82 research outputs found

    Multisource and Multitemporal Data Fusion in Remote Sensing

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    The sharp and recent increase in the availability of data captured by different sensors combined with their considerably heterogeneous natures poses a serious challenge for the effective and efficient processing of remotely sensed data. Such an increase in remote sensing and ancillary datasets, however, opens up the possibility of utilizing multimodal datasets in a joint manner to further improve the performance of the processing approaches with respect to the application at hand. Multisource data fusion has, therefore, received enormous attention from researchers worldwide for a wide variety of applications. Moreover, thanks to the revisit capability of several spaceborne sensors, the integration of the temporal information with the spatial and/or spectral/backscattering information of the remotely sensed data is possible and helps to move from a representation of 2D/3D data to 4D data structures, where the time variable adds new information as well as challenges for the information extraction algorithms. There are a huge number of research works dedicated to multisource and multitemporal data fusion, but the methods for the fusion of different modalities have expanded in different paths according to each research community. This paper brings together the advances of multisource and multitemporal data fusion approaches with respect to different research communities and provides a thorough and discipline-specific starting point for researchers at different levels (i.e., students, researchers, and senior researchers) willing to conduct novel investigations on this challenging topic by supplying sufficient detail and references

    Multisource and multitemporal data fusion in remote sensing:A comprehensive review of the state of the art

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    The recent, sharp increase in the availability of data captured by different sensors, combined with their considerable heterogeneity, poses a serious challenge for the effective and efficient processing of remotely sensed data. Such an increase in remote sensing and ancillary data sets, however, opens up the possibility of utilizing multimodal data sets in a joint manner to further improve the performance of the processing approaches with respect to applications at hand. Multisource data fusion has, therefore, received enormous attention from researchers worldwide for a wide variety of applications. Moreover, thanks to the revisit capability of several

    A review of spatial enhancement of hyperspectral remote sensing imaging techniques

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    Remote sensing technology has undeniable importance in various industrial applications, such as mineral exploration, plant detection, defect detection in aerospace and shipbuilding, and optical gas imaging, to name a few. Remote sensing technology has been continuously evolving, offering a range of image modalities that can facilitate the aforementioned applications. One such modality is Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI). Unlike Multispectral Images (MSI) and natural images, HSI consist of hundreds of bands. Despite their high spectral resolution, HSI suffer from low spatial resolution in comparison to their MSI counterpart, which hinders the utilization of their full potential. Therefore, spatial enhancement, or Super Resolution (SR), of HSI is a classical problem that has been gaining rapid attention over the past two decades. The literature is rich with various SR algorithms that enhance the spatial resolution of HSI while preserving their spectral fidelity. This paper reviews and discusses the most important algorithms relevant to this area of research between 2002-2022, along with the most frequently used datasets, HSI sensors, and quality metrics. Meta-analysis are drawn based on the aforementioned information, which is used as a foundation that summarizes the state of the field in a way that bridges the past and the present, identifies the current gap in it, and recommends possible future directions

    Towards clinical translation of raman spectroscopy for tumor cell identification

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    In the modern world, cancer is one of the leading causes of death, and its early diagnostics remains one of the big challenges. Since cancer starts as a malfunction on the cellular level, the diagnostic techniques have to deal with single cells. Detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs), which are present in the patient's blood, holds promise for the future theranostic applications, as CTCs represent the actual state of the primary tumor. Raman spectroscopy is a label-free technique capable of non-destructive and chemically-specific characterization of individual cells. In contrast to marker-based methods, the CTCs detected by Raman can be reused for more specific single-cells biochemical analysis methods. This thesis focuses on technological developments for Raman-based CTC identification, and encompasses the whole chain of involved methods and processes, including instrumentation and microfluidic cell handling, automation of spectra acquisition and storage, and chemometric data analysis. It starts with a design of custom application-specific instruments that we used to evaluate and optimize different experimental parameters. A major part is software development for automated acquisition and organized storage of spectral data in a database. With the automated measurement systems and the database in place, we were able to collect about 40.000 Raman spectra of more than 15 incubated cancer cell lines, healthy donor leukocytes, as well as samples originating from clinical patients. Additionally, the thesis gives an overview of data analysis methods and provides an insight into the underlying trends of the dataset. Although the cell identification models could not reliably differentiate between individual cancer cell lines, they were able to recognize tumor cells among healthy leukocytes with prediction accuracy of more than 95%. This work demonstrated an increase in the throughput of Raman-based CTC detection, and provides a basis for its clinical translation

    Contributions au traitement des images multivariées

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    Ce mémoire résume mon activité pédagogique et scientifique en vue de l’obtention de l’habilitation à diriger des recherches

    Fine Art Pattern Extraction and Recognition

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    This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Journal of Imaging (ISSN 2313-433X) (available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jimaging/special issues/faper2020)

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering
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