25 research outputs found

    A unifying operating platform for 5G end-to-end and multi-layer orchestration

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    Heterogeneity of current software solutions for 5G is heading for complex and costly situations, with high fragmentation, which in turn creates uncertainty and the risk of delaying 5G innovations. This context motivated the definition of a novel Operating Platform for 5G (5G-OP), a unifying reference functional framework supporting end-to-end and multi-layer orchestration. 5G-OP aims at integrated management, control and orchestration of computing, storage, memory, networking core and edge resources up to the end-user devices and terminals (e.g., robots and smart vehicles). 5G-OP is an overarching architecture, with agnostic interfaces and well-defined abstractions, offering the seamless integration of current and future infrastructure control and orchestration solutions (e.g., OpenDaylight, ONOS, OpenStack, Apache Mesos, OpenSource MANO, Docker, LXC, etc.) The paper provides also the description of a prototype that can be seen as a simplified version of a 5G-OP, whose feasibility has been demonstrated in Focus Group IMT2020 of ITU-T

    Virtualization of set-top-box devices in next generation SDN-NFV networks: the INPUT project perspective

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    Due to the emergence of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) paradigms, coupled with a hyper-connectivity communication paradigm, the \u201csoftwarisation\u201d of the Internet infrastructure and of its network management framework is gaining increasing popularity. This is the target of the INPUT platform, a novel infrastructure and paradigm supporting Future Internet personal cloud services in a more scalable and sustainable way, and with innovative addedvalue capabilities. The INPUT technologies enable next-generation cloud applications to go beyond classical service models, and even replace physical Smart Devices, usually placed in users\u2019 homes (e.g., set-top boxes), with their virtual images, providing them to users \u201cas a Service\u201d. In this paper we present the Virtual set-top box from both architectural and functional points of view, demonstrating the feasibility of the softwarized SDN/NFV paradigm joined with the fog-computing approach to support personal cloud services

    A processor-sharing scheduling strategy for NFV nodes

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    The introduction of the two paradigms SDN and NFV to "softwarize" the current Internet is making management and resource allocation two key challenges in the evolution towards the Future Internet. In this context, this paper proposes Network-Aware Round Robin (NARR), a processor-sharing strategy, to reduce delays in traversing SDN/NFV nodes. The application of NARR alleviates the job of the Orchestrator by automatically working at the intranode level, dynamically assigning the processor slices to the virtual network functions (VNFs) according to the state of the queues associated with the output links of the network interface cards (NICs). An extensive simulation set is presented to show the improvements achieved with respect to two more processor-sharing strategies chosen as reference

    A unifying orchestration operating platform for 5G

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    5G will revolutionize the way ICT and Telecommunications infrastructures work. Indeed, businesses can greatly benefit from innovation introduced by 5G and exploit the new deep integration between ICT and networking capabilities to generate new value-added services. Although a plethora of solutions for virtual resources and infrastructures management and orchestration already exists (e.g., OpenDaylight, ONOS, OpenStack, Apache Mesos, Open Source MANO, Docker Swarm, LXD/LXC, etc.), they are still not properly integrated to match the 5G requirements. In this paper, we present the 5G Operating Platform (5G-OP) which has been conceived to fill in this gap and integrate management, control and orchestration of computing, storage and networking resources down to the end-user devices and terminals (e.g., smart phone, machines, robots, drones, autonomous vehicles, etc.). The 5G-OP is an overarching framework capable to provide agnostic interfaces and a universal set of abstractions in order to implement seamless 5G infrastructure control and orchestration. The functional structure of the 5G-OP, including the horizontal and vertical interworking of functions in it, has been designed to allow Network Operators and Service Providers to exploit diverse roles and business strategies. Moreover, the functional decoupling of the 5G-OP from the underneath management, control and orchestration solutions allows pursuing faster innovation cycles, being ready for the emergence of new service models

    Constraint Programming for Flexible Service Function Chaining Deployment

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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) are technologies that recently acquired a great momentum thanks to their promise of being a flexible and cost-effective solution for replacing hardware-based, vendor-dependent network middleboxes with software appliances running on general purpose hardware in the cloud. Delivering end-to-end networking services across multiple NFV/SDN network domains by implementing the so-called Service Function Chain (SFC) i.e., a sequence of Virtual Network Functions (VNF) that composes the service, is a challenging task. In this paper we address two crucial sub-problems of this task: i) the language to formalize the request of a given SFC to the network and ii) the solution of the SFC design problem, once the request is received. As for i) in our solution the request is built upon the intent-based approach, with a syntax that focuses on asking the user what she needs and not how it should be implemented, in a simple and high level language. Concerning ii) we define a formal model describing network architectures and VNF properties that is then used to solve the SFC design problem by means of Constraint Programming (CP), a programming paradigm which is often used in Artificial Intelligence applications. We argue that CP can be effectively used to address this kind of problems because it provides very expressive and flexible modeling languages which come with powerful solvers, thus providing efficient and scalable performance. We substantiate this claim by validating our tool on some typical and non trivial SFC design problems

    Virtual Networking Performance in OpenStack Platform for Network Function Virtualization

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    The emerging Network Function Virtualization (NFV) paradigm, coupled with the highly flexible and programmatic control of network devices offered by Software Defined Networking solutions, enables unprecedented levels of network virtualization that will definitely change the shape of future network architectures, where legacy telco central offices will be replaced by cloud data centers located at the edge. On the one hand, this software-centric evolution of telecommunications will allow network operators to take advantage of the increased flexibility and reduced deployment costs typical of cloud computing. On the other hand, it will pose a number of challenges in terms of virtual network performance and customer isolation. This paper intends to provide some insights on how an open-source cloud computing platform such as OpenStack implements multitenant network virtualization and how it can be used to deploy NFV, focusing in particular on packet forwarding performance issues. To this purpose, a set of experiments is presented that refer to a number of scenarios inspired by the cloud computing and NFV paradigms, considering both single tenant and multitenant scenarios. From the results of the evaluation it is possible to highlight potentials and limitations of running NFV on OpenStack

    P-SCOR: Integration of Constraint Programming Orchestration and Programmable Data Plane

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    In this manuscript we present an original implementation of network management functions in the context of Software Defined Networking. We demonstrate a full integration of an artificial intelligence driven management, an SDN control plane, and a programmable data plane. Constraint Programming is used to implement a management operating system that accepts high level specifications, via a northbound interface, in terms of operational objective and directives. These are translated in technology-specific constraints and directives for the SDN control plane, leveraging the programmable data plane, which is enriched with functionalities suited to feed data that enable the most effective operation of the “intelligent” control plane, by exploiting the language

    Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Services Placement in Cloud-Fog Architecture

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    The proliferation in data volume and processing requests calls for a new breed of on-demand computing. Fog computing is proposed to address the limitations of cloud computing by extending processing and storage resources to the edge of the network. Cloud and fog computing employ virtual machines (VMs) for efficient resource utilization. In order to optimize the virtual environment, VMs can be migrated or replicated over geo-distributed physical machines for load balancing and energy efficiency. In this work, we investigate the offloading of VM services from the cloud to the fog considering the British Telecom (BT) network topology. The analysis addresses the impact of different factors including the VM workload and the proximity of fog nodes to users considering the data rate of state-of-the-art applications. The results show that the optimum placement of VMs significantly decreases the total power consumption by up to 75% compared to a single cloud placement

    The Virtual Object as a Major Element of the Internet of Things: a Survey

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has been evolving toward the creation of a cyber-physical world where everything can be found, activated, probed, interconnected, and updated, so that any possible interaction, both virtual and/or physical, can take place. A Crucial concept of this paradigm is that of the virtual object, which is the digital counterpart of any real (human or lifeless, static or mobile, solid or intangible) entity in the IoT. It has now become a major component of the current IoT platforms, supporting the discovery and mash up of services, fostering the creation of complex applications, improving the objects energy management efficiency, as well as addressing heterogeneity and scalability issues. This paper aims at providing the reader with a survey of the virtual object in the IoT world. Virtualness is addressed from several perspectives: historical evolution of its definitions, current functionalities assigned to the virtual object and how they tackle the main IoT challenges, and major IoT platforms, which implement these functionalities. Finally, we illustrate the lessons learned after having acquired a comprehensive view of the topic