654 research outputs found

    Advancements in Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Data Analysis Techniques for Precision Agriculture

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    Object-based classification of grasslands from high resolution satellite image time series using gaussian mean map kernels

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    This paper deals with the classification of grasslands using high resolution satellite image time series. Grasslands considered in this work are semi-natural elements in fragmented landscapes, i.e., they are heterogeneous and small elements. The first contribution of this study is to account for grassland heterogeneity while working at the object level by modeling its pixels distributions by a Gaussian distribution. To measure the similarity between two grasslands, a new kernel is proposed as a second contribution: the a-Gaussian mean kernel. It allows one to weight the influence of the covariance matrix when comparing two Gaussian distributions. This kernel is introduced in support vector machines for the supervised classification of grasslands from southwest France. A dense intra-annual multispectral time series of the Formosat-2 satellite is used for the classification of grasslands’ management practices, while an inter-annual NDVI time series of Formosat-2 is used for old and young grasslands’ discrimination. Results are compared to other existing pixel- and object-based approaches in terms of classification accuracy and processing time. The proposed method is shown to be a good compromise between processing speed and classification accuracy. It can adapt to the classification constraints, and it encompasses several similarity measures known in the literature. It is appropriate for the classification of small and heterogeneous objects such as grasslands

    Landcover and crop type classification with intra-annual times series of sentinel-2 and machine learning at central Portugal

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesLand cover and crop type mapping have benefited from a daily revisiting period of sensors such as MODIS, SPOT-VGT, NOAA-AVHRR that contains long time-series archive. However, they have low accuracy in an Area of Interest (ROI) due to their coarse spatial resolution (i.e., pixel size > 250m). The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission from the European Spatial Agency (ESA) provides free data access for Sentinel 2-A(S2a) and B (S2b). This satellite constellation guarantees a high temporal (5-day revisit cycle) and high spatial resolution (10m), allowing frequent updates on land cover products through supervised classification. Nevertheless, this requires training samples that are traditionally collected manually via fieldwork or image interpretation. This thesis aims to implement an automatic workflow to classify land cover and crop types at 10m resolution in central Portugal using existing databases, intra-annual time series of S2a and S2b, and Random Forest, a supervised machine learning algorithm. The agricultural classes such as temporary and permanent crops as well as agricultural grasslands were extracted from the Portuguese Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) of the Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pescas (IFAP); land cover classes like urban, forest and water were trained from the Carta de Ocupação do Solo (COS) that is the national Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) map of Portugal; and lastly, the burned areas are identified from the corresponding national map of the Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (ICNF). Also, a set of preprocessing steps were defined based on the implementation of ancillary data allowing to avoid the inclusion of mislabeled pixels to the classifier. Mislabeling of pixels can occur due to errors in digitalization, generalization, and differences in the Minimum Mapping Unit (MMU) between datasets. An inner buffer was applied to all datasets to reduce border overlap among classes; the mask from the ICNF was applied to remove burned areas, and NDVI rule based on Landsat 8 allowed to erase recent clear-cuts in the forest. Also, the Copernicus High-Resolution Layers (HRL) datasets from 2015 (latest available), namely Dominant Leaf Type (DLT) and Tree Cover Density (TCD) are used to distinguish between forest with more than 60% coverage (coniferous and broadleaf) such as Holm Oak and Stone Pine and between 10 and 60% (coniferous) for instance Open Maritime Pine. Next, temporal gap-filled monthly composites were created for the agricultural period in Portugal, ranging from October 2017 till September 2018. The composites provided data free of missing values in opposition to single date acquisition images. Finally, a pixel-based approach classification was carried out in the “Tejo and Sado” region of Portugal using Random Forest (RF). The resulting map achieves a 76% overall accuracy for 31 classes (17 land cover and 14 crop types). The RF algorithm captured the most relevant features for the classification from the cloud-free composites, mainly during the spring and summer and in the bands on the Red Edge, NIR and SWIR. Overall, the classification was more successful on the irrigated temporary crops whereas the grasslands presented the most complexity to classify as they were confused with other rainfed crops and burned areas

    Selecting appropriate variables for detecting grassland to cropland changes using high resolution satellite data

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    Grassland is one of the most represented, while at the same time, ecologically endangered, land cover categories in the European Union. In view of the global climate change, detecting its change is growing in importance from both an environmental and a socio-economic point of view. A well-recognised tool for Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Change Detection (CD), including grassland changes, is Remote Sensing (RS). An important aspect affecting the accuracy of change detection is finding the optimal indicators of LULC changes (i.e., variables). Inappropriately selected variables can produce inaccurate results burdened with a number of uncertainties. The aim of our study is to find the most suitable variables for the detection of grassland to cropland change, based on a pair of high resolution images acquired by the Landsat 8 satellite and from the vector database Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS). In total, 59 variables were used to create models using Generalised Linear Models (GLM), the quality of which was verified through multi-temporal object-based change detection. Satisfactory accuracy for the detection of grassland to cropland change was achieved using all of the statistically identified models. However, a three-variable model can be recommended for practical use, namely by combining the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Wetness and Fifth components of Tasselled Cap. Increasing number of variables did not significantly improve the accuracy of detection, but rather complicated the interpretation of the results and was less accurate than detection based on the original Landsat 8 images. The results obtained using these three variables are applicable in landscape management, agriculture, subsidy policy, or in updating existing LULC databases. Further research implementing these variables in combination with spatial data obtained by other RS techniques is needed

    Land cover mapping with random forest using intra-annual sentinel 2 data in central Portugal : a comparative analysis

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesIn recent years, data mining algorithms are increasingly applied to optimise the classification process of remotely sensed imagery. Random Forest algorithms have shown high potential for land cover mapping problems yet have not been sufficiently tested on their ability to process and classify multi-temporal data within one classification process. Additionally, a growing amount of geospatial data is freely available online without having their usability assessed, such as EUROSTAT´s LUCAS land use land cover dataset. This study provides a comparative analysis of two land cover classification approaches using Random Forest on open-access multi-spectral, multi-temporal Sentinel-2A/B data. A classification system composed of six classes (sealed surfaces, non-vegetated unsealed surfaces, water, woody, herbaceous permanent, herbaceous periodic) was designed for this study. Ten images of ten bands plus NDVI each, taken between November 2016 and October 2017 in Central Portugal, were processed in R using a pixel-based approach. Ten maps based on single month data were produced. These were then used as input data for the classifier to create a final map. This map was compared with a map using all 100 bands at once as training for the classifier. This study concluded that the approach using all bands produced maps with 11% higher, yet overall low accuracy of 58%. It was also less time-consuming with about 5 hours to over 15 hours of work for the multi-temporal predictions. The main causes for the low accuracy identified by this thesis are uncertainties with EUROSTAT´s Land Use/Cover Area Statistical Survey (LUCAS) training data and issues with the accompanying nomenclature definition. Additional to the comparison of the classification approaches, the usability of LUCAS (2015) is tested by comparing four different variations of it as training data for the classification based on 100 bands. This research indicates high potential of using Sentinel-2 imagery and multi-temporal stacks of bands to achieve an averaged land cover classification of the investigated time span. Moreover, the research points out lower potential of the multi-map approach and issues regarding the suitability of using LUCAS open-access data as sole input for training a classifier for this study. Issues include inaccurate surveying and a partially long distance between the marked point and the actual observation point reached by the surveyors of up to 1.5 km. Review of the database, additional sampling and ancillary data appears to be necessary for achieving accurate results

    ELULC-10, a 10 m European land use and land cover map using Sentinel and landsat data in Google Earth Engine

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    Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) maps can be effectively produced by cost-effective and frequent satellite observations. Powerful cloud computing platforms are emerging as a growing trend in the high utilization of freely accessible remotely sensed data for LULC mapping over large-scale regions using big geodata. This study proposes a workflow to generate a 10 m LULC map of Europe with nine classes, ELULC-10, using European Sentinel-1/-2 and Landsat-8 images, as well as the LUCAS reference samples. More than 200 K and 300 K of in situ surveys and images, respectively, were employed as inputs in the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing platform to perform classification by an object-based segmentation algorithm and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). A novel ANN-based data preparation was also presented to remove noisy reference samples from the LUCAS dataset. Additionally, the map was improved using several rule-based post-processing steps. The overall accuracy and kappa coefficient of 2021 ELULC-10 were 95.38% and 0.94, respectively. A detailed report of the classification accuracies was also provided, demonstrating an accurate classification of different classes, such as Woodland and Cropland. Furthermore, rule-based post processing improved LULC class identifications when compared with current studies. The workflow could also supply seasonal, yearly, and change maps considering the proposed integration of complex machine learning algorithms and large satellite and survey data.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Investigation into the bio-physical constraints on farmer turn-out-date decisions using remote sensing and meteorological data.

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    ThesisDoctoral thesisAccepted versionGrass is the most common landcover in Ireland and covers a bigger percentage (52%) of the country than any other in Europe. Grass as fodder is Ireland’s most important crop and is the foundation of its most important indigenous industry, agriculture. Yet knowledge of its distribution, performance and yield is scant. How grass is nationally, on a farm by farm, year by year basis managed is not known. In this thesis the gaps in knowledge about grassland performance across Ireland are presented along with arguments on why these knowledge gaps should be closed. As an example the need for high spatial resolution animal stocking rate data in European temperate grassland systems is shown. The effect of high stocking density on grass management is most apparent early in the growing season, and a 250m scale characterization of early spring vegetation growth from 2003-2012, based on MODIS NDVI time series products, is constructed. The average rate of growth is determined as a simple linear model for each pixel, using only the highest quality data for the period. These decadal spring growth model coefficients, start of season cover and growth rate, are regressed against log of stocking rate (r2 19 = 0.75, p<0.001). This model stocking rate is used to create a map of grassland use intensity in Ireland, which, when tested against an independent set of stocking data, is shown to be successful with an RMSE of 0.13 Livestock Unit/ha for a range of stocking densities from 0.1 to 3.3 Livestock Unit/ha. This model provides the first validated high resolution approach to mapping stocking rates in intensively managed European grassland systems. There is a demonstrated a need for a system to estimate current growing conditions. Using the spring growth model constructed for estimating stocking density a new style of grass growth progress anomaly map in the time-domain was developed. Using the developed satellite dataset 1 and 12 years of ground climate station data in Ireland, NDVI was modelled against time as a proxy for grass growth This model is the reference for estimating current seasonal progress of grass growth against a ten year average. The model is developed to estimate Seasonal Progress Anomalies in the Time domain (SPAT), giving a result in terms of “days behind” and “days ahead” of the norm. SPAT estimates for 2012 and 2013 are compared to ground based estimates from 30 climate stations and have a correlation coefficient of 0.897 and RMSE of 15days. The method can successfully map current grass growth trends compared to the average and present this information to the farmer in simple everyday language. This is understood by the author to be the first validated growth anomaly service, and the first for intensive European grasslands. The decisions on when to turn out cattle (the turn out date (TOD)) from winter housing to spring grazing is an important one on Irish dairy farms which has significant impacts on operating costs on the farm. To examine the relationship of TOD to conditions, the National Farm Survey (NFS) of Ireland database was geocoded and the data on turn out dates from 199 farms across Ireland over five years was used. A fixed effects linear panel data model was employed to explore the association between TOD and conditions, as it allows for unobserved variation between farmers to be ignored in favour of modelling the variance year on year. The environmental variables used in the analysis account for 38% of the variance in the turn out dates on farms nationwide. National seasonal conditions dominate over local variation, and for every week earlier grass grows in spring, farmers gain 3.7 days in grazing season but ignore 3.3 days of growth that could have been used. Every 100mm extra rain in spring means TOD is a day later and every dry day leads to turn out being half a day earlier. A well-drained soil makes TOD 2.5 days earlier compared to a poorly drained soil and TOD gets a day later for every 16km north form the south coast. This work demonstrates that precision agriculture 1 driven by optical and radar satellite data is closer to being a reality in Europe driven by enormous amounts of free imagery from NASA and the ESA Sentinel programs coupled with open source meteorological data and models and new developments in data analytics

    Multi-scale targeting of land degradation in northern Uzbekistan using satellite remote sensing

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    Advancing land degradation (LD) in the irrigated agro-ecosystems of Uzbekistan hinders sustainable development of this predominantly agricultural country. Until now, only sparse and out-of-date information on current land conditions of the irrigated cropland has been available. An improved understanding of this phenomenon as well as operational tools for LD monitoring is therefore a pre-requisite for multi-scale targeting of land rehabilitation practices and sustainable land management. This research aimed to enhance spatial knowledge on the cropland degradation in the irrigated agro-ecosystems in northern Uzbekistan to support policy interventions on land rehabilitation measures. At the regional level, the study combines linear trend analysis, spatial relational analysis, and logistic regression modeling to expose the LD trend and to analyze the causes. Time series of 250-m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), summed over the growing seasons of 2000-2010, were used to determine areas with an apparent negative vegetation trend; this was interpreted as an indicator of LD. The assessment revealed a significant decline in cropland productivity across 23% (94,835 ha) of the arable area. The results of the logistic modeling indicate that the spatial pattern of the observed trend is mainly associated with the level of the groundwater table, land-use intensity, low soil quality, slope, and salinity of the groundwater. To quantify the extent of the cropland degradation at the local level, this research combines object-based change detection and spectral mixture analysis for vegetation cover decline mapping based on multitemporal Landsat TM images from 1998 and 2009. Spatial distribution of fields with decreased vegetation cover is mainly associated with abandoned cropland and land with inherently low-fertility soils located on the outreaches of the irrigation system and bordering natural sandy deserts. The comparison of the Landsat-based map with the LD trend map yielded an overall agreement of 93%. The proposed methodological approach is a useful supplement to the commonly applied trend analysis for detecting LD in cases when plot-specific data are needed but satellite time series of high spatial resolution are not available. To contribute to land rehabilitation options, a GIS-based multi-criteria decision-making approach is elaborated for assessing suitability of degraded irrigated cropland for establishing Elaeagnus angustifolia L. plantations while considering the specific environmental setting of the irrigated agro-ecosystems. The approach utilizes expert knowledge, fuzzy logic, and weighted linear combination to produce a suitability map for the degraded irrigated land. The results reveal that degraded cropland has higher than average suitability potential for afforestation with E. angustifolia. The assessment allows improved understanding of the spatial variability of suitability of degraded irrigated cropland for E. angustifolia and, subsequently, for better-informed spatial planning decisions on land restoration. The results of this research can serve as decision-making support for agricultural planners and policy makers, and can also be used for operational monitoring of cropland degradation in irrigated lowlands in northern Uzbekistan. The elaborated approach can also serve as a basis for LD assessments in similar irrigated agro-ecosystems in Central Asia and elsewhere.Multisclare Bewertung der Landdegradation in Nord-Uzbekistan unter der Verwendung von Satellitenfernerkundung Die zunehmende Landdegradation (LD) in den bewässerten Agrarökosystemen in Usbekistan behindert die nachhaltige Entwicklung dieses vorwiegend landwirtschaftlich geprägten Landes. Bis heute sind nur wenige und veraltete Informationen über die aktuellen Bodenbedingungen der bewässerten Anbauflächen verfügbar. Ein besseres Verständnis dieses Phänomens sowie operationelle Werkzeuge für LD-Monitoring sind daher Voraussetzung für ein nachhaltiges Landmanagement sowie für Landrehabilitationsmaßnahmen. Ziel dieser Studie war es, das räumliche Verständnis der Degradierung von Anbaugebieten in den bewässerten Agrarökosystemsn des nördlichen Usbekistans zu verbessern, um staatliche Interventionen in Bezug auf Landrehabilitationsmaßnahmen zu unterstützen Auf der regionalen Ebene kombiniert die Studie lineare Trendanalyse, räumliche relationale Analyse sowie logistischer Regressionsmodellierung, um den LD-Trend darzustellen und Gründe zu analysieren. Zeitreihen von 250-m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) Bildern wurden für den Zeitraum der Anbauperioden zwischen 2000-2010 untersucht, um Bereiche mit einem offensichtlich negativen Vegetationstrend zu ermitteln. Dieser negative Trend kann als Indikator für LD interpretiert werden. Die Untersuchung ergab eine signifikante Abnahme der Bodenproduktivität auf 23% (94,835 ha) der Anbaufläche. Zudem deuten die Ergebnisse der logistischen Modellierung darauf hin, dass das räumliche Muster des beobachteten Trends überwiegend mit der Höhe des Grundwasserspiegels, der Landnutzungsintensität, der geringen Bodenqualität, der Hangneigung sowie der Grundwasserversalzung zusammenhängt. Um das Ausmaß der Degradation der Anbauflächen auf der lokalen Ebene zu quantifizieren, kombiniert diese Studie objektbasierte Erkennung von Veränderungen und spektrale Mischungsanalyse für die Abnahme der Vegetationsbedeckung auf der Grundlage von multitemporalen Landsat-TM-Bildern im Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2009. Die räumliche Verteilung der Felder mit abnehmender Vegetationsbedeckung hängt überwiegend mit verlassenen Anbauflächen sowie mit nährstoffarmen Böden in den Randbereichen des Bewässerungssystems und an den Grenzen zu natürlichen Sandwüsten zusammen. Ein Vergleich mit der Karte des LD-Trends ergab insgesamt eine Übereinstimmung von 93%. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz ist eine nützliche Ergänzung zu der häufig angewendeten Trendanalyse für die Ermittlung von LD in Regionen, für die keine Satellitenbildzeitreihen mit hoher Auflösung verfügbar sind. Als Beitrag zu Landrehabilitationsmöglichkeiten, wird ein GIS-basierter Multi-Kriterien-Ansatz zur Einschätzung der Eignung von degradierten bewässerten Anbauflächen für Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Plantagen beschrieben, der gleichzeitig die spezifischen Umweltbedingungen der bewässerten Agrarökosysteme berücksichtigt. Dieser Ansatz beinhaltet Expertenwissen, Fuzzy-Logik und gewichtete lineare Kombination, um eine Eignungskarte für die bewässerten degradierten Anbauflächen herzustellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Flächen ein überdurchschnittliches Eignungspotenzial für die Aufforstung mit E. angustifolia aufweisen. Diese Studie trägt zu einem verbesserten Verständnis der räumlichen Variabilität der Eignung von solchen Flächen für E. angustifolia bei. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie können als Entscheidungshilfe für landwirtschaftliche Planer und politische Entscheidungsträger sowie für verbesserte Landrehabilitationsmaßnahmen und operationelles Monitoring der Degradation von Anbauflächen im nördlichen Usbekistan eingesetzt werden. Zudem kann der beschriebene Ansatz als Grundlage für LD-Untersuchungen in ähnlichen bewässerten Agrarökosystemen in Zentralasien und anderswo dienen

    Land Cover and Land Use Indicators: Review of available data

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