16 research outputs found

    The Development Of Hypnotherapy Based - Interpersonal Communication Model For Students Suffered From Game Addiction

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    The purpose of this study is to produce a hypnotherapy-based interpersonal communication model for students who have contracted online games to improve the students' academic achievement at PTIK Dehasen University Bengkulu. The research method was used in development research with limited trials. The results of this limited trial, had aspects determined to state that the hypnotherapy-based interpersonal communication model developed is effective, efficient and practical have been fulfilled, then the development cycle to get an effective, efficient and practical therapy model has ended. This study can be concluded that the hypnotherapy-based communication model is able to reduce the level of online game addiction gradually and consistently, and can influence students' attitudes, opinions and behavior in a dialogic manner and have a positive impact of mental relaxation and a continuous learning spirit so that student academic achievement can increase significantly

    Functional impairment matters in the screening and diagnosis of gaming disorder

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    This commentary responds to Aarseth et al.’s (in press) criticisms that the ICD-11 Gaming Disorder proposal would result in “moral panics around the harm of video gaming” and “the treatment of abundant false-positive cases.” The ICD-11 Gaming Disorder avoids potential “overpathologizing” with its explicit reference to functional impairment caused by gaming and therefore improves upon a number of flawed previous approaches to identifying cases with suspected gaming-related harms. We contend that moral panics are more likely to occur and be exacerbated by misinformation and lack of understanding, rather than proceed from having a clear diagnostic system

    The analysis of cognitive restructuring techniques effectiveness to reduce the online game addiction

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    In schools there are still many students who experience academic disorders such as lazy learning, often neglecting assignments, often skipping school, this is because one of them is because students are addicted to playing online games. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) counseling with cognitive restructuring techniques to reduce online game addiction behavior of students. This research is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental method. The population in this study were students who were addicted to online games. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique, so that the subjects in the experimental group were 8 students and the control group was 8 students. Data collection was done using online game addiction scale that has been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis using score gain testing. The results showed that CBT cognitive restructuring techniques were effective in reducing online game addiction on students. The CBT cognitive restructuring techniques are effective in reducing online game addiction on students

    Dataspillavhengighet – en oversikt over utbredelse, måling, korrelater, og behandling

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    I forskningsmiljøene har det vært diskutert hvorvidt dataspillavhengighet (overdreven og tvangspreget dataspilling) er et nyttig begrep, hvordan det skal defineres og hva slags forklaringsmodeller som er mest passende. Per dags dato finnes det ingen standardisert mål for dataspillavhengighet, noe som har ført til at estimater for utbredelse av problemet er varierende. Studier av utbredelses viser at unge menn er overrepresentert blant de avhengige. Forskning indikerer at lav selvfølelse, lav sosial kompetanse, ensomhet og impulsivitet predikerer dataspillavhengighet. Ensomhet, sosial angst og depresjon ser ut til å være konsekvenser. Hittil har det vært publisert få behandlingsstudier. Forslag til videre forskning diskuteres

    Internet gaming disorder clustering based on personality traits in adolescents, and its relation with comorbid psychological symptoms

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    Altres ajuts: This work was funded by an AIS (Atención e Investigación en Socioaddiciones) intramural research program. This research is partially supported by the Marsden grant E2987-3648 (Royal Society of New Zealand).In recent years, the evidence regarding Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) suggests that some personality traits are important risk factors for developing this problem. The heterogeneity involved in problematic online gaming and differences found in the literature regarding the comorbid psychopathology associated with the problem could be explained through different types of gamers. Clustering analysis can allow organization of a collection of personality traits into clusters based on similarity. The objectives of this study were: (1) to obtain an empirical classification of IGD patients according to personality variables and (2) to describe the resultant groups in terms of clinical and sociodemographic variables. The sample included 66 IGD adolescent patients who were consecutive referrals at a mental health center in Barcelona, Spain. A Gaussian mixture model cluster analysis was used in order to classify the subjects based on their personality. Two clusters based on personality traits were detected: type I "higher comorbid symptoms" (n = 24), and type II "lower comorbid symptoms" (n = 42). The type I included higher scores in introversive, inhibited, doleful, unruly, forceful, oppositional, self-demeaning and borderline tendency traits, and lower scores in histrionic, egotistic and conforming traits. The type I obtained higher scores on all the Symptom Check List-90 items-Revised, all the State-Trait Anxiety Index scales, and on the DSM-5 IGD criteria. Differences in personality can be useful in determining clusters with different types of dysfunctionality

    Altered Eye-Movement Patterns During Text Reading in Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder and Internet Gaming Disorder

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    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and internet gaming disorder (IGD), which are similar in that both involve repetitive behaviors and related with cognitive dysfunctions, frequently begin in early adolescence, which is a critical period for learning. Although the deterioration in cognitive functioning caused by these conditions may have adverse effects on information processing, such as text reading, there has been no comprehensive research on the objective indicators of altered reading patterns in these patients. Therefore, we evaluated eye-movement patterns during text reading in patients with OCD or IGD. In total, 20 patients with OCD, 28 patients with IGD and 24 healthy controls (HCs) participated in the reading task using an eye tracker. We compared the fixation durations (FDs), saccade amplitudes and eye-movement regressions of the three groups during reading. We explored relationships between the parameters reflecting altered reading patterns and those reflecting the severity of clinical symptoms. The average FDs and forward saccade amplitudes did not differ significantly among the groups. There were more eye-movement regressions in patients with OCD than in patients with IGD and HCs. No correlation was found between altered eye-movement patterns during reading and the severity of clinical symptoms in any of the patient groups. The significantly increased number of regressions (NRs) in the OCD group during reading may reflect these patients’ difficulties with inferential information processing, whereas the reading pattern in the IGD group is relatively intact. These findings suggest that patients with OCD and patients with IGD have different eye-movement patterns during reading reflecting distinct cognitive impairments in the two patient groups

    Psychodynamic Treatment of Excessive Virtual Reality Environment Use

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    This clinical case study explores the psychodynamic treatment possibilities of excessive Internet virtual reality environment use. The client discussed resides in the virtual world Second Life and experiences her relationships in this environment as more real and meaningful than those in her real life. Instead of focusing on reducing Internet use, therapy conceptualized use of the virtual environment as a compensatory strategy of escapism and conceptualized the relationships and process in a psychodynamic paradigm. This allowed the therapy to address the defenses of splitting and the recapitulation of traumatic events that were evident in the virtual world within an environment that was safer for the client to explore. As a result of accepting the use of the virtual reality environment as an aid to therapy, the client was able to gain insight into her intrapersonal conflicts and eventually bridge the virtual environment to her real life to initiate a trauma-focused therapy.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Internet Gaming Disorder in adolescents: personality, psychopathology and evaluation of a psychological intervention combined with parent psychoeducation

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    Internet Gaming Disorder is an increasingly prevalent disorder, which can have severe consequences in affected young people and in their families. There is an urgent need to improve existing treatment programs; these are currently hampered by the lack of research in this area. It is necessary to more carefully define the symptomatic, psychosocial and personality characterization of these patients and the interaction between treatment and relevant variables. The objectives of this study were three: (1) to analyze the symptomatic and personality profiles of young patients with Internet Gaming Disorder in comparison with healthy controls; (2) to analyze the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral treatment on reducing symptomatology; and (3) to compare the results of that treatment with or without the addition of a psychoeducational group offered to the parents. The final sample consisted of 30 patients consecutively admitted to a specialized mental health unit in Spain, and 30 healthy controls. The experimental group received individual cognitive-behavioral therapy. The experimental group was divided into two subgroups (N = 15), depending on the addition or not of a psychoeducational group for their parents (consecutively admitted). Scores on the Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory (MACI), the Symptom Checklist-Revised (SCL-90-R), the State-Trait Anxiety Index (STAI), and other clinical and psychopathological measures were recorded. The patients were re-assessed post treatment (except for the MACI questionnaire). Compared with healthy controls, patients did not differ in symptomatology at baseline, but scored significantly higher in the personality scales: Introversive and Inhibited, and in the expressed concerns scales: Identity Confusion, Self-Devaluation, and Peer Insecurity and scored significantly lower in the Histrionic and Egotistic scale. In the experimental group, pre-post changes differed statistically on SCL-90-R scales Hostility, Psychoticism, and Global Severity Index and on the diagnostic criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder, regardless of the addition of a psychoeducational group for parents. Pre-post changes did not differ between experimental subgroups. However, the subgroup without psychoeducation for parents presented statistically higher drop-out rates during treatment. The results of this study are based on a sample of patients seeking treatment related to problems with online gaming, therefore, they may be of value for similar patients.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Combatting digital addiction: Current approaches and future directions

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    In recent years, the notion of digital addiction has become popular. Calls for solutions to combat it, especially in adolescents, are on the rise. Whilst there remains debate on the status of this phenomenon as a diagnosable mental health condition; there is a need for prevention and intervention approaches that encourage individuals to have more control over their digital usage. This narrative review examines digital addiction countermeasures proposed in the last ten years. By countermeasures, we mean strategies and techniques for prevention, harm reduction, and intervention towards addictive digital behaviours. We include studies published in peer-reviewed journals between 2010 and 2021 and based on empirical evidence. In total, 87 studies were included in the review. The findings show that the main countermeasures could be grouped under four categories: psycho-social, software mediated, pharmacological, and combined. Overall, it has been shown that the proposed countermeasures were effective in reducing addictive digital use. However, a general statement on the efficacy of proposed countermeasures cannot be made due to inconsistent conceptualisation of digital addiction and methodological weaknesses. Accordingly, this review highlights issues that need to be addressed in future studies