2,416 research outputs found

    Orthodontic palatal implants: clinical technique

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    The aim of this paper is to familiarize the readers with some of the clinical considerations necessary to ensure successful use of mid-palatal implants. Both surgical and technical aspects will be discussed along with a description of impression techniques used

    A new RNASeq-based reference transcriptome for sugar beet and its application in transcriptome-scale analysis of vernalization and gibberellin responses.

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    BACKGROUND: Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris sp. vulgaris) crops account for about 30% of world sugar. Sugar yield is compromised by reproductive growth hence crops must remain vegetative until harvest. Prolonged exposure to cold temperature (vernalization) in the range 6 °C to 12 °C induces reproductive growth, leading to bolting (rapid elongation of the main stem) and flowering. Spring cultivation of crops in cool temperate climates makes them vulnerable to vernalization and hence bolting, which is initiated in the apical shoot meristem in processes involving interaction between gibberellin (GA) hormones and vernalization. The underlying mechanisms are unknown and genome scale next generation sequencing approaches now offer comprehensive strategies to investigate them; enabling the identification of novel targets for bolting control in sugar beet crops. In this study, we demonstrate the application of an mRNA-Seq based strategy for this purpose. RESULTS: There is no sugar beet reference genome, or public expression array platforms. We therefore used RNA-Seq to generate the first reference transcriptome. We next performed digital gene expression profiling using shoot apex mRNA from two sugar beet cultivars with and without applied GA, and also a vernalized cultivar with and without applied GA. Subsequent bioinformatics analyses identified transcriptional changes associated with genotypic difference and experimental treatments. Analysis of expression profiles in response to vernalization and GA treatment suggested previously unsuspected roles for a RAV1-like AP2/B3 domain protein in vernalization and efflux transporters in the GA response. CONCLUSIONS: Next generation RNA-Seq enabled the generation of the first reference transcriptome for sugar beet and the study of global transcriptional responses in the shoot apex to vernalization and GA treatment, without the need for a reference genome or established array platforms. Comprehensive bioinformatic analysis identified transcriptional programmes associated with different sugar beet genotypes as well as biological treatments; thus providing important new opportunities for basic scientists and sugar beet breeders. Transcriptome-scale identification of agronomically important traits as used in this study should be widely applicable to all crop plants where genomic resources are limiting.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    Are we ready for scaling up restoration actions? An insight from Mediterranean macroalgal canopies

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    Extensive loss of macroalgal forests advocates for large-scale restoration interventions, to compensate habitat degradation and recover the associated ecological functions and services. Yet, restoration attempts have generally been limited to small spatial extensions, with the principal aim of developing efficient restoration techniques. Here, the success of outplanting Cystoseira amentacea v. stricta germlings cultured in aquaria was experimentally explored at a scale of tens of kms, by means of a multifactorial experimental design. In the intertidal rocky shores of SE Italy, locations with a continuous distribution for hundreds of meters or with few thalli forming patches of few centimeters of C. amentacea canopy were selected. In each location, the effects of adult conspecifics and the exclusion of macrograzers (salema fish and sea urchins) on the survival of germlings were tested. We evaluated the most critical determinants of mortality for germlings, including the overlooked pressure of mesograzers (e.g. amphipods, small mollusks, polychaetes). Despite the high mortality observed during outplanting and early settlement stages, survival of C. amentacea germlings was consistently favored by the exclusion of macrograzers, while the presence of adult conspecifics had no effects. In addition, the cost analysis of the interventions showed the feasibility of the ex-situ method, representing an essential tool for preserving Cystoseira forests. Large scale restoration is possible but requires baseline information with an in-depth knowledge of the species ecology and of the areas to be restored, together with the development of specific cultivation protocols to make consistently efficient restoration interventions

    Identification of Bioactive Molecules in the Control of Flowering Time

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    [ES] El tiempo de floración es uno de los caracteres más importantes que influyen en la productividad y el rendimiento de los cultivos. La identificación de compuestos sintéticos que sean bioactivos en el control de la inducción floral es de gran interés. Su identificación podría permitirnos ajustar el tiempo de floración en los cultivos, adaptándolos a las condiciones ambientales más favorables. Para identificar estos compuestos, hemos tomado dos enfoques diferentes: un cribado genético químico y la caracterización del metaboloma de transición floral. En primer lugar, realizamos un rastreo de genética química para identificar moléculas pequeñas que tengan el potencial de controlar la expresión del florígeno, FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) o la actividad o señalización de FT en Arabidopsis. Para ello, hemos utilizado plantas transgénicas que expresan el gen ß-GLUCURONIDASE (GUS) bajo el control del promotor FT para probar una librería de 360 moléculas preseleccionadas. Los resultados positivos obtenidos se volvieron a analizar mediante un cribado secundario basado en la expresión del gen reportero LUCIFERASE (LUC) bajo el control del promotor FT. Utilizando este enfoque, hemos identificado una molécula que induce con éxito la floración en condiciones de cultivo in vitro. En segundo lugar, hemos caracterizado la función del ácido pipecólico (Pip), una molécula previamente identificada como candidata a regular la floración. Hemos confirmado que las mutaciones en las enzimas responsables de la biosíntesis de Pip muestran una alteración en la respuesta del tiempo de floración. Además, hemos identificado un nuevo papel del Pip relacionado con el crecimiento y el tamaño de la roseta de Arabidopsis. Finalmente, utilizamos un sistema inducible basado en el promotor de CONSTANS (CO) que controla la expresión del gen endógeno de CO fusionado con el receptor de glucocorticoides de rata (CO::GR). De manera que con un solo tratamiento con dexametasona podemos inducir la floración. Con este sistema, realizamos un estudio del metaboloma de muestras de ápices y hojas mediante técnicas de metabolómica dirigida, lipidómica, cuantificación hormonal y transcriptómica. La integración de estos conjuntos de datos ómicos nos ha permitido identificar rutas metabólicas que se encuentran alteradas durante la transición floral. A su vez, la caracterización de mutantes de pérdida de función que codifican enzimas clave de esas vías metabólicas, reveló que algunos de estos mutantes mostraban un fenotipo afectado para el tiempo de floración. Entre ellos, nos enfocamos en la caracterización de los genes relacionados con el metabolismo de la rafinosa, un oligosacárido de reserva. Mutantes afectados en el gen RAFFINOSE SYNTHASE 5 (RS5) presentan un fenotipo de floración temprana y fertilidad reducida. En base a los resultados obtenidos, proponemos un modelo en el que, durante la transición floral, se produce una reestructuración de las ratios entre carbohidratos sencillos (monosacáridos y disacáridos) y de reserva, como la rafinosa. Estos cambios podrían ser modulados por el ácido abscísico (ABA) y por genes relacionados con la floración, desencadenando cambios en el metabolismo de la trehalosa y promoviendo una expresión temprana de FT.[CA] El temps de floració és un dels caràcters amb més influència en la productivitat i el rendiment dels cultius. La identificació de compostos sintètics bioactius per al control de la inducció floral és de gran interés, ja que la seua identificació podria permetre ajustar el temps de floració dels cultius, aspecte que podria contribuir a l'adaptació a condicions ambientals més favorables. Per a identificar aquests compostos, hem portat a terme dues aproximacions diferents: un garbellat genètic químic i la caracterització del metaboloma de la transició floral. En primer lloc, hem realitzat un cribratge genètic-químicper a identificar xicotetes molècules amb potencial per a controlar l'expressió del florígen, FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) o l'activitat o la senyalització de FT a Arabidopsis. Per a portar a terme aquest cribratge, hem utilitzat plantes transgèniques que expressen el gen ß-GLUCURONIDASE (GUS) sota el control del promotor de FT amb les quals hem assajat una llibreria de 360 molècules preseleccionades de manera prèvia. Els resultats positius obtinguts en aquest cribratge t s'han sotmés a un cribratge secundari basat en l'expressió del gen reporter LUCIFERASE (LUC) sota el control del promotor FT. La utilització d'aquesta primera aproximació ha permés la idenfiticació d'una molècula que indueix amb èxit la floració en condicions de cultiu in vitro. En En segon lloc, hem caracteritzat la funció de l'àcid pipecòlic (Pip), una molècula prèviament identificada com a candidata a regular la floració. Aquesta aproximació ens ha permet confirmar que mutacions als enzims responsables de la biosíntesi de Pip comporten una alteració al temps de floració. A més, en aquest treball hem identificat un nou paper del Pip relacionat amb el creixement i la grandària de la roseta d'Arabidopsis. Finalment, hem utilitzat un sistema induïble basat en el promotor de CONSTANS (CO) que controla l'expressió del gen endogen de CO fusionat al receptor de glucocorticoides de rata (CO::GR). Aquesta construcció ens proporciona una ferramenta amb la qual induir la floració amb un sol tractament amb dexametasona. A continuació, hem realitzat un estudi del metaboloma de mostres d'àpexs i fulles mitjançant tècniques de metabolòmica dirigida, lipidómica, quantificació hormonal i transcriptòmica. La integració d'aquest conjunt de dades ómiques ens ha permés identificar les rutes metabòliques que es troben alterades durant la transició floral. Al mateix temps, la caracterització de mutants de pèrdua de funció que codifiquen enzims clau per a aquestes rutes metabòliques, ha revelat que alguns d'aquests mutants mostren un fenotip afectat pel que fa al temps de floració. Dintre dels mutants analitzats, ens hem centrat en la caracterització dels gens relacionats amb el metabolisme de la rafinosa, un oligosacàrid de reserva. Els mutants del gen RAFFINOSE SYNTHASE 5 (RS5) presenten un fenotip de floració primerenca i fertilitat reduïda. Sobre la base dels resultats obtinguts, proposem un model en el qual, durant la transició floral, es produeix una reestructuració de les ràtios entre carbohidrats senzills (monosacàrids i disacàrids) i de reserva, com la rafinosa. Aquests canvis podrien ser modulats per l'àcid abscísic (ABA) i per gens relacionats amb la floració, i desencadenariencanvis al metabolisme de la trehalosa, així com la generació de l'expressió primerenca de FT.[EN] Flowering time is one of the most important traits affecting crop productivity and yield. The identification of natural or synthetic bioactive compounds for the control of flowering induction is of great interest. The identification of compounds with the potential to regulate flowering could allow us to fine-tune flowering responses in crops and adapt them to the changing environmental conditions. To identify these compounds, we have taken two different approaches: a chemical genetic screening and the characterization of the metabolome of floral transition. First, we performed a chemical genetic screening to identify small molecules that have the potential to control the expression of the florigen FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) or FT activity or signaling in Arabidopsis. We used transgenic plants expressing the ß-GLUCURONIDASE gene (GUS) under the control of the FT promoter to test a preselected library of 360 molecules. Positive hits were retested by a secondary screening based on the expression of the LUCIFERASE (LUC) reporter gene under the control of the FT promoter. Using this approach, we have identified one molecule that successfully induces flowering under in vitro culture conditions. Secondly, we have characterized the function of pipecolic acid (Pip), a molecule previously identified as a candidate to regulate flowering time. We have confirmed that mutations in enzymes responsible for Pip biosynthesis display an altered flowering response. A new role for Pip in rosette growth is also revealed in this work. Finally, we used an inducible system based on the promoter of CONSTANS (CO) driving the expression of CO fused to the rat glucocorticoid receptor (CO::GR). Such a construction provides a tool to induce flowering with a single dexamethasone treatment. We then performed a comprehensive metabolomic study of the shoot apex and leaf samples that included targeted metabolomics, lipidomics, hormone quantification, and transcriptomics. Integration of these omic datasets has allowed us to point out metabolic pathways that are altered during floral induction. Characterization of loss-of-function mutants coding key enzymes of those metabolic pathways revealed that some of these mutants showed a flowering time phenotype. Among them, we focused on the characterization of the contribution of the raffinose metabolism, a storage oligosaccharide, to the determination of flowering time. Mutants affecting RAFFINOSE SYNTHASE 5 (RS5) exhibit an early flowering phenotype and reduced fertility. We propose a model in which the balance between simple and storage carbohydrates in the apex changes during floral induction. This change could be modulated by ABA and flowering-related genes, and it triggers changes in trehalose metabolism, promoting flowering by an early FT upregulation.Praena Tamayo, J. (2022). Identification of Bioactive Molecules in the Control of Flowering Time [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185177TESI

    Optimization of Agrobacterium mediated cotton transformation using shoot apices explants and quantitative trait loci analysis of yield and yield component traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)

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    Cotton (Gossypium spp) is an important world crop. Although great improvements have been achieved through traditional breeding methods, cotton breeders are facing many problems, i.e., narrow genetic base, inability to use alien genes and difficulty in breaking gene linkages. Genetic transformations and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses are main tools used by breeders to overcome these problems. In this dissertation, an optimized cotton regeneration system from shoot apices was developed. The regeneration rate was increased to 85% by combining rooting induction, indole acetic acid (IAA) shock and graft techniques. The regeneration system is genotype-independent and the whole process takes 12 to 16 weeks. Transgenic cotton plants were obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using shoot apices as explants. Transformation rates were 0.67% and 1.01% for LBA 4404 with β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene and EHA 105 with Bar gene, respectively. Putative transgenic plants were confirmed by leaf GUS assay, kanamycin or herbicide (Liberty) leaf test, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and southern blot analysis. Out of 151 polymorphic markers, 53 amplified fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were assigned to individual chromosomes or chromosome arms by using a set of aneuploid genetic stock. In the QTL analysis of cotton yield and yield components was conducted on an F2:3 population derived from the intraspecific cross. A previously developed linkage map was used based on same population covering 1733.2 cM (37.7%) cotton genome (4700 cM). A total of 47 markers associated with yield and yield component traits were detected. Nine and seven QTL detected by interval mapping (IM) and composite interval mapping (CIM) methods, respectively, four of which were detected by both methods. For lint yield, two main QTL, explaining 27% of variation, were detected via CIM method. No QTL was detected for bolls per plant by IM method and one QTL explaining 8.56% variation was detected by CIM method. For number of fibers per seed, 23.7% of variation was explained by two main QTL detected by both IM and CIM methods. For mean weight per fiber, two QTL were detected via CIM. No QTL was detected for seed number per boll via either method

    Landau equations and asymptotic operation

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    The pinched/non-pinched classification of intersections of causal singularities of propagators in Minkowski space is reconsidered in the context of the theory of asymptotic operation as a first step towards extension of the latter to non-Euclidean asymptotic regimes. A highly visual distribution-theoretic technique of singular wave fronts is tailored to the needs of the theory of Feynman diagrams. Besides a simple derivation of the usual Landau equations in the case of the conventional singularities, the technique naturally extends to other types of singularities e.g. due to linear denominators in non-covariant gauges etc. As another application, the results of Euclidean asymptotic operation are extended to a class of quasi-Euclidean asymptotic regimes in Minkowski space.Comment: 15p PS (GSview), IJMP-A (accepted

    Human perception-oriented segmentation for triangle meshes

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    A segmentação de malhas é um tópico importante de investigação em computação gráfica, em particular em modelação geométrica. Isto deve-se ao facto de as técnicas de segmentaçãodemalhasteremváriasaplicações,nomeadamentenaproduçãodefilmes, animaçãoporcomputador, realidadevirtual, compressãodemalhas, assimcomoemjogosdigitais. Emconcreto, asmalhastriangularessãoamplamenteusadasemaplicações interativas, visto que sua segmentação em partes significativas (também designada por segmentação significativa, segmentação perceptiva ou segmentação perceptualmente significativa ) é muitas vezes vista como uma forma de acelerar a interação com o utilizador ou a deteção de colisões entre esses objetos 3D definidos por uma malha, bem como animar uma ou mais partes significativas (por exemplo, a cabeça de uma personagem) de um dado objeto, independentemente das restantes partes. Acontece que não se conhece nenhuma técnica capaz de segmentar correctamente malhas arbitrárias −ainda que restritas aos domínios de formas livres e não-livres− em partes significativas. Algumas técnicas são mais adequadas para objetos de forma não-livre (por exemplo, peças mecânicas definidas geometricamente por quádricas), enquanto outras são mais talhadas para o domínio dos objectos de forma livre. Só na literatura recente surgem umas poucas técnicas que se aplicam a todo o universo de objetos de forma livre e não-livre. Pior ainda é o facto de que a maioria das técnicas de segmentação não serem totalmente automáticas, no sentido de que quase todas elas exigem algum tipo de pré-requisitos e assistência do utilizador. Resumindo, estes três desafios relacionados com a proximidade perceptual, generalidade e automação estão no cerne do trabalho descrito nesta tese. Para enfrentar estes desafios, esta tese introduz o primeiro algoritmo de segmentação baseada nos contornos ou fronteiras dos segmentos, cuja técnica se inspira nas técnicas de segmentação baseada em arestas, tão comuns em análise e processamento de imagem,porcontraposiçãoàstécnicasesegmentaçãobaseadaemregiões. Aideiaprincipal é a de encontrar em primeiro lugar a fronteira de cada região para, em seguida, identificar e agrupar todos os seus triângulos internos. As regiões da malha encontradas correspondem a saliências e reentrâncias, que não precisam de ser estritamente convexas, nem estritamente côncavas, respectivamente. Estas regiões, designadas regiões relaxadamenteconvexas(ousaliências)eregiõesrelaxadamentecôncavas(oureentrâncias), produzem segmentações que são menos sensíveis ao ruído e, ao mesmo tempo, são mais intuitivas do ponto de vista da perceção humana; por isso, é designada por segmentação orientada à perceção humana (ou, human perception- oriented (HPO), do inglês). Além disso, e ao contrário do atual estado-da-arte da segmentação de malhas, a existência destas regiões relaxadas torna o algoritmo capaz de segmentar de maneira bastante plausível tanto objectos de forma não-livre como objectos de forma livre. Nesta tese, enfrentou-se também um quarto desafio, que está relacionado com a fusão de segmentação e multi-resolução de malhas. Em boa verdade, já existe na literatura uma variedade grande de técnicas de segmentação, bem como um número significativo de técnicas de multi-resolução, para malhas triangulares. No entanto, não é assim tão comum encontrar estruturas de dados e algoritmos que façam a fusão ou a simbiose destes dois conceitos, multi-resolução e segmentação, num único esquema multi-resolução que sirva os propósitos das aplicações que lidam com malhas simples e segmentadas, sendo que neste contexto se entende que uma malha simples é uma malha com um único segmento. Sendo assim, nesta tese descreve-se um novo esquema (entenda-seestruturasdedadosealgoritmos)demulti-resoluçãoesegmentação,designado por extended Ghost Cell (xGC). Este esquema preserva a forma das malhas, tanto em termos globais como locais, ou seja, os segmentos da malha e as suas fronteiras, bem como os seus vincos e ápices são preservados, não importa o nível de resolução que usamos durante a/o simplificação/refinamento da malha. Além disso, ao contrário de outros esquemas de segmentação, tornou-se possível ter segmentos adjacentes com dois ou mais níveis de resolução de diferença. Isto é particularmente útil em animação por computador, compressão e transmissão de malhas, operações de modelação geométrica, visualização científica e computação gráfica. Em suma, esta tese apresenta um esquema genérico, automático, e orientado à percepção humana, que torna possível a simbiose dos conceitos de segmentação e multiresolução de malhas trianguladas que sejam representativas de objectos 3D.The mesh segmentation is an important topic in computer graphics, in particular in geometric computing. This is so because mesh segmentation techniques find many applications in movies, computer animation, virtual reality, mesh compression, and games. Infact, trianglemeshesarewidelyusedininteractiveapplications, sothattheir segmentation in meaningful parts (i.e., human-perceptually segmentation, perceptive segmentationormeaningfulsegmentation)isoftenseenasawayofspeedinguptheuser interaction, detecting collisions between these mesh-covered objects in a 3D scene, as well as animating one or more meaningful parts (e.g., the head of a humanoid) independently of the other parts of a given object. It happens that there is no known technique capable of correctly segmenting any mesh into meaningful parts. Some techniques are more adequate for non-freeform objects (e.g., quadricmechanicalparts), whileothersperformbetterinthedomainoffreeform objects. Only recently, some techniques have been developed for the entire universe of objects and shapes. Even worse it is the fact that most segmentation techniques are not entirely automated in the sense that almost all techniques require some sort of pre-requisites and user assistance. Summing up, these three challenges related to perceptual proximity, generality and automation are at the core of the work described in this thesis. In order to face these challenges, we have developed the first contour-based mesh segmentation algorithm that we may find in the literature, which is inspired in the edgebased segmentation techniques used in image analysis, as opposite to region-based segmentation techniques. Its leading idea is to firstly find the contour of each region, and then to identify and collect all of its inner triangles. The encountered mesh regions correspond to ups and downs, which do not need to be strictly convex nor strictly concave, respectively. These regions, called relaxedly convex regions (or saliences) and relaxedly concave regions (or recesses), produce segmentations that are less-sensitive to noise and, at the same time, are more intuitive from the human point of view; hence it is called human perception- oriented (HPO) segmentation. Besides, and unlike the current state-of-the-art in mesh segmentation, the existence of these relaxed regions makes the algorithm suited to both non-freeform and freeform objects. In this thesis, we have also tackled a fourth challenge, which is related with the fusion of mesh segmentation and multi-resolution. Truly speaking, a plethora of segmentation techniques, as well as a number of multiresolution techniques, for triangle meshes already exist in the literature. However, it is not so common to find algorithms and data structures that fuse these two concepts, multiresolution and segmentation, into a symbiotic multi-resolution scheme for both plain and segmented meshes, in which a plainmeshisunderstoodasameshwithasinglesegment. So, weintroducesuchanovel multiresolution segmentation scheme, called extended Ghost Cell (xGC) scheme. This scheme preserves the shape of the meshes in both global and local terms, i.e., mesh segments and their boundaries, as well as creases and apices are preserved, no matter the level of resolution we use for simplification/refinement of the mesh. Moreover, unlike other segmentation schemes, it was made possible to have adjacent segments with two or more resolution levels of difference. This is particularly useful in computer animation, mesh compression and transmission, geometric computing, scientific visualization, and computer graphics. In short, this thesis presents a fully automatic, general, and human perception-oriented scheme that symbiotically integrates the concepts of mesh segmentation and multiresolution

    MolMarker: A Simple Tool for DNA Fingerprinting Studies and Polymorphic Information Content Calculation

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    Molecular markers and mapping are used to analyze an organism’s genes. They allow the selection of target genetic areas based on marker genotype (and not trait phenotype), facilitate the study of genetic variability and diversity, create linkage maps, and follow individuals or lines carrying certain genes. They may be used to select parental genotypes, remove linkage drag in back-crossing, and choose difficult-to-measure characteristics. Due to a lack of genetic variety in crops, the gene pools of wild crop relatives for future agricultural production have been examined. The invention of RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) for linkage mapping allowed for the creation of other traditional approaches such as RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) and AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism). Accordingly, the need to describe the polymorphic information content (PIC) of the ideal marker has been raised. Marker selection reliability depends on the marker’s relationship to the genomic area of interest. Although informativeness must be estimated for genetic study design, there are no readily available tools. Earlier, PICcalc was developed to calculate heterozygosity (H) and PIC to simplify molecular investigations. These two values were corrected for dominant and co-dominant markers (binary and allelic data) to determine polymorphism quality. Due to the popularity of PICcalc web, we developed a downloadable version called MolMarker with extra functionality to reduce server maintenance