The networks in the first class are static nonlinear transparent backbone networks where physical-layer resources are allocated to each traffic demand. The networks in the second class are traffic-variable nonlinear translucent backbone networks where regenerator sites are necessary to recover optical signals from the accumulated noise in long-distance transmission. The third class is data-center networks based on optical spatial division multiplexing. Within each class, our focus is primarily on an efficient and balanced allocation of network resources. Both optimization formulations and heuristic algorithms are proposed for each class. The contributions of this thesis can thus be categorized into three topics, as outlined below.First, we consider the optimization of network resources in the presence of PLI. The PLI between optical connections is characterized by the Gaussian noise (GN) model and incorporated into resource allocation algorithms. As an example, for a link-level optical communication system, the spectrum usage can be reduced by roughly up to 22% by accurately modelling the PLIs and assigning proper modulation formats and spectrum to optical connections. For resource allocation in the network level, the power spectral density of each optical connection is optimized in addition to the previously mentioned resources.As a second topic, the design of flexible-grid optical networks is studied. Specifically, we consider the regenerator location problem in traffic-variable translucent backbone networks. Due to the constantly changing traffic, the PLIs suffered by optical connections are also stochastic and, thus, have to be handled from a probabilistic perspective. A statistical network assessment process is used to characterize the noise distributions suffered by optical connections on each link, based on which a heuristic algorithm is proposed to select a set of regenerator sites with the minimum blocking probability.Finally, we study the trade-off between the blocking probability and total throughput in the modular data center networks (DCNs) based on different optical spatial division multiplexing switching schemes. This performance trade-off is caused by the coexistence of traffic demands with extremely different data rates and number of requests in DCNs. A heuristic resource allocation algorithm is proposed to enable flexible tuning of the objective function and achieve a balanced network performance

    Contribution à l'amélioration de l'efficacité des réseaux IP sur WDM en évaluant et en dépassant les limites du dimensionnement multicouche

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    The traffic passing through core networks grows by nearly 25% each year. To bring the costs under control, the different network layers of the network should work together to include more and more parameters during the network planning phase. This is called “multilayer network planning”. We study the multilayer network planning of static networks composed of two circuit switched layers (typically IP-over-WDM). We propose a semi-analytical model explaining the behavior of algorithms responsible for aggregation and routing in both layers. This theory allows comparing multilayer planning algorithms between them, but also explaining and enhancing their efficiency. We then describe the impact of the optical reach constraint in WDM networks on the results of a multilayer planning algorithm. Finally, we explain how these results apply to the design of future networks (dynamic and with heterogeneous optical layers)La quantité de données devant être transportée via les réseaux de cœur croit de près de 25% par an. Pour maîtriser les coûts, les différentes couches du réseau doivent mettre des informations en commun pour inclure de plus en plus de paramètres lors du dimensionnement du réseau. Cela s’appelle « dimensionnement multicouche ». Nous étudions le dimensionnement multicouche de réseaux statiques composés de deux couches utilisant la commutation en mode circuit (typiquement IP-sur-WDM). Nous proposons un modèle semi-analytique expliquant le comportement des algorithmes responsables de l’agrégation et du routage dans les deux couches. Ce cadre théorique permet de comparer les algorithmes de dimensionnement multicouche entre eux, mais aussi d’expliquer et d’améliorer leur efficience. Nous décrivons ensuite comment la contrainte de portée optique affecte les résultats d’un algorithme de dimensionnement multicouche. Enfin, nous expliquons comment ces résultats s'appliquent au dimensionnement des réseaux de nouvelle génération (dynamiques et hétérogènes en capacité optique

    Management of Spectral Resources in Elastic Optical Networks

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    Recent developments in the area of mobile technologies, data center networks, cloud computing and social networks have triggered the growth of a wide range of network applications. The data rate of these applications also vary from a few megabits per second (Mbps) to several Gigabits per second (Gbps), thereby increasing the burden on the Inter- net. To support this growth in Internet data traffic, one foremost solution is to utilize the advancements in optical networks. With technology such as wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks, bandwidth upto 100 Gbps can be exploited from the optical fiber in an energy efficient manner. However, WDM networks are not efficient when the traffic demands vary frequently. Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) or Spectrum Sliced Elastic Optical Path Networks (SLICE) or Flex-Grid has been recently proposed as a long-term solution to handle the ever-increasing data traffic and the diverse demand range. EONs provide abundant bandwidth by managing the spectrum resources as fine-granular orthogonal sub-carriers that makes it suitable to accommodate varying traffic demands. However, the Routing and Spectrum Allocation (RSA) algorithm in EONs has to follow additional constraints while allocating sub-carriers to demands. These constraints increase the complexity of RSA in EONs and also, make EONs prone to the fragmentation of spectral resources, thereby decreasing the spectral efficiency. The major objective of this dissertation is to study the problem of spectrum allocation in EONs under various network conditions. With this objective, this dissertation presents the author\u27s study and research on multiple aspects of spectrum allocation in EONs: how to allocate sub-carriers to the traffic demands, how to accommodate traffic demands that varies with time, how to minimize the fragmentation of spectral resources and how to efficiently integrate the predictability of user demands for spectrum assignment. Another important contribution of this dissertation is the application of EONs as one of the substrate technologies for network virtualization

    Advanced Column Generation Decompositions for Optimizing Provisioning Problems in Optical Networks

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    With the continued growth of Internet traffic, and the scarcity of the optical spectrum, there is a continuous need to optimize the usage of this resource. In the process of provisioning optical networks, telecommunication operators must deal with combinatorial optimization problems that are NP-complete. One of these problems is the Routing and Wavelength Allocation (RWA) which considers the fixed frequency grid, and the Routing and Spectrum Allocation (RSA) which is defined for the flexible frequency grid. While the flexible frequency grid paradigm attempted to improve the spectrum usage, the RSA problem has an additional spectrum dimension that makes it harder than the RWA problem. In this thesis, in continuation of the previous studies, and using the advanced techniques of Integer Linear Programing, we propose a Column Generation algorithm based on a Lightpath decomposition which we implement for both the RWA and the RSA problems. This algorithm proved to be the most efficient so far producing optimal or near optimal solutions, and improving the computation times by two orders of magnitude on average. This algorithm is based on the approach of finding the right decomposition scheme as to be able to solve the Pricing Problem in a polynomial time. This approach can be used in other optimization problems. In addition, we consider the same Configuration decomposition as the previous studies, and we propose an algorithm based on Nested Column Generation. We implemented this algorithm for both the RSA and the RWA problems, which led to a considerable improvement on the previous algorithms that use the same Configuration decomposition. This Nested Column Generation approach can be adopted in other optimization problems

    Efficient Spectrum Utilization in Large-Scale RWA and RSA Problems

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    While the Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) problem has been widely studied, very few studies attempt to solve realistic size instances, namely, with 100 wavelengths per fiber and a few hundred nodes. Indeed, state of the art is closer to around 20 nodes and 30 wavelengths. In this study, we are interested in reducing the gap between realistic data sets and testbed instances, using exact methods. We propose different algorithms that lead to solve exactly or near exactly much larger instances than in the literature, with up to 150 wavelengths and 90 nodes. Extensive numerical experiences are conducted on both the static and the dynamic cases. For the latter, we investigate how much bandwidth is wasted when no lightpath re-arrangement is allowed, and compare it with the number of lightpath re-arrangement it requires in order to fully maximize the grade of service. Results show that the amount of lightpath re-arrangement remains very small in comparison to the amount of wasted bandwidth if not done. The Routing and Spectrum Assignment (RSA) problem is a much more difficult problem than RWA, considered in elastic optical networks. Although investigated extensively, there is still a gap between the size of the instances that can be solved using the current heuristic or exact algorithms, and the size of the instances arising in the industry. As the second objective of this study, we aim to reduce the gap between the two, using a new mathematical modeling, and compare its performance with the best previous algorithms/models on realistic data instances

    Virtual network provisioning over flexible optical transport infrastructure

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    Current transport network owners are focused on offering services on top of the infrastructures they own, while end users have no control over them. Traditionally, this has been their business model, as the cost of building the infrastructures to provide services is considerably high. However, the traffic on Internet has been, and still is, rapidly increasing over the years. Additionally new emerging services are pushing the limits of existing telecommunication infrastructures, particularly transport optical networks. To overcome such situation, network virtualization has been considered as an effective solution for the future optical networks architectures. Thanks to Virtual Optical Networks (VONs), it is possible to create mission-specific logic infrastructures, which fulfil the exact requirements of the applications that will run on top of them, sharing a unique physical substrate. However, the applicability of virtualization techniques to the optical domain is still under research, being on key point the mapping of the virtual resources to the actual physical ones. However, virtualization per se does not provide a solution flexible enough in terms of bandwidth utilization. For this to happen, an equally flexible transport technology must be adopted. Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) have been presented as an efficient solution for flexible bandwidth allocation. Additionally, due to the dinamicity of the traffic patterns that such virtual networks will face, it is highly desirable to provide a physical substrate that will help on keeping the associated operational expenditures (OPEX) at low levels, being a very important parameter the energy consumption. The energy consumption topic has been subject of big research efforts in order to provide more energy efficient optical transport networks, which, at their turn, will help on the creation of less costly virtual infrastructures. This thesis is devoted to the study of resource allocation to VONs, aiming to provide a flexible, efficient and optimized environment for the embedding of the VONs to the actual physical substrate. The considered scenario is composed of an underlying optical transport network and multiple client VONs that have to be allocated on top. In such scenario, a key aspect relates to how actual resources are associated to the virtual ones, guaranteeing the isolation among VONs and satisfying the resources requirements of every one of them. After an introduction to the thesis, chapter 2 surveys nowadays optical network infrastructures, concluding on the need to move towards a more dynamic and efficient optical network infrastructure. Next, it proceeds to summarize the state of the art of the concepts that enable for such network architecture, namely, VONs, EONs and energy efficient optical infrastructures. Then, chapters 3, 4 and 5 focus on providing solutions to optimize specific aspects of these enabling concepts. More in details, chapter 3 studies the main challenges on the VON embedding problem and presents solutions that allow for an optimized resoure assignment to VONs in a physical substrate depending on the VONs characteristics and the sppecific network substrate. Chapter 4 proposes the Split Spectrum (SS) approach as a way to improve the spectrum utilization of EONs. Finally, chapter 5 focuses on provide and evaluate routing and architectural solutions in aims to reduce the energy consumption of the optical substrate so as VONs with lower OPEX can be deployed on top of it.Els actuals propietaris de xarxes de transport es centren en oferir serveis mitjançant les infraestructures que posseeixen, mentre els usuaris finals no tenen cap control sobre aquests. Tradicionalment, aquest ha estat el seu model de negoci, ja que el cost de construir aquestes infraestructures és considerablement elevat. Tanmateix, el tràfic a Internet ha estat creixent de manera ràpida durant els últims anys. A més, l'aparició de nous serveis està portant al límit les actuals infraestructures de telecomunicacions, especialment les xarxes òptiques de transport. Per tal de superar aquesta situació, la virtualització de xarxes és considerada com una solució efectiva per les futures arquitectures de xarxes òptiques. Gràcies a les Xarxes Òptiques Virtuals (VONs), és possible crear infraestructures lògiques específiques en la seva missió, les quals permeten satisfer els requisits de les aplicacions que s'executaran a través d'elles, compartint un únic substrat físic. Tanmateix, l'aplicació de les tècniques de virtualització en el domini òptic encara és subjecte d'investigació, sent el mapeig entre els recursos virtuals i els recursos físics un punt clau que cal adreçar. No obstant això, la virtualització en si mateixa no proporciona una solució prou flexible en termes d'utilització de l'espectre. Per aquest motiu és necessari que el substrat físic adopti una tecnologia igualment flexible. Les Xarxes Òptiques Elàstiques (EONs) es presenten com una solució eficient per a una assignació flexible de l'espectre. A més, a causa del dinamisme dels perfils de trafic als quals s'enfrontaran les VONs, és desitjable proporcionar una infraestructura física que ajudi a mantenir baixes les despeses operatives (OPEX) d'aquestes xarxes, sent un paràmetre molt important el consum energètic. El tema del consum energètic ha estat subjecte de grans iniciatives de recerca per tal de proporcionar xarxes de transport òptiques més eficients energèticament, les quals permetran crear VONs menys costoses. Aquesta tesi està dedicada a l'estudi l'assignació de recursos a les VONs, amb l'objectiu de proporcionar un entorn flexible, eficient i optimitzat per a la incrustació de les VONs al substrat físic. L'escenari considerat es compon d'una xarxa de transport subjacent i múltiples VONs client a col·locar sobre el substrat físic. En aquest escenari, un aspecte clau es refereix a com els recursos reals s'associen als virtuals, garantint l'aïllament entre VONs i satisfent els recursos demanats per cada una d'elles. Després d'una introducció a la tesi, el capítol 2 revisa les infraestructures de xarxa òptica actuals, concloent en la necessitat d'avançar cap a infraestructures més dinàmiques i eficients. Tot seguit, es procedeix a resumir l'estat de l'art dels conceptes que habilitaran aquesta arquitectura de xarxa, bàsicament, VONs, EONs i les xarxes òptiques de baix consum. A continuació, els capítols 3, 4 i 5 es centren en proporcionar solucions per optimitzar aspectes específics d'aquests conceptes. Més en detall, el capítol 3 estudia els principals reptes en el problema de la incrustació de VONs i presenta solucions que permetin assignar recursos de manera optimitzada a les VONs en un substrat físic. El capítol 4 proposa el concepte de l'Split Spectrum (SS) com una forma de millorar la utilització de l'espectre en les EONs. Finalment, el capítol 5 es centra en proporcionar i avaluar solucions arquitectòniques i d'enrutament amb l'objectiu de reduir el consum d'energia del substrat òptic de tal manera que VONs amb menor OPEX puguin ser desplegades a través d'ell.Los actuales propietarios de las redes de transporte se centran en ofrecer servicios mediante las infraestructuras que poseen y gestionan, mientras que los usuarios finales no tienen ningún control sobre estos. Tradicionalmente, este ha sido el modelo de negocio adoptado por los operadores de redes, ya que el coste de construir y mantener las infraestructuras correspondientes por tal de ofrecer servicios mediante ellas era, y aun es, considerablemente elevado. No obstante, el tráfico en Internet ha crecido de manera rápida y sostenida durante los últimos años y se prevé que continuara con este crecimiento en el futuro. Además, la aparición de nuevos servicios y paradigmas, están llevando al límite las actuales infraestructuras de telecomunicaciones, especialmente las redes de trasporte óptico. Por tal de superar dicha situación, la virtualización de redes ha sido considerada como una solución efectiva para las futuras arquitecturas de redes ópticas. Gracias a las Redes Ópticas Virtuales (VONs), es posible crear infraestructuras lógicas especificas en su misión, las cuales podrán satisfacer los requisitos de las aplicaciones que se ejecutaran a través de ellas, usando y compartiendo un único sustrato físico. No obstante, la aplicación de las técnicas de virtualización en el dominio óptico aun es sujeto de investigación, siendo el mapeo entre los recursos virtuales y los físicos (también conocido como incrustación de la red virtual) un punto clave a solucionar. No obstante, la virtualización por si misma no ofrece una solución suficientemente flexible en términos de utilización del ancho de banda. Por tal de proporcionar un entorno de virtualización suficientemente flexible para acomodar cualquier ancho de banda con suficiente granularidad, es necesario que el sustrato físico adopte una tecnología de transporte igual de flexible. Las Redes Ópticas Elásticas (EONs) se presentan como una solución eficiente para una asignación flexible del ancho de banda en redes ópticas. Además, debido a la heterogeneidad y dinamismo de los perfiles de tráfico a los cuales se enfrentaran las redes virtuales, es altamente deseable proporcionar una infraestructura física que ayuda a mantener bajos los gastos operativos (OPEX) de estas redes, siendo un parámetro muy importante el consumo energético asociado a la operación de las VONs. El tema del consumo energético ha sido, y aun es, sujeto de grandes iniciativas de investigación centradas en desarrollar nuevas arquitecturas de dispositivos o algoritmos de asignación de recursos conscientes del consumo energético por tal de proporcionar redes de transporte ópticas más eficientes energéticamente que, a su vez, permitan crear infraestructuras virtuales menos costosas des del punto de vista energético. Esta tesis se centra en el estudio de la composición y asignación de recursos a las VONs, con el objetivo de proporcionar un entorno flexible, eficiente y optimizado para la incrustación de las VONs en el sustrato físico real. El escenario considerado se compone de una red de transporte subyacente, ya sea una Red Óptica de Conmutación de Longitud de Onda (WSON) o EON, y múltiples VONs cliente, las cuales se colocaran encima del sustrato físico. En este escenario, un aspecto clave se refiere a como los recursos reales se asocian a los virtuales, garantizando el aislamiento entre VONs y satisfaciendo los recursos pedidos (por ejemplo, capacidad de enlace) por cada una de ellas. Después de una introducción a la tesis, el capítulo 2 revisa las infraestructuras de redes ópticas actuales, concluyendo en la necesidad de avanzar hacia una infraestructura de red óptica más dinámica y eficiente por tal de afrontar el crecimiento del tráfico en Internet y la aparición de nuevos servicios y paradigmas. Seguidamente, se procede a resumir el estado del arte de los conceptos y paradigmas que permitirán habilitar esta arquitectura de red, básicamente, VONs, EONs y las infraestructuras ópticas de bajo consumo energético. A continuación, los capítulos 3, 4 y 5 se centran en proporcionar soluciones para optimizar aspectos específicos de estos conceptos con la finalidad de proporcionar un marco optimizado que ayudara en la configuración de las futuras infraestructuras de redes ópticas y sus modelos de negocio. Concretamente, el capítulo 3 estudia los principales retos en el problema de la incrustación de VONs y presenta soluciones que permiten una asignación de recursos optimizada a las VONs en un sustrato físico dependiendo de las características de las VONs y del sustrato de red. El capítulo 4 propone el concepto de Split Spectrum (SS) como una forma de mejorar la utilizaci_on del espectro en las EONs. Finalmente, el capítulo 5 se centra en proporcionar y evaluar soluciones arquitectónicas y de enrutamiento con el objetivo de reducir el consumo energético del sustrato óptico de tal manera que VONs con menor OPEX puedan ser desplegadas mediante este sustrato

    New Models and Algorithms in Telecommunication Networks

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    The telecommunications industry is growing very fast and frequently faces technological developments. Due to the competition between service providers and high expected reliability from their customers, they should be able first, to migrate their networks to the novel advancements in order to be able to meet their customers’ latest requirements and second, to optimally use the resources in order to maximize their profitability. Many researchers have studied different scenarios for Network Migration Problem (NMP). In these studies, a comparison between the legacy and new technologies is investigated in terms of time frames, reduction in expenditures, revenue increases, etc. There have been no prior studies considering the operational costs of NMP e.g., technicians, engineers and travels. The first contribution of the thesis is to propose a two-phase algorithm based on the solution of column generation models that builds a migration plan with minimum overall migration time or cost. The second contribution is an improved decomposition model for NMP by removing the symmetry between the network connections. We apply a branch-and-price algorithm in order to obtain an epsolin-optimal ILP solution. The third contribution of the thesis is to propose a new methodology for Wavelength Defragmentation Problem to recover the capacity of WDM networks in dynamic environments and optimize resource usages. Since rerouting the lightpaths in an arbitrary order may result in a huge number of disruptions, an algorithm based on a nested column generation technique is proposed. The solution is an optimized configuration in terms of resource usage (number of links) that is reachable by no disruptions from the current provisioning. All the algorithms presented in this thesis are based on Column Generation method, a decomposition framework to tackle large-scale optimization problems