7,396 research outputs found

    CTR Optimisation for CPC Ad Campaigns Using Hybrid Recommendation System

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    Online advertisers deal with a large amount of historical data, consisting of user interactions with certain ads. Since there is close to none content information, the collaborative filtering approach is applied, which makes recommendations based on similarities between users or items using only historical preference data. Due to this, the most significant problem that these methods have to overcome is the cold-start problem. The thesis covers the applications of recommender systems in the online advertisement domain and investigates the advantages and disadvantages of neural network-based collaborative filtering. Part of the research entails finding ways to extract meaningful data from the users and advertisements and extend the already existing company model with the new content information. The proposed Hybrid method is evaluated in order to measure, if it results in better performance when facing with the cold-start scenario. In order to provide a relative comparison and a way to replicate the achieved results, we test the models on a publicly available dataset. The main experiments, however, are conducted on the company data with additional extracted information. In summary, we investigate the application of neural networks as collaborative filtering systems. Furthermore, we introduce a possible way for data extraction and processing for online advertisements and extend the original collaborative filtering network with the new feature information to create a Hybrid Neural Network-based model

    Recent Developments in Recommender Systems: A Survey

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    In this technical survey, we comprehensively summarize the latest advancements in the field of recommender systems. The objective of this study is to provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art in the field and highlight the latest trends in the development of recommender systems. The study starts with a comprehensive summary of the main taxonomy of recommender systems, including personalized and group recommender systems, and then delves into the category of knowledge-based recommender systems. In addition, the survey analyzes the robustness, data bias, and fairness issues in recommender systems, summarizing the evaluation metrics used to assess the performance of these systems. Finally, the study provides insights into the latest trends in the development of recommender systems and highlights the new directions for future research in the field

    Peeking into the other half of the glass : handling polarization in recommender systems.

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    This dissertation is about filtering and discovering information online while using recommender systems. In the first part of our research, we study the phenomenon of polarization and its impact on filtering and discovering information. Polarization is a social phenomenon, with serious consequences, in real-life, particularly on social media. Thus it is important to understand how machine learning algorithms, especially recommender systems, behave in polarized environments. We study polarization within the context of the users\u27 interactions with a space of items and how this affects recommender systems. We first formalize the concept of polarization based on item ratings and then relate it to the item reviews, when available. We then propose a domain independent data science pipeline to automatically detect polarization using the ratings rather than the properties, typically used to detect polarization, such as item\u27s content or social network topology. We perform an extensive comparison of polarization measures on several benchmark data sets and show that our polarization detection framework can detect different degrees of polarization and outperforms existing measures in capturing an intuitive notion of polarization. We also investigate and uncover certain peculiar patterns that are characteristic of environments where polarization emerges: A machine learning algorithm finds it easier to learn discriminating models in polarized environments: The models will quickly learn to keep each user in the safety of their preferred viewpoint, essentially, giving rise to filter bubbles and making them easier to learn. After quantifying the extent of polarization in current recommender system benchmark data, we propose new counter-polarization approaches for existing collaborative filtering recommender systems, focusing particularly on the state of the art models based on Matrix Factorization. Our work represents an essential step toward the new research area concerned with quantifying, detecting and counteracting polarization in human-generated data and machine learning algorithms.We also make a theoretical analysis of how polarization affects learning latent factor models, and how counter-polarization affects these models. In the second part of our dissertation, we investigate the problem of discovering related information by recommendation of tags on social media micro-blogging platforms. Real-time micro-blogging services such as Twitter have recently witnessed exponential growth, with millions of active web users who generate billions of micro-posts to share information, opinions and personal viewpoints, daily. However, these posts are inherently noisy and unstructured because they could be in any format, hence making them difficult to organize for the purpose of retrieval of relevant information. One way to solve this problem is using hashtags, which are quickly becoming the standard approach for annotation of various information on social media, such that varied posts about the same or related topic are annotated with the same hashtag. However hashtags are not used in a consistent manner and most importantly, are completely optional to use. This makes them unreliable as the sole mechanism for searching for relevant information. We investigate mechanisms for consolidating the hashtag space using recommender systems. Our methods are general enough that they can be used for hashtag annotation in various social media services such as twitter, as well as for general item recommendations on systems that rely on implicit user interest data such as e-learning and news sites, or explicit user ratings, such as e-commerce and online entertainment sites. To conclude, we propose a methodology to extract stories based on two types of hashtag co-occurrence graphs. Our research in hashtag recommendation was able to exploit the textual content that is available as part of user messages or posts, and thus resulted in hybrid recommendation strategies. Using content within this context can bridge polarization boundaries. However, when content is not available, is missing, or is unreliable, as in the case of platforms that are rich in multimedia and multilingual posts, the content option becomes less powerful and pure collaborative filtering regains its important role, along with the challenges of polarization

    The art of clustering bandits.

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    Multi-armed bandit problems are receiving a great deal of attention because they adequately formalize the exploration-exploitation trade-offs arising in several industrially relevant applications, such as online advertisement and, more generally, recommendation systems. In many cases, however, these applications have a strong social component, whose integration in the bandit algorithms could lead to a dramatic performance increase. For instance, we may want to serve content to a group of users by taking advantage of an underlying network of social relationships among them. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce novel and principled algorithmic approaches to the solution of such networked bandit problems. Starting from a global (Laplacian-based) strategy which allocates a bandit algorithm to each network node (user), and allows it to "share" signals (contexts and payoffs) with the neghboring nodes, our goal is to derive and experimentally test more scalable approaches based on different ways of clustering the graph nodes. More importantly, we shall investigate the case when the graph structure is not given ahead of time, and has to be inferred based on past user behavior. A general difficulty arising in such practical scenarios is that data sequences are typically nonstationary, implying that traditional statistical inference methods should be used cautiously, possibly replacing them with by more robust nonstochastic (e.g., game-theoretic) inference methods. In this thesis, we will firstly introduce the centralized clustering bandits. Then, we propose the corresponding solution in decentralized scenario. After that, we explain the generic collaborative clustering bandits. Finally, we extend and showcase the state-of-the-art clustering bandits that we developed in the quantification problem


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the specifications, appearance and performance characteristics of jeans at three price categories and to evaluate the relationship between price and product quality. Three brands; Lucky, Gap, and Faded Glory represented men’s jeans in the price categories of better, moderate, and mass merchant (budget). Jeans were inspected and the design, material, and construction specifications were identified and compared. The appearance and performance characteristics of jeans were evaluated initially and compared to the initial characteristics after one and five launderings. ASTM and AATCC test methods were used to evaluate color difference, colorfastness to dry and wet crocking, smoothness retention, fabric breaking strength, seam strength, and dimensional change. The results of the study found that Lucky jeans had more design, material, and construction details, which would be preferable for style focused consumers with less interest on durability characteristics. Gap jeans had the highest fabric breaking strength and would be suitable for price-conscious consumers interested in durability as well as style and design. Home laundering had less impact on the appearance and performance characteristics of Faded Glory jeans and the price-conscious consumers that are primarily interested in durability would prefer Faded Glory jean

    Understanding patient experience from online medium

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    Improving patient experience at hospitals leads to better health outcomes. To improve this, we must first understand and interpret patients' written feedback. Patient-generated texts such as patient reviews found on RateMD, or online health forums found on WebMD are venues where patients post about their experiences. Due to the massive amounts of patient-generated texts that exist online, an automated approach to identifying the topics from patient experience taxonomy is the only realistic option to analyze these texts. However, not only is there a lack of annotated taxonomy on these media, but also word usage is colloquial, making it challenging to apply standardized NLP technique to identify the topics that are present in the patient-generated texts. Furthermore, patients may describe multiple topics in the patient-generated texts which drastically increases the complexity of the task. In this thesis, we address the challenges in comprehensively and automatically understanding the patient experience from patient-generated texts. We first built a set of rich semantic features to represent the corpus which helps capture meanings that may not typically be captured by the bag-of-words (BOW) model. Unlike the BOW model, semantic feature representation captures the context and in-depth meaning behind each word in the corpus. To the best of our knowledge, no existing work in understanding patient experience from patient-generated texts delves into which semantic features help capture the characteristics of the corpus. Furthermore, patients generally talk about multiple topics when they write in patient-generated texts, and these are frequently interdependent of each other. There are two types of topic interdependencies, those that are semantically similar, and those that are not. We built a constraint-based deep neural network classifier to capture the two types of topic interdependencies and empirically show the classification performance improvement over the baseline approaches. Past research has also indicated that patient experiences differ depending on patient segments [1-4]. The segments can be based on demographics, for instance, by race, gender, or geographical location. Similarly, the segments can be based on health status, for example, whether or not the patient is taking medication, whether or not the patient has a particular disease, or whether or not the patient is readmitted to the hospital. To better understand patient experiences, we built an automated approach to identify patient segments with a focus on whether the person has stopped taking the medication or not. The technique used to identify the patient segment is general enough that we envision the approach to be applicable to other types of patient segments. With a comprehensive understanding of patient experiences, we envision an application system where clinicians can directly read the most relevant patient-generated texts that pertain to their interest. The system can capture topics from patient experience taxonomy that is of interest to each clinician or designated expert, and we believe the system is one of many approaches that can ultimately help improve the patient experience

    Non-parametric clustering over user features and latent behavioral functions with dual-view mixture models

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    International audienceWe present a dual-view mixture model to cluster users based on their features and latent behavioral functions. Every component of the mixture model represents a probability density over a feature view for observed user attributes and a behavior view for latent behavioral functions that are indirectly observed through user actions or behaviors. Our task is to infer the groups of users as well as their latent behavioral functions. We also propose a non-parametric version based on a Dirichlet Process to automatically infer the number of clusters. We test the properties and performance of the model on a synthetic dataset that represents the participation of users in the threads of an online forum. Experiments show that dual-view models outperform single-view ones when one of the views lacks information

    Semiotic Shortcuts. The Graphical Abstract Strategies of Engineering Students

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      Graphical abstracts are representative of the rising promotionalism, interdisciplinarity and changing researcher roles in the current dissemination of science and technology. Their design, moreover, amalgamates a number of transdisciplinary skills much valued in higher education, such as critical and lateral thinking, and cultural and audience awareness. In this study, I investigate a corpus of 56 samples of graphical abstracts devised by my aeronautical engineering students, to find out the ‘semiotic shortcuts’ or encoding strategies they deploy, without any previous instruction, to pack information and translate the verbal into the visual. Findings suggest that their ‘natural digital-native graphicacy’ is conservative as to the medium, format and type of representation, but versatile regarding particular meanings, although not always unambiguous or register-appropriate. Consequently, I claim the convenience of including graphicacy/visual literacy and some basic training on graphical abstract design in the English for Specific Purposes and the disciplinary English-medium curriculum.  
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