34 research outputs found

    Citizen-Centric Data Services for Smarter Cities

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    Smart Cities use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to manage more efficiently the resources and services offered by a city and to make them more approachable to all its stakeholders (citizens, companies and public administration). In contrast to the view of big corporations promoting holistic “smart city in a box” solutions, this work proposes that smarter cities can be achieved by combining already available infrastructure, i.e., Open Government Data and sensor networks deployed in cities, with the citizens’ active contributions towards city knowledge by means of their smartphones and the apps executed in them. In addition, this work introduces the main characteristics of the IES Cities platform, whose goal is to ease the generation of citizen-centric apps that exploit urban data in different domains. The proposed vision is achieved by providing a common access mechanism to the heterogeneous data sources offered by the city, which reduces the complexity of accessing the city’s data whilst bringing citizens closely to a prosumer (double consumer and producer) role and allowing to integrate legacy data into the cities’ data ecosystem.The European Union’s Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme has supported this work under grant agreement No. 325097

    Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of an algorithm for automatic classification of network events

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    With the increasing volume of network traffic and security threats, automatic classification of network events has become vital. This paper presents the development and evaluation of a machine learning-based algorithm for network event classification. The algorithm extracts statistical and payload-based features from network packets and applies feature selection techniques. Supervised learning models such as decision trees, random forest and neural networks are trained on the filtered feature sets. The algorithm is evaluated on NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 datasets using metrics like accuracy, precision and recall. Experimental results show that the random forest classifier achieves the best performance with over 95% accuracy on both datasets. The proposed algorithm demonstrates high effectiveness in classifying network events into benign and attack categories in real-time


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    ABSTRAK Smart city adalah konsep kota cerdas yang mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (ICT). Sistem informasi akuntansi merupakan bagian dari sistem informasi mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam smart city terutama tata kelola pemerintah. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini melihat teknologi dan teknik sistem informasi akuntansi pada smart city serta praktiknya di  DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemerintah provinsi DKI sudah membuat langkah awal mengembangkan sistem informasi akuntansi dalam kerangka mewujudkan smart city.  Kata kunci : Smart City, Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, Tata Kelol

    Movement Patterns in a Smart City

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    Citizen data-driven design for pandemic monitoring

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    In a world concerned with the coronavirus pandemic, many governments do not know how to control the disease. Although there are several technologies that generate citizen data, transparency, and privacy are very important to ensure social engagement and more effectiveness in fighting the virus. This article analyzed some applications that contact tracing people or inform them about the disease. We selected the applications based on how they captured data, privacy issues, citizen participation, and the main challenges faced. Later, we created the app journey map to compare them and discovered the most used technology is Bluetooth, and the apps often have open source. However, these initiatives bring superficial insights and need to integrate with more complex data


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    Food safety is a core concern of the European Union in terms of the related legal provisions and of the importance that is given to it. While the food labeling system is already standardized to a large extent, there are areas that still need improvement. In this article, we will present the existing labeling standards, highlight the issues that these standards are facing, identify the possibilities of improvement for the food labeling system and propose a concrete way of using Information Technology to benefit the ethics of food safety. Starting off from the current technological capabilities and from the need to improve the labeling system, we will integrate the Quick Response code technology into a new software architecture able to resolve some of the issues identified. The software architecture relies on a relational data model and on web services that are integrated into an Android application, so that consumers may benefit from additional useful information when they must make a buying decision concerning food products. Our architectural proposal also involves smart information integration with health insurance systems in order to increase the usefulness of the data displayed on food labels

    Study of Mobile City Application in Indonesia

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    The Implementation of e-government has been established with the Instruction of President. Application of e-government is a research topic that has received a lot attention because of its improve the function and management of the city by utilizing Information and Communication Technology to improve the quality of public services. In this research focused on one application of e-government that called Mobile City. This study observe 22 application that has been implemented in 22 regencies/cities. This study have goals to identify and compare all 22 Mobile City Applocation to get the rank of the regency/city based on the quality of its application and research city with the best application . The results of the study to show the Mobile City application applies a Location Based Services (LBS) system so the main features of this application showed tourism locations or public facilities. The difference of application features between regencies/cities is depends on how the regency/city developed their application. The city that has the most complete features on its mobile city is Surakarta that called Solo Destination. This application is managed by the Office of Infromation Communication Statistics and Coding of Surakarta City with the most frequently used feature is community complaints

    Sustainability’s Coming Home: Preliminary Design Principles for the Sustainable Smart District

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    Consumer trends like local consumption, sharing of property, and environmental awareness change our habits and thereby our surroundings. These trends have their origin in our direct environment, in the districts of our city or community, where we live and socialize. Cities and districts are changing to “smart cities” and “smart districts” as a part of the ongoing digitalization. These changes offer the possibility to entrench the idea of sustainability and build a platform-based ecosystem for a sustainable smart district. This research aims to identify guidelines in form of preliminary design principles for sustainable smart districts. To achieve this, we conduct a structured literature review. On this basis, we derive and develop preliminary design principles with the help of semistructured interviews and a non-representative sample of the German population. The resulting nine preliminary design principles describe a first insight into the design of sustainable smart districts

    An intelligent healthcare system for detection and classification to discriminate vocal fold disorders

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    The growing population of senior citizens around the world will appear as a big challenge in the future and they will engage a significant portion of the healthcare facilities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop intelligent healthcare systems so that they can be deployed in smart homes and cities for remote diagnosis. To overcome the problem, an intelligent healthcare system is proposed in this study. The proposed intelligent system is based on the human auditory mechanism and capable of detection and classification of various types of the vocal fold disorders. In the proposed system, critical bandwidth phenomena by using the bandpass filters spaced over Bark scale is implemented to simulate the human auditory mechanism. Therefore, the system acts like an expert clinician who can evaluate the voice of a patient by auditory perception. The experimental results show that the proposed system can detect the pathology with an accuracy of 99.72%. Moreover, the classification accuracy for vocal fold polyp, keratosis, vocal fold paralysis, vocal fold nodules, and adductor spasmodic dysphonia is 97.54%, 99.08%, 96.75%, 98.65%, 95.83%, and 95.83%, respectively. In addition, an experiment for paralysis versus all other disorders is also conducted, and an accuracy of 99.13% is achieved. The results show that the proposed system is accurate and reliable in vocal fold disorder assessment and can be deployed successfully for remote diagnosis. Moreover, the performance of the proposed system is better as compared to existing disorder assessment systems

    Intermediarios de informaciĂłn dentro del modelo del gobierno abierto

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    Based on a brief review of the most recent evolu-tion stages of the public management, emphasizing the role that information management has had in them, the open government model is introduced as a tool of the collaborative government to form an objectively informed society. With this aim, the pillars of the open government model are explained, finding open government data as its main ally to make government's actions transparent and involve citizenship in the decision-making process. We conclude locating intermediary agents -including librarians- as bridging agents joining open govern-ment data and population through the development of platforms and skills included in the data-literacy concept