103 research outputs found

    OVeNet: Offset Vector Network for Semantic Segmentation

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    Semantic segmentation is a fundamental task in visual scene understanding. We focus on the supervised setting, where ground-truth semantic annotations are available. Based on knowledge about the high regularity of real-world scenes, we propose a method for improving class predictions by learning to selectively exploit information from neighboring pixels. In particular, our method is based on the prior that for each pixel, there is a seed pixel in its close neighborhood sharing the same prediction with the former. Motivated by this prior, we design a novel two-head network, named Offset Vector Network (OVeNet), which generates both standard semantic predictions and a dense 2D offset vector field indicating the offset from each pixel to the respective seed pixel, which is used to compute an alternative, seed-based semantic prediction. The two predictions are adaptively fused at each pixel using a learnt dense confidence map for the predicted offset vector field. We supervise offset vectors indirectly via optimizing the seed-based prediction and via a novel loss on the confidence map. Compared to the baseline state-of-the-art architectures HRNet and HRNet+OCR on which OVeNet is built, the latter achieves significant performance gains on three prominent benchmarks for semantic segmentation, namely Cityscapes, ACDC and ADE20K. Code is available at https://github.com/stamatisalex/OVeNetComment: Accepted at WACV 202

    Multi-task near-field perception for autonomous driving using surround-view fisheye cameras

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    Die Bildung der Augen führte zum Urknall der Evolution. Die Dynamik änderte sich von einem primitiven Organismus, der auf den Kontakt mit der Nahrung wartete, zu einem Organismus, der durch visuelle Sensoren gesucht wurde. Das menschliche Auge ist eine der raffiniertesten Entwicklungen der Evolution, aber es hat immer noch Mängel. Der Mensch hat über Millionen von Jahren einen biologischen Wahrnehmungsalgorithmus entwickelt, der in der Lage ist, Autos zu fahren, Maschinen zu bedienen, Flugzeuge zu steuern und Schiffe zu navigieren. Die Automatisierung dieser Fähigkeiten für Computer ist entscheidend für verschiedene Anwendungen, darunter selbstfahrende Autos, Augmented Realität und architektonische Vermessung. Die visuelle Nahfeldwahrnehmung im Kontext von selbstfahrenden Autos kann die Umgebung in einem Bereich von 0 - 10 Metern und 360° Abdeckung um das Fahrzeug herum wahrnehmen. Sie ist eine entscheidende Entscheidungskomponente bei der Entwicklung eines sichereren automatisierten Fahrens. Jüngste Fortschritte im Bereich Computer Vision und Deep Learning in Verbindung mit hochwertigen Sensoren wie Kameras und LiDARs haben ausgereifte Lösungen für die visuelle Wahrnehmung hervorgebracht. Bisher stand die Fernfeldwahrnehmung im Vordergrund. Ein weiteres wichtiges Problem ist die begrenzte Rechenleistung, die für die Entwicklung von Echtzeit-Anwendungen zur Verfügung steht. Aufgrund dieses Engpasses kommt es häufig zu einem Kompromiss zwischen Leistung und Laufzeiteffizienz. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die folgenden Themen, um diese anzugehen: 1) Entwicklung von Nahfeld-Wahrnehmungsalgorithmen mit hoher Leistung und geringer Rechenkomplexität für verschiedene visuelle Wahrnehmungsaufgaben wie geometrische und semantische Aufgaben unter Verwendung von faltbaren neuronalen Netzen. 2) Verwendung von Multi-Task-Learning zur Überwindung von Rechenengpässen durch die gemeinsame Nutzung von initialen Faltungsschichten zwischen den Aufgaben und die Entwicklung von Optimierungsstrategien, die die Aufgaben ausbalancieren.The formation of eyes led to the big bang of evolution. The dynamics changed from a primitive organism waiting for the food to come into contact for eating food being sought after by visual sensors. The human eye is one of the most sophisticated developments of evolution, but it still has defects. Humans have evolved a biological perception algorithm capable of driving cars, operating machinery, piloting aircraft, and navigating ships over millions of years. Automating these capabilities for computers is critical for various applications, including self-driving cars, augmented reality, and architectural surveying. Near-field visual perception in the context of self-driving cars can perceive the environment in a range of 0 - 10 meters and 360° coverage around the vehicle. It is a critical decision-making component in the development of safer automated driving. Recent advances in computer vision and deep learning, in conjunction with high-quality sensors such as cameras and LiDARs, have fueled mature visual perception solutions. Until now, far-field perception has been the primary focus. Another significant issue is the limited processing power available for developing real-time applications. Because of this bottleneck, there is frequently a trade-off between performance and run-time efficiency. We concentrate on the following issues in order to address them: 1) Developing near-field perception algorithms with high performance and low computational complexity for various visual perception tasks such as geometric and semantic tasks using convolutional neural networks. 2) Using Multi-Task Learning to overcome computational bottlenecks by sharing initial convolutional layers between tasks and developing optimization strategies that balance tasks

    Medical Image Analysis using Deep Relational Learning

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    In the past ten years, with the help of deep learning, especially the rapid development of deep neural networks, medical image analysis has made remarkable progress. However, how to effectively use the relational information between various tissues or organs in medical images is still a very challenging problem, and it has not been fully studied. In this thesis, we propose two novel solutions to this problem based on deep relational learning. First, we propose a context-aware fully convolutional network that effectively models implicit relation information between features to perform medical image segmentation. The network achieves the state-of-the-art segmentation results on the Multi Modal Brain Tumor Segmentation 2017 (BraTS2017) and Multi Modal Brain Tumor Segmentation 2018 (BraTS2018) data sets. Subsequently, we propose a new hierarchical homography estimation network to achieve accurate medical image mosaicing by learning the explicit spatial relationship between adjacent frames. We use the UCL Fetoscopy Placenta dataset to conduct experiments and our hierarchical homography estimation network outperforms the other state-of-the-art mosaicing methods while generating robust and meaningful mosaicing result on unseen frames.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2007.0778

    Rich probabilistic models for semantic labeling

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    Das Ziel dieser Monographie ist es die Methoden und Anwendungen des semantischen Labelings zu erforschen. Unsere Beiträge zu diesem sich rasch entwickelten Thema sind bestimmte Aspekte der Modellierung und der Inferenz in probabilistischen Modellen und ihre Anwendungen in den interdisziplinären Bereichen der Computer Vision sowie medizinischer Bildverarbeitung und Fernerkundung

    Generic Object Detection and Segmentation for Real-World Environments

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    Efficient Semantic Segmentation for Resource-Constrained Applications with Lightweight Neural Networks

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    This thesis focuses on developing lightweight semantic segmentation models tailored for resource-constrained applications, effectively balancing accuracy and computational efficiency. It introduces several novel concepts, including knowledge sharing, dense bottleneck, and feature re-usability, which enhance the feature hierarchy by capturing fine-grained details, long-range dependencies, and diverse geometrical objects within the scene. To achieve precise object localization and improved semantic representations in real-time environments, the thesis introduces multi-stage feature aggregation, feature scaling, and hybrid-path attention methods

    Quasi-Modal Encounters Of The Third Kind: The Filling-In Of Visual Detail

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    Although Pessoa et al. imply that many aspects of the filling-in debate may be displaced by a regard for active vision, they remain loyal to naive neural reductionist explanations of certain pieces of psychophysical evidence. Alternative interpretations are provided for two specific examples and a new category of filling-in (of visual detail) is proposed

    Design of protein-nanomaterial hybrids as tools for sensing, imaging and bioelectronics

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    217 p.El diseño de proteínas permite construir herramientas nanotecnológicas adaptadas para su uso en campos como la biomedicina o la industria. Las proteínas de repetición CTPR son una buena opción para desarrollar nano-herramientas dada su estructura modular y tolerancia a mutaciones, lo que permite combinar módulos funcionalizados sin comprometer la estabilidad de la proteína. Además, las proteínas CTPR pueden modificarse para desarrollar módulos que coordinan metales, lo que permite la unión de nanomateriales metálicos con propiedades interesantes como las nanopartículas de oro, o la síntesis de nanocristales metálicos in situ. En la presente tesis doctoral se propone un sistema modular de proteínas CTPR funcionalizadas con nanomateriales metálicos para su aplicación como herramientas nanotecnológicas en sensórica, imagen y bioelectrónica. Para ello, primero se establece un diseño de CTPR con residuos de coordinación de metales y se estudia en profundidad las propiedades fotoluminiscentes que emergen de nanocristales de oro coordinados a dichas CTPR. A continuación, se elaboran diseños de CTPR coordinando nanomateriales metálicos y se aplican como sensores de parámetros ambientales, como la temperatura o la presencia de iones metálicos; como sondas fluorescentes para detección correlativa de orgánulos celulares usando microscopía de fluorescencia y fluorescencia de rayos-X; y como bloques de construcción para elaborar biomateriales conductores

    Image similarity in medical images

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    Image similarity in medical images

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    Recent experiments have indicated a strong influence of the substrate grain orientation on the self-ordering in anodic porous alumina. Anodic porous alumina with straight pore channels grown in a stable, self-ordered manner is formed on (001) oriented Al grain, while disordered porous pattern is formed on (101) oriented Al grain with tilted pore channels growing in an unstable manner. In this work, numerical simulation of the pore growth process is carried out to understand this phenomenon. The rate-determining step of the oxide growth is assumed to be the Cabrera-Mott barrier at the oxide/electrolyte (o/e) interface, while the substrate is assumed to determine the ratio β between the ionization and oxidation reactions at the metal/oxide (m/o) interface. By numerically solving the electric field inside a growing porous alumina during anodization, the migration rates of the ions and hence the evolution of the o/e and m/o interfaces are computed. The simulated results show that pore growth is more stable when β is higher. A higher β corresponds to more Al ionized and migrating away from the m/o interface rather than being oxidized, and hence a higher retained O:Al ratio in the oxide. Experimentally measured oxygen content in the self-ordered porous alumina on (001) Al is indeed found to be about 3% higher than that in the disordered alumina on (101) Al, in agreement with the theoretical prediction. The results, therefore, suggest that ionization on (001) Al substrate is relatively easier than on (101) Al, and this leads to the more stable growth of the pore channels on (001) Al