9 research outputs found

    Codes, orderings, and partial words

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    Codes play an important role in the study of the combinatorics of words. In this paper, we introduce pcodes that play a role in the study of combinatorics ofpartial words. Partial words are strings over a finite alphabet that may contain a number of “do not know” symbols. Pcodes are defined in terms of the compatibility relation that considers two strings over the same alphabet that are equal except for a number of insertions and/or deletions of symbols. We describe various ways of defining and analyzing pcodes. In particular, many pcodes can be obtained as antichains with respect to certain partial orderings. Using a technique related to dominoes, we show that the pcode property is decidable

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    Testing primitivity on partial words

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    Primitive words, or strings over a finite alphabet that cannot be written as a power of another string, play an important role in numerous research areas including formal language theory, coding theory, and combinatorics on words. Testing whether or not a word is primitive can be done in linear time in the length of the word. Indeed, a word is primitive if and only if it is not an inside factor of its square. In this paper, we describe a linear time algorithm to test primitivity on partial words which are strings that may contain a number of ?do not know? symbols. Our algorithm is based on the combinatorial result that under some condition, a partial word is primitive if and only if it is not compatible with an inside factor of its square. The concept of special, related to commutativity on partial words, is foundational in the design of our algorithm. A World Wide Web server interface at http://www.uncg.edu/mat/primitive/ has been established for automated use of the program


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    It is well-known that some of the most basic properties of words, like the commutativity (xy = yx) and the conjugacy (xz = zy), can be expressed as solutions of word equations. An important problem is to decide whether or not a given equation on words has a solution. For instance, the equation xMyN = zP has only periodic solutions in a free monoid, that is, if xMyN = zP holds with integers m,n,p = 2, then there exists a word w such that x, y, z are powers of w. This result, which received a lot of attention, was first proved by Lyndon and Schützenberger for free groups. In this paper, we investigate equations on partial words. Partial words are sequences over a finite alphabet that may contain a number of “do not know” symbols. When we speak about equations on partial words, we replace the notion of equality (=) with compatibility (?). Among other equations, we solve xy ? yx, xz ? zy, and special cases of xmyn ? zp for integers m,n,p = 2.

    Relations on words

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    In the first part of this survey, we present classical notions arising in combinatorics on words: growth function of a language, complexity function of an infinite word, pattern avoidance, periodicity and uniform recurrence. Our presentation tries to set up a unified framework with respect to a given binary relation. In the second part, we mainly focus on abelian equivalence, kk-abelian equivalence, combinatorial coefficients and associated relations, Parikh matrices and MM-equivalence. In particular, some new refinements of abelian equivalence are introduced

    Periods, partial words, and an extension of a result of Guibas and Odlyzko

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    "A well known and unexpected result of Guibas and Odlyzko states that the set of all periods of a word is independent of the alphabet size (alphabets with one symbol are excluded here). More specifically, for every word u, there exists a word v over the alphabet {0, 1} such that u and v have the same length and the same set of periods. Recently, Blanchet-Sadri and Chriscoe extended this fundamental result to words with one "do not know" symbol also called partial words with one hole. They showed that for every partial word u with one hole, there exists a partial word v with at most one hole over the alphabet {0, 1} such that u and v have the same length, the same set of periods, the same set of weak periods, and H(v) H(u)," where H(u) (respectively, H(v)) denotes the set of holes of u (respectively, v). In this paper, we extend this result further to a large class of partial words. Given a partial word u belonging to that class, our proof provides an algorithm to compute a partial word v over {0, 1} sharing the same length and same sets of periods and weak periods as u, and satisfying H(v) H(u)."--Abstract from author supplied metadata

    Repetitions in partial words

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    El objeto de esta tesis está representado por las repeticiones de palabras parciales, palabras que, además de las letras regulares, pueden tener un número de símbolos desconocidos,llamados símbolos "agujeros" o "no sé qué". Más concretamente, se presenta y se resuelve una extensión de la noción de repetición establecida por Axel Thue. Investigamos las palabras parciales con un número infinito de agujeros que cumplen estas propiedades y, también las palabras parciales que conservan las propiedades después de la inserción de un número arbitrario de agujeros, posiblemente infinito. Luego, hacemos un recuento del número máximo de 2-repeticiones distintas compatibles con los factores de una palabra parcial. Se demuestra que el problema en el caso general es difícil, y estudiamos el problema en el caso de un agujero. Al final, se estudian algunas propiedades de las palabras parciales sin fronteras y primitivas (palabras sin repeticiones) y se da una caracterización del lenguaje de palabras parciales con una factorización crítica