21 research outputs found

    Distributed Verification of Rare Properties using Importance Splitting Observers

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    Rare properties remain a challenge for statistical model checking (SMC) due to the quadratic scaling of variance with rarity. We address this with a variance reduction framework based on lightweight importance splitting observers. These expose the model-property automaton to allow the construction of score functions for high performance algorithms. The confidence intervals defined for importance splitting make it appealing for SMC, but optimising its performance in the standard way makes distribution inefficient. We show how it is possible to achieve equivalently good results in less time by distributing simpler algorithms. We first explore the challenges posed by importance splitting and present an algorithm optimised for distribution. We then define a specific bounded time logic that is compiled into memory-efficient observers to monitor executions. Finally, we demonstrate our framework on a number of challenging case studies

    On the Complexity of Temporal-Logic Path Checking

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    Given a formula in a temporal logic such as LTL or MTL, a fundamental problem is the complexity of evaluating the formula on a given finite word. For LTL, the complexity of this task was recently shown to be in NC. In this paper, we present an NC algorithm for MTL, a quantitative (or metric) extension of LTL, and give an NCC algorithm for UTL, the unary fragment of LTL. At the time of writing, MTL is the most expressive logic with an NC path-checking algorithm, and UTL is the most expressive fragment of LTL with a more efficient path-checking algorithm than for full LTL (subject to standard complexity-theoretic assumptions). We then establish a connection between LTL path checking and planar circuits, which we exploit to show that any further progress in determining the precise complexity of LTL path checking would immediately entail more efficient evaluation algorithms than are known for a certain class of planar circuits. The connection further implies that the complexity of LTL path checking depends on the Boolean connectives allowed: adding Boolean exclusive or yields a temporal logic with P-complete path-checking problem

    Efficient Parallel Path Checking for Linear-Time Temporal Logic With Past and Bounds

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    Path checking, the special case of the model checking problem where the model under consideration is a single path, plays an important role in monitoring, testing, and verification. We prove that for linear-time temporal logic (LTL), path checking can be efficiently parallelized. In addition to the core logic, we consider the extensions of LTL with bounded-future (BLTL) and past-time (LTL+Past) operators. Even though both extensions improve the succinctness of the logic exponentially, path checking remains efficiently parallelizable: Our algorithm for LTL, LTL+Past, and BLTL+Past is in AC^1(logDCFL) \subseteq NC

    Exploring behaviors of stochastic differential equation models of biological systems using change of measures

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    Stochastic Differential Equations (SDE) are often used to model the stochastic dynamics of biological systems. Unfortunately, rare but biologically interesting behaviors (e.g., oncogenesis) can be difficult to observe in stochastic models. Consequently, the analysis of behaviors of SDE models using numerical simulations can be challenging. We introduce a method for solving the following problem: given a SDE model and a high-level behavioral specification about the dynamics of the model, algorithmically decide whether the model satisfies the specification. While there are a number of techniques for addressing this problem for discrete-state stochastic models, the analysis of SDE and other continuous-state models has received less attention. Our proposed solution uses a combination of Bayesian sequential hypothesis testing, non-identically distributed samples, and Girsanov's theorem for change of measures to examine rare behaviors. We use our algorithm to analyze two SDE models of tumor dynamics. Our use of non-identically distributed samples sampling contributes to the state of the art in statistical verification and model checking of stochastic models by providing an effective means for exposing rare events in SDEs, while retaining the ability to compute bounds on the probability that those events occur

    Monitoring temporal information flow

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    We present a framework for monitoring information flow in security-critical reactive systems, such as communication protocols, cell phone apps, document servers and web browsers. The secrecy requirements in such systems typically vary over time in response to the interaction with the environment. Standard notions of secrecy, like noninterference, must therefore be extended by specifying precisely when and under what conditions a particular event needs to remain secret. Our framework is based on the temporal logic SecLTL, which combines the standard temporal operators of linear-time temporal logic with the modal Hide operator for the specification of information flow properties. We present a first monitoring algorithm for SecLTL specifications, based on a translation of SecLTL formulas to alternating automata, and identify open research questions and directions for future work

    Reactive Safety

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    The distinction between safety and liveness properties is a fundamental classification with immediate implications on the feasibility and complexity of various monitoring, model checking, and synthesis problems. In this paper, we revisit the notion of safety for reactive systems, i.e., for systems whose behavior is characterized by the interplay of uncontrolled environment inputs and controlled system outputs. We show that reactive safety is a strictly larger class of properties than standard safety. We provide algorithms for checking if a property, given as a temporal formula or as a word or tree automaton, is a reactive safety property and for translating such properties into safety automata. Based on this construction, the standard verification and synthesis algorithms for safety properties immediately extend to the larger class of reactive safety.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2011, arXiv:1106.081

    Path Checking for MTL and TPTL over Data Words

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    Metric temporal logic (MTL) and timed propositional temporal logic (TPTL) are quantitative extensions of linear temporal logic, which are prominent and widely used in the verification of real-timed systems. It was recently shown that the path checking problem for MTL, when evaluated over finite timed words, is in the parallel complexity class NC. In this paper, we derive precise complexity results for the path-checking problem for MTL and TPTL when evaluated over infinite data words over the non-negative integers. Such words may be seen as the behaviours of one-counter machines. For this setting, we give a complete analysis of the complexity of the path-checking problem depending on the number of register variables and the encoding of constraint numbers (unary or binary). As the two main results, we prove that the path-checking problem for MTL is P-complete, whereas the path-checking problem for TPTL is PSPACE-complete. The results yield the precise complexity of model checking deterministic one-counter machines against formulae of MTL and TPTL

    Optimized Temporal Monitors for SystemC

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    SystemC is a modeling language built as an extension of C++. Its growing popularity and the increasing complexity of designs have motivated research efforts aimed at the verification of SystemC models using assertion-based verification (ABV), where the designer asserts properties that capture the design intent in a formal language such as PSL or SVA. The model then can be verified against the properties using runtime or formal verification techniques. In this paper we focus on automated generation of runtime monitors from temporal properties. Our focus is on minimizing runtime overhead, rather than monitor size or monitor-generation time. We identify four issues in monitor generation: state minimization, alphabet representation, alphabet minimization, and monitor encoding. We conduct extensive experimentation and identify a combination of settings that offers the best performance in terms of runtime overhead