1,684 research outputs found

    ALMA Observations of the Orion Proplyds

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    We present ALMA observations of protoplanetary disks ("proplyds") in the Orion Nebula Cluster. We imaged 5 individual fields at 856um containing 22 HST-identified proplyds and detected 21 of them. Eight of those disks were detected for the first time at submillimeter wavelengths, including the most prominent, well-known proplyd in the entire Orion Nebula, 114-426. Thermal dust emission in excess of any free-free component was measured in all but one of the detected disks, and ranged between 1-163 mJy, with resulting disk masses of 0.3-79 Mjup. An additional 26 stars with no prior evidence of associated disks in HST observations were also imaged within the 5 fields, but only 2 were detected. The disk mass upper limits for the undetected targets, which include OB stars, theta1Ori C and theta1Ori F, range from 0.1-0.6 Mjup. Combining these ALMA data with previous SMA observations, we find a lack of massive (>3 Mjup) disks in the extreme-UV dominated region of Orion, within 0.03 pc of O-star theta1Ori C. At larger separations from theta1Ori C, in the far-UV dominated region, there is a wide range of disk masses, similar to what is found in low-mass star forming regions. Taken together, these results suggest that a rapid dissipation of disk masses likely inhibits potential planet formation in the extreme-UV dominated regions of OB associations, but leaves disks in the far-UV dominated regions relatively unaffected.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Resolved Measurements of X_(CO) in NGC 6946

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    We present the largest sample to date of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in a substantial spiral galaxy other than the Milky Way. We map the distribution of molecular gas with high resolution and image fidelity within the central 5 kpc of the spiral galaxy NGC 6946 in the ^(12)CO (J = 1-0) transition. By combining observations from the Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45 m single dish telescope and the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter Astronomy interferometer, we are able to obtain high image fidelity and accurate measurements of L_CO compared with previous purely interferometric studies. We resolve individual GMCs, measure their luminosities and virial masses, and derive X CO—the conversion factor from CO measurements to H2 masses—within individual clouds. On average, we find that X_CO = 1.2 × 10^(20) cm^(–2) (K km s^(–1))^(–1), which is consistent within our uncertainties with previously derived Galactic values as well as the value we derive for Galactic GMCs above our mass sensitivity limit. The properties of our GMCs are largely consistent with the trends observed for molecular clouds detected in the Milky Way disk, with the exception of six clouds detected within ~400 pc of the center of NGC 6946, which exhibit larger velocity dispersions for a given size and luminosity, as has also been observed at the Galactic center

    Millimeter observations of Young Stellar Objects with the CARMA interferometer

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    Presento uno studio di 81 young stellar Objects di classe con l'obiettivo di ricavarne la massa in polvere dai flussi

    A probable Keplerian disk feeding an optically revealed massive young star

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    The canonical picture of star formation involves disk-mediated accretion, with Keplerian accretion disks and associated bipolar jets primarily observed in nearby, low-mass young stellar objects (YSOs). Recently, rotating gaseous structures and Keplerian disks have been detected around a number of massive (M > 8 solar masses) YSOs (MYSOs) including several disk-jet systems. All of the known MYSO systems are located in the Milky Way, and all are embedded in their natal material. Here we report the detection of a rotating gaseous structure around an extragalactic MYSO in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The gas motions show radial flow of material falling from larger scales onto a central disk-like structure, the latter exhibiting signs of Keplerian rotation, i.e., a rotating toroid feeding an accretion disk and thus the growth of the central star. The system is in almost all aspects comparable to Milky Way high-mass young stellar objects accreting gas via a Keplerian disk. The key difference between this source and its Galactic counterparts is that it is optically revealed, rather than being deeply embedded in its natal material as is expected of such a young massive star. We suggest that this is the consequence of the star having formed in a low-metallicity and low-dust content environment, thus providing important constraints for models of the formation and evolution of massive stars and their circumstellar disks.Comment: 20 pages, 9 page

    Revealing The Millimeter Environment of the New FU Orionis Candidate HBC722 with the Submillimeter Array

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    We present 230 GHz Submillimeter Array continuum and molecular line observations of the newly discovered FUor candidate HBC722. We report the detection of seven 1.3 mm continuum sources in the vicinity of HBC722, none of which correspond to HBC722 itself. We compile infrared and submillimeter continuum photometry of each source from previous studies and conclude that three are Class 0 embedded protostars, one is a Class I embedded protostar, one is a Class I/II transition object, and two are either starless cores or very young, very low luminosity protostars or first hydrostatic cores. We detect a northwest-southeast outflow, consistent with the previous detection of such an outflow in low-resolution, single-dish observations, and note that its axis may be precessing. We show that this outflow is centered on and driven by one of the nearby Class 0 sources rather than HBC722, and find no conclusive evidence that HBC722 itself is driving an outflow. The non-detection of HBC722 in the 1.3 mm continuum observations suggests an upper limit of 0.02 solar masses for the mass of the circumstellar disk. This limit is consistent with typical T Tauri disks and with a disk that provides sufficient mass to power the burst.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    High-Velocity Clouds in the Nearby Spiral Galaxy M 83

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    We present deep HI 21-cm and optical observations of the face-on spiral galaxy M 83 obtained as part of a project to search for high-velocity clouds (HVCs) in nearby galaxies. Anomalous-velocity neutral gas is detected toward M 83, with 5.6x10^7 Msolar of HI contained in a disk rotating 40-50 km/s more slowly in projection than the bulk of the gas. We interpret this as a vertically extended thick disk of neutral material, containing 5.5% of the total HI within the central 8 kpc. Using an automated source detection algorithm to search for small-scale HI emission features, we find eight distinct, anomalous-velocity HI clouds with masses ranging from 7x10^5 to 1.5x10^7 Msolar and velocities differing by up to 200 km/s compared to the HI disk. Large on-disk structures are coincident with the optical spiral arms, while unresolved off-disk clouds contain no diffuse optical emission down to a limit of 27 r' mag per square arcsec. The diversity of the thick HI disk and larger clouds suggests the influence of multiple formation mechanisms, with a galactic fountain responsible for the slowly-rotating disk and on-disk discrete clouds, and tidal effects responsible for off-disk cloud production. The mass and kinetic energy of the HI clouds are consistent with the mass exchange rate predicted by the galactic fountain model. If the HVC population in M 83 is similar to that in our own Galaxy, then the Galactic HVCs must be distributed within a radius of less than 25 kpc.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ. Some figures have been altered to reduce their siz

    A probable Keplerian disk feeding an optically revealed massive young star.

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    The canonical picture of star formation involves disk-mediated accretion, with Keplerian accretion disks and associated bipolar jets primarily observed in nearby, low-mass young stellar objects (YSOs). Recently, rotating gaseous structures and Keplerian disks have been detected around several massive (M > 8 M ) YSOs (MYSOs) , including several disk-jet systems . All the known MYSO systems are in the Milky Way, and all are embedded in their natal material. Here we report the detection of a rotating gaseous structure around an extragalactic MYSO in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The gas motion indicates that there is a radial flow of material falling from larger scales onto a central disk-like structure. The latter exhibits signs of Keplerian rotation, so that there is a rotating toroid feeding an accretion disk and thus the growth of the central star. The system is in almost all aspects comparable to Milky Way high-mass YSOs accreting gas from a Keplerian disk. The key difference between this source and its Galactic counterparts is that it is optically revealed rather than being deeply embedded in its natal material as is expected of such a massive young star. We suggest that this is the consequence of the star having formed in a low-metallicity and low-dust content environment. Thus, these results provide important constraints for models of the formation and evolution of massive stars and their circumstellar disks. [Abstract copyright: © 2023. The Author(s).

    Little Things

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    We present LITTLE THINGS (Local Irregulars That Trace Luminosity Extremes, The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey) that is aimed at determining what drives star formation in dwarf galaxies. This is a multi-wavelength survey of 37 Dwarf Irregular and 4 Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies that is centered around HI-line data obtained with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) Very Large Array (VLA). The HI-line data are characterized by high sensitivity (less than 1.1 mJy/beam per channel), high spectral resolution (less than or equal to 2.6 km/s), and high angular resolution (~6 arcseconds. The LITTLE THINGS sample contains dwarf galaxies that are relatively nearby (less than or equal to 10.3 Mpc; 6 arcseconds is less than or equal to 300 pc), that were known to contain atomic hydrogen, the fuel for star formation, and that cover a large range in dwarf galactic properties. We describe our VLA data acquisition, calibration, and mapping procedures, as well as HI map characteristics, and show channel maps, moment maps, velocity-flux profiles, and surface gas density profiles. In addition to the HI data we have GALEX UV and ground-based UBV and Halpha images for most of the galaxies, and JHK images for some. Spitzer mid-IR images are available for many of the galaxies as well. These data sets are available on-line.Comment: In press in A
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