65,356 research outputs found

    A unified framework for finding differentially expressed genes from microarray experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This paper presents a unified framework for finding differentially expressed genes (DEGs) from the microarray data. The proposed framework has three interrelated modules: (i) gene ranking, ii) significance analysis of genes and (iii) validation. The first module uses two gene selection algorithms, namely, a) two-way clustering and b) combined adaptive ranking to rank the genes. The second module converts the gene ranks into p-values using an R-test and fuses the two sets of p-values using the Fisher's omnibus criterion. The DEGs are selected using the FDR analysis. The third module performs three fold validations of the obtained DEGs. The robustness of the proposed unified framework in gene selection is first illustrated using false discovery rate analysis. In addition, the clustering-based validation of the DEGs is performed by employing an adaptive subspace-based clustering algorithm on the training and the test datasets. Finally, a projection-based visualization is performed to validate the DEGs obtained using the unified framework.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The performance of the unified framework is compared with well-known ranking algorithms such as t-statistics, Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM), Adaptive Ranking, Combined Adaptive Ranking and Two-way Clustering. The performance curves obtained using 50 simulated microarray datasets each following two different distributions indicate the superiority of the unified framework over the other reported algorithms. Further analyses on 3 real cancer datasets and 3 Parkinson's datasets show the similar improvement in performance. First, a 3 fold validation process is provided for the two-sample cancer datasets. In addition, the analysis on 3 sets of Parkinson's data is performed to demonstrate the scalability of the proposed method to multi-sample microarray datasets.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This paper presents a unified framework for the robust selection of genes from the two-sample as well as multi-sample microarray experiments. Two different ranking methods used in module 1 bring diversity in the selection of genes. The conversion of ranks to p-values, the fusion of p-values and FDR analysis aid in the identification of significant genes which cannot be judged based on gene ranking alone. The 3 fold validation, namely, robustness in selection of genes using FDR analysis, clustering, and visualization demonstrate the relevance of the DEGs. Empirical analyses on 50 artificial datasets and 6 real microarray datasets illustrate the efficacy of the proposed approach. The analyses on 3 cancer datasets demonstrate the utility of the proposed approach on microarray datasets with two classes of samples. The scalability of the proposed unified approach to multi-sample (more than two sample classes) microarray datasets is addressed using three sets of Parkinson's Data. Empirical analyses show that the unified framework outperformed other gene selection methods in selecting differentially expressed genes from microarray data.</p

    The Reproducibility of Lists of Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray Studies

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    Reproducibility is a fundamental requirement in scientific experiments and clinical contexts. Recent publications raise concerns about the reliability of microarray technology because of the apparent lack of agreement between lists of differentially expressed genes (DEGs). In this study we demonstrate that (1) such discordance may stem from ranking and selecting DEGs solely by statistical significance (P) derived from widely used simple t-tests; (2) when fold change (FC) is used as the ranking criterion, the lists become much more reproducible, especially when fewer genes are selected; and (3) the instability of short DEG lists based on P cutoffs is an expected mathematical consequence of the high variability of the t-values. We recommend the use of FC ranking plus a non-stringent P cutoff as a baseline practice in order to generate more reproducible DEG lists. The FC criterion enhances reproducibility while the P criterion balances sensitivity and specificity

    Variable Selection and Parameter Tuning in High-Dimensional Prediction

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    In the context of classification using high-dimensional data such as microarray gene expression data, it is often useful to perform preliminary variable selection. For example, the k-nearest-neighbors classification procedure yields a much higher accuracy when applied on variables with high discriminatory power. Typical (univariate) variable selection methods for binary classification are, e.g., the two-sample t-statistic or the Mann-Whitney test. In small sample settings, the classification error rate is often estimated using cross-validation (CV) or related approaches. The variable selection procedure has then to be applied for each considered training set anew, i.e. for each CV iteration successively. Performing variable selection based on the whole sample before the CV procedure would yield a downwardly biased error rate estimate. CV may also be used to tune parameters involved in a classification method. For instance, the penalty parameter in penalized regression or the cost in support vector machines are most often selected using CV. This type of CV is usually denoted as "internal CV" in contrast to the "external CV" performed to estimate the error rate, while the term "nested CV" refers to the whole procedure embedding two CV loops. While variable selection and parameter tuning have been widely investigated in the context of high-dimensional classification, it is still unclear how they should be combined if a classification method involves both variable selection and parameter tuning. For example, the k-nearest-neighbors method usually requires variable selection and involves a tuning parameter: the number k of neighbors. It is well-known that variable selection should be repeated for each external CV iteration. But should we also repeat variable selection for each it internal CV iteration or rather perform tuning based on fixed subset of variables? While the first variant seems more natural, it implies a huge computational expense and its benefit in terms of error rate remains unknown. In this paper, we assess both variants quantitatively using real microarray data sets. We focus on two representative examples: k-nearest-neighbors (with k as tuning parameter) and Partial Least Squares dimension reduction followed by linear discriminant analysis (with the number of components as tuning parameter). We conclude that the more natural but computationally expensive variant with repeated variable selection does not necessarily lead to better accuracy and point out the potential pitfalls of both variants

    Identification of disease-causing genes using microarray data mining and gene ontology

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    Background: One of the best and most accurate methods for identifying disease-causing genes is monitoring gene expression values in different samples using microarray technology. One of the shortcomings of microarray data is that they provide a small quantity of samples with respect to the number of genes. This problem reduces the classification accuracy of the methods, so gene selection is essential to improve the predictive accuracy and to identify potential marker genes for a disease. Among numerous existing methods for gene selection, support vector machine-based recursive feature elimination (SVMRFE) has become one of the leading methods, but its performance can be reduced because of the small sample size, noisy data and the fact that the method does not remove redundant genes. Methods: We propose a novel framework for gene selection which uses the advantageous features of conventional methods and addresses their weaknesses. In fact, we have combined the Fisher method and SVMRFE to utilize the advantages of a filtering method as well as an embedded method. Furthermore, we have added a redundancy reduction stage to address the weakness of the Fisher method and SVMRFE. In addition to gene expression values, the proposed method uses Gene Ontology which is a reliable source of information on genes. The use of Gene Ontology can compensate, in part, for the limitations of microarrays, such as having a small number of samples and erroneous measurement results. Results: The proposed method has been applied to colon, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) and prostate cancer datasets. The empirical results show that our method has improved classification performance in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. In addition, the study of the molecular function of selected genes strengthened the hypothesis that these genes are involved in the process of cancer growth. Conclusions: The proposed method addresses the weakness of conventional methods by adding a redundancy reduction stage and utilizing Gene Ontology information. It predicts marker genes for colon, DLBCL and prostate cancer with a high accuracy. The predictions made in this study can serve as a list of candidates for subsequent wet-lab verification and might help in the search for a cure for cancers

    Optimal classifier selection and negative bias in error rate estimation: An empirical study on high-dimensional prediction

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    In biometric practice, researchers often apply a large number of different methods in a "trial-and-error" strategy to get as much as possible out of their data and, due to publication pressure or pressure from the consulting customer, present only the most favorable results. This strategy may induce a substantial optimistic bias in prediction error estimation, which is quantitatively assessed in the present manuscript. The focus of our work is on class prediction based on high-dimensional data (e.g. microarray data), since such analyses are particularly exposed to this kind of bias. In our study we consider a total of 124 variants of classifiers (possibly including variable selection or tuning steps) within a cross-validation evaluation scheme. The classifiers are applied to original and modified real microarray data sets, some of which are obtained by randomly permuting the class labels to mimic non-informative predictors while preserving their correlation structure. We then assess the minimal misclassification rate over the different variants of classifiers in order to quantify the bias arising when the optimal classifier is selected a posteriori in a data-driven manner. The bias resulting from the parameter tuning (including gene selection parameters as a special case) and the bias resulting from the choice of the classification method are examined both separately and jointly. We conclude that the strategy to present only the optimal result is not acceptable, and suggest alternative approaches for properly reporting classification accuracy

    Knowledge-based gene expression classification via matrix factorization

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    Motivation: Modern machine learning methods based on matrix decomposition techniques, like independent component analysis (ICA) or non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), provide new and efficient analysis tools which are currently explored to analyze gene expression profiles. These exploratory feature extraction techniques yield expression modes (ICA) or metagenes (NMF). These extracted features are considered indicative of underlying regulatory processes. They can as well be applied to the classification of gene expression datasets by grouping samples into different categories for diagnostic purposes or group genes into functional categories for further investigation of related metabolic pathways and regulatory networks. Results: In this study we focus on unsupervised matrix factorization techniques and apply ICA and sparse NMF to microarray datasets. The latter monitor the gene expression levels of human peripheral blood cells during differentiation from monocytes to macrophages. We show that these tools are able to identify relevant signatures in the deduced component matrices and extract informative sets of marker genes from these gene expression profiles. The methods rely on the joint discriminative power of a set of marker genes rather than on single marker genes. With these sets of marker genes, corroborated by leave-one-out or random forest cross-validation, the datasets could easily be classified into related diagnostic categories. The latter correspond to either monocytes versus macrophages or healthy vs Niemann Pick C disease patients.Siemens AG, MunichDFG (Graduate College 638)DAAD (PPP Luso - Alem˜a and PPP Hispano - Alemanas

    Bayesian meta-analysis for identifying periodically expressed genes in fission yeast cell cycle

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    The effort to identify genes with periodic expression during the cell cycle from genome-wide microarray time series data has been ongoing for a decade. However, the lack of rigorous modeling of periodic expression as well as the lack of a comprehensive model for integrating information across genes and experiments has impaired the effort for the accurate identification of periodically expressed genes. To address the problem, we introduce a Bayesian model to integrate multiple independent microarray data sets from three recent genome-wide cell cycle studies on fission yeast. A hierarchical model was used for data integration. In order to facilitate an efficient Monte Carlo sampling from the joint posterior distribution, we develop a novel Metropolis--Hastings group move. A surprising finding from our integrated analysis is that more than 40% of the genes in fission yeast are significantly periodically expressed, greatly enhancing the reported 10--15% of the genes in the current literature. It calls for a reconsideration of the periodically expressed gene detection problem.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOAS300 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Gene expression patterns in anterior pituitary associated with quantitative measure of oestrous behaviour in dairy cows

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    Intensive selection for high milk yield in dairy cows has raised production levels substantially but at the cost of reduced fertility, which manifests in different ways including reduced expression of oestrous behaviour. The genomic regulation of oestrous behaviour in bovines remains largely unknown. Here, we aimed to identify and study those genes that were associated with oestrous behaviour among genes expressed in the bovine anterior pituitary either at the start of oestrous cycle or at the mid-cycle (around day 12 of cycle), or regardless of the phase of cycle. Oestrous behaviour was recorded in each of 28 primiparous cows from 30 days in milk onwards till the day of their sacrifice (between 77 and 139 days in milk) and quantified as heat scores. An average heat score value was calculated for each cow from heat scores observed during consecutive oestrous cycles excluding the cycle on the day of sacrifice. A microarray experiment was designed to measure gene expression in the anterior pituitary of these cows, 14 of which were sacrificed at the start of oestrous cycle (day 0) and 14 around day 12 of cycle (day 12). Gene expression was modelled as a function of the orthogonally transformed average heat score values using a Bayesian hierarchical mixed model on data from day 0 cows alone (analysis 1), day 12 cows alone (analysis 2) and the combined data from day 0 and day 12 cows (analysis 3). Genes whose expression patterns showed significant linear or non-linear relationships with average heat scores were identified in all three analyses (177, 142 and 118 genes, respectively). Gene ontology terms enriched among genes identified in analysis 1 revealed processes associated with expression of oestrous behaviour whereas the terms enriched among genes identified in analysis 2 and 3 were general processes which may facilitate proper expression of oestrous behaviour at the subsequent oestrus. Studying these genes will help to improve our understanding of the genomic regulation of oestrous behaviour, ultimately leading to better management strategies and tools to improve or monitor reproductive performance in bovines