53 research outputs found

    Evaluation of entropy and JM-distance criterions as features selection methods using spectral and spatial features derived from LANDSAT images

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    A study area near Ribeirao Preto in Sao Paulo state was selected, with predominance in sugar cane. Eight features were extracted from the 4 original bands of LANDSAT image, using low-pass and high-pass filtering to obtain spatial features. There were 5 training sites in order to acquire the necessary parameters. Two groups of four channels were selected from 12 channels using JM-distance and entropy criterions. The number of selected channels was defined by physical restrictions of the image analyzer and computacional costs. The evaluation was performed by extracting the confusion matrix for training and tests areas, with a maximum likelihood classifier, and by defining performance indexes based on those matrixes for each group of channels. Results show that in spatial features and supervised classification, the entropy criterion is better in the sense that allows a more accurate and generalized definition of class signature. On the other hand, JM-distance criterion strongly reduces the misclassification within training areas

    Pattern classification using a linear associative memory

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    Pattern classification is a very important image processing task. A typical pattern classification algorithm can be broken into two parts; first, the pattern features are extracted and, second, these features are compared with a stored set of reference features until a match is found. In the second part, usually one of the several clustering algorithms or similarity measures is applied. In this paper, a new application of linear associative memory (LAM) to pattern classification problems is introduced. Here, the clustering algorithms or similarity measures are replaced by a LAM matrix multiplication. With a LAM, the reference features need not be separately stored. Since the second part of most classification algorithms is similar, a LAM standardizes the many clustering algorithms and also allows for a standard digital hardware implementation. Computer simulations on regular textures using a feature extraction algorithm achieved a high percentage of successful classification. In addition, this classification is independent of topological transformations

    Enhancing massive MIMO: A new approach for Uplink training based on heterogeneous coherence time

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    Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is one of the key technologies in future generation networks. Owing to their considerable spectral and energy efficiency gains, massive MIMO systems provide the needed performance to cope with the ever increasing wireless capacity demand. Nevertheless, the number of scheduled users stays limited in massive MIMO both in time division duplexing (TDD) and frequency division duplexing (FDD) systems. This is due to the limited coherence time, in TDD systems, and to limited feedback capacity, in FDD mode. In current systems, the time slot duration in TDD mode is the same for all users. This is a suboptimal approach since users are subject to heterogeneous Doppler spreads and, consequently, different coherence times. In this paper, we investigate a massive MIMO system operating in TDD mode in which, the frequency of uplink training differs among users based on their actual channel coherence times. We argue that optimizing uplink training by exploiting this diversity can lead to considerable spectral efficiency gain. We then provide a user scheduling algorithm that exploits a coherence interval based grouping in order to maximize the achievable weighted sum rate

    Development of signal processing algorithms for ultrasonic detection of coal seam interfaces

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    A pattern recognition system is presented for determining the thickness of coal remaining on the roof and floor of a coal seam. The system was developed to recognize reflected pulse echo signals that are generated by an acoustical transducer and reflected from the coal seam interface. The flexibility of the system, however, should enable it to identify pulse-echo signals generated by radar or other techniques. The main difference being the specific features extracted from the recorded data as a basis for pattern recognition

    A hill-sliding strategy for initialization of Gaussian clusters in the multidimensional space

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    A hill sliding technique was devised to extract Gaussian clusters from the multivariate probability density estimate of sample data for the first step of iterative unsupervised classification. Each cluster was assumed to posses a unimodal normal distribution. A clustering function proposed distinguished elements of a cluster under formation from the rest in the feature space. Initial clusters were extracted one by one according to the hill sliding tactics. A dimensionless cluster compactness parameter was proposed as a universal measure of cluster goodness and used satisfactorily in test runs with LANDSAT multispectral scanner data. The normalized divergence, defined by the cluster divergence divided by the entropy of the entire sample data, was utilized as a general separability measure between clusters. An overall clustering objective function was set forth in terms of cluster covariance matrices, from which the cluster compactness measure could be deduced. Minimal improvement of initial data partitioning was evaluated by this objective function in eliminating scattered sparse data points. The hill sliding clustering technique developed herein has the potential applicability to decomposition any multivariate mixture distribution into a number of unimodal distributions when an appropriate distribution function to the data set is employed

    Energy Efficiency in Cache Enabled Small Cell Networks With Adaptive User Clustering

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    Using a network of cache enabled small cells, traffic during peak hours can be reduced considerably through proactively fetching the content that is most probable to be requested. In this paper, we aim at exploring the impact of proactive caching on an important metric for future generation networks, namely, energy efficiency (EE). We argue that, exploiting the correlation in user content popularity profiles in addition to the spatial repartitions of users with comparable request patterns, can result in considerably improving the achievable energy efficiency of the network. In this paper, the problem of optimizing EE is decoupled into two related subproblems. The first one addresses the issue of content popularity modeling. While most existing works assume similar popularity profiles for all users in the network, we consider an alternative caching framework in which, users are clustered according to their content popularity profiles. In order to showcase the utility of the proposed clustering scheme, we use a statistical model selection criterion, namely Akaike information criterion (AIC). Using stochastic geometry, we derive a closed-form expression of the achievable EE and we find the optimal active small cell density vector that maximizes it. The second subproblem investigates the impact of exploiting the spatial repartitions of users with comparable request patterns. After considering a snapshot of the network, we formulate a combinatorial optimization problem that enables to optimize content placement such that the used transmission power is minimized. Numerical results show that the clustering scheme enable to considerably improve the cache hit probability and consequently the EE compared with an unclustered approach. Simulations also show that the small base station allocation algorithm results in improving the energy efficiency and hit probability.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Transactions on Wireless Communications (15-Dec-2016

    A methodology for neural spatial interaction modelling

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    This paper presents a methodology for neural spatial interaction modelling. Particular emphasis is laid on design, estimation and performance issues in both cases, unconstrained and singly constrained spatial interaction. Families of classical neural network models, but also less classical ones such as product unit neural network models are considered. Some novel classes of product unit and summation unit models are presented for the case of origin or destination constrained spatial interaction flows. The models are based on a modular connectionist architecture that may be viewed as a linked collection of functionally independent neural modules with identical feedforward topologies, operating under supervised learning algorithms. Parameter estimation is viewed as Maximum Likelihood (ML) learning. The nonconvex nature of the loss function makes the Alopex procedure, a global search procedure, an attractive and appropriate optimising scheme for ML learning. A benchmark comparison against the classical gravity models illustrates the superiority of both, the unconstrained and the origin constrained, neural network model versions in terms of generalization performance measured by Kullback and Leibler`s information criterion. Hereby, the authors make use of the bootstrapping pairs approach to overcome the largely neglected problem of sensitivity to the specific splitting of the data into training, internal validation and testing data sets, and to get a better statistical picture of prediction variability of the models. Keywords: Neural spatial interaction models, origin constrained or destination constrained spatial interaction, product unit network, Alopex procedure, boostrapping, benchmark performance tests.

    A robustized vector recursive stabilizer algorithm for image restoration

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    The ill-posed problem of object reconstruction (or band-limited extrapolation) is reformulated in the framework of the general linear model in new recursive parametric forms. The resultant algorithms are shown to be natural stabilizers of the inherent instabilities of both the iterative and noniterative reconstruction/band-limited extrapolation methods. Both robustized and unrobustized versions of the algorithms are given. The recursive algorithms provide immunity to measurement noise outliers in burst noise of high variance. Unlike procedures suggested previously, these methods eliminate the need for stopping rule constraints and ensure convergence of the algorithms. The recursive formulation of the noniterative method of band-limited extrapolation is also found to be adaptable to multidimensional image restoration. Computer simulations verify the theory and demonstrate the computational efficiency of the method