5,122 research outputs found

    Aggregated search: a new information retrieval paradigm

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    International audienceTraditional search engines return ranked lists of search results. It is up to the user to scroll this list, scan within different documents and assemble information that fulfill his/her information need. Aggregated search represents a new class of approaches where the information is not only retrieved but also assembled. This is the current evolution in Web search, where diverse content (images, videos, ...) and relational content (similar entities, features) are included in search results. In this survey, we propose a simple analysis framework for aggregated search and an overview of existing work. We start with related work in related domains such as federated search, natural language generation and question answering. Then we focus on more recent trends namely cross vertical aggregated search and relational aggregated search which are already present in current Web search

    CWI and TU Delft at TREC 2013: Contextual Suggestion, Federated Web Search, KBA, and Web Tracks

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    This paper provides an overview of the work done at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) for different tracks of TREC 2013. We participated in the Contextual Suggestion Track, the Federated Web Search Track, the Knowledge Base Acceleration (KBA) Track, and the Web Ad-hoc Track. In the Contextual Suggestion track, we focused on filtering the entire ClueWeb12 collection to generate recommendations according to the provided user profiles and contexts. For the Federated Web Search track, we exploited both categories from ODP and document relevance to merge result lists. In the KBA track, we focused on the Cumulative Citation Recommendation task where we exploited different features to two classification algorithms. For the Web track, we extended an ad-hoc baseline with a proximity model that promotes documents in which the query terms are positioned closer together

    Real Time Web Search Framework for Performing Efficient Retrieval of Data

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    With the rapidly growing amount of information on the internet, real-time system is one of the key strategies to cope with the information overload and to help users in finding highly relevant information. Real-time events and domain-specific information are important knowledge base references on the Web that frequently accessed by millions of users. Real-time system is a vital to product and a technique must resolve the context of challenges to be more reliable, e.g. short data life-cycles, heterogeneous user interests, strict time constraints, and context-dependent article relevance. Since real-time data have only a short time to live, real-time models have to be continuously adapted, ensuring that real-time data are always up-to-date. The focal point of this manuscript is for designing a real-time web search approach that aggregates several web search algorithms at query time to tune search results for relevancy. We learn a context-aware delegation algorithm that allows choosing the best real-time algorithms for each query request. The evaluation showed that the proposed approach outperforms the traditional models, in which it allows us to adapt the specific properties of the considered real-time resources. In the experiments, we found that it is highly relevant for most recently searched queries, consistent in its performance, and resilient to the drawbacks faced by other algorithms

    Approaches to implement and evaluate aggregated search

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    La recherche d'information agrégée peut être vue comme un troisième paradigme de recherche d'information après la recherche d'information ordonnée (ranked retrieval) et la recherche d'information booléenne (boolean retrieval). Les deux paradigmes les plus explorés jusqu'à aujourd'hui retournent un ensemble ou une liste ordonnée de résultats. C'est à l'usager de parcourir ces ensembles/listes et d'en extraire l'information nécessaire qui peut se retrouver dans plusieurs documents. De manière alternative, la recherche d'information agrégée ne s'intéresse pas seulement à l'identification des granules (nuggets) d'information pertinents, mais aussi à l'assemblage d'une réponse agrégée contenant plusieurs éléments. Dans nos travaux, nous analysons les travaux liés à la recherche d'information agrégée selon un schéma général qui comprend 3 parties: dispatching de la requête, recherche de granules d'information et agrégation du résultat. Les approches existantes sont groupées autours de plusieurs perspectives générales telle que la recherche relationnelle, la recherche fédérée, la génération automatique de texte, etc. Ensuite, nous nous sommes focalisés sur deux pistes de recherche selon nous les plus prometteuses: (i) la recherche agrégée relationnelle et (ii) la recherche agrégée inter-verticale. * La recherche agrégée relationnelle s'intéresse aux relations entre les granules d'information pertinents qui servent à assembler la réponse agrégée. En particulier, nous nous sommes intéressés à trois types de requêtes notamment: requête attribut (ex. président de la France, PIB de l'Italie, maire de Glasgow, ...), requête instance (ex. France, Italie, Glasgow, Nokia e72, ...) et requête classe (pays, ville française, portable Nokia, ...). Pour ces requêtes qu'on appelle requêtes relationnelles nous avons proposés trois approches pour permettre la recherche de relations et l'assemblage des résultats. Nous avons d'abord mis l'accent sur la recherche d'attributs qui peut aider à répondre aux trois types de requêtes. Nous proposons une approche à large échelle capable de répondre à des nombreuses requêtes indépendamment de la classe d'appartenance. Cette approche permet l'extraction des attributs à partir des tables HTML en tenant compte de la qualité des tables et de la pertinence des attributs. Les différentes évaluations de performances effectuées prouvent son efficacité qui dépasse les méthodes de l'état de l'art. Deuxièmement, nous avons traité l'agrégation des résultats composés d'instances et d'attributs. Ce problème est intéressant pour répondre à des requêtes de type classe avec une table contenant des instances (lignes) et des attributs (colonnes). Pour garantir la qualité du résultat, nous proposons des pondérations sur les instances et les attributs promouvant ainsi les plus représentatifs. Le troisième problème traité concerne les instances de la même classe (ex. France, Italie, Allemagne, ...). Nous proposons une approche capable d'identifier massivement ces instances en exploitant les listes HTML. Toutes les approches proposées fonctionnent à l'échelle Web et sont importantes et complémentaires pour la recherche agrégée relationnelle. Enfin, nous proposons 4 prototypes d'application de recherche agrégée relationnelle. Ces derniers peuvent répondre des types de requêtes différents avec des résultats relationnels. Plus précisément, ils recherchent et assemblent des attributs, des instances, mais aussi des passages et des images dans des résultats agrégés. Un exemple est la requête ``Nokia e72" dont la réponse sera composée d'attributs (ex. prix, poids, autonomie batterie, ...), de passages (ex. description, reviews, ...) et d'images. Les résultats sont encourageants et illustrent l'utilité de la recherche agrégée relationnelle. * La recherche agrégée inter-verticale s'appuie sur plusieurs moteurs de recherche dits verticaux tel que la recherche d'image, recherche vidéo, recherche Web traditionnelle, etc. Son but principal est d'assembler des résultats provenant de toutes ces sources dans une même interface pour répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs. Les moteurs de recherche majeurs et la communauté scientifique nous offrent déjà une série d'approches. Notre contribution consiste en une étude sur l'évaluation et les avantages de ce paradigme. Plus précisément, nous comparons 4 types d'études qui simulent des situations de recherche sur un total de 100 requêtes et 9 sources différentes. Avec cette étude, nous avons identifiés clairement des avantages de la recherche agrégée inter-verticale et nous avons pu déduire de nombreux enjeux sur son évaluation. En particulier, l'évaluation traditionnelle utilisée en RI, certes la moins rapide, reste la plus réaliste. Pour conclure, nous avons proposé des différents approches et études sur deux pistes prometteuses de recherche dans le cadre de la recherche d'information agrégée. D'une côté, nous avons traité trois problèmes importants de la recherche agrégée relationnelle qui ont porté à la construction de 4 prototypes d'application avec des résultats encourageants. De l'autre côté, nous avons mis en place 4 études sur l'intérêt et l'évaluation de la recherche agrégée inter-verticale qui ont permis d'identifier les enjeux d'évaluation et les avantages du paradigme. Comme suite à long terme de ce travail, nous pouvons envisager une recherche d'information qui intègre plus de granules relationnels et plus de multimédia.Aggregated search or aggregated retrieval can be seen as a third paradigm for information retrieval following the Boolean retrieval paradigm and the ranked retrieval paradigm. In the first two, we are returned respectively sets and ranked lists of search results. It is up to the time-poor user to scroll this set/list, scan within different documents and assemble his/her information need. Alternatively, aggregated search not only aims the identification of relevant information nuggets, but also the assembly of these nuggets into a coherent answer. In this work, we present at first an analysis of related work to aggregated search which is analyzed with a general framework composed of three steps: query dispatching, nugget retrieval and result aggregation. Existing work is listed aside different related domains such as relational search, federated search, question answering, natural language generation, etc. Within the possible research directions, we have then focused on two directions we believe promise the most namely: relational aggregated search and cross-vertical aggregated search. * Relational aggregated search targets relevant information, but also relations between relevant information nuggets which are to be used to assemble reasonably the final answer. In particular, there are three types of queries which would easily benefit from this paradigm: attribute queries (e.g. president of France, GDP of Italy, major of Glasgow, ...), instance queries (e.g. France, Italy, Glasgow, Nokia e72, ...) and class queries (countries, French cities, Nokia mobile phones, ...). We call these queries as relational queries and we tackle with three important problems concerning the information retrieval and aggregation for these types of queries. First, we propose an attribute retrieval approach after arguing that attribute retrieval is one of the crucial problems to be solved. Our approach relies on the HTML tables in the Web. It is capable to identify useful and relevant tables which are used to extract relevant attributes for whatever queries. The different experimental results show that our approach is effective, it can answer many queries with high coverage and it outperforms state of the art techniques. Second, we deal with result aggregation where we are given relevant instances and attributes for a given query. The problem is particularly interesting for class queries where the final answer will be a table with many instances and attributes. To guarantee the quality of the aggregated result, we propose the use of different weights on instances and attributes to promote the most representative and important ones. The third problem we deal with concerns instances of the same class (e.g. France, Germany, Italy ... are all instances of the same class). Here, we propose an approach that can massively extract instances of the same class from HTML lists in the Web. All proposed approaches are applicable at Web-scale and they can play an important role for relational aggregated search. Finally, we propose 4 different prototype applications for relational aggregated search. They can answer different types of queries with relevant and relational information. Precisely, we not only retrieve attributes and their values, but also passages and images which are assembled into a final focused answer. An example is the query ``Nokia e72" which will be answered with attributes (e.g. price, weight, battery life ...), passages (e.g. description, reviews ...) and images. Results are encouraging and they illustrate the utility of relational aggregated search. * The second research direction that we pursued concerns cross-vertical aggregated search, which consists of assembling results from different vertical search engines (e.g. image search, video search, traditional Web search, ...) into one single interface. Here, different approaches exist in both research and industry. Our contribution concerns mostly evaluation and the interest (advantages) of this paradigm. We propose 4 different studies which simulate different search situations. Each study is tested with 100 different queries and 9 vertical sources. Here, we could clearly identify new advantages of this paradigm and we could identify different issues with evaluation setups. In particular, we observe that traditional information retrieval evaluation is not the fastest but it remains the most realistic. To conclude, we propose different studies with respect to two promising research directions. On one hand, we deal with three important problems of relational aggregated search following with real prototype applications with encouraging results. On the other hand, we have investigated on the interest and evaluation of cross-vertical aggregated search. Here, we could clearly identify some of the advantages and evaluation issues. In a long term perspective, we foresee a possible combination of these two kinds of approaches to provide relational and cross-vertical information retrieval incorporating more focus, structure and multimedia in search results

    Ranking for Web Data Search Using On-The-Fly Data Integration

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    Ranking - the algorithmic decision on how relevant an information artifact is for a given information need and the sorting of artifacts by their concluded relevancy - is an integral part of every search engine. In this book we investigate how structured Web data can be leveraged for ranking with the goal to improve the effectiveness of search. We propose new solutions for ranking using on-the-fly data integration and experimentally analyze and evaluate them against the latest baselines

    Temporal Information Models for Real-Time Microblog Search

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    Real-time search in Twitter and other social media services is often biased towards the most recent results due to the “in the moment” nature of topic trends and their ephemeral relevance to users and media in general. However, “in the moment”, it is often difficult to look at all emerging topics and single-out the important ones from the rest of the social media chatter. This thesis proposes to leverage on external sources to estimate the duration and burstiness of live Twitter topics. It extends preliminary research where itwas shown that temporal re-ranking using external sources could indeed improve the accuracy of results. To further explore this topic we pursued three significant novel approaches: (1) multi-source information analysis that explores behavioral dynamics of users, such as Wikipedia live edits and page view streams, to detect topic trends and estimate the topic interest over time; (2) efficient methods for federated query expansion towards the improvement of query meaning; and (3) exploiting multiple sources towards the detection of temporal query intent. It differs from past approaches in the sense that it will work over real-time queries, leveraging on live user-generated content. This approach contrasts with previous methods that require an offline preprocessing step