2,429 research outputs found

    Summer Reading

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    Sci-fi? Thriller? Historical fiction? Find out what books Linfield College faculty pull out when the syllabus is tucked away for the summer

    A Lawyer\u27s Duty of Communication

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    Meeting proceedings of a seminar by the same name, held March 15, 2022

    The Lawyer\u27s Duty of Communication

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    Meeting proceedings of a seminar by the same name, held October 25, 202

    Optimal Cooperative Multiplayer Learning Bandits with Noisy Rewards and No Communication

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    We consider a cooperative multiplayer bandit learning problem where the players are only allowed to agree on a strategy beforehand, but cannot communicate during the learning process. In this problem, each player simultaneously selects an action. Based on the actions selected by all players, the team of players receives a reward. The actions of all the players are commonly observed. However, each player receives a noisy version of the reward which cannot be shared with other players. Since players receive potentially different rewards, there is an asymmetry in the information used to select their actions. In this paper, we provide an algorithm based on upper and lower confidence bounds that the players can use to select their optimal actions despite the asymmetry in the reward information. We show that this algorithm can achieve logarithmic O(logTΔa)O(\frac{\log T}{\Delta_{\bm{a}}}) (gap-dependent) regret as well as O(TlogT)O(\sqrt{T\log T}) (gap-independent) regret. This is asymptotically optimal in TT. We also show that it performs empirically better than the current state of the art algorithm for this environment

    The relationship between preferred language/communication modality and english literacy among deaf first-year college students

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    This study examines the relationship between the communication modality preferences and reading skills for a group of 1,419 deaf first-year college students. These students were enrolled between the years 1984 and 2002 at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology. First, the relationship between self reported preference for communication and performance on a standardized assessment of English literacy is examined. Second, the relationship between self-rated sign language skills and reading performance is explored for the same group. Students prefering Speech Alone performed significantly better on the measure of reading ability than students prefering Sign Alone or Sign and Speech together . Students who reported having No sign language skills or some sign language skills performed significantly better on the measure of reading ability than students who reported having Fair, Good or Excellent sign language skills. Contrary to previous studies, neither degree of deafness nor the hearing status of parents showed a significant relationship to performance on the measure of reading ability. A discussion of these results follows at the end of the paper


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    The aims of this study is to examine the effect of working condition, Interpersonal Communication and Perceived Organizational Support on performance employment of PDAM  company, Surabaya, Indonesia. Methode used in this research is descriptive Explanatory which is a method that explains causal relationships between the variables observed. This research is limited by data collected from a sample of the population to represent the whole population. Data analyzed by multiple linear regression to, T-test, and F test, with SPSS program. The test result of multiple regression show that every increasing Working condition, Interpersonal Communicationa and perceived organizational support will increase performance of the employes. The results of Hyphothesis thest shows that as a simultaniously there were significant effect between Working condition, Interpersonal Communicationa and perceived organizational support to employee performance, eventhough as a partially that Working condition, and Interpersonal Communicationa are significant effect to employee performance but Perceived Organizational Support has no significant effect to employee performance

    A new record of Percursaria percursa (Ulvaceae, Ulvales) on the North Island, New Zealand

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    The filamentous green alga Percursaria percursa (Ulvaceae, Ulvales) was recorded for the first time on the North Island of New Zealand at mokoroa Estuary, Tauranga Harbour. This species is previously known within New Zealand from only two records, both from the South Island. In Tauranga Harbour, this species was restricted to anoxic estuarine sediments where mangrove forests had been mulched, and mulchate left in situ. Percursaria percursa was found intertwined with Ulva spp. and Rhizoclonium spp. Surveys of other North and South Island estuaries suggest that this alga, although occurring as part of nuisance green algal blooms in Tauranga Harbour, has only colonized human-impacted locations, and has not yet been observed in natural' estuarine ecosystems in New Zealand. As this species was found intertwined with other mat-forming filamentous green algae, it can easily be misidentified in the field, leading to both over- and under-reporting of species occurrence

    Examining the Relationships among the Coaching Climate, Life Skills Development and Well-Being in Sport

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    Using Benson and Saito's framework for positive youth development, we investigated the relationships between the coaching climate, young people's perceived life skills development within sport, and their psychological well-being. British youth sport participants (N=326, Mage=13.81, range=11–18 years) completed a survey assessing the coaching climate, participants' perceived life skills development (teamwork, goal setting, time management, emotional skills, interpersonal communication, social skills, leadership, and problem solving and decision making) and psychological well-being (self-esteem, positive affect, and satisfaction with life). In all analyses, the coaching climate was positively related to young peoples' perceived development of life skills within sport and their psychological well-being. Total life skills development (a summative score of all eight life skills scores) was positively related to all three psychological well-being indicators – providing support for the "pile-up" effect – and partially mediated the relationships between the coaching climate and participants' psychological well-being. Interpretation of the results indicated that coaches should foster the development of multiple life skills in youth sport participants, as they are associated with participants' psychological well-being. One way this can be achieved is through autonomy-supportive coaching behaviours

    A culture collection of Maltese microorganisms for application in biotechnology, biomedicine and industry

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    Over the years, very few studies have been conducted on microorganisms growing in the Maltese islands, and these have rarely resulted in the description of new gen- era, species or serovars. Two important exceptions are the studies on Brucella melitensis, by Sir Temi Zammit in 1905 (Wyatt, 2005) and a new serovar of Salmonella from Gozo (Vella & Cuschieri, 1995). Ten years ago, sampling of microorganisms growing as bio lms on di erent substrates around the Maltese islands was initiated. The microorganisms consisted mainly of chemoorganotrophic bacteria, cyanobacteria and microalgae. Today the culture collection of Maltese microorganisms contains over a hundred new microbial strains that are new to science and which include fresh- water, marine, soil and subaerophytic microorganisms. The aim of the research is twofold. Firstly, it is im- portant to characterise the Maltese microbial strains and describe new taxa as required. Secondly, the ex- traction of important metabolites for application in bi- otechnology, biomedicine and industrypeer-reviewe

    A validation study of appropriate phonological verbal fluency stimulus letters for use with Croatian speaking individuals [Fonološka verbalna fluentnost na hrvatskom uzorku: primjena testa, izbor podražaja i norme]

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    The aim of this study is to determine the word frequency for all thirty letters of the Croatian alphabet and to collect normative data for the letter fluency task in Croatian speakers. Ninety two healthy participants were given each of the Croatian letters, and asked to generate as many words as possible in 60 seconds for each letter. Results suggested that participants generated most frequently words starting with the letters as follows: »K«, »P«, »S« and »M«