79 research outputs found

    Every breath you take: An examination of the natural phenomenon of stalking

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    Everyone is a potential stalker, given the right set of circumstances. There are a vast number of tools readily available—from social media networking to easily accessible websites that provide background checks for a minimal fee—that allow individuals to observe the life (or lives) of whomever they so desire. But what are the innate, essential traits and characteristics of an individual that extends beyond the more normative expression of romantic interest and the general curiosity that is a natural and accepted occurrence for anyone who has ever been infatuated with another? This paper will consider the intentionality and motivation behind stalking, including cyber-stalking, as well as the general obsessive behavior that acts as a proclivity toward stalking and ultimately conclude that everyone is a potential stalker and, further, that we as a society are being conditioned by the media—particularly social media—to accept stalking as a natural phenomenon

    “Cyberstalking” : 情報通信技術を用いたストーキング

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    Turbulence, Turmoil, and Termination: The Dark Side of Social Networking Sites for Romantic Relationships

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    Excerpt: Social networking websites (SNSs) have become an integral medium for communicating within and about interpersonal relationships (boyd & Ellison, 2008; Stafford & Hillyer, 2012). SNSs have been lauded for their ability to unite distal friends, maintain relational ties, facilitate relationship development, and promote social capital (e.g., Ellison, Vitak, Gray, & Lampe, 2014; Fox, Warber, & Makstaller, 2013; McEwan, 2013). Although considerable research has elected to focus on the benefits of using SNSs, it is also important to examine the dark side of computer-mediated communication (DeAndrea, Tong, & Walther, 2011). For example, SNS use has been tied to decreases in psychological well-being (Chen & Lee, 2013), and scholars have noted negative psychological outcomes when users experience rejection on SNSs (e.g., Bevan, Ang, & Fearns, 2014; Tokunaga, 2011a, 2014)

    The impact of cyberstalking: the lived experience - a thematic analysis.

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    Cyberstalking (CS) can have major psychosocial impacts on individuals. Victims report a number of serious consequences of victimization such as increased suicidal ideation, fear, anger, depression, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomology. Research is largely limited to quantitative outcome research. This study examines the diversity of experiences reported by people who define themselves as having been cyberstalked. Thematic analysis was used to explore 100 CS victim narratives, gathered by means of an online survey questionnaire designed to capture structured text responses. Five emergent themes were evident in the data: control and intimidation; determined offender; development of harassment; negative consequences; and lack of support. Findings identify similarities and differences to traditional stalking, along with the necessity of support for victims and illustration of the negative impacts this form of harassment produces

    Creencias justificadoras de la violencia, mitos sobre el amor y abuso online en el noviazgo

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    Distorted beliefs about violence and love are often associated with the presence of violence in dating relationships. This study analyzes the relationship between beliefs that justify violence and myths about love in two types of cyber dating abuse (control and direct aggression). Method: The sample consisted of 656 young people between the ages of 18 and 30 years (79.5% women). Results: Regression analysis showed that justifi cation of cyber dating abuse was signifi cantly associated with a higher likelihood of direct aggression in online dating relationships. Myths about love were associated with a greater likelihood of control in online dating relationships. Furthermore, the relationship between justifi cation of cyber dating abuse and perpetration of direct aggression was stronger in women. The relationship between myths about love and perpetration of online control was stronger among the youngest individuals. Conclusion: The justifi cation of abuse and myths about love are important aspects in the development of different kinds of online abuse among young couples. This finding has important implications for the prevention of and intervention in these behaviorsLas creencias distorsionadas sobre la violencia y el amor se han relacionado con la presencia de violencia en las relaciones de pareja. El presente estudio analiza la relación de las creencias que justifican la violencia y los mitos del amor en dos formas de abuso online en el noviazgo (control y agresión directa). Método: la muestra estuvo compuesta por 656 jóvenes de entre 18 y 30 años (79.5% mujeres). Resultados: los análisis de regresión pusieron de manifiesto que la justificación del abuso online se asoció significativamente a una mayor probabilidad de perpetración de agresión directa online en relaciones de noviazgo. Los mitos del amor, por su parte, se relacionaron con una mayor probabilidad de perpetración de control online. Además, la relación entre la justificación del abuso online y la perpetración de agresión directa fue más fuerte entre las mujeres. Por su parte, la relación entre los mitos sobre el amor y la perpetración de control fue más fuerte entre los más jóvenes. Conclusión: la justificación del abuso y los mitos del amor se presentan como aspectos importantes en la aparición de formas de abuso online en parejas. Esto tiene importantes implicaciones para la prevención e intervención sobre estos comportamientosThis research was supported by a DEusto unversity Training Grant (University of Deusto, Bilbao) and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spanish Government) grant PSI2012-3155

    Digital intimate partner violence among peruvian youths : validation of an instrument and a theoretical proposal

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    The present study presents psychometric information on a new instrument, the Digital Intimate Partner Violence Questionnaire (DIPVQ), and explores the similitudes and differences between in-person and digital-based abuses (those that involve the use of information and communication technologies [ICTs]). In all, 449 Peruvian students took part in the study (X = 21.2 years; SD = 4.3 years; 73% women). DIPVQ structure was determined by carrying out an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with polychoric correlation matrices and oblique rotation. In-person violence was assessed using the Dating Violence Questionnaire (DVQ) and self-labeling questions (e.g., feeling trapped, afraid, and abused). Relationship satisfaction was assessed using the Perceived Relationship Quality Components–Short Form (PRQC-SF). EFA showed a two-scale structure for the DIPVQ: control-centered cyberabuse (N = 5; control, monitoring, and identity theft; EAP alpha = .96) and damage-centered cyberabuse (N = 7; unwanted sexual contents, blackmailing, and causing debts throughout ICT; Expected-A-Posteriori alpha = .97). DIPVQ had direct relationship to DVQ and self-labeling (p < .001; d = 0.38-1.18), and inverse to PRQC-SF (p = .11; d = .22-.33). Behaviors such as impersonation and monitoring were reported by more than 20% of participants. Online and offline victimization coexist in 42% of cases, while 3.6% of aggressions happened exclusively via ICT. DIPVQ is a valid and reliable measure of digital victimization. The controlcentered scale had a higher frequency, although the damage-centered scale had stronger relationship to feeling afraid and abused. While previous literature has classified online aggressions regarding their aesthetic appearance, it seems that their functional value (control vs. hurting) could provide a better framework for understanding these aggressions

    ‘Anti’-Social Media: Narcissism and Self-Control as Predictors of Facebook Self-Disclosure

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    Internationally forestry and wood products supply chains are being transformed. This traditionally resource intensive low technology sector is moving rapidly towards precision-manufacturing, advanced technology use and innovation in ways that increase the value and sustainability of wood within the emerging bio-economy. This research-in-progress reports on a major Australian Research Council funded applied industry based program integrating different digital tools and techniques along the forestry supply chain to improve product traceability, characterisation and knowledge management to stimulate and support market innovation. The paper provides insight into contemporary forest supply chains and illustrates the breadth of research being undertaken in this program. A specific example involving the innovative use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and digital telemetry to advance the speed and accuracy of forestry resource assessments is described. Preliminary results comparing manual and automated techniques for inventory estimation appear positive. Planned next steps for this project and the program are presented

    The Use of the Partner Surveillance Scale in Instagram: Psychometric Evaluation Based on the Graded Response Model

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    The use of social media, especially Instagram, has become an increasingly powerful form of daily activity. This social media affects the romantic relationship of people, where people in relationships can conduct surveillance on the behaviors of their partner. This study provides an analysis of the psychometric properties of the Indonesian version of the Partner Surveillance Scale which contains 15 items and used a 4-point Likert scale format. The study recruited 214 female university students aged 17-23 years old, who used Instagram. The Graded Response Model (GRM) method was applied. As a result, the Indonesian version of the Partner Surveillance Scale was proved to have good psychometrics properties and had good fit to the GRM. All assumptions of GRM were met and the scale had high reliability. But, it should be noted that some items did not fit well with the model.  The results of this study also provide an alternative to the use of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) in analyzing polytomous data with GRM. This study concluded that the psychometric properties of the Partner Surveillance Scale were good.

    Spanish university students' uses of the social network Tuenti and their addiction levels: the protective role of the positive attitude toward mothers' presence as contact

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar, desde el paradigma de usos y gratificaciones, el uso que los estudiantes universitarios españoles (N = 221) hacen de la red social Tuenti, y en qué medida estos usos se asocian con sus niveles de adicción a dicha red social. Además se analizó el papel que los progenitores tienen como facilitadores o inhibidores de dichas tendencias adictivas y el impacto del género. Los resultados muestran cuatro categorías de usos de la red Tuenti: entretenimiento, comunicación a través del muro, comunicación a nivel privado e información social. Además, la actitud positiva hacia la presencia de la madre en la red Tuenti se muestra como un factor de protección de las tendencias adictivas a la red. Por último, se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en función del género, tanto en los usos que realizan chicos y chicas, como en sus patrones de adicción a la red Tuenti, de tal manera que los chicos informan de niveles de adicción superiores a los informados por las chicas en el uso de esta red social.The present work aimed to study, from the uses and gratifications paradigm, the uses that Spanish university students (N = 221) do of the social networking site Tuenti, and the relationship between these uses and young's self-reported levels of addiction towards Tuenti. Also, the students' attitudes towards the presence of their parents as contacts in Tuenti, and the impact of gender were analyzed. The results showed four different categories of uses: entertainment, public communication, private communication and social information. Also, young's positive attitude toward the presence of the mother in Tuenti played a protective role in their addition levels towards this social networking site. Finally, statistically significant gender differences in the uses of Tuenti and also in their addiction levels toward Tuenti were found

    Does self love lead to spying on ex-partners on Facebook? The examination of ego factors in Facebook stalking

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    This study aims to identify predictable personality traits that can influence ones likelihood to stalk an ex-partner on Facebook. Particularly, the study focuses on the traits related with self-concept, given that motivations of using social network sites (SNS) are highly associated with self-concept. This includes self-esteem, two types of narcissism (grandiose and vulnerable narcissism), and self-efficacy. Furthermore, in order to better assess the predictability of these factors, this study considers other control variables while assessing predictability of personality traits, such as Facebook usage, length of the relationship, and time since the break- up, drawing from both social psychology and SNS literature. The results of a self-administered, web-based survey showed that self-esteem, grandiose narcissism, and self-efficacy were all traits that can predict Facebook stalking of an ex-partner. More specifically, self-esteem was negatively associated with ones likelihood to stalk an ex-partner on Facebook, while grandiose narcissism and self-efficacy were positively associated with it. The addition of several control variables also increased the predictability of Facebook stalking