28 research outputs found

    Geometric Reasoning with polymake

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    The mathematical software system polymake provides a wide range of functions for convex polytopes, simplicial complexes, and other objects. A large part of this paper is dedicated to a tutorial which exemplifies the usage. Later sections include a survey of research results obtained with the help of polymake so far and a short description of the technical background

    Computing the bounded subcomplex of an unbounded polyhedron

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    We study efficient combinatorial algorithms to produce the Hasse diagram of the poset of bounded faces of an unbounded polyhedron, given vertex-facet incidences. We also discuss the special case of simple polyhedra and present computational results.Comment: 16 page

    The decomposition of the hypermetric cone into L-domains

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    The hypermetric cone \HYP_{n+1} is the parameter space of basic Delaunay polytopes in n-dimensional lattice. The cone \HYP_{n+1} is polyhedral; one way of seeing this is that modulo image by the covariance map \HYP_{n+1} is a finite union of L-domains, i.e., of parameter space of full Delaunay tessellations. In this paper, we study this partition of the hypermetric cone into L-domains. In particular, it is proved that the cone \HYP_{n+1} of hypermetrics on n+1 points contains exactly {1/2}n! principal L-domains. We give a detailed description of the decomposition of \HYP_{n+1} for n=2,3,4 and a computer result for n=5 (see Table \ref{TableDataHYPn}). Remarkable properties of the root system D4\mathsf{D}_4 are key for the decomposition of \HYP_5.Comment: 20 pages 2 figures, 2 table

    Fundamental polytopes of metric trees via parallel connections of matroids

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    We tackle the problem of a combinatorial classification of finite metric spaces via their fundamental polytopes, as suggested by Vershik in 2010. In this paper we consider a hyperplane arrangement associated to every split pseudometric and, for tree-like metrics, we study the combinatorics of its underlying matroid. We give explicit formulas for the face numbers of fundamental polytopes and Lipschitz polytopes of all tree-like metrics, and we characterize the metric trees for which the fundamental polytope is simplicial.Comment: 20 pages, 2 Figures, 1 Table. Exposition improved, references and new results (last section) adde

    Distances on the tropical line determined by two points

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    Let p,qRnp',q'\in R^n. Write pqp'\sim q' if pqp'-q' is a multiple of (1,,1)(1,\ldots,1). Two different points pp and qq in Rn/R^n/\sim uniquely determine a tropical line L(p,q)L(p,q), passing through them, and stable under small perturbations. This line is a balanced unrooted semi--labeled tree on nn leaves. It is also a metric graph. If some representatives pp' and qq' of pp and qq are the first and second columns of some real normal idempotent order nn matrix AA, we prove that the tree L(p,q)L(p,q) is described by a matrix FF, easily obtained from AA. We also prove that L(p,q)L(p,q) is caterpillar. We prove that every vertex in L(p,q)L(p,q) belongs to the tropical linear segment joining pp and qq. A vertex, denoted pqpq, closest (w.r.t tropical distance) to pp exists in L(p,q)L(p,q). Same for qq. The distances between pairs of adjacent vertices in L(p,q)L(p,q) and the distances \dd(p,pq), \dd(qp,q) and \dd(p,q) are certain entries of the matrix F|F|. In addition, if pp and qq are generic, then the tree L(p,q)L(p,q) is trivalent. The entries of FF are differences (i.e., sum of principal diagonal minus sum of secondary diagonal) of order 2 minors of the first two columns of AA.Comment: New corrected version. 31 pages and 9 figures. The main result is theorem 13. This is a generalization of theorem 7 to arbitrary n. Theorem 7 was obtained with A. Jim\'enez; see Arxiv 1205.416

    Lossy gossip and composition of metrics

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    We study the monoid generated by n-by-n distance matrices under tropical (or min-plus) multiplication. Using the tropical geometry of the orthogonal group, we prove that this monoid is a finite polyhedral fan of dimension n(n-1)/2, and we compute the structure of this fan for n up to 5. The monoid captures gossip among n gossipers over lossy phone lines, and contains the gossip monoid over ordinary phone lines as a submonoid. We prove several new results about this submonoid, as well. In particular, we establish a sharp bound on chains of calls in each of which someone learns something new.Comment: Minor textual edits, final versio

    Trees, Tight-Spans and Point Configuration

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    Tight-spans of metrics were first introduced by Isbell in 1964 and rediscovered and studied by others, most notably by Dress, who gave them this name. Subsequently, it was found that tight-spans could be defined for more general maps, such as directed metrics and distances, and more recently for diversities. In this paper, we show that all of these tight-spans as well as some related constructions can be defined in terms of point configurations. This provides a useful way in which to study these objects in a unified and systematic way. We also show that by using point configurations we can recover results concerning one-dimensional tight-spans for all of the maps we consider, as well as extend these and other results to more general maps such as symmetric and unsymmetric maps.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Hyperconvexity and Tight Span Theory for Diversities

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    The tight span, or injective envelope, is an elegant and useful construction that takes a metric space and returns the smallest hyperconvex space into which it can be embedded. The concept has stimulated a large body of theory and has applications to metric classification and data visualisation. Here we introduce a generalisation of metrics, called diversities, and demonstrate that the rich theory associated to metric tight spans and hyperconvexity extends to a seemingly richer theory of diversity tight spans and hyperconvexity.Comment: revised in response to referee comment