39 research outputs found

    Sistem Pemanggilan Antrian Menggunakan Websocket

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    WebSocket memungkinkan komunikasi full-duplex secara asynchronous antara aplikasi berbasis web dan web-server. WebSocket adalah bagian dari HTML5 yang telah distandarisasi, tetapi saat ini telah dikembangkan secara terpisah dengan HTML5. Dengan WebSocket, sangat mudah sekali mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis Server - Client dengan komunikasi yang efisien dan real-time. Aplikasi berbasis WebSocket dapat berkomunikasi dengan server WebSocket menggunakan pesan berbasis teks, sehingga WebSocket dapat dengan mudah diaplikasikan ke dalam sistem pemanggilan antrian. Sistem pemanggilan antrian ini dibuat berbasis web sehingga penerapannya sangat mudah, hanya memerlukan Web Browser yang ada pada komputer client. Sementara untuk WebSocket server banyak pilihan library yang dikembangkan secara open source salah satunya adalah Ratchet yang dibuat dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP

    An empirical study of power consumption of Web-based communications in mobile phones

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    Currently, mobile devices are the most popular pervasive computing device, and they are becoming the primer way for Web access. Energy is a critical resource in such pervasive computing devices, being network communication one of the primary energy consuming operations in mobile apps. Indeed, web-based communication is the most used, but also energy demanding. So, mobile web developers should be aware of how much energy consumes the different web-based communication alternatives. The goal of this paper is to measure and compare the energy consumption of three asynchronous Web-based methods in mobile devices. Our experiments consider three different Web applications models that allow a web server to push data to a browser: Polling, Long Polling and WebSockets. The obtained results are analyzed to get more accurate understanding of the impact in energy consumption of a mobile browser for each of these three methods. The utility of these experiments is to show developers what are the factors that influence the energy consumption when different web-based asynchronous communication is used. With this information mobile web developers could reduce the power consumption of web applications on mobile devices, by selecting the most appropriate method for asynchronous server communication.MUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    LMS-система для обучения студентов внутри университета: синергия свободного программного обеспечения, конкурентного подхода и технологии социальных сетей

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    Подробно исследован вопрос выбора системы электронного обучения для работы со студентами очного отделения. Исследовано влияния выбора системы учета успеваемости студентов и ее интеграции в систему электронного обучения на мотивацию элитарной группы студентов. Предложен собственный подход к выбору принципов и технологий построения системы электронного обучения

    Sistem Pemanggilan Antrian Menggunakan Websocket

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    WebSocket memungkinkan komunikasi full-duplex secara asynchronous antara aplikasi berbasis web dan web-server. WebSocket adalah bagian dari HTML5 yang telah distandarisasi, tetapi saat ini telah dikembangkan secara terpisah dengan HTML5. Dengan WebSocket, sangat mudah sekali mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis Server - Client dengan komunikasi yang efisien dan real-time. Aplikasi berbasis WebSocket dapat berkomunikasi dengan server WebSocket menggunakan  pesan berbasis teks, sehingga WebSocket dapat dengan mudah diaplikasikan ke dalam sistem pemanggilan antrian. Sistem pemanggilan antrian ini dibuat berbasis web sehingga penerapannya sangat mudah, hanya memerlukan Web Browser yang ada pada komputer client. Sementara untuk WebSocket server banyak pilihan library yang dikembangkan secara open source salah satunya adalah Ratchet yang dibuat dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP

    Integrated Mobile and web-based Application for Enhancing delivery of HIV/AIDS Healthcare Information in Tanzania

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    This study aims to develop an integrated e-health platform for enhancing delivery of HIV/AIDS healthcare information in Tanzania, which consists of a mobile application and a web-based system. The study is based on the system's functional and non-functional requirements for an e-health system for delivery of HIV/AIDS healthcare information. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) model was adopted during the system development. The system requirements were modelled into Data Flow Diagram (DFD) in order to obtain the clear flow of the HIV/AIDS healthcare information between the clients and HIV/AIDS healthcare practitioners. With the use of different software development tools and environment such as Android studio and Symfony framework; both android application and web-based system were developed. Finally, the developed system was tested for individual module functioning as well as the functioning of the fully integrated system. The user acceptance survey gave the mean score of above 4 on the scale of 5 for each tested aspect of the system. These scores show that the developed system was positively accepted by the users and commended the Ministry of Health and to deploy the system for enhanced delivery of HIV/AIDS healthcare information

    WebSocket in real time application

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    There has been an increase in request for real time data feeds, teleconferencing and group communication which entails full duplex connection amongst client and server. Real time web application involves clients which is also known as a browser getting updates from the server as they happen. with regards to the limit observed in old-style real-time communication which include long polling, polling server-sent events and comets, this paper recommends using upcoming Web Socket technology when dealing with real time. The Web Socket offers improved result as compared to the conventional approaches that are considered to be the good solution of providing real time information and lessens overhead acquired while communicating over the internet and offers stateful, efficient communication among Web Servers and Clients.Keywords: WebSocket, Http Polling, Http Streaming, Server-Sent Events, Come


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    Aplikasi web yang semakin meningkat penggunaannya dewasa ini menyebabkan kebutuhan akan kinerja web server yang memiliki ketersediaan serta kecepatan tinggi semakin meningkat. Teknologi load balancer yang merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan dan kecepatan kinerja web server. Pada penerapan teknologi load balancer tersebut tetap dapat terjadi masalah seperti, kegagalan web server dan lain – lain yang dapat mengurangi kinerja arsitektur web itu sendiri. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk membangun sistem arsitektur web server load balancer yang memiliki sistem health check di dalamnya dan dapat dilakukan pemantauan secara real-time berbasis android guna meminimalisir masalah pada web server. Sistem dibuat dengan membangun arsitektur load balancer menggunakan modul pada nginx web server. Pada setiap server dibuat sebuah sistem pemantauan menggunakan pemrograman Node Js. Seluruh informasi terkait ketersediaan sumber daya pada server dipantau melalui sistem tersebut dan kemudian diolah untuk dikirim pada aplikasi klien menggunakan metode WebSocket client-server. Data yang diperoleh dari sistem pemantauan diolah pada sisi aplikasi untuk dapat dianalisa dan dipantau kondisi server tersebut secara real-time. Sistem pada aplikasi dapat membaca nilai data server dan memberikan peringatan atau penanganan  otomatis pada server yang terjadi masalah berdasarkan pemantauan real-time pada aplikasi android. Riwayat masalah pada server juga dapat dilihat pada sisi aplikasi android tersebut. Pengujian dilakukan dengan 5 skenario yang menggambarkan berbagai masalah yang mungkin terjadi pada server. Hasil pengujian menghasilkan pengaruh penggunaan load balancer bagi server dari segi peningkatan kecepatan penanganan request sebesar 67% pada pengujian pertama dan 72% pada pengujian kedua. Sistem health check berhasil mendapatkat data sumber daya server dan mencegah pengiriman request kepada server yang bermasalah.   Kata Kunci: Health Check Server, Load Balancer, Sistem Android, Nginx Server, Node Js, Web Socke

    Prototyping Methodology of End-to-End Speech Analytics Software

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    This paper presents the prototype of end-to-end speech recognition, storage, and postprocessing tasks to build speech analytics, real-time agent augmentation, and other speechrelated products. Moving ASR models from the dev environment into production requires both researcher and architectural knowledge, which slows down and limits the possibility of companies benefiting from speech recognition and NLP advances for fundamental business operations. This paper proposes a fast and flexible prototype that can be easily implemented and used to serve ASR/NLP-trained models to solve business problems. Various software solutions’ compatibility problems were solved during the experimental setup assembly, and a working prototype was built and tested. An architectural diagram of the solution was also shown. Performance, limitations, and challenges of implementation are also described

    Development of a VR capable virtual laboratory framework

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce the design steps and implementation details of a system, which combines modern web-technologies and open-source simulation software to create a virtual laboratory framework. In order to validate the functionality of this framework and to demonstrate its capabilities, a classic experiment from the field of control theory was implemented; the inverted pendulum. In this experiment, a simulated controller keeps the rod of the pendulum in an upright position. Users can change different parameters of the model and then test the impact of these changes in a very intuitive and interactive way, by applying force to the pendulum model in 3D and observing the behavior of the controller

    New ns-3-based Emulation Platform for Performance Evaluation of TCP-based Speech Recognition

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    Internet-based speech recognition applications prefer using TCP to ensure reliable speech data delivery. TCP-based speech recognition can be designed to push recognition updates on the fly, without waiting for all speech data to fully arrive at the server. We propose an ns-3-based emulation platform to evaluate the performance of TCP-based speech recognition. The server and the client are connected to the simulated network using a tap bridge. The real-time performance of full-duplex speech recognition is measured based on data size, loss rate, and propagation delay. For all our data samples, the application exhibits good performance when the propagation delay is 120 seconds and the loss rate is less than 0.3%, as well as when the propagation delay is 50 seconds and the loss rate is less than 0.5%