9 research outputs found

    Education Software for the Modelling and Calibration of Kinematic Mechanisms

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    AbstractThis paper presents a new software for teaching the most important aspects of modelling, characterization and calibration of parallel mechanisms by means of the kinematic model, the kinematic parameter identification and the control of the system actuators and sensors. This application allows the student to develop competencies such as analysis and synthesis, to solve problems, research skills and to apply their knowledge.The developed tool presents a special interest in areas such as education, industry and research, since the application interface allows the user to carry out the different steps of the calibration procedure in an easy way. Besides, only one application is necessary to perform all the procedure for data acquisition and kinematic parameter identification.Moreover, thanks to the flexibility that the developed software offers in the programming, a senior undergraduate student can modify different algorithm variables and analyze the effects that take place with these changes. This application therefore presents an important utility as a teaching tool for the learning process and analysis of the different steps in the parallel mechanism optimization

    An Overview of Kinematic and Calibration Models Using Internal/External Sensors or Constraints to Improve the Behavior of Spatial Parallel Mechanisms

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    This paper presents an overview of the literature on kinematic and calibration models of parallel mechanisms, the influence of sensors in the mechanism accuracy and parallel mechanisms used as sensors. The most relevant classifications to obtain and solve kinematic models and to identify geometric and non-geometric parameters in the calibration of parallel robots are discussed, examining the advantages and disadvantages of each method, presenting new trends and identifying unsolved problems. This overview tries to answer and show the solutions developed by the most up-to-date research to some of the most frequent questions that appear in the modelling of a parallel mechanism, such as how to measure, the number of sensors and necessary configurations, the type and influence of errors or the number of necessary parameters

    Optimization of a Parallel Mechanism Design with Respect to a Stewart Platform Control Design

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    Předkládaná práce se zabývá návrhem modelu dynamiky paralelního manipulátoru optimálního pro účely návrhu řízení. Zvolený přístup je založen na modelování dynamiky systému v simulačním prostředí Matlab SimMechanics následovaném linearizací modelu. Výsledný stavový lineární model mimo jiné umožňuje snadné posouzení řiditelnosti a pozorovatelnosti modelu. Díky své relativní jednoduchosti je model také výpočetně nenáročný. Přístup je demonstrován na návrhu dvouvrstvého řízení SimMechanics modelu Stewartovy platformy, na kterém bylo následně navržené řízení úspěšně testováno. Podstatná část práce obsahuje přístup k modelování neurčitých parametrů dynamického modelu Stewartovy platformy a stejnosměrného motoru Maxon RE 35 a jeho výsledky. Předložený přístup je založen na modelování parametrické neurčitosti způsobem, kdy je neurčitost definována individuálně pro jednotlivé prvky stavových matic modelu. Samotná neurčitost je potom určena rozdílem mezi jednotlivými parametry příslušných matic nominálního modelu a modelu se stanovenou maximální neurčitostí parametrů. Výsledný neurčitostní model je vzhledem ke své stavové reprezentaci vhodný pro návrh regulátoru založeném na metodách návrhu robustního řízení, například minimalizaci normy H-nekonečno. Popsaná metoda byla použita pro kompenzaci posunu mezi pracovními body, okolo kterých je prováděna linearizace a pro kompenzaci nepřesnosti modelování vybraných parametrů modelů Stewartovy platformy a stejnosměrného motoru. Získané modely (v prostředí SimMechanics a neurčitostní model) byly experimentálně porovnány s chováním jednoho z lineárních pohonů Stewartovy platformy. Rozdíl v datech obdržených ze simulace v prostředí SimMechanics a naměřených na reálném stroji byl téměř kompletně pokryt neurčitostním modelem. Prezentovaná metoda neurčitostního modelování je velice univerzální a aplikovatelná na libovolný stavový model.The proposed work is dealing with an optimal model of a parallel manipulator dynamics for a control design purposes. The approach is based on modeling of the system dynamics in Matlab Simmechanics followed by the model linearization. The obtained linear model may be simply inspected from the controllability and observability point of view. It is also computational modest thanks to its simplicity. This is demonstrated on designing of a two – layer control for a model of a Stewart platform. The control based on such a linear model was successfully tested on the original nonlinear model. The essential part of the the work is dealing with modeling of uncertain parameters in the dynamic model of the Stewart platform and DC motor Maxon RE 35. The proposed approach is based on modeling of a parametric uncertainty where the uncertainty is defined individually for particular elements of the model state matrices. The uncertainty itself is set by the difference between parameters of corresponding matrices of the nominal linear model and model with maximally perturbed parameters. The obtained uncertain model is for its form suitable for the robust control design methods, for example via minimizing an H-infinity norm. The method was used for a compensation of the shifting of the linearization operating points in the Stewart platform and for compensation of the modeling inaccuracy of selected parameters in the Stewart platform and the DC motor model. The obtained models (SimMechanics and uncertain state - space) were compared with the single linear actuator of the Stewart platform. The difference between the simulated SimMechanics model and measured data was almost completely covered by the uncertain model. The method is highly versatile and applicable on any state-space model.

    Position analysis based on multi-affine formulations

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el 31/5/2022The position analysis problem is a fundamental issue that underlies many problems in Robotics such as the inverse kinematics of serial robots, the forward kinematics of parallel robots, the coordinated manipulation of objects, the generation of valid grasps, the constraint-based object positioning, the simultaneous localization and map building, and the analysis of complex deployable structures. It also arises in other fields, such as in computer aided design, when the location of objects in a design is given in terms of geometric constrains, or in the conformational analysis of biomolecules. The ubiquity of this problem, has motivated an intense quest for methods able of tackling it. Up to now, efficient algorithms for the general problem have remained elusive and they are only available for particular cases. Moreover, the complexity of the problem has typically led to methods difficult to be implemented. Position analysis can be decomposed into two equally important steps: obtaining a set of closure equations, and solving them. This thesis deals with both of them to obtain a general, simple, and yet efficient solution method that we call the trapezoid method. The first step is addressed relying on dual quaternions. Although it has not been properly highlighted in the past, the use of dual quaternions permits expressing the closure condition of a kinematic loop involving only lower pairs as a system of multi-affine equations. In this thesis, this property is leveraged to introduce an interval-based method specially tailored for solving multi-affine systems. The proposed method is objectively simpler (in the sense that it is easier to understand and to implement) than previous methods based on general techniques such as interval Newton methods, conversions to Bernstein basis, or linear relaxations. Moreover, it relies on two simple operations, namely, linear interpolations and projections on coordinate planes, which can be executed with a high performance. The result is a method that accurately and efficiently bounds the valid solutions of the problem at hand. To further improve the accuracy, we propose the use of redundant, multi affine equations that are derived from the minimal set of equations describing the problem. To improve the efficiency, we introduce a variable elimination methodology that preserves the multi-affinity of the system of equations. The generality and the performance of the proposed trapezoid method are extensively evaluated on different kind of mechanisms, including spherical mechanisms, generic 6R and 7R loops, over-constrained systems, and multi-loop mechanisms. The proposed method is, in all cases, significantly faster than state of the art alternatives.El problema de l'anàlisi de posició és un tema fonamental que subjau a molts problemes de la robòtica, com ara la cinemàtica inversa de robots sèrie, la cinemàtica directa de robots paral·lels, la manipulació coordinada d'objectes, la generació de prensions vàlides amb mans robòtiques, el posicionament d'objectes basat en restriccions, la localització i la creació de mapes de forma simultània, i l'anàlisi d'estructures desplegables complexes. També sorgeix en altres camps, com ara en el disseny assistit per ordinador, quan la ubicació dels objectes en un disseny es dóna en termes de restriccions geomètriques o en l'anàlisi conformacional de biomolècules. La omnipresència d'aquest problema ha motivat una intensa recerca de mètodes capaços d'afrontar-lo. Fins al moment, els algoritmes eficients per al problema general han estat esquius i només estan disponibles per a casos particulars. A més, la complexitat del problema normalment ha conduït a mètodes difícils d'implementar. L'anàlisi de posició es pot descompondre en dos passos igualment importants: l'obtenció d'un sistema d'equacions de tancament i la resolució d'aquest sistema. Aquesta tesi tracta de tots dos passos per tal d'obtenir un mètode de solució general, senzill i alhora eficient que anomenem el mètode del trapezoide. El primer pas s'aborda utilitzant quaternions duals. Tot i que no ha estat suficientment destacat en el passat, l'ús de quaternions duals permet expressar la condició de tancament d'un bucle cinemàtic que impliqui només parells inferiors com a un sistema d'equacions multi-afins. En aquesta tesi s'aprofita aquesta propietat per introduir un mètode especialment dissenyat per resoldre sistemes multi-afins. El mètode proposat és objectivament més senzill (en el sentit que és més fàcil d'entendre i d'implementar) que els mètodes anteriors que utilitzen tècniques generals com ara els mètodes de Newton basats en intervals, les conversions a la base de Bernstein o les relaxacions lineals. A més, el mètode es basa en dues operacions simples, a saber, les interpolacions lineals i les projeccions en plans de coordenades, que es poden executar de forma molt eficient. El resultat és un mètode que acota amb precisió i eficiència les solucions vàlides del problema. Per millorar encara més la precisió, proposem l'ús d'equacions multi-afins redundants derivades del conjunt mínim d'equacions que descriuen el problema. Per altra banda, per millorar l'eficiència, introduïm un metodologia d'eliminació de variables que preserva la multi-afinitat del sistema d'equacions. La generalitat i el rendiment del mètode del trapezoide s'avalua extensivament en diferents tipus de mecanismes, inclosos els mecanismes esfèrics, bucles 6R i 7R genèrics, sistemes sobre-restringits i mecanismes de múltiples bucles. El mètode proposat és, en tots els casos, significativament més ràpid que els mètodes alternatius descrits en la literatura fins al moment.Postprint (published version

    Static force capabilities and dynamic capabilities of parallel mechanisms equipped with safety clutches

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    Cette thèse étudie les forces potentielles des mécanismes parallèles plans à deux degrés de liberté équipés d'embrayages de sécurité (limiteur de couple). Les forces potentielles sont étudiées sur la base des matrices jacobienne. La force maximale qui peut être appliquée à l'effecteur en fonction des limiteurs de couple ainsi que la force maximale isotrope sont déterminées. Le rapport entre ces deux forces est appelé l'efficacité de la force et peut être considéré ; comme un indice de performance. Enfin, les résultats numériques proposés donnent un aperçu sur la conception de robots coopératifs reposant sur des architectures parallèles. En isolant chaque lien, les modèles dynamiques approximatifs sont obtenus à partir de l'approche Newton-Euler et des équations de Lagrange pour du tripteron et du quadrupteron. La plage de l'accélération de l'effecteur et de la force externe autorisée peut être trouvée pour une plage donnée de forces d'actionnement.This thesis investigates the force capabilities of two-degree-of-freedom planar parallel mechanisms that are equipped with safety clutches (torque limiters). The force capabilities are studied based on the Jacobian matrices. The maximum force that can be applied at the end-effector for given torque limits (safety index) is determined together with the maximum isotropic force that can be produced. The ratio between these two forces, referred to as the force effectiveness, can be considered as a performance index. Finally, some numerical results are proposed which can provide insight into the design of cooperation robots based on parallel architectures. Considering each link and slider system as a single body, approximate dynamic models are derived based on the Newton-Euler approach and Lagrange equations for the tripteron and the quadrupteron. The acceleration range or the external force range of the end-effector are determined and given as a safety consideration with the dynamic models

    Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machine Calibration by Laser Tracker Multilateration

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    A new procedure for the calibration of an articulated arm coordinate measuring machine (AACMM) is presented in this paper. First, a self-calibration algorithm of four laser trackers (LTs) is developed. The spatial localization of a retroreflector target, placed in different positions within the workspace, is determined by means of a geometric multilateration system constructed from the four LTs. Next, a nonlinear optimization algorithm for the identification procedure of the AACMM is explained. An objective function based on Euclidean distances and standard deviations is developed. This function is obtained from the captured nominal data (given by the LTs used as a gauge instrument) and the data obtained by the AACMM and compares the measured and calculated coordinates of the target to obtain the identified model parameters that minimize this difference. Finally, results show that the procedure presented, using the measurements of the LTs as a gauge instrument, is very effective by improving the AACMM precision

    Fluid Power and Motion Control (FPMC 2008)

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    Improving Energy Efficiency and Motion Control in Load-Carrying Applications using Self-Contained Cylinders

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    Because of an increasing focus on environmental impact, including CO2 emissions and fluid spill pollution, inefficient hydraulic systems are being replaced by more environmentally friendly alternatives in several industries. For instance, in some offshore applications that have multiple diesel generators continuously running to produce electricity, all hydraulic rotating actuators supplied from a central hydraulic power unit have been replaced with AC induction motors containing a variable frequency drive and gearbox. However, hydraulic linear actuators are still needed in most load-carrying applications mainly because of their high reliability associated with external impact shocks. Moreover, their force capacity is higher than that of their linear electromechanical counterparts. Valve-controlled linear actuators (cylinders) supplied from a centralized hydraulic power unit are standard in offshore load-carrying applications. In addition to the advantages mentioned above of hydraulic linear actuators, they have, nevertheless, a number of important drawbacks, which include: 1) a high level of energy consumption due to significant power losses caused by flow throttling in both the pipelines and valves, 2) reduced motion performance due to the influence of load-holding valves, 3) high CO2 emissions and fuel costs related to the diesel generator that supplies electricity to the hydraulic power unit, 4) significant potential for hydraulic fluid leakage because of many leakage points, 5) demanding efforts with respect to installation and maintenance, as well as 6) costly piping due to the centralized hydraulic power supply. The work presented in this dissertation and the appended papers are devoted to replacing inefficient hydraulic linear actuation systems traditionally used in offshore load-carrying applications with more environmentally friendly solutions. Two alternative technologies are identified, namely electro-mechanical and electro-hydraulic self-contained cylinders. The feasibility of replacing conventional valve-controlled cylinders with self-contained cylinder concepts is investigated in two relevant case studies.publishedVersio