5 research outputs found

    Channel Choice Determinants; an exploration of the factors that determine the choice of a service channel in citizen initiated contacts

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    Citizens have various service channels at their disposal to interact with governmental agencies. In this paper we explore citizens’ motives to choose a certain channel in a certain situation. We conducted a qualitative study to accumulate the most important behavioral determinants. Six groups of determinants were found; habit, channel characteristics, task characteristics, situational constraints, experiences and personal characteristics. People appear to generally follow two lines of decision making when choosing channels, the first is based on habits. When task complexity and ambiguity increase, people start reasoning and follow the second line; channel choice based on a thorough elaboration between task and channel characteristics

    Adoption of Collaborative Technology to Enhance Master Data Quality Across Municipal Administrations - Identifying Drivers and Barriers

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    In recent years, software for collaborative improvement of master data quality has been increasingly introduced into public administration. With the support of this collaborative software, master data is not only managed by one stakeholder such as an individual or department but rather cross-institutionally and across departments by groups of several stakeholders, e.g. several municipal authorities. In this paper, based on the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework, both driving forces as well as obstacles were identified, which influenced the adoption of such collaborative software. The results show, that positive factors concerning the adoption are perceived barriers, presence and importance of data standards as well as the successful implementation into the existing environment, whereas a complex IT-infrastructure impedes an introduction

    Theoretical model on citizens' perception of public e-services: New way of adopting the administration-citizen relationship

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    Our theoretical contribution aims to provide a comprehensive synthesis of the application of Citizen Relationship Management (CiRM), a relationship management method inspired by the private sector. The rationale behind this theoretical methodology lies in the citizen-centric approach adopted by administrations seeking to reform their structures and improve their service delivery. By adopting digital technologies and leveraging their potential to enhance citizen interactions, these administrations aim to gain a better understanding of citizens' needs and expectations. In today's digital age, citizens expect efficient, personalized, and user-friendly interactions with administrative bodies. The advent of digital technologies presents an opportunity for administrations to transform their approach and meet these expectations. Through the implementation of CiRM, administrations can foster stronger relationships with citizens, ultimately leading to improved satisfaction and increased trust. By adopting a citizen-centric approach, administrations can tailor their services and policies to better serve the needs of the citizens they represent. Digital technologies play a crucial role in facilitating this process. They enable administrations to gather and analyze data on citizen preferences, behaviors, and feedback, allowing for evidence-based decision-making and targeted service improvements. Furthermore, effective citizen relationship management can contribute to enhanced managerial efficiency. By understanding citizens' needs and expectations, administrations can streamline their processes, allocate resources more effectively, and optimize service delivery. This not only improves the overall efficiency of administrative operations but also contributes to cost savings and resource optimization.  This article presents a conceptual model for effective citizen relationship management. The model emphasizes the importance of adopting a citizen-centric approach and leveraging digital technologies to enhance citizen interactions. By meeting citizens' expectations, administrations can foster stronger relationships, improve satisfaction, and restore trust. This, in turn, leads to a more efficient and effective administration that effectively serves the needs of its citizens.     Keywords: E-administration, CiRM, citizen-administration relationship, user satisfaction, public administration JEL Classification: H83, H11 Paper type: Theoretical Research Our theoretical contribution aims to provide a comprehensive synthesis of the application of Citizen Relationship Management (CiRM), a relationship management method inspired by the private sector. The rationale behind this theoretical methodology lies in the citizen-centric approach adopted by administrations seeking to reform their structures and improve their service delivery. By adopting digital technologies and leveraging their potential to enhance citizen interactions, these administrations aim to gain a better understanding of citizens' needs and expectations. In today's digital age, citizens expect efficient, personalized, and user-friendly interactions with administrative bodies. The advent of digital technologies presents an opportunity for administrations to transform their approach and meet these expectations. Through the implementation of CiRM, administrations can foster stronger relationships with citizens, ultimately leading to improved satisfaction and increased trust. By adopting a citizen-centric approach, administrations can tailor their services and policies to better serve the needs of the citizens they represent. Digital technologies play a crucial role in facilitating this process. They enable administrations to gather and analyze data on citizen preferences, behaviors, and feedback, allowing for evidence-based decision-making and targeted service improvements. Furthermore, effective citizen relationship management can contribute to enhanced managerial efficiency. By understanding citizens' needs and expectations, administrations can streamline their processes, allocate resources more effectively, and optimize service delivery. This not only improves the overall efficiency of administrative operations but also contributes to cost savings and resource optimization.  This article presents a conceptual model for effective citizen relationship management. The model emphasizes the importance of adopting a citizen-centric approach and leveraging digital technologies to enhance citizen interactions. By meeting citizens' expectations, administrations can foster stronger relationships, improve satisfaction, and restore trust. This, in turn, leads to a more efficient and effective administration that effectively serves the needs of its citizens.     Keywords: E-administration, CiRM, citizen-administration relationship, user satisfaction, public administration JEL Classification: H83, H11 Paper type: Theoretical Research&nbsp

    Analysis of Fuzhou Administrative Service Center Optimization Service Construction

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    在行政服务中心现实建设过程中,出现和面临着一些问题,服务优化成为了解决问题和促进发展的一个重要选择。另外,市级行政服务中心直接面向企业和公众,提供行政审批和公共服务,随着社会经济的发展和人民要求的提高,政府行政理念和社会观念的转变,行政审批服务的内容、方法、流程等都面临着新的要求和进步的空间,服务优化是行政服务中心的一个现实选择和迫切需要,具有很大的实用价值。本文以新公共管理理论和新公共服务理论为理论基础参照,通过对国家级服务业标准化试点单位——福州市行政服务中心的研究,提出优化服务建设的对策建议,希望能为今后行政服务中心的服务建设提供有益的思路。 本文分为五个部分。第一部分在国内外相关研究...In the process of reality construction of administrative service center, some problems appear and need to be faced. Service optimization has become an important choice to solve the problems and promote the development. In addition, the municipal administrative service center is directly geared to the needs of the enterprise and the public, provide administrative examination and approval and public...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115035

    Multichannel management : de stand van zaken

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    Dit rapport geeft een overzicht van multichannel management (MCM) vanuit drie verschillende invalshoeken, namelijk vanuit het perspectief van de klant, de organisatie en de technologie. Alvorens elk van de invalshoeken toe te lichten, is er eerst een introductie over MCM op basis van verschillende wetenschappelijke onderzoeksgebieden. Bij het klantperspectief zijn vooral aspecten als kanaalkeuze, gebruik en beïnvloeding van het kanaalgedrag van belang. In het organisatieperspectief staat het huidige beleid van overheidsinstellingen op het gebied van MCM centraal. Tot slot geeft dit rapport een overzicht van de huidige technologische oplossingen voor MCM. Bij elk van deze invalshoeken worden inzichten uit de wetenschap en de praktijk meegenomen