13 research outputs found

    Parallel Construction of Wavelet Trees on Multicore Architectures

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    The wavelet tree has become a very useful data structure to efficiently represent and query large volumes of data in many different domains, from bioinformatics to geographic information systems. One problem with wavelet trees is their construction time. In this paper, we introduce two algorithms that reduce the time complexity of a wavelet tree's construction by taking advantage of nowadays ubiquitous multicore machines. Our first algorithm constructs all the levels of the wavelet in parallel in O(n)O(n) time and O(nlgσ+σlgn)O(n\lg\sigma + \sigma\lg n) bits of working space, where nn is the size of the input sequence and σ\sigma is the size of the alphabet. Our second algorithm constructs the wavelet tree in a domain-decomposition fashion, using our first algorithm in each segment, reaching O(lgn)O(\lg n) time and O(nlgσ+pσlgn/lgσ)O(n\lg\sigma + p\sigma\lg n/\lg\sigma) bits of extra space, where pp is the number of available cores. Both algorithms are practical and report good speedup for large real datasets.Comment: This research has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sk{\l}odowska-Curie Actions H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 BIRDS GA No. 69094

    Approximate Cover of Strings

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    Regularities in strings arise in various areas of science, including coding and automata theory, formal language theory, combinatorics, molecular biology and many others. A common notion to describe regularity in a string T is a cover, which is a string C for which every letter of T lies within some occurrence of C. The alignment of the cover repetitions in the given text is called a tiling. In many applications finding exact repetitions is not sufficient, due to the presence of errors. In this paper, we use a new approach for handling errors in coverable phenomena and define the approximate cover problem (ACP), in which we are given a text that is a sequence of some cover repetitions with possible mismatch errors, and we seek a string that covers the text with the minimum number of errors. We first show that the ACP is NP-hard, by studying the cover-size relaxation of the ACP, in which the requested size of the approximate cover is also given with the input string. We show this relaxation is already NP-hard. We also study another two relaxations of the ACP, which we call the partial-tiling relaxation of the ACP and the full-tiling relaxation of the ACP, in which a tiling of the requested cover is also given with the input string. A given full tiling retains all the occurrences of the cover before the errors, while in a partial tiling there can be additional occurrences of the cover that are not marked by the tiling. We show that the partial-tiling relaxation has a polynomial time complexity and give experimental evidence that the full-tiling also has polynomial time complexity. The study of these relaxations, besides shedding another light on the complexity of the ACP, also involves a deep understanding of the properties of covers, yielding some key lemmas and observations that may be helpful for a future study of regularities in the presence of errors

    Ψ-RA: a parallel sparse index for genomic read alignment

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    Background Genomic read alignment involves mapping (exactly or approximately) short reads from a particular individual onto a pre-sequenced reference genome of the same species. Because all individuals of the same species share the majority of their genomes, short reads alignment provides an alternative and much more efficient way to sequence the genome of a particular individual than does direct sequencing. Among many strategies proposed for this alignment process, indexing the reference genome and short read searching over the index is a dominant technique. Our goal is to design a space-efficient indexing structure with fast searching capability to catch the massive short reads produced by the next generation high-throughput DNA sequencing technology. Results We concentrate on indexing DNA sequences via sparse suffix arrays (SSAs) and propose a new short read aligner named Ψ-RA (PSI-RA: parallel sparse index read aligner). The motivation in using SSAs is the ability to trade memory against time. It is possible to fine tune the space consumption of the index based on the available memory of the machine and the minimum length of the arriving pattern queries. Although SSAs have been studied before for exact matching of short reads, an elegant way of approximate matching capability was missing. We provide this by defining the rightmost mismatch criteria that prioritize the errors towards the end of the reads, where errors are more probable. Ψ-RA supports any number of mismatches in aligning reads. We give comparisons with some of the well-known short read aligners, and show that indexing a genome with SSA is a good alternative to the Burrows-Wheeler transform or seed-based solutions. Conclusions Ψ-RA is expected to serve as a valuable tool in the alignment of short reads generated by the next generation high-throughput sequencing technology. Ψ-RA is very fast in exact matching and also supports rightmost approximate matching. The SSA structure that Ψ-RA is built on naturally incorporates the modern multicore architecture and thus further speed-up can be gained. All the information, including the source code of Ψ-RA, can be downloaded at: http://www.busillis.com/o_kulekci/PSIRA.zip webcite

    Can We Recover the Cover?

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    Data analysis typically involves error recovery and detection of regularities as two different key tasks. In this paper we show that there are data types for which these two tasks can be powerfully combined. A common notion of regularity in strings is that of a cover. Data describing measures of a natural coverable phenomenon may be corrupted by errors caused by the measurement process, or by the inexact features of the phenomenon itself. Due to this reason, different variants of approximate covers have been introduced, some of which are NP-hard to compute. In this paper we assume that the Hamming distance metric measures the amount of corruption experienced, and study the problem of recovering the correct cover from data corrupted by mismatch errors, formally defined as the cover recovery problem (CRP). We show that for the Hamming distance metric, coverability is a powerful property allowing detecting the original cover and correcting the data, under suitable conditions. We also study a relaxation of another problem, which is called the approximate cover problem (ACP). Since the ACP is proved to be NP-hard [Amir,Levy,Lubin,Porat, CPM 2017], we study a relaxation, which we call the candidate-relaxation of the ACP, and show it has a polynomial time complexity. As a result, we get that the ACP also has a polynomial time complexity in many practical situations. An important application of our ACP relaxation study is also a polynomial time algorithm for the cover recovery problem (CRP)

    Faster External Memory LCP Array Construction

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    The suffix array, perhaps the most important data structure in modern string processing, needs to be augmented with the longest-common-prefix (LCP) array in many applications. Their construction is often a major bottleneck especially when the data is too big for internal memory. We describe two new algorithms for computing the LCP array from the suffix array in external memory. Experiments demonstrate that the new algorithms are about a factor of two faster than the fastest previous algorithm

    Space-Efficient Graph Coarsening with Applications to Succinct Planar Encodings

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    We present a novel space-efficient graph coarsening technique for n-vertex planar graphs G, called cloud partition, which partitions the vertices V(G) into disjoint sets C of size O(log n) such that each C induces a connected subgraph of G. Using this partition ? we construct a so-called structure-maintaining minor F of G via specific contractions within the disjoint sets such that F has O(n/log n) vertices. The combination of (F, ?) is referred to as a cloud decomposition. For planar graphs we show that a cloud decomposition can be constructed in O(n) time and using O(n) bits. Given a cloud decomposition (F, ?) constructed for a planar graph G we are able to find a balanced separator of G in O(n/log n) time. Contrary to related publications, we do not make use of an embedding of the planar input graph. We generalize our cloud decomposition from planar graphs to H-minor-free graphs for any fixed graph H. This allows us to construct the succinct encoding scheme for H-minor-free graphs due to Blelloch and Farzan (CPM 2010) in O(n) time and O(n) bits improving both runtime and space by a factor of ?(log n). As an additional application of our cloud decomposition we show that, for H-minor-free graphs, a tree decomposition of width O(n^{1/2 + ?}) for any ? > 0 can be constructed in O(n) bits and a time linear in the size of the tree decomposition. A similar result by Izumi and Otachi (ICALP 2020) constructs a tree decomposition of width O(k ?n log n) for graphs of treewidth k ? ?n in sublinear space and polynomial time

    Efficient algorithms for local forest similarity and forest pattern matching

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    Ordered labelled trees are trees where each node has a label and the left-to-right order among siblings is significant. Ordered labelled forests are sequences of ordered labelled trees. Ordered labelled trees and forests are useful structures for hierarchical data representation. Given two ordered labelled forests F and G, the local forest similarity is to compute two sub-forests F\u27 and G\u27 of F and G respectively such that they are the most similar over all the possible F\u27 and G\u27. Given a target forest F and a pattern forest G, the forest pattern matching problem is to compute a sub-forest F\u27 of F which is the most similar to G over all the possible F\u27. This thesis presents novel efficient algorithms for the local forest similarity problem and forest pattern matching problem for sub-forest. An application of the algorithms is that it can be used to locate the structural regions in RNA secondary structures which is the necessity data in RNA secondary structure prediction and function investigation. RNA is a chain molecular, mathematically it is a string over a four letter alphabet; in computational molecular biology, labeled ordered trees are used to represent RNA secondary structures

    Efficient Algorithms for Local Forest Similarity

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    An ordered labelled tree is a tree where the left-to-right order among siblings is significant. Ordered labelled forests are sequences of ordered labelled trees. Given two ordered labelled forests F and G. the local forest similarity is to find two sub­ forests F\u27 and G\u27 of F and G respectively such that they are the most similar over all possible F\u27 and G\u27. In this thesis, we present efficient algorithms for the local forest similarity problem for two types of sub-forests: sibling subforests and closed subforests. Our algorithms can be used to locate the structural regions in RNA secondary structures since RNA molecules’ secondary structures could be represented as ordered labelled forests

    Compressed Full-Text Indexes for Highly Repetitive Collections

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    This thesis studies problems related to compressed full-text indexes. A full-text index is a data structure for indexing textual (sequence) data, so that the occurrences of any query string in the data can be found efficiently. While most full-text indexes require much more space than the sequences they index, recent compressed indexes have overcome this limitation. These compressed indexes combine a compressed representation of the index with some extra information that allows decompressing any part of the data efficiently. This way, they provide similar functionality as the uncompressed indexes, while using only slightly more space than the compressed data. The efficiency of data compression is usually measured in terms of entropy. While entropy-based estimates predict the compressed size of most texts accurately, they fail with highly repetitive collections of texts. Examples of such collections include different versions of a document and the genomes of a number of individuals from the same population. While the entropy of a highly repetitive collection is usually similar to that of a text of the same kind, the collection can often be compressed much better than the entropy-based estimate. Most compressed full-text indexes are based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT). Originally intended for data compression, the BWT has deep connections with full-text indexes such as the suffix tree and the suffix array. With some additional information, these indexes can be simulated with the Burrows-Wheeler transform. The first contribution of this thesis is the first BWT-based index that can compress highly repetitive collections efficiently. Compressed indexes allow us to handle much larger data sets than the corresponding uncompressed indexes. To take full advantage of this, we need algorithms for constructing the compressed index directly, instead of first constructing an uncompressed index and then compressing it. The second contribution of this thesis is an algorithm for merging the BWT-based indexes of two text collections. By using this algorithm, we can derive better space-efficient construction algorithms for BWT-based indexes. The basic BWT-based indexes provide similar functionality as the suffix array. With some additional structures, the functionality can be extended to that of the suffix tree. One of the structures is an array storing the lengths of the longest common prefixes of lexicographically adjacent suffixes of the text. The third contribution of this thesis is a space-efficient algorithm for constructing this array, and a new compressed representation of the array. In the case of individual genomes, the highly repetitive collection can be considered a sample from a larger collection. This collection consists of a reference sequence and a set of possible differences from the reference, so that each sequence contains a subset of the differences. The fourth contribution of this thesis is a BWT-based index that extrapolates the larger collection from the sample and indexes it.Tässä väitöskirjassa käsitellään tiivistettyjä kokotekstihakemistoja tekstimuotoisille aineistoille. Kokotekstihakemistot ovat tietorakenteita, jotka mahdollistavat mielivaltaisten hahmojen esiintymien löytämisen tekstistä tehokkaasti. Perinteiset kokotekstihakemistot, kuten loppuosapuut ja -taulukot, vievät moninkertaisesti tilaa itse aineistoon nähden. Viime aikoina on kuitenkin kehitetty tiivistettyjä hakemistorakenteita, jotka tarjoavat vastaavan toiminnallisuuden alkuperäistä tekstiä pienemmässä tilassa. Tämä on mahdollistanut aikaisempaa suurempien aineistojen käsittelyn. Tekstin tiivistyvyyttä mitataan yleensä suhteessa sen entropiaan. Vaikka entropiaan perustuvat arviot ovat useimmilla aineistoilla varsin tarkkoja, aliarvioivat ne vahvasti toisteisien aineistojen tiivistyvyyttä. Esimerkkejä tällaisista aineistoista ovat kokoelmat saman populaation yksilöiden genomeita tai saman dokumentin eri versioita. Siinä missä tällaisen kokoelman entropia suhteessa aineiston kokoon on vastaava kuin yksittäisellä samaa tyyppiä olevalla tekstillä, tiivistyy kokoelma yleensä huomattavasti paremmin kuin entropian perusteella voisi odottaa. Useimmat tiivistetyt kokotekstihakemistot perustuvat Burrows-Wheeler-muunnokseen (BWT), joka kehitettiin alun perin tekstimuotoisten aineistojen tiivistämiseen. Pian kuitenkin havaittiin, että koska BWT muistuttaa rakenteeltaan loppuosapuuta ja -taulukkoa, voidaan sitä käyttää niissä tehtävien hakujen simulointiin. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetään ensimmäinen BWT-pohjainen kokotekstihakemisto, joka pystyy tiivistämään vahvasti toisteiset aineistot tehokkaasti. Tiivistettyjen tietorakenteiden käyttö mahdollistaa suurempien aineistoiden käsittelemisen kuin tavallisia tietorakenteita käytettäessä. Tämä etu kuitenkin menetetään, jos tiivistetty tietorakenne muodostetaan luomalla ensin vastaava tavallinen tietorakenne ja tiivistämällä se. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetään aikaisempaa vähemmän muistia käyttäviä algoritmeja BWT-pohjaisten kokotekstihakemistojen muodostamiseen. Kokoelma yksilöiden genomeita voidaan käsittää otokseksi suuremmasta kokoelmasta, joka koostuu populaation kaikkien yksilöiden sekä niiden hypoteettisten jälkeläisten genomeista. Tällainen kokoelma voidaan esittää äärellisenä automaattina, joka muodostuu referenssigenomista ja yksilöiden genomeissa esiintyvistä poikkeamista referenssistä. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetään BWT-pohjaisten kokotekstihakemistojen yleistys, joka mahdollistaa tällaisten automaattien indeksoinnin