1,024 research outputs found

    Modelling of River Flow and Sediment Load Based on the Hydrological Behavior Model in Yahagi River Basin, Japan

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Use of hydroclimatic forecasts for improved water management in central Texas

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    Accurate seasonal to interannual streamflow forecasts based on climate information are critical for optimal management and operation of water resources systems. Considering most water supply systems are multipurpose, operating these systems to meet increasing demand under the growing stresses of climate variability and climate change, population and economic growth, and environmental concerns could be very challenging. This study was to investigate improvement in water resources systems management through the use of seasonal climate forecasts. Hydrological persistence (streamflow and precipitation) and large-scale recurrent oceanic-atmospheric patterns such as the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), the Pacific North American (PNA), and customized sea surface temperature (SST) indices were investigated for their potential to improve streamflow forecast accuracy and increase forecast lead-time in a river basin in central Texas. First, an ordinal polytomous logistic regression approach is proposed as a means of incorporating multiple predictor variables into a probabilistic forecast model. Forecast performance is assessed through a cross-validation procedure, using distributions-oriented metrics, and implications for decision making are discussed. Results indicate that, of the predictors evaluated, only hydrologic persistence and Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature patterns associated with ENSO and PDO provide forecasts which are statistically better than climatology. Secondly, a class of data mining techniques, known as tree-structured models, is investigated to address the nonlinear dynamics of climate teleconnections and screen promising probabilistic streamflow forecast models for river-reservoir systems. Results show that the tree-structured models can effectively capture the nonlinear features hidden in the data. Skill scores of probabilistic forecasts generated by both classification trees and logistic regression trees indicate that seasonal inflows throughout the system can be predicted with sufficient accuracy to improve water management, especially in the winter and spring seasons in central Texas. Lastly, a simplified two-stage stochastic economic-optimization model was proposed to investigate improvement in water use efficiency and the potential value of using seasonal forecasts, under the assumption of optimal decision making under uncertainty. Model results demonstrate that incorporating the probabilistic inflow forecasts into the optimization model can provide a significant improvement in seasonal water contract benefits over climatology, with lower average deficits (increased reliability) for a given average contract amount, or improved mean contract benefits for a given level of reliability compared to climatology. The results also illustrate the trade-off between the expected contract amount and reliability, i.e., larger contracts can be signed at greater risk

    A Hydropower Facility as an Energy Water Signal Processor

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    In recent times, various efforts have been made to address the challenge of adequately representing hydropower systems in modeling frameworks, accounting for the lack of data to represent the multiple constraints in hydropower operation. This research is a pilot data-driven methodology for characterizing, classifying, and comparing the water-to-energy and energy-to-water signal transformations that hydropower facilities as signal processors accomplish. In this study, a Box Jenkins transfer function/noise model is used to identify the relationship between reservoir inflows and outflows. For examining the feasibility of this methodology, 5-minute fleet data for five storage and five run-of-river facilities was provided by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and transfer function models are developed. The influence of past inflow and outflow values on the current outflow decisions was investigated and summarized by examining the results of Box Jenkins methodology. Finally, dominance analysis was introduced to add value to the Box Jenkins model results and provide different stakeholders with a set of concepts to convey the functionality of hydropower

    Ecological assessment of salmonid populations in a country undergoing rapid environmental and socioeconomic transitions (Mongolia)

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    Mongolia is currently undergoing a rapid socioeconomic transition with extensive development driven by increased mineral resource extraction and large scale agriculture and pastoral expansion. There has also been unprecedented urbanisation and continued population growth that has placed added pressure on the ageing public infrastructure including power stations and waste water treatment plants. As a result, the country’s pristine landscapes, including its vast freshwater ecosystems, are now facing widespread degradation, contamination and species losses in the most impacted regions. The proposed large-scale dams and imminent climate change effects will further damage these fragile ecosystems. With a number of rivers and lakes deteriorating, resident aquatic communities, including unique fish species, have suffered significant population declines. However, a more substantial threat currently facing these fish populations is the rapid and largely unregulated rise in fishing activities within an emerging recreational fishery. Although historically fish capture and consumption has not been a traditional part of the Mongolian diet or culture, this is changing rapidly. Therefore a comprehensive set of research projects were developed and implemented across Mongolia, to gather essential information on this new fishery, while also addressing existing knowledge gaps regarding the spatial ecology and genetic structure of the main target species. In addition, a potential human health risk was evident due to the increased consumption of locally caught fish species from a heavily impacted river basin, and thus this was also investigated. Overall, the collective aim of this fisheries research was to increase the scientific understanding and knowledge across a range of issues and ultimately advise authorities on improving current management regulations and conservation strategies. It is hoped that the recommendations can assist in safeguarding the future sustainability and resilience of the threatened fish populations and the emerging recreational fishery across Mongolia for the future. A total of five fisheries related research projects were completed between 2011 and 2014, with the results from each used to formulate the conservation and management recommendations presented in this thesis. Due to the lack of knowledge regarding the emerging recreational fishery, roving creel surveys were conducted across three river basins and covered five key topics including angler demographics, fishing practices, current fishing trip data, fishing gear and costs, and angler knowledge and opinions. Fifty-eight fishing groups (n = 154 anglers) were interviewed and two angler types were identified: rural anglers with no or low incomes, who reside in the basin, fish alone or in smaller groups, fish frequently for shorter periods, and consumed fish more regularly; and urban anglers who have medium to high incomes, live in larger cities, spent more money on fishing gear / trips and fished for multiple days at a time. B. lenok was identified as the most targeted and caught species in the fishery. The results of the creel surveys confirmed increased fish consumption in the Kharaa River basin, which was identified as a potential human health risk due to the widespread heavy metal contamination from both past and present mining activities. Thus heavy metal contaminates in river water, sediment and five consumed fish species were examined at 11 sites across the basin. Heavy metals were evident in all five sampled species, with maximum muscle contents of chromium (Cr), arsenic (As), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) detected in fish from the middle and lower reaches, while zinc (Zn) was highly elevated in B. lenok from the upper tributaries. Elevated median contents of Cr, copper (Cu), Hg and Pb increased with trophic level, with the bioaccumulation of Hg posing the greatest threat to human health with over 10 % of all fish sampled exceeded the internationally recommended threshold for Hg in consumable fish tissue (> 0.5 µg g-1 ww). This bioaccumulation in resident fish species could lead to chronic toxicity in people who consume them regularly and have additional exposure to other sources of contamination e.g. gold mining. A further two projects were conducted that utilised passive acoustic telemetry to describe the spatial and temporal autecology, habitat use and behaviour of B. lenok in the Eroo River and H. taimen in the Onon/Balj rivers under Mongolia’s extreme seasonal conditions. The maximum longitudinal movements (home ranges) detected were more extensive than previously reported for both species with 45.3 km for B. lenok and 126.1 km for H. taimen. Increased movements were recorded in spring and summer, with individuals entering surrounding tributaries and remaining there for between four and 85 days before returning to the main river channel. The results highlighted the importance of maintaining the integrity and connectivity of tributary habitats for spawning, feeding and overwintering, as well as hydrological and thermal refuges, which will be increasingly important for these species in the region with the pending impacts of climate change. This increased knowledge relating to the spatial ecology of these threatened species can guide the design and implementation of new protective measures such as the introduction of Freshwater Protected Areas (FPAs) across Mongolia. Further research was conducted to gain a broader, multigenerational understanding of the interconnectedness between conspecific populations of H. taimen, B. lenok and T. baicalensis across the major river basins. Both molecular and nuclear markers were used to demarcate the population’s genetic structure and define Evolutionary Significant Units (ESUs) and priority populations for these species across their Mongolian distributions. Across all species, the most prominent pattern was a strong differentiation among major basins with low differentiation and weak patterns of isolation by distance within basins, which indicates high within-basin connectivity between populations, although exact patterns were not completely concordant among species. The extensive results produced from the current scientific research has facilitated the development of a comprehensive set of key recommendations for implementing new, and enhancing existing, management and conservation measures relating to Mongolia’s threatened salmonid species and its emerging recreational fishery. These recommendations include: 1. Establishing a series of Freshwater Protected Areas (FPAs) throughout Mongolia’s major river basins, with their design and location based upon the spatial ecology and genetic population structure determined by the current research results; 2. Shifting the opening date of the fishing season to encompass the entire spawning period of B. lenok (the fishery’s main target species), which appears to currently not be the case; 3. Adding the blunt-snouted lenok (B. sp.) to the prohibited species list, as it has been genetically proven to be an independent species and has a restricted distribution and low abundance in Mongolia; and 4. Introducing minimum (and potentially maximum) size limits for B. lenok and T. baicalensis, to better protect immature and pre-spawning individuals from being removed from the population. In addition, it is highly recommended to commence fisheries dependent and independent assessments in key river basins and conduct biomonitoring programs (using a bioindicator species) to track toxic heavy metal contamination and identify potential human health risks associated with consuming resident fish species from the more heavily impacted regions. The lack of knowledge of the current fishing regulations by anglers as well as the observed and reported widespread illegal fishing activities demands a wide-ranging angler education program to improve understanding and compliance within the fishery. The future survival of these threatened salmonids and the sustainability of the emerging recreational fishery in Mongolia currently hangs in the balance. However, if these scientifically based recommendations are implemented in full, and can be adequately enforced, then the responsible authorities can take a huge step forward towards reversing the current trends and preserving the country’s imperilled freshwater fish populations and their valuable aquatic ecosystems. Mongolia can be a model for freshwater species conservation and management throughout the region and the world.:DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY I TABLE OF CONTENTS II ACKNOWLEDGMENTS V LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS VI LIST OF FIGURES VII LIST OF TABLES VIII SUMMARY IX SUMMARY IN GERMAN / ZUSAMMENFASSUNG AUF DEUTSCH XII SUMMARY IN MONGOLIAN / ХУРААНГУЙ XVI INTRODUCTION 1 1 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND HYPOTHESES 1 1.1 OVERALL THESIS OBJECTIVES 6 2 MONGOLIA’S NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 7 2.1 GEOGRAPHIC ECOREGIONS 7 2.2 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS 7 2.3 HYDROLOGICAL NETWORKS 8 2.4 FRESHWATER FISH FAUNA 9 3 ANTHROPOGENIC FORCINGS 11 3.1 CURRENT SOCIOECONOMIC TRANSITIONS 11 3.2 INTENSIFYING FISHING ACTIVITIES 11 3.3 CONTAMINATION OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS 12 3.4 IMMINENT THREATS 15 RESEARCH CHAPTERS 17 4 AN EMERGING RECREATIONAL FISHERY IN MONGOLIA’S URBANISING SOCIETY: A THREAT TO ITS PRISTINE FISH STOCKS? 17 4.1 ABSTRACT 17 4.2 INTRODUCTION 18 4.3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 20 4.4 RESULTS 22 4.5 DISCUSSION 29 5 REGIONAL PATTERNS OF HEAVY METAL EXPOSURE AND CONTAMINATION IN THE FISH FAUNA OF THE KHARAA RIVER BASIN (MONGOLIA) 36 5.1 ABSTRACT 36 5.2 INTRODUCTION 37 5.3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 39 5.4 RESULTS 43 5.5 DISCUSSION 49 6 MOVEMENTS AND BEHAVIOUR OF AN ARCHAIC TROUT, BRACHYMYSTAX LENOK (PALLAS, 1773) UNDER EXTREME ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS IN MONGOLIA 57 6.1 ABSTRACT 57 6.2 INTRODUCTION 57 6.3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 60 6.4 RESULTS 64 6.5 DISCUSSION 71 7 SEASONAL HOME RANGE SHIFTS OF THE SIBERIAN TAIMEN (HUCHO TAIMEN; PALLAS, 1773): EVIDENCE FROM PASSIVE ACOUSTIC TELEMETRY IN THE ONON RIVER AND BALJ TRIBUTARY (AMUR RIVER BASIN, MONGOLIA) 78 7.1 ABSTRACT 78 7.2 INTRODUCTION 79 7.3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 81 7.4 RESULTS 84 7.5 DISCUSSION 88 8 FISH CONSERVATION IN THE LAND OF STEPPE AND SKY: EVOLUTIONARY SIGNIFICANT UNITS OF THREATENED SALMONID SPECIES IN MONGOLIA MIRROR MAJOR RIVER BASINS 95 8.1 ABSTRACT 95 8.2 INTRODUCTION 95 8.3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 98 8.4 RESULTS 101 8.5 DISCUSSION 108 DISCUSSION 115 9 SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES IN MONGOLIA 115 9.1 OVERVIEW AND LINKAGES OF KEY RESEARCH FINDINGS 115 9.2 FRESHWATER FISH CONSERVATION IN A TRANSITIONAL SOCIETY 118 9.3 ADDRESSING MANAGEMENT SHORTFALLS TO CURB INTENSIFYING FISHING ACTIVITIES 119 9.4 BIOMONITORING TO MITIGATE HUMAN HEALTH RISKS 122 9.5 IMPROVING ANGLER COMPLIANCE WITH INCREASED EDUCATION 123 9.6 PRESERVING HYDROLOGICAL CONNECTIVITY AND RIVER INTEGRITY IN THE FACE OF IMMINENT THREATS 124 9.7 MANAGEMENT AVOIDANCES 127 9.8 TRANSFERABILITY OF RESEARCH METHODS, RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 127 9.9 FUTURE RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT PRIORITIES 129 10 REFERENCES 132 APPENDIX 1 I APPENDIX 2 II APPENDIX 3 VI APPENDIX 4 VIII APPENDIX 5 XXI APPENDIX 6 XXII APPENDIX 7 XXIV 11 REFERENCES TO OWN PUBLISHED / SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT IN THE PRESENT THESIS XXV 12 INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CURRENT THESIS XXVI 13 NOTE ON THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE DOCTORAL PROCEDURE XXVIII 14 CURRICULUM VITAE XXIX 15 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS XXXIDie Mongolei befindet sich derzeit in einem rasanten sozioökonomischen Übergang mit tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, die v.a. durch eine Zunahme bergbaulicher Aktivitäten sowie einen Ausbau ackerbaulicher Nutzungen wie auch der Viehwirtschaft angetrieben werden. Derzeit vollzieht sich eine noch nie dagewesene Urbanisierung und ein weiteres Bevölkerungswachstum, das auf die alternde öffentliche Infrastruktur, einschließlich Kraftwerke und Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen, einen zusätzlichen Druck ausübt. Infolgedessen zeigen sich in den weitgehend unberührten Landschaften des Landes, einschließlich seiner riesigen Süßwasser-Ökosysteme, deutliche Anzeichen von Übernutzung natürlicher Ressourcen, Umweltverschmutzung und Artenverlusten. Zukünftig geplante große Staudämme werden neben den bevorstehenden Auswirkungen des Klimawandels die Hydrologie deutlich verändern. So sind bereits deutliche Beeinträchtigungen der Fluss-und See-Ökosysteme erkennbar, insbesondere in Hinblick auf ihre aquatischen Lebensgemeinschaften. Einige der weltweit einzigartigen Fischarten haben bereits erhebliche Bevölkerungsrückgänge erlitten. Eine weitere existenzielle Bedrohung für diese Fischpopulationen ist der rasche und weitgehend un-regulierte Anstieg der Fischereitätigkeiten aus einer aufstrebenden Freizeitfischerei. Obwohl Fischfang und -konsum keine traditionellen Elemente der mongolischen Ernährung oder Kultur darstellen, vollziehen sich diesbezüglich derzeit tiefgreifende Veränderungen. Daher wurden in der Mongolei umfangreiche Forschungsprojekte geplant und durchgeführt, um wesentliche Informationen über diese neue Art der Fischerei zu sammeln und gleichzeitig bestehende Wissenslücken in Bezug auf die räumliche Ökologie und die Metapopulationsstruktur der wichtigsten Zielarten zu schließen. Darüber hinaus zeigten Untersuchungen, dass sich aufgrund des erhöhten Konsums von lokal gefangenen Fischarten aus einem stark beeinträchtigten Einzugsgebiet ein potenzielles Risiko für die menschliche Gesundheit ergibt. Insgesamt ist das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Fischereiforschung, das wissenschaftliche Verständnis und Wissen zu erweitern und letztlich die derzeitigen Managementinstrumente zu verbessern und neue Erhaltungsmaßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Nachhaltigkeit und Widerstandsfähigkeit der bedrohten Fischartenpopulationen und die aufkommende Erholung zu sichern. Insgesamt wurden zwischen 2011 und 2014 insgesamt fünf fischereibiologische Forschungsprojekte abgeschlossen, wobei die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeiten in Erhaltungs- und Managementempfehlungen münden. Wegen des Mangels an Wissen über die aufkommende Freizeitfischerei wurden Anglerbefragungen in drei Einzugsgebieten durchgeführt, welche fünf wichtige Themen wie Angler-Demographie, Fischereipraktiken, Reisetätigkeiten, Fanggeräte und Kosten sowie Anglerwissen und Meinungen umfassten. Fünfundsechzig Angelgruppen (n = 154 Angler) wurden interviewt und zwei Anglertypen identifiziert: ländliche Angler ohne oder niedrige Einkommen, die in dem Becken wohnen, alleine oder in kleineren Gruppen fischen, häufig für kürzere Zeiten fischen und regelmäßig Fisch verzehren; und städtische Angler, die mittlere bis hohe Einkommen haben, in größeren Städten leben, mehr Geld für Fanggeräte / Ausflüge ausgegeben und typischerweise für mehrere Tage am Stück fischen. B. lenok wurde als die bevorzugte und am meisten gefangene Zielarten der Fischerei identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse der Anglerbefragungen bestätigten den erhöhten Fischkonsum im Kharaa-Einzugsgebiet, das aufgrund der weit verbreiteten Schwermetallverunreinigung aus der Vergangenheit und den gegenwärtigen Bergbauaktivitäten als potenzielles Risiko für die menschliche Gesundheit identifiziert wurde. So wurden Schwermetallverunreinigungen im Flusswasser, Sediment und fünf konsumierten Fischarten an 11 Standorten im Einzugsgebiet untersucht. Schwermetalle zeigten sich in allen fünf Stichprobenarten, wobei der maximale Muskelgehalt von Cr, As, Hg und Pb in Fischen aus dem Mittel- und Unterlauf festgestellt wurde, während Zn in B. lenok in den Oberlaufregionen stark erhöht war. Der erhöhte mediane Gehalt an Cr, Cu, Hg und Pb nahm mit trophischer Ebene zu, wobei die Bioakkumulation von Hg die größte Bedrohung für die menschliche Gesundheit darstellte, wobei über 10% aller Fischproben den international empfohlenen Schwellenwert für Hg im verzehrbaren Fischgewebe überstiegen (> 0,5 μg g-1 ww). Diese Bioakkumulation in residenten Fischarten könnte zu chronischen Intoxikationen bei Menschen führen, die sie regelmäßig konsumieren und zusätzliche Exposition gegenüber anderen Kontaminationsquellen haben, z.B. im Goldbergbau. Es wurden weitere zwei Projekte durchgeführt, die eine passive akustische Telemetrie zur Beschreibung der räumlichen und zeitlichen Autökologie, des Lebensraumnutzens und des Verhaltens von B. lenok im Eroo River und H. taimen in den Flüssen Onon und Balj unter den extremen Klimabedingungen der Mongolei verwendeten. Die maximalen Längsbewegungen (Heimatbereiche) wurden -umfangreicher als bisher angenommen- für beide Arten wurden auf 45,3 km für B. lenok und 126,1 km für H. taimen ermittelt. Im Frühjahr und Sommer wurden erhöhte Bewegungen aufgezeichnet, wobei die Individuen in die umliegenden Nebenflüsse eintraten und dort zwischen 4 und 85 Tagen verblieben, bevor sie zum Hauptfluss des Flusses zurückkehrten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Bedeutung der Aufrechterhaltung der Integrität und der Konnektivität von Nebenflüssen für Laichen, Nahrungssuche und Überwinterung sowie hydrologische und thermische Schutzräume, die für diese Arten in der Region mit den anstehenden Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen werden. Die verbesserten Kenntnisse der räumlichen Ökologie dieser bedrohten Arten kann die Gestaltung und Umsetzung neuer Schutzmaßnahmen wie Süßwasser-Schutzgebiete in der Mongolei wissenschaftlich fundieren und leiten. Weitere Untersuchungen wurden durchgeführt, um ein breiteres, multigenerationales Verständnis der Zusammenhänge zwischen den konkreten Populationen von H. taimen, B. lenok und T. baicalensis über die großen Flusseinzugsgebiete zu gewinnen. Sowohl molekulare als auch nukleare Marker wurden verwendet, um die genetische Struktur abzugrenzen und definieren, so z.B. evolutionär signifikante Einheiten (ESUs) und eigenständige Populationen für diese Arten einschließlich ihrer räumlichen Verteilung in der Mongolei. Über alle Arten hinweg war das deutlichste Muster eine starke Differenzierung zwischen den großen Becken mit geringer Differenzierung. Dem gegenüber stehen schwache Muster der Isolation durch die Distanz in den Becken, die eine hohe einzugsgebietsinterne Konnektivität anzeigen, obwohl exakte Muster nicht vollständig unter allen Arten übereinstimmten. Die Prioritäten der Erhaltung müssen sich auf die Verbesserung des Schutzes der vorrangigen Bevölkerungsgruppen innerhalb jeder Art und ESU konzentrieren, um die begrenzten verfügbaren Ressourcen für die Arten- und Populations-Erhaltung und fischereiliche Bewirtschaftung in der Mongolei zu maximieren. Die umfangreichen Ergebnisse aus der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Forschung ermöglichten die Ableitung umfassender Empfehlungen für die Umsetzung neuer und die Verbesserung der bestehenden Management- und Erhaltungsmaßnahmen in Bezug auf die bedrohten Lachsarten der Mongolei und die aufkommende Freizeitfischerei. Diese Empfehlungen beinhalten 1.die Gründung einer Reihe von Süßwasser-Schutzgebieten (FPA) in den großen Flussgebieten der Mongolei auf der Grundlage der räumlichen Ökologie und der genetischen Bevölkerungsstruktur, die durch die aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse untermauert wird; 2. Eine Verschiebung des Eröffnungstermins der Fangsaison, welche im Gegensatz zur aktuellen Praxis die gesamte Laichzeit von B. lenok (die Hauptzielspezies der Fischerei); umfassen sollte; 3. Hinzufügen des Stumpfschnauzen-Lenok (B. sp.) zur Liste der besonders geschützten Arten, da er sich als eine genetisch unabhängige Spezies erwiesen hat, welche eine begrenzte räumliche Verteilung und geringe Populationsdichte in der Mongolei hat; und 4. Einführung von minimalen (und potentiell maximalen) Körpergrößenbeschränkungen für B. lenok und T. baicalensis, um die unreifen und heranwachsenden Individuen besser vor menschlichen Einflüssen zu schützen. Darüber hinaus empfiehlt es sich dringend, in den wichtigsten Flussgebieten fischereilich genutzte und nicht genutzte Fischpopulationen zu erfassen und Biomonitoring-Programme (unter Verwendung von Bioindikator-Spezies) zu implementieren, um toxische Schwermetallverunreinigungen zu verfolgen und potenzielle Risiken für die menschliche Gesundheit zu identifizieren, die mit dem Verzehr Fischen aus beeinträchtigten Regionen einhergehen. Schließlich verlangt das Fehlen von Kenntnissen über die derzeitigen Fischereiverordnungen durch Angler sowie die beobachteten und gemeldeten weitverbreiteten illegalen Fischereitätigkeiten ein weitreichendes Angler-Bildungsprogramm, um das Verständnis und die Einhaltung fischereilicher Regelungen zu verbessern. Das künftige Überleben der bedrohten Salmoniden und die Nachhaltigkeit der aufkommenden Freizeitfischerei in der Mongolei sind eng miteinander verbunden. Sofern die hier dargestellten wissenschaftlich fundierten Empfehlungen in vollem Umfang umgesetzt werden und hinreichend kontrolliert werden können, würden die zuständigen Behörden einen großen Schritt in Richtung der Umkehrung der aktuellen Trends machen und die gefährdeten Süßwasserfischpopulationen des Landes und ihre wertvollen aquatischen Ökosysteme bewahren. Die Mongolei könnte dann ein Modell für die Erhaltung und Bewirtschaftung von Süßwasserarten in der ganzen Region und der Welt werden.:DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY I TABLE OF CONTENTS II ACKNOWLEDGMENTS V LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS VI LIST OF FIGURES VII LIST OF TABLES VIII SUMMARY IX SUMMARY IN GERMAN / ZUSAMMENFASSUNG AUF DEUTSCH XII SUMMARY IN MONGOLIAN / ХУРААНГУЙ XVI INTRODUCTION 1 1 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND HYPOTHESES 1 1.1 OVERALL THESIS OBJECTIVES 6 2 MONGOLIA’S NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 7 2.1 GEOGRAPHIC ECOREGIONS 7 2.2 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS 7 2.3 HYDROLOGICAL NETWORKS 8 2.4 FRESHWATER FISH FAUNA 9 3 ANTHROPOGENIC FORCINGS 11 3.1 CURRENT SOCIOECONOMIC TRANSITIONS 11 3.2 INTENSIFYING FISHING ACTIVITIES 11 3.3 CONTAMINATION OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS 12 3.4 IMMINENT THREATS 15 RESEARCH CHAPTERS

    Diversification In The Neotropics – Evolution And Population Genetics Of The Armored Catfish Hypancistrus Sp. From The Xingu River

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    The Xingu River, one of the largest tributaries of the Amazon River, is currently in peril due to the recent construction of hydroelectric dams, but little is known about the numerous fish species it supports. This dissertation focuses on three pleco catfish species belonging to the genus Hypancistrus from the Xingu River with partially overlapping distributions: H. zebra, H. sp. (L174), and H. sp. (L66/333). Chapter 1 is a bibliographic review of Amazonian freshwater fish diversity, with the goal of discussing the hypotheses of speciation mechanisms that can be tested in this system, including the relative importance of ecological adaptation and vicariance caused by topographical divides and waterfalls and rapids, and arguing this is an important overlooked model for the study of speciation processes. The goal of Chapter 2 was to use genomic data to unravel the basic relationships among eight described and eleven undescribed species belonging to the genus Hypancistrus distributed across the Orinoco and Amazon Basins. The phylogenetic analyses support the existence of two clades corresponding to each basin, but relationships among some of the species are poorly supported. Further exploratory analyses in combination of hypotheses testing indicate there are at least four admixed lineages in the Amazon clade. Chapter 3 investigated the evolution of Hypancistrus from the Xingu River based on genomic data. With dense sampling of H. sp. (L66/333), phylogenetic and population genetic analyses reveal a gradient of genetic structure along the river, with introgression from lineages of Hypancistrus from other Amazon River tributaries close to the mouth of the Xingu. On the upstream limit of the distribution of H. sp. (L66/333), a population hybridized with H. sp. (L174) is found just upstream of waterfalls, that act as a partial barrier to gene flow. Tests for past gene flow suggest there is signal for multiple introgression events between these lineages, but the direction, timing, and intensity of these events is still unclear. Overall, these results indicate the evolution of Hypancistrus was exceptionally complex. Fascinating patterns of diversification are emerging from this system that is unfortunately in risk of extinction due to the impacts of damming

    Hydrogeomorphological characterization of a canyon river in southern Brazil : a specific type of a mountain river

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    Mountain rivers are presented on all continents, representing an important portion of the territories. During the last decades, their utilization has been increasing by many objectives, such as tourism, recreation, water supply, and land use. However, mountain rivers are less studied than alluvial rivers, even though extreme hydrological events used to reach these areas and cause damages in the mountain environments. Furthermore, when considering rivers carved on canyons, the studies are even more scarce. For this reason, the present dissertation aims to identify relevant parameters for characterizing mountain rivers. In addition, it seeks to perform a hydrogeomorphological characterization of a canyon river located in Southern Brazil, which is part of the most extensive canyon chain in South America, inserted in the Aparados da Serra National Park. It was performed an extensive literature review on mountain rivers. Also, field surveys, computational modeling, and statistical analysis were conducted to realize the characterization. The field surveys include measurements on topography, bathymetry, discharge, grain size distribution, and geomorphic units in three reaches of the Boi River. Furthermore, distinct conditions of flow resistance in the three considered reaches along the Boi River were evaluated. The results indicate that canyon rivers are those rivers under the direct influence of canyon environments concerning sediment supply processes, sediment transport, grain size distribution, geomorphic patterns, and hydraulic conditions. In addition, canyon, transition, and floodplain landscapes present different behaviors in terms of river morphometry. Thus, canyon rivers are not restricted to those rivers presented in the canyon landscape but also those in the transition to alluvial rivers. The canyon influence decreases from upstream (close to the gorge) to downstream (towards the floodplain). Also, the canyon landscapes present higher resistance to flow than floodplain landscapes. As the differences are remarkable, it evidences the hydrogeomorphological differences among reaches in the same river.Rios montanhosos estão presentes em todos os continentes, representando uma boa porção dos territórios. Ao longo das últimas décadas, sua utilização vem aumentando com diversas finalidades, tais como turismo, recreação, manancial de água e ocupação territorial. No entanto, rios montanhosos são menos estudados que rios de planície, embora eventos hidrológicos extremos possam apresentar maior potencial de dano no ambiente montanhoso. Quando considerado rios montanhosos escavados em cânions, esses estudos são ainda mais escassos. Por essa razão, a presente tese buscou identificar parâmetros necessários para caracterizar um rio montanhoso, além de realizar a caracterização hidrogeomorfológica de um rio de cânion localizado no sul do Brasil, o qual faz parte da maior cadeia de cânions da América do Sul e que está inserido na área do Parque Nacional de Aparados da Serra. Para tal, foi realizada uma extensiva revisão bibliográfica, trabalhos de campo, modelagem computacional e análises estatísticas para realizar tal caracterização. Os trabalhos de campo envolveram medições topográficas, batimétricas, vazão, distribuição do tamanho de sedimentos e de unidades geomorfológicas de pequena escala em três trechos do rio do Boi, compreendido. Também foram avaliadas as diferentes condições de resistência ao fluxo nos três trechos. Os resultados indicam que rios de cânion são aqueles sob influência direta do ambiente de cânion em relação aos processos de suprimento de sedimentos, transporte de sedimentos, distribuição do tamanho de sedimentos, padrões geomórficos e hidráulicos. Além disso, cânion, transição e planície apresentam diferentes comportamentos em termos de morfometria dos rios. Desse modo, rios de cânion não são restringidos a rios presentes na paisagem de cânion, mas também aqueles na transição para rios aluviais. A influência do cânion decresce de montante (próximo às paredes do cânion) para jusante (em direção à planície). Além disso, os locais identificados como cânion apresentam maior resistência ao fluxo do que aqueles locais identificados como planície. Como as diferenças são consideráveis, fica evidenciado as diferenças hidrogeomorfológicas em diferentes trechos de um mesmo rio

    Community Assembly Dynamics of Rapids-adapted Fishes of the Xingu River

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    Increasing hydroelectric development in the tropics is beginning to place a large percentage of global freshwater diversity at risk. A prime example is the recently completed Belo Monte Hydroelectric Complex (BMHC) on the Xingu River in Brazil, which will have severe impacts on a highly endemic assemblage of rapids-adapted fishes. This dissertation uses community assembly theory as a lens to explore ecological dynamics within rapids of the Xingu prior to hydrologic alteration, with the goal of furthering empirical understanding of the assembly process, as well as providing necessary baseline data for conservation efforts. Focusing on both functional and taxonomic community structure, I use null model comparisons and multivariate statistical approaches to explore: 1) temporal dynamics between wet and dry-season assemblages, 2) variation across different functional traits, and 3) spatial variation along the impacted reach. Significant differences in functional diversity between wet and dry-season assemblages suggest that the relative influence of community assembly mechanisms vary seasonally in response to changing abiotic conditions, with expanded habitat and decreased density of aquatic organisms during the wet season likely limiting the influence of biotic assembly mechanisms, including competitive exclusion. Significant relationships between a trait’s deviation from null expectations and its correlation with trophic structure indicates that traits strongly associated with trophic ecology display greater dispersion from the mean and more even spacing of trait values. This suggests that traits associated with trophic ecology are more influential in niche differentiation affecting species coexistence. The dominant compositional pattern observed was the high number of rapids-adapted species found upstream of the main powerhouse, further highlighting this region of the Xingu as a hotspot of aquatic diversity and identifying the area that will be dewatered by the BMHC as critically important for the conservation of this unique fauna. These results emphasize the dynamic nature of the assembly process, but suggest that traits may respond to assembly mechanisms in predictable ways. Maintenance of a dynamic flow regime that contains key components of the historic hydrograph will be critical for the conservation of this globally unique habitat and its associated diversity

    Ecological impact assessment of hydropower generation in river systems

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    Estimating the concentration of physico chemical parameters in hydroelectric power plant reservoir

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    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defines the amazon region and adjacent areas, such as the Pantanal, as world heritage territories, since they possess unique flora and fauna and great biodiversity. Unfortunately, these regions have increasingly been suffering from anthropogenic impacts. One of the main anthropogenic impacts in the last decades has been the construction of hydroelectric power plants. As a result, dramatic altering of these ecosystems has been observed, including changes in water levels, decreased oxygenation and loss of downstream organic matter, with consequent intense land use and population influxes after the filling and operation of these reservoirs. This, in turn, leads to extreme loss of biodiversity in these areas, due to the large-scale deforestation. The fishing industry in place before construction of dams and reservoirs, for example, has become much more intense, attracting large populations in search of work, employment and income. Environmental monitoring is fundamental for reservoir management, and several studies around the world have been performed in order to evaluate the water quality of these ecosystems. The Brazilian Amazon, in particular, goes through well defined annual hydrological cycles, which are very importante since their study aids in monitoring anthropogenic environmental impacts and can lead to policy and decision making with regard to environmental management of this area. The water quality of amazon reservoirs is greatly influenced by this defined hydrological cycle, which, in turn, causes variations of microbiological, physical and chemical characteristics. Eutrophication, one of the main processes leading to water deterioration in lentic environments, is mostly caused by anthropogenic activities, such as the releases of industrial and domestic effluents into water bodies. Physico-chemical water parameters typically related to eutrophication are, among others, chlorophyll-a levels, transparency and total suspended solids, which can, thus, be used to assess the eutrophic state of water bodies. Usually, these parameters must be investigated by going out to the field and manually measuring water transparency with the use of a Secchi disk, and taking water samples to the laboratory in order to obtain chlorophyll-a and total suspended solid concentrations. These processes are time- consuming and require trained personnel. However, we have proposed other techniques to environmental monitoring studies which do not require fieldwork, such as remote sensing and computational intelligence. Simulations in different reservoirs were performed to determine a relationship between these physico-chemical parameters and the spectral response. Based on the in situ measurements, empirical models were established to relate the reflectance of the reservoir measured by the satellites. The images were calibrated and corrected atmospherically. Statistical analysis using error estimation was used to evaluate the most accurate methodology. The Neural Networks were trained by hydrological cycle, and were useful to estimate the physicalchemical parameters of the water from the reflectance of visible bands and NIR of satellite images, with better results for the period with few clouds in the regions analyzed. The present study shows the application of wavelet neural network to estimate water quality parameters using concentration of the water samples collected in the Amazon reservoir and Cefni reservoir, UK. Sattelite imagens from Landsats and Sentinel-2 were used to train the ANN by hydrological cycle. The trained ANNs demonstrated good results between observed and estimated after Atmospheric corrections in satellites images. The ANNs showed in the results are useful to estimate these concentrations using remote sensing and wavelet transform for image processing. Therefore, the techniques proposed and applied in the present study are noteworthy since they can aid in evaluating important physico-chemical parameters, which, in turn, allows for identification of possible anthropogenic impacts, being relevant in environmental management and policy decision-making processes. The tests results showed that the predicted values have good accurate. Improving efficiency to monitor water quality parameters and confirm the reliability and accuracy of the approaches proposed for monitoring water reservoirs. This thesis contributes to the evaluation of the accuracy of different methods in the estimation of physical-chemical parameters, from satellite images and artificial neural networks. For future work, the accuracy of the results can be improved by adding more satellite images and testing new neural networks with applications in new water reservoirs