22 research outputs found

    Building the knowledge base for environmental action and sustainability

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    Text Augmentation: Inserting markup into natural language text with PPM Models

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    This thesis describes a new optimisation and new heuristics for automatically marking up XML documents. These are implemented in CEM, using PPMmodels. CEM is significantly more general than previous systems, marking up large numbers of hierarchical tags, using n-gram models for large n and a variety of escape methods. Four corpora are discussed, including the bibliography corpus of 14682 bibliographies laid out in seven standard styles using the BIBTEX system and markedup in XML with every field from the original BIBTEX. Other corpora include the ROCLING Chinese text segmentation corpus, the Computists’ Communique corpus and the Reuters’ corpus. A detailed examination is presented of the methods of evaluating mark up algorithms, including computation complexity measures and correctness measures from the fields of information retrieval, string processing, machine learning and information theory. A new taxonomy of markup complexities is established and the properties of each taxon are examined in relation to the complexity of marked-up documents. The performance of the new heuristics and optimisation is examined using the four corpora

    Hydrodynamics-Biology Coupling for Algae Culture and Biofuel Production

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    International audienceBiofuel production from microalgae represents an acute optimization problem for industry. There is a wide range of parameters that must be taken into account in the development of this technology. Here, mathematical modelling has a vital role to play. The potential of microalgae as a source of biofuel and as a technological solution for CO2 fixation is the subject of intense academic and industrial research. Large-scale production of microalgae has potential for biofuel applications owing to the high productivity that can be attained in high-rate raceway ponds. We show, through 3D numerical simulations, that our approach is capable of discriminating between situations where the paddle wheel is rapidly moving water or slowly agitating the process. Moreover, the simulated velocity fields can provide lagrangian trajectories of the algae. The resulting light pattern to which each cell is submitted when travelling from light (surface) to dark (bottom) can then be derived. It will then be reproduced in lab experiments to study photosynthesis under realistic light patterns

    Benchmarking and survey of explanation methods for black box models

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    The rise of sophisticated black-box machine learning models in Artificial Intelligence systems has prompted the need for explanation methods that reveal how these models work in an understandable way to users and decision makers. Unsurprisingly, the state-of-the-art exhibits currently a plethora of explainers providing many different types of explanations. With the aim of providing a compass for researchers and practitioners, this paper proposes a categorization of explanation methods from the perspective of the type of explanation they return, also considering the different input data formats. The paper accounts for the most representative explainers to date, also discussing similarities and discrepancies of returned explanations through their visual appearance. A companion website to the paper is provided as a continuous update to new explainers as they appear. Moreover, a subset of the most robust and widely adopted explainers, are benchmarked with respect to a repertoire of quantitative metrics

    Integrating Cultural Knowledge into Artificially Intelligent Systems: Human Experiments and Computational Implementations

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    With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, it seems as if every aspect of our lives is impacted by AI in one way or the other. As AI is used for everything from driving vehicles to criminal justice, it becomes crucial that it overcome any biases that might hinder its fair application. We are constantly trying to make AI be more like humans. But most AI systems so far fail to address one of the main aspects of humanity: our culture and the differences between cultures. We cannot truly consider AI to have understood human reasoning without understanding culture. So it is important for cultural information to be embedded into AI systems in some way, as well as for the AI systems to understand the differences across these cultures. The main way I have chosen to do this are using two cultural markers: motifs and rituals. This is because they are both so inherently part of any culture. Motifs are things that are repeated often and are grounded in well-known stories, and tend to be very specific to individual cultures. Rituals are something that are part of every culture in some way, and while there are some that are constant across all cultures, some are very specific to individual ones. This makes them great to compare and to contrast. The first two parts of this dissertation talk about a couple of cognitive psychology studies I conducted. The first is to see how people understood motifs. Is is true that in-culture people identify motifs better than out-culture people? We see that my study shows this to indeed be the case. The second study attempts to test if motifs are recognizable in texts, regardless of whether or not people might understand their meaning. Our results confirm our hypothesis that motifs are recognizable. The third part of my work discusses the survey and data collection effort around rituals. I collected data about rituals from people from various national groups, and observed the differences in their responses. The main results from this was twofold: first, that cultural differences across groups are quantifiable, and that they are prevalent and observable with proper effort; and second, to collect and curate a substantial culturally sensitive dataset that can have a wide variety of use across various AI systems. The fourth part of the dissertation focuses on a system I built, called the motif association miner, which provides information about motifs present in input text, like associations, sources of motifs, connotations, etc. This information will be highly useful as this will enable future systems to use my output as input for their systems, and have a better understanding of motifs, especially as this shows an approach of bringing out meaning of motifs specific to certain culture to wider usage. As the final contribution, this thesis details my efforts to use the curated ritual data to improve existing Question Answering system, and show that this method helps systems perform better in situations which vary by culture. This data and approach, which will be made publicly available, will enable others in the field to take advantage of the information contained within to try and combat some bias in their systems

    Metaverse. Old urban issues in new virtual cities

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    Recent years have seen the arise of some early attempts to build virtual cities, utopias or affective dystopias in an embodied Internet, which in some respects appear to be the ultimate expression of the neoliberal city paradigma (even if virtual). Although there is an extensive disciplinary literature on the relationship between planning and virtual or augmented reality linked mainly to the gaming industry, this often avoids design and value issues. The observation of some of these early experiences - Decentraland, Minecraft, Liberland Metaverse, to name a few - poses important questions and problems that are gradually becoming inescapable for designers and urban planners, and allows us to make some partial considerations on the risks and potentialities of these early virtual cities

    A proposal for the management of data driven services in smart manufacturing scenarios

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    205 p.This research work focuses on Industrial Big Data Services (IBDS) Providers, a specialization of ITServices Providers. IBDS Providers constitute a fundamental agent in Smart Manufacturing scenarios,given the wide spectrum of complex technological challenges involved in the adoption of the requireddata-related IT by manufacturers aiming at shifting their businesses towards Smart Manufacturing. Theoverarching goal of this research work is to provide contributions that (a) help the business sector ofIBDS Providers to manage their collaboration projects with manufacturing partners in order to deploy therequired data-driven services in Smart Manufacturing scenarios, and (b) adapt and extend existingconceptual, methodological, and technological proposals in order to include those practical elements thatfacilitate their use in business contexts. The main contributions of this dissertation focus on three specificchallenges related to the early stages of the data lifecycle, i.e. those stages that ensure the availability ofnew data to exploit, coming from monitored manufacturing facilities: (1) Devising a more efficient datastorage strategy that reduces the costs of the cloud infrastructure required by an IBDS Provider tocentralize and accumulate the massive-scale amounts of data from the supervised manufacturingfacilities; (2) Designing the required architecture for the data capturing and integration infrastructure thatsustains an IBDS Provider's platform; (3) The collaborative design process with partnering manufacturersof the required data-driven services for a specific manufacturing sector

    ICSEA 2022: the seventeenth international conference on software engineering advances

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    The Seventeenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2022), held between October 16th and October 20th, 2022, continued a series of events covering a broad spectrum of software-related topics. The conference covered fundamentals on designing, implementing, testing, validating and maintaining various kinds of software. Several tracks were proposed to treat the topics from theory to practice, in terms of methodologies, design, implementation, testing, use cases, tools, and lessons learned. The conference topics covered classical and advanced methodologies, open source, agile software, as well as software deployment and software economics and education. Other advanced aspects are related to on-time practical aspects, such as run-time vulnerability checking, rejuvenation process, updates partial or temporary feature deprecation, software deployment and configuration, and on-line software updates. These aspects trigger implications related to patenting, licensing, engineering education, new ways for software adoption and improvement, and ultimately, to software knowledge management. There are many advanced applications requiring robust, safe, and secure software: disaster recovery applications, vehicular systems, biomedical-related software, biometrics related software, mission critical software, E-health related software, crisis-situation software. These applications require appropriate software engineering techniques, metrics and formalisms, such as, software reuse, appropriate software quality metrics, composition and integration, consistency checking, model checking, provers and reasoning. The nature of research in software varies slightly with the specific discipline researchers work in, yet there is much common ground and room for a sharing of best practice, frameworks, tools, languages and methodologies. Despite the number of experts we have available, little work is done at the meta level, that is examining how we go about our research, and how this process can be improved. There are questions related to the choice of programming language, IDEs and documentation styles and standard. Reuse can be of great benefit to research projects yet reuse of prior research projects introduces special problems that need to be mitigated. The research environment is a mix of creativity and systematic approach which leads to a creative tension that needs to be managed or at least monitored. Much of the coding in any university is undertaken by research students or young researchers. Issues of skills training, development and quality control can have significant effects on an entire department. In an industrial research setting, the environment is not quite that of industry as a whole, nor does it follow the pattern set by the university. The unique approaches and issues of industrial research may hold lessons for researchers in other domains. We take here the opportunity to warmly thank all the members of the ICSEA 2022 technical program committee, as well as all the reviewers. The creation of such a high-quality conference program would not have been possible without their involvement. We also kindly thank all the authors who dedicated much of their time and effort to contribute to ICSEA 2022. We truly believe that, thanks to all these efforts, the final conference program consisted of top-quality contributions. We also thank the members of the ICSEA 2022 organizing committee for their help in handling the logistics of this event. We hope that ICSEA 2022 was a successful international forum for the exchange of ideas and results between academia and industry and for the promotion of progress in software engineering advances

    Energy Supplies in the Countries from the Visegrad Group

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    The purpose of this Special Issue was to collect and present research results and experiences on energy supply in the Visegrad Group countries. This research considers both macroeconomic and microeconomic aspects. It was important to determine how the V4 countries deal with energy management, how they have undergone or are undergoing energy transformation and in what direction they are heading. The articles concerned aspects of the energy balance in the V4 countries compared to the EU, including the production of renewable energy, as well as changes in its individual sectors (transport and food production). The energy efficiency of low-emission vehicles in public transport and goods deliveries are also discussed, as well as the energy efficiency of farms and energy storage facilities and the impact of the energy sector on the quality of the environment