24 research outputs found

    Color in context: psychological context moderates the influence of red on approach- and avoidance-motivated behavior.

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    A basic premise of the recently proffered color-in-context model is that the influence of color on psychological functioning varies as a function of the psychological context in which color is perceived. Some research has examined the appetitive and aversive implications of viewing the color red in romance- and achievement-relevant contexts, respectively, but in all existing empirical work approach and avoidance behavior has been studied in separate tasks and separate experiments. Research is needed to directly test whether red influences the same behavior differently depending entirely on psychological context. The present experiment was designed to put this premise to direct test in romance- and achievement-relevant contexts within the same experimental paradigm involving walking behavior. Our results revealed that exposure to red (but not blue) indeed has differential implications for walking behavior as a function of the context in which the color is perceived. Red increased the speed with which participants walked to an ostensible interview about dating (a romance-relevant context), but decreased the speed with which they walked to an ostensible interview about intelligence (an achievement-relevant context). These results are the first direct evidence that the influence of red on psychological functioning in humans varies by psychological context. Our findings contribute to both the literature on color psychology and the broader, emerging literature on the influence of context on basic psychological processes

    The Economics of Color: A Null Result

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    Color research has a long tradition in psychology, consumer behavior, and marketing research. The literature suggests that exposure to colors influences mood and emotions of humans as well as their attitudes towards products. This paper makes two contributions. First, we review the existing literature in science and psychology on the effects of environmental colors (red and blue) on physiological functions, mood, and consumer/economic decision-making, insofar it may be potentially relevant to experimental and behavioral economists. Second, we conduct a laboratory experiment with a typical experimental economics subject pool testing the effects of environmental colors red and blue on decision-making in an incentivized Ultimatum Game experiment. We find no statistically significant effect. However, we also cannot replicate previous results of exposure to colors red and blue on mood as measured by established questionnaire instruments. Our results suggest that experimental economists do not need to worry about the potential confound of colors in economic decision-making.Series: Department of Strategy and Innovation Working Paper Serie

    Free drawing learning to recognize children’s characters

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    This descriptive qualitative study described the personality or characteristics of children based on the colors used in drawing activities. The subjects in this study were the Pembina Kindergarten students in the city of Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. They were determined by using snowball sampling technique. The data collected through observations and documentation analysis by researchers without being directly involved in activities. The data analysis technique used was an interactive model which consists of three activity lines: i) Data reduction; ii) Data display; and iii) Drawing conclusions and data verification.

    Study on the impact of gender and emotions on online travel buying behaviour

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    En la actualidad, gran parte de las compras se realizan online y es necesario investigar la influencia de aspectos referentes a los sitios Web sobre las percepciones de los consumidores para un diseño de esos sitios web. Este trabajo es el primer estudio que nos consta en la literatura que aborda el efecto del género en las preferencias, colores y emociones de los compradores online de viajes. El objetivo es conocer las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en las preferencias de presentación de información y características de sitios web de venta online de billetes de transporte y en la asociación de colores y emociones. Para la investigación se utilizaron 173 encuestas de compradores de billetes online de transporte. Los resultados indican diferencias por género referentes a las asociaciones de emociones y colores y de aspectos objetivos y subjetivos de los sitios Web, que suponen información interesante, tanto para el mundo académico, como para el mundo profesiona

    El efecto del género, las preferencias y las emociones en la compra online

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    En la actualidad, gran parte de las compras se realizan online y es necesario investigar la influencia de aspectos referentes a los sitios web sobre las percepciones de los consumidores. Este trabajo es el primer estudio que nos consta en la literatura que aborda el efecto del género en las preferencias y las emociones de los compradores de billetes electrónicos de transporte. El estudio investiga las preferencias y emociones de los consumidores respecto de características de los sitios web de venta de billetes de transporte y explora posibles diferencias entre hombres y mujeres. Para la investigación se utilizaron 173 encuestas de compradores de billetes online de transporte. Los resultados indican diferencias por género referentes a las asociaciones de emociones y colores y de aspectos objetivos y subjetivos de los sitios web, que suponen información interesante, tanto para el mundo académico, como implicaciones para la gestión. __________________________________ Nowadays, the Internet is considered to be the main tool for the organization of all kind of shopping activities, which is why we found necessary to study the influence of web site characteristics. This study is the first we know in the literature that approaches the gender effect on the consumers´ preferences and emotions regarding the shopping of electronic transportation tickets. This investigation deals with the consumer´s emotions and preferences as for the characteristics of online tickets´ web sites characteristics and explores differences according to buyer gender. For this research, we collected information from 173 surveys, from buyers of online transportation tickets. Results show gender differences related to associations between colors and emotions and objective and subjective web site issues, which involves interesting information, both for the academic world and managerial implications

    Extending Color Psychology to the Personality Realm: Interpersonal Hostility Varies by Red Preferences and Perceptual Biases

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    The color psychology literature has made a convincing case that color is not just about aesthetics, but also about meaning. This work has involved situational manipulations of color, rendering it uncertain as to whether color-meaning associations can be used to characterize how people differ from each other. The present research focuses on the idea that the color red is linked to, or associated with, individual differences in interpersonal hostility. Across four studies (N = 376 undergraduates), red preferences and perceptual biases were measured along with individual differences in interpersonal hostility. It was found that (a) a preference for the color red was higher as interpersonal hostility increased, (b) hostile people were biased to see the color red more frequently than nonhostile people, and (c) there was a relationship between a preference for the color red and hostile social decision making. These studies represent an important extension of the color psychology literature, highlighting the need to attend to person-based, as well as situation-based, factors

    Color in achievement contexts in humans

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    Internet gambling : the effects of colours and sounds on decision making

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    Internet gambling is a very popular way of gambling. People can gamble anytime and everywhere, at home, at their job, in a public library and 24 hours a day, with only a device connected to the internet. With this new type of gambling some questions emerge. How different is gambling online and gambling in the traditional houses? How different are the structural characteristics frames of those two distinct forms of gambling? Having that in mind, we investigate the effects of two structural characteristics – colour and sound – on gamblers behavior. We found that the colour effect seems to increase the psychological salience of losses in online gambling and this triggers in the gambler an attempt to recover previous losses

    Color as the main element of design

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    The Effect of Color in Website Design: Searching for Medical Information Online

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    As the spread of the internet continues, more people than ever search for medical information online when in need of health advice. Color is a prominent part of website aesthetics, and has been shown in the literature to have both positive and negative psychological effects. A total of 120 participants took part in the present study where the effect of the colors grey, blue, orange and red was tested on the task of searching for medical information online. An experimental website was manipulated with different color schemes, inspired by existing popular websites with the purpose of providing medical information online. Participants then used the website to find and comprehend information about a fictitious disease. Overall, the results showed no statistically significant effect of website color on either ratings or time spent using the website. A three-way interaction between color, gender and ratings was found, where females rated the red website significantly higher than males on almost all dimensions. The results are discussed in light of similar findings of the color red and its negative effect on males. Future research involving other areas where the potential effect of color might be of benefit is suggested