80 research outputs found

    Multinomial latent logistic regression

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.We are arriving at the era of big data. The booming of data gives birth to more complicated research objectives, for which it is important to utilize the superior discriminative power brought by explicitly designed feature representations. However, training models based on these features usually requires detailed human annotations, which is being intractable due to the exponential growth of data scale. A possible solution for this problem is to employ a restricted form of training data, while regarding the others as latent variables and performing latent variable inference during the training process. This solution is termed weakly supervised learning, which usually relies on the development of latent variable models. In this dissertation, we propose a novel latent variable model - multinomial latent logistic regression (MLLR), and present a set of applications on utilizing the proposed model on weakly supervised scenarios, which, at the same time, cover multiple practical issues in real-world applications. We first derive the proposed MLLR in Chapter 3, together with theoretical analysis including the concave and convex property, optimization methods, and the comparison with existing latent variable models on structured outputs. Our key discovery is that by performing “maximization” over latent variables and “averaging” over output labels, MLLR is particularly effective when the latent variables have a large set of possible values or no well-defined graphical structure is existed, and when probabilistic analysis is preferred on the output predictions. Based on it, the following three sections will discuss the application of MLLR in a variety of tasks on weakly supervised learning. In Chapter 4, we study the application of MLLR on a novel task of architectural style classification. Due to a unique property of this task that rich inter-class relationships between the recognizing classes make it difficult to describe a building using “hard” assignments of styles, MLLR is believed to be particularly effective due to its ability to produce probabilistic analysis on output predictions in weakly supervised scenarios. Experiments are conducted on a new self-collected dataset, where several interesting discoveries on architectural styles are presented together with the traditional classification task. In Chapter 5, we study the application of MLLR on an extreme case of weakly supervised learning for fine-grained visual categorization. The core challenge here is that the inter-class variance between subordinate categories is very limited, sometimes even lower than the intra-class variance. On the other hand, due to the non-convex objective function, latent variable models including MLLR are usually very sensitive to the initialization. To conquer these problems, we propose a novel multi-task co-localization strategy to perform warm start for MLLR, which in turn takes advantage of the small inter-class variance between subordinate categories by regarding them as related tasks. Experimental results on several benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, achieving comparable results with latest methods with stronger supervision. In Chapter 6, we aim to further facilitate and scale weakly supervised learning via a novel knowledge transferring strategy, which introduces detailed domain knowledge from sophisticated methods trained on strongly supervised datasets. The proposed strategy is proved to be applicable in a much larger web scale, especially accounting for the ability of performing noise removal with the help of the transferred domain knowledge. A generalized MLLR is proposed to solve this problem using a combination of strongly and weakly supervised training data

    Supervised learning and inference of semantic information from road scene images

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    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la UAH en el año académico 2013-2014Nowadays, vision sensors are employed in automotive industry to integrate advanced functionalities that assist humans while driving. However, autonomous vehicles is a hot field of research both in academic and industrial sectors and entails a step beyond ADAS. Particularly, several challenges arise from autonomous navigation in urban scenarios due to their naturalistic complexity in terms of structure and dynamic participants (e.g. pedestrians, vehicles, vegetation, etc.). Hence, providing image understanding capabilities to autonomous robotics platforms is an essential target because cameras can capture the 3D scene as perceived by a human. In fact, given this need for 3D scene understanding, there is an increasing interest on joint objects and scene labeling in the form of geometry and semantic inference of the relevant entities contained in urban environments. In this regard, this Thesis tackles two challenges: 1) the prediction of road intersections geometry and, 2) the detection and orientation estimation of cars, pedestrians and cyclists. Different features extracted from stereo images of the KITTI public urban dataset are employed. This Thesis proposes a supervised learning of discriminative models that rely on strong machine learning techniques for data mining visual features. For the first task, we use 2D occupancy grid maps that are built from the stereo sequences captured by a moving vehicle in a mid-sized city. Based on these bird?s eye view images, we propose a smart parameterization of the layout of straight roads and 4 intersecting roads. The dependencies between the proposed discrete random variables that define the layouts are represented with Probabilistic Graphical Models. Then, the problem is formulated as a structured prediction, in which we employ Conditional Random Fields (CRF) for learning and convex Belief Propagation (dcBP) and Branch and Bound (BB) for inference. For the validation of the proposed methodology, a set of tests are carried out, which are based on real images and synthetic images with varying levels of random noise. In relation to the object detection and orientation estimation challenge in road scenes, this Thesis goal is to compete in the international challenge known as KITTI evaluation benchmark, which encourages researchers to push forward the current state of the art on visual recognition methods, particularized for 3D urban scene understanding. This Thesis proposes to modify the successful part-based object detector known as DPM in order to learn richer models from 2.5D data (color and disparity). Therefore, we revisit the DPM framework, which is based on HOG features and mixture models trained with a latent SVM formulation. Next, this Thesis performs a set of modifications on top of DPM: I) An extension to the DPM training pipeline that accounts for 3D-aware features. II) A detailed analysis of the supervised parameter learning. III) Two additional approaches: "feature whitening" and "stereo consistency check". Additionally, a) we analyze the KITTI dataset and several subtleties regarding to the evaluation protocol; b) a large set of cross-validated experiments show the performance of our contributions and, c) finally, our best performing approach is publicly ranked on the KITTI website, being the first one that reports results with stereo data, yielding an increased object detection precision (3%-6%) for the class 'car' and ranking first for the class cyclist

    Multi-View Face Recognition From Single RGBD Models of the Faces

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    This work takes important steps towards solving the following problem of current interest: Assuming that each individual in a population can be modeled by a single frontal RGBD face image, is it possible to carry out face recognition for such a population using multiple 2D images captured from arbitrary viewpoints? Although the general problem as stated above is extremely challenging, it encompasses subproblems that can be addressed today. The subproblems addressed in this work relate to: (1) Generating a large set of viewpoint dependent face images from a single RGBD frontal image for each individual; (2) using hierarchical approaches based on view-partitioned subspaces to represent the training data; and (3) based on these hierarchical approaches, using a weighted voting algorithm to integrate the evidence collected from multiple images of the same face as recorded from different viewpoints. We evaluate our methods on three datasets: a dataset of 10 people that we created and two publicly available datasets which include a total of 48 people. In addition to providing important insights into the nature of this problem, our results show that we are able to successfully recognize faces with accuracies of 95% or higher, outperforming existing state-of-the-art face recognition approaches based on deep convolutional neural networks

    Supervised learning and inference of semantic information from road scene images

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    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la UAH en el año académico 2013-2014Nowadays, vision sensors are employed in automotive industry to integrate advanced functionalities that assist humans while driving. However, autonomous vehicles is a hot field of research both in academic and industrial sectors and entails a step beyond ADAS. Particularly, several challenges arise from autonomous navigation in urban scenarios due to their naturalistic complexity in terms of structure and dynamic participants (e.g. pedestrians, vehicles, vegetation, etc.). Hence, providing image understanding capabilities to autonomous robotics platforms is an essential target because cameras can capture the 3D scene as perceived by a human. In fact, given this need for 3D scene understanding, there is an increasing interest on joint objects and scene labeling in the form of geometry and semantic inference of the relevant entities contained in urban environments. In this regard, this Thesis tackles two challenges: 1) the prediction of road intersections geometry and, 2) the detection and orientation estimation of cars, pedestrians and cyclists. Different features extracted from stereo images of the KITTI public urban dataset are employed. This Thesis proposes a supervised learning of discriminative models that rely on strong machine learning techniques for data mining visual features. For the first task, we use 2D occupancy grid maps that are built from the stereo sequences captured by a moving vehicle in a mid-sized city. Based on these bird?s eye view images, we propose a smart parameterization of the layout of straight roads and 4 intersecting roads. The dependencies between the proposed discrete random variables that define the layouts are represented with Probabilistic Graphical Models. Then, the problem is formulated as a structured prediction, in which we employ Conditional Random Fields (CRF) for learning and convex Belief Propagation (dcBP) and Branch and Bound (BB) for inference. For the validation of the proposed methodology, a set of tests are carried out, which are based on real images and synthetic images with varying levels of random noise. In relation to the object detection and orientation estimation challenge in road scenes, this Thesis goal is to compete in the international challenge known as KITTI evaluation benchmark, which encourages researchers to push forward the current state of the art on visual recognition methods, particularized for 3D urban scene understanding. This Thesis proposes to modify the successful part-based object detector known as DPM in order to learn richer models from 2.5D data (color and disparity). Therefore, we revisit the DPM framework, which is based on HOG features and mixture models trained with a latent SVM formulation. Next, this Thesis performs a set of modifications on top of DPM: I) An extension to the DPM training pipeline that accounts for 3D-aware features. II) A detailed analysis of the supervised parameter learning. III) Two additional approaches: "feature whitening" and "stereo consistency check". Additionally, a) we analyze the KITTI dataset and several subtleties regarding to the evaluation protocol; b) a large set of cross-validated experiments show the performance of our contributions and, c) finally, our best performing approach is publicly ranked on the KITTI website, being the first one that reports results with stereo data, yielding an increased object detection precision (3%-6%) for the class 'car' and ranking first for the class cyclist

    Discriminative latent variable models for visual recognition

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    Visual Recognition is a central problem in computer vision, and it has numerous potential applications in many dierent elds, such as robotics, human computer interaction, and entertainment. In this dissertation, we propose two discriminative latent variable models for handling challenging visual recognition problems. In particular, we use latent variables to capture and model various prior knowledge in the training data. In the rst model, we address the problem of recognizing human actions from still images. We jointly consider both poses and actions in a unied framework, and treat human poses as latent variables. The learning of this model follows the framework of latent SVM. Secondly, we propose another latent variable model to address the problem of automated tag learning on YouTube videos. In particular, we address the semantic variations (sub-tags) of the videos which have the same tag. In the model, each video is assumed to be associated with a sub-tag label, and we treat this sub-tag label as latent information. This model is trained using a latent learning framework based on LogitBoost, which jointly considers both the latent sub-tag label and the tag label. Moreover, we propose a novel discriminative latent learning framework, kernel latent SVM, which combines the benet of latent SVM and kernel methods. The framework of kernel latent SVM is general enough to be applied in many applications of visual recognition. It is also able to handle complex latent variables with interdependent structures using composite kernels

    Towards human interaction analysis

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    Modeling and recognizing human behaviors in a visual surveillance task is receiving increasing attention from computer vision and machine learning researchers. Such a system should deal in particularly with detecting when interactions between people occur and classifying the type of interaction. In this work we study a flexible model for detecting human interactions. This has been done by detecting the people in the scene and retrieving their corresponding pose and position sequentially in each frame of the video. To achieve this goal our work relies on robust object detection algorithm which is based on discriminatively trained part based models to detect the human bodies in videos. We apply a ‘Gaussian Mixture Models based’ method for background subtraction and human segmentation. The output from the segmentation method which is labeled human body is combined with the background subtraction methods to obtain a bounding box around each person in images to improve the task of human body pose detection. To gain more precise pose detection models, we trained the algorithm on large, challenging but reliable dataset (PASCAL 2010). Our method is applied in home-made database comprising depth data from Kinect sensors. After successfully getting in every image sequence the corresponding label for each person as well as their pose and position, understanding of human motion comes naturally which is an important step towards human interaction analysis

    Recognizing Visual Categories by Commonality and Diversity

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    Visual categories refer to categories of objects or scenes in the computer vision literature. Building a well-performing classifier for visual categories is challenging as it requires a high level of generalization as the categories have large within class variability. We present several methods to build generalizable classifiers for visual categories by exploiting commonality and diversity of labeled samples and the cat- egory definitions to improve category classification accuracy. First, we describe a method to discover and add unlabeled samples from auxil- iary sources to categories of interest for building better classifiers. In the literature, given a pool of unlabeled samples, the samples to be added are usually discovered based on low level visual signatures such as edge statistics or shape or color by an unsupervised or semi-supervised learning framework. This method is inexpensive as it does not require human intervention, but generally does not provide useful information for accuracy improvement as the selected samples are visually similar to the existing set of samples. The samples added by active learning, on the other hand, provide different visual aspects to categories and contribute to learning a better classifier, but are expensive as they need human labeling. To obtain high quality samples with less annotation cost, we present a method to discover and add samples from unlabeled image pools that are visually diverse but coherent to cat- egory definition by using higher level visual aspects, captured by a set of learned attributes. The method significantly improves the classification accuracy over the baselines without human intervention. Second, we describe now to learn an ensemble of classifiers that captures both commonly shared information and diversity among the training samples. To learn such ensemble classifiers, we first discover discriminative sub-categories of the la- beled samples for diversity. We then learn an ensemble of discriminative classifiers with a constraint that minimizes the rank of the stacked matrix of classifiers. The resulting set of classifiers both share the category-wide commonality and preserve diversity of subcategories. The proposed ensemble classifier improves recognition accuracy significantly over the baselines and state-of-the-art subcategory based en- semble classifiers, especially for the challenging categories. Third, we explore the commonality and diversity of semantic relationships of category definitions to improve classification accuracy in an efficient manner. Specif- ically, our classification model identifies the most helpful relational semantic queries to discriminatively refine the model by a small amount of semantic feedback in inter- active iterations. We improve the classification accuracy on challenging categories that have very small numbers of training samples via transferred knowledge from other related categories that have a lager number of training samples by solving a semantically constrained transfer learning optimization problem. Finally, we summarize ideas presented and discuss possible future work

    Representation Learning With Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Deep learning methods have achieved great success in the areas of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. Recently, the rapidly developing field of deep learning is concerned with questions surrounding how we can learn meaningful and effective representations of data. This is because the performance of machine learning approaches is heavily dependent on the choice and quality of data representation, and different kinds of representation entangle and hide the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. In this dissertation, we focus on representation learning with deep neural networks for different data formats including text, 3D polygon shapes, and brain fiber tracts. First, we propose a topic-based word representation learning approach for text classification. The proposed approach takes global semantic relationship between words over the whole corpus into consideration and encodes the relationships into distributed vector representations with continuous Skip-gram model. The learned representations which capture a large number of precise syntactic and semantic word relationships are taken as input of Convolution Neural Networks for classification. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method on indexing of biomedical articles, behavior code annotation of clinical text fragments, and classification of news groups. Second, we present a 3D polygon shape representation learning framework for shape segmentation. We propose Directionally Convolutional Network (DCN) that extends convolution operations from images to the polygon mesh surface with rotation-invariant property. Based on the proposed DCN, we learn effective shape representations from raw geometric features and then classify each face of a given polygon into predefined semantic parts. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our framework outperforms the current state-of-the-arts. Third, we propose to learn effective and meaningful representations for brain fiber tracts using deep learning frameworks. We handle the highly unbalanced dataset by introducing asymmetrical loss function for easily classified samples and hard classified ones. The training loss avoids to be dominated by the easy samples and the training step is more efficient. In addition, we learn more effective and meaningful representations by introducing deeper network and metric learning approaches. Furthermore, we propose to improve the interpretability of our framework by inducing attention mechanism. Our experimental results show that our proposed framework outperforms current golden standard significantly on the real-world dataset

    Expanded Parts Model for Semantic Description of Humans in Still Images

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    We introduce an Expanded Parts Model (EPM) for recognizing human attributes (e.g. young, short hair, wearing suit) and actions (e.g. running, jumping) in still images. An EPM is a collection of part templates which are learnt discriminatively to explain specific scale-space regions in the images (in human centric coordinates). This is in contrast to current models which consist of a relatively few (i.e. a mixture of) 'average' templates. EPM uses only a subset of the parts to score an image and scores the image sparsely in space, i.e. it ignores redundant and random background in an image. To learn our model, we propose an algorithm which automatically mines parts and learns corresponding discriminative templates together with their respective locations from a large number of candidate parts. We validate our method on three recent challenging datasets of human attributes and actions. We obtain convincing qualitative and state-of-the-art quantitative results on the three datasets.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI
