599 research outputs found

    Expert System for Crop Disease based on Graph Pattern Matching: A proposal

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    Para la agroindustria, las enfermedades en cultivos constituyen uno de los problemas más frecuentes que generan grandes pérdidas económicas y baja calidad en la producción. Por otro lado, desde las ciencias de la computación, han surgido diferentes herramientas cuya finalidad es mejorar la prevención y el tratamiento de estas enfermedades. En este sentido, investigaciones recientes proponen el desarrollo de sistemas expertos para resolver este problema haciendo uso de técnicas de minería de datos e inteligencia artificial, como inferencia basada en reglas, árboles de decisión, redes bayesianas, entre otras. Además, los grafos pueden ser usados para el almacenamiento de los diferentes tipos de variables que se encuentran presentes en un ambiente de cultivos, permitiendo la aplicación de técnicas de minería de datos en grafos, como el emparejamiento de patrones en los mismos. En este artículo presentamos una visión general de las temáticas mencionadas y una propuesta de un sistema experto para enfermedades en cultivos, basado en emparejamiento de patrones en grafos.For agroindustry, crop diseases constitute one of the most common problems that generate large economic losses and low production quality. On the other hand, from computer science, several tools have emerged in order to improve the prevention and treatment of these diseases. In this sense, recent research proposes the development of expert systems to solve this problem, making use of data mining and artificial intelligence techniques like rule-based inference, decision trees, Bayesian network, among others. Furthermore, graphs can be used for storage of different types of variables that are present in an environment of crops, allowing the application of graph data mining techniques like graph pattern matching. Therefore, in this paper we present an overview of the above issues and a proposal of an expert system for crop disease based on graph pattern matching

    A survey of large-scale reasoning on the Web of data

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    As more and more data is being generated by sensor networks, social media and organizations, the Webinterlinking this wealth of information becomes more complex. This is particularly true for the so-calledWeb of Data, in which data is semantically enriched and interlinked using ontologies. In this large anduncoordinated environment, reasoning can be used to check the consistency of the data and of asso-ciated ontologies, or to infer logical consequences which, in turn, can be used to obtain new insightsfrom the data. However, reasoning approaches need to be scalable in order to enable reasoning over theentire Web of Data. To address this problem, several high-performance reasoning systems, whichmainly implement distributed or parallel algorithms, have been proposed in the last few years. Thesesystems differ significantly; for instance in terms of reasoning expressivity, computational propertiessuch as completeness, or reasoning objectives. In order to provide afirst complete overview of thefield,this paper reports a systematic review of such scalable reasoning approaches over various ontologicallanguages, reporting details about the methods and over the conducted experiments. We highlight theshortcomings of these approaches and discuss some of the open problems related to performing scalablereasoning

    Talking about Forests: an Example of Sharing Information Expressed with Vague Terms

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    Most natural language terms do not have precise universally agreed definitions that fix their meanings. Even when conversation participants share the same vocabulary and agree on taxonomic relationships (such as subsumption and mutual exclusivity, which might be encoded in an ontology), they may differ greatly in the specific semantics they give to the terms. We illustrate this with the example of `forest', for which the problematic arising of the assignation of different meanings is repeatedly reported in the literature. This is especially the case in the context of an unprecedented scale of publicly available geographic data, where information and databases, even when tagged to ontologies, may present a substantial semantic variation, which challenges interoperability and knowledge exchange. Our research addresses the issue of conceptual vagueness in ontology by providing a framework based on supervaluation semantics that explicitly represents the semantic variability of a concept as a set of admissible precise interpretations. Moreover, we describe the tools that support the conceptual negotiation between an agent and the system, and the specification and reasoning within standpoints

    Maintaining Structured Experiences for Robots via Human Demonstrations: An Architecture To Convey Long-Term Robot\u2019s Beliefs

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    This PhD thesis presents an architecture for structuring experiences, learned through demonstrations, in a robot memory. To test our architecture, we consider a specific application where a robot learns how objects are spatially arranged in a tabletop scenario. We use this application as a mean to present a few software development guidelines for building architecture for similar scenarios, where a robot is able to interact with a user through a qualitative shared knowledge stored in its memory. In particular, the thesis proposes a novel technique for deploying ontologies in a robotic architecture based on semantic interfaces. To better support those interfaces, it also presents general-purpose tools especially designed for an iterative development process, which is suitable for Human-Robot Interaction scenarios. We considered ourselves at the beginning of the first iteration of the design process, and our objective was to build a flexible architecture through which evaluate different heuristic during further development iterations. Our architecture is based on a novel algorithm performing a oneshot structured learning based on logic formalism. We used a fuzzy ontology for dealing with uncertain environments, and we integrated the algorithm in the architecture based on a specific semantic interface. The algorithm is used for building experience graphs encoded in the robot\u2019s memory that can be used for recognising and associating situations after a knowledge bootstrapping phase. During this phase, a user is supposed to teach and supervise the beliefs of the robot through multimodal, not physical, interactions. We used the algorithm to implement a cognitive like memory involving the encoding, storing, retrieving, consolidating, and forgetting behaviours, and we showed that our flexible design pattern could be used for building architectures where contextualised memories are managed with different purposes, i.e. they contains representation of the same experience encoded with different semantics. The proposed architecture has the main purposes of generating and maintaining knowledge in memory, but it can be directly interfaced with perceiving and acting components if they provide, or require, symbolical knowledge. With the purposes of showing the type of data considered as inputs and outputs in our tests, this thesis also presents components to evaluate point clouds, engage dialogues, perform late data fusion and simulate the search of a target position. Nevertheless, our design pattern is not meant to be coupled only with those components, which indeed have a large room of improvement

    Fuzzy Description Logics with General Concept Inclusions

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    Description logics (DLs) are used to represent knowledge of an application domain and provide standard reasoning services to infer consequences of this knowledge. However, classical DLs are not suited to represent vagueness in the description of the knowledge. We consider a combination of DLs and Fuzzy Logics to address this task. In particular, we consider the t-norm-based semantics for fuzzy DLs introduced by Hájek in 2005. Since then, many tableau algorithms have been developed for reasoning in fuzzy DLs. Another popular approach is to reduce fuzzy ontologies to classical ones and use existing highly optimized classical reasoners to deal with them. However, a systematic study of the computational complexity of the different reasoning problems is so far missing from the literature on fuzzy DLs. Recently, some of the developed tableau algorithms have been shown to be incorrect in the presence of general concept inclusion axioms (GCIs). In some fuzzy DLs, reasoning with GCIs has even turned out to be undecidable. This work provides a rigorous analysis of the boundary between decidable and undecidable reasoning problems in t-norm-based fuzzy DLs, in particular for GCIs. Existing undecidability proofs are extended to cover large classes of fuzzy DLs, and decidability is shown for most of the remaining logics considered here. Additionally, the computational complexity of reasoning in fuzzy DLs with semantics based on finite lattices is analyzed. For most decidability results, tight complexity bounds can be derived

    Classifying Candidate Axioms via Dimensionality Reduction Techniques

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    We assess the role of similarity measures and learning methods in classifying candidate axioms for automated schema induction through kernel-based learning algorithms. The evaluation is based on (i) three different similarity measures between axioms, and (ii) two alternative dimensionality reduction techniques to check the extent to which the considered similarities allow to separate true axioms from false axioms. The result of the dimensionality reduction process is subsequently fed to several learning algorithms, comparing the accuracy of all combinations of similarity, dimensionality reduction technique, and classification method. As a result, it is observed that it is not necessary to use sophisticated semantics-based similarity measures to obtain accurate predictions, and furthermore that classification performance only marginally depends on the choice of the learning method. Our results open the way to implementing efficient surrogate models for axiom scoring to speed up ontology learning and schema induction methods

    Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages

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    This book is the first to combine coverage of fuzzy logic and Semantic Web languages. It provides in-depth insight into fuzzy Semantic Web languages for non-fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic experts. It also helps researchers of non-Semantic Web languages get a better understanding of the theoretical fundamentals of Semantic Web languages. The first part of the book covers all the theoretical and logical aspects of classical (two-valued) Semantic Web languages. The second part explains how to generalize these languages to cope with fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic
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