4,028 research outputs found

    Collaborative learning & co-creation in XR

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    In this SIG, we aim at gathering researchers and practitioners to reflect on using XR technologies to support collaborative learning and co-creation, and to foster a joint force by connecting the Learning and Education community and the XR community at CHI. We witness a significant increase in CHI publications relating to these research areas: 292 titles about "collaborative learning" or "co-creation" since 2015 compared to 96 in 2010-2014; and 1180 titles about XR since 2015 compared to 288 in 2010-2014. This SIG will bring together researchers, educators, designers and practitioners to 1) stimulate a cross-disciplinary discussion on the opportunities of collaborative learning and co-creation in XR; 2) foresee the future directions, standards and obstacles to introduce XR to education; and 3) build a joint community connecting XR and education research at CHI

    Defining the Potential of Extended Reality Tools for Implementing Co-creation of User Oriented Products and Systems

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    In the last two decades a huge number of interactive and collaborative applications of Virtual Environments for designing products has been proposed. Such applications have been recommended as tools to implement Human Centered Design Approach in experiments where potential users are involved in participatory design sessions before going for production. In this kind of experiments, we observe that users are mainly involved in the validation of solutions previously elaborated by designers while in the last decade the most innovative approach in the creation of solutions seems to be moving from a user centered design to a co-design or co-creation process. Thus, it is essential to have a platform where the elements of co-creation can be fulfilled in building a successful project. The purpose of this paper is to outline the concept of co creation and the significance of co-creation platforms alongside of proposing innovative tools for building the co-creative environments. The paper aims to layout a classification of the Extended Reality (XR) tools currently available and of their functionality as valuable means to actually embed co-design and co creation concepts in Virtual Environments evaluating the advantages that this can bring to Industry through field studies. A review of innovative solutions like Virtual, Augmented and Mixed reality technologies is examined and drawn towards the requirements of the concept through a literature research. Additionally, a co-creative environment for designing aircraft cabin interiors is conceived and discussed a with company representative

    Fostering Creativity via Technoself Enhanced Learning with Emerging Technologies

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    Creative and collaborative learning has profound implications for all parts of the system we have built up in our societies — not only the education systems but also the social, economic and cultural systems. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) research has increasingly focused on emerging technologies, Extended Reality (XR) to improve learner’s engagement in enriched multimodal learning environments. This paper recommends technoself pedagogy and investigates XR for creative learning as a frontier in TEL. In partnership with cultural sectors, we introduce the agile working process in the collaboration with the Alexandra Park and Palace Charitable Trust (AP) and report the project development of two pilot apps based on the proposed methodology. As a result, students as co-creators were engaged in pilot collaborative projects to work on the digital solutions that promote unforgettable stories. The prototypes exploited the latest development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and game and mobile technology. The pilot pedagogical practice focuses on providing a vibrant collaborative learning environment which fosters innovation and creativity, informed by practice, inspired by TEL research across disciplines. The collaborative learning practices also support cultural sectors to inspire their visitors and to help curators think beyond their current boundaries, providing a new, mixed media and technological approach to raise cultural awareness to wider audiences

    Promoting Academic Entrepreneurship in Europe and the United States: Creating an Intellectual Property Regime to Facilitate the Efficient Transfer of Knowledge from the Lab to the Patient

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    In 2014, the European Commission announced the launch of a study of knowledge transfer by public research organizations and other institutes of higher learning “to determine which additional measures might be needed to ensure an optimal flow of knowledge between the public research organisations and business thereby contributing to the development of the knowledge based economy.” As the European Commission has recognized, the European Union (“EU”) needs to take action to “unlock the potential of IPRs [intellectual property rights] that lie dormant in universities, research institutes and companies.” This article builds on our earlier work on structuring efficient pharmaceutical public-private partnerships (“PPPPs”), but focuses on the regulatory infrastructure necessary to support the efficient commercialization of publicly funded university medical research in both the European Union and the United States (“U.S.”). Our comparative analysis of the EU and U.S. approaches to translational medicine shows that there are lessons to be shared. The EU can apply the experiences from the U.S. Bayh-Dole Act and PPPPs in the United States, and the United States can emulate certain of the open innovation aspects of the European Innovative Medicines Initiative and the tighter patenting standards imposed by the European Patent Office. Thus, a secondary purpose of this article is suggesting amendments to the U.S. laws governing the patenting and licensing of government-funded technology to prevent undue burdens on the sharing of certain upstream medical discoveries and research tools

    Presence and agency in real and virtual spaces: The promise of extended reality for language learning

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    Augmented and virtual realities (together “extended reality”) offer language learners the opportunity to communicate and interact in real and virtual spaces. In augmented reality (AR), users view computer-generated layers added to a phone camera’s view of the world. Virtual reality (VR) immerses users in a 3D environment that might simulate aspects of the outside world or project an entirely imagined reality. This column looks at opportunities and challenges in the use of extended reality (XR) for second language learning. Opportunities include higher learner motivation and personal agency through XR uses that feature collaboration and open-ended interactions, particularly in simulations, games, and learner co-design. That direction offers more alignment with current theories of second language acquisition (SLA)–emphasizing holistic language development and ecological frameworks–than most commercial VR apps currently available. Those posit a linear language development and focus largely on vocabulary learning and language practice within closed role-play scenarios. Offering both AR and VR access, mixed reality may present opportunities to combine the best features of each medium. Advances in generative artificial intelligence (AI) provide additional possibilities for personalized language learning in a flexible and dynamic VR environment

    Designing a Technological Pathway to Empower Vocational Education and Training in the Circular Wood and Furniture Sector through Extended Reality

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    Extended Reality (XR) is a term that refers to virtual, augmented, and, more recently, mixed reality (VR/AR//MR), which are key enabling technologies of the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and the simulated digital environment of the metaverse. XR enables the simulation of workplace scenarios, providing workers with training in a risk-free environment, resulting in cost savings, improved occupational risk prevention, and enhanced decision-making processes. XR is ideal for supporting digital transformation for organisations in fields such as production, occupational risk prevention, maintenance, and marketing. XR is also a key driver for training initiatives aimed at promoting good practices in the circular economy in specific sectors such as woodworking and furniture (W&F). The European Commission has recognised the potential of XR for the W&F sector, funding initiatives such as the European project, Allview, which seeks to identify the most appropriate and beneficial technologies of I4.0 with a green and digital transition focus from the perspective of vocational education and training (VET). This paper presents the work carried out within the framework of Allview, including the research and comparison of current software and hardware of XR tools suitable for VET in the W&F field, a review of successful examples of XR applied to W&F training actions, and an analysis of the opinions gathered from European students, teachers, and training organisations regarding the use of XR in education. As a result, the authors present a training pathway aimed at the development and implementation of a XR training scenario/lab/environment focused on VR, 360° videos, and MR, as a guideline for developing immersive XR training contents, contributing to the digital and green transformation of VET in the W&F sector
