198 research outputs found

    A metaheuristic and simheuristic approach for the p-Hub median problem from a telecommunication perspective

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2018.Avanços recentes no setor das telecomunicações oferecem grandes oportunidades para cidadãos e organizações em um mundo globalmente conectado, ao mesmo tempo em que surge um vasto número de desafios complexos que os engenheiros devem enfrentar. Alguns desses desafios podem ser modelados como problemas de otimização. Alguns exemplos incluem o problema de alocação de recursos em redes de comunicações, desenho de topologias de rede que satisfaça determinadas propriedades associadas a requisitos de qualidade de serviço, sobreposição de redes multicast e outros recursos importantes para comunicação de origem a destino. O primeiro objetivo desta tese é fornecer uma revisão sobre como as metaheurísticas têm sido usadas até agora para lidar com os problemas de otimização associados aos sistemas de telecomunicações, detectando as principais tendências e desafios. Particularmente, a análise enfoca os problemas de desenho, roteamento e alocação de recursos. Além disso, devido á natureza desses desafios, o presente trabalho discute como a hibridização de metaheurísticas com metodologias como simulação pode ser empregada para ampliar as capacidades das metaheurísticas na resolução de problemas de otimização estocásticos na indústria de telecomunicações. Logo, é analisado um problema de otimização com aplicações práticas para redes de telecomunica ções: o problema das p medianas não capacitado em que um número fixo de hubs tem capacidade ilimitada, cada nó não-hub é alocado para um único hub e o número de hubs é conhecido de antemão, sendo analisado em cenários determinísticos e estocásticos. Dada a sua variedade e importância prática, o problema das p medianas vem sendo aplicado e estudado em vários contextos. Seguidamente, propõem-se dois algoritmos imune-inspirados e uma metaheurística de dois estágios, que se baseia na combinação de técnicas tendenciosas e aleatórias com uma estrutura de busca local iterada, além de sua integração com a técnica de simulação de Monte Carlo para resolver o problema das p medianas. Para demonstrar a eficiência dos algoritmos, uma série de testes computacionais é realizada, utilizando instâncias de grande porte da literatura. Estes resultados contribuem para uma compreensão mais profunda da eficácia das metaheurísticas empregadas para resolver o problema das p medianas em redes pequenas e grandes. Por último, uma aplicaçã o ilustrativa do problema das p medianas é apresentada, bem como alguns insights sobre novas possibilidades para ele, estendendo a metodologia proposta para ambientes da vida real.Recent advances in the telecommunication industry o er great opportunities to citizens and organizations in a globally-connected world, but they also arise a vast number of complex challenges that decision makers must face. Some of these challenges can be modeled as optimization problems. Examples include the framework of network utility maximization for resource allocation in communication networks, nding a network topology that satis es certain properties associated with quality of service requirements, overlay multicast networks, and other important features for source to destination communication. First, this thesis provides a review on how metaheuristics have been used so far to deal with optimization problems associated with telecommunication systems, detecting the main trends and challenges. Particularly the analysis focuses on the network design, routing, and allocation problems. In addition, due to the nature of these challenges, this work discusses how the hybridization of metaheuristics with methodologies such as simulation can be employed to extend the capabilities of metaheuristics when solving stochastic optimization problems. Then, a popular optimization problem with practical applications to the design of telecommunication networks: the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem (USApHMP) where a xed number of hubs have unlimited capacity, each non-hub node is allocated to a single hub and the number of hubs is known in advance is analyzed in deterministic and stochastic scenarios. p-hub median problems are concerned with optimality of telecommunication and transshipment networks, and seek to minimize the cost of transportation or establishing. Next, two immune inspired metaheuristics are proposed to solve the USApHMP, besides that, a two-stage metaheuristic which relies on the combination of biased-randomized techniques with an iterated local search framework and its integration with simulation Monte Carlo technique for solving the same problem is proposed. In order to show their e ciency, a series of computational tests are carried out using small and large size instances from the literature. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of the e ectiveness of the employed metaheuristics for solving the USApHMP in small and large networks. Finally, an illustrative application of the USApHMP is presented as well as some insights about some new possibilities for it, extending the proposed methodology to real-life environments.Els últims avenços en la industria de les telecomunicacions ofereixen grans oportunitats per ciutadans i organitzacions en un món globalment connectat, però a la vegada, presenten reptes als que s'enfronten tècnics i enginyers que prenen decisions. Alguns d'aquests reptes es poden modelitzar com problemes d'optimització. Exemples inclouen l'assignació de recursos a les xarxes de comunicació, trobant una topologia de xarxa que satisfà certes propietats associades a requisits de qualitat de servei, xarxes multicast superposades i altres funcions importants per a la comunicació origen a destinació. El primer objectiu d'aquest treball és proporcionar un revisió de la literatura sobre com s'han utilitzat aquestes tècniques, tradicionalment, per tractar els problemes d'optimització associats a sistemes de telecomunicació, detectant les principals tendències i desa aments. Particularment, l'estudi es centra en els problemes de disseny de xarxes, enrutament i problemes d'assignació de recursos. Degut a la naturalesa d'aquests problemes, aquest treball també analitza com es poden combinar les tècniques metaheurístiques amb metodologies de simulació per ampliar les capacitats de resoldre problemes d'optimització estocàstics. A més, es tracta un popular problema d'optimització amb aplicacions pràctiques per xarxes de telecomunicació, el problema de la p mediana no capacitat, analitzant-lo des d'escenaris deterministes i estocàstics. Aquest problema consisteix en determinar el nombre d'instal lacions (medianes) en una xarxa, minimitzant la suma de tots els costs o distàncies des d'un punt de demanda a la instal lació més propera. En general, el problema de la p mediana està lligat amb l'optimització de xarxes de telecomunicacions i de transport, i busquen minimitzar el cost de transport o establiment de la xarxa. Es proposa dos algoritmes immunològics i un algoritme metaheurístic de dues etapes basat en la combinació de tècniques aleatòries amb simulacions Monte Carlo. L'e ciència de les algoritmes es posa a prova mitjançant alguns dels test computacionals més utilitzats a la literatura, obtenint uns resultats molt satisfactoris, ja que es capaç de resoldre casos petits i grans en qüestió de segons i amb un baix cost computacional. Finalment, es presenta una aplicació il lustrativa del problema de la p mediana, així com algunes noves idees sobre aquest, que estenen la metodologia proposta a problemes de la vida real

    A tabu search algorithm for dynamic routing in ATM cell-switching networks

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    This paper deals with the dynamic routing problem in ATM cell-switching networks. We present a mathematical programming model based on cell loss and a Tabu Search algorithm with short-term memory that is reinforced with a long-term memory procedure. The estimation of the quality of the solutions is fast, due to the specific encoding of the feasible solutions. The Tabu Search algorithm reaches good quality solutions, outperforming other approaches such as Genetic Algorithms and the Minimum Switching Path heuristic, regarding both cell loss and the CPU time consumption. The best results were found for the more complex networks with a high number of switches and links

    Models and optimisation methods for interference coordination in self-organising cellular networks

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWe are at that moment of network evolution when we have realised that our telecommunication systems should mimic features of human kind, e.g., the ability to understand the medium and take advantage of its changes. Looking towards the future, the mobile industry envisions the use of fully automatised cells able to self-organise all their parameters and procedures. A fully self-organised network is the one that is able to avoid human involvement and react to the fluctuations of network, traffic and channel through the automatic/autonomous nature of its functioning. Nowadays, the mobile community is far from this fully self-organised kind of network, but they are taken the first steps to achieve this target in the near future. This thesis hopes to contribute to the automatisation of cellular networks, providing models and tools to understand the behaviour of these networks, and algorithms and optimisation approaches to enhance their performance. This work focuses on the next generation of cellular networks, in more detail, in the DownLink (DL) of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) based networks. Within this type of cellular system, attention is paid to interference mitigation in self-organising macrocell scenarios and femtocell deployments. Moreover, this thesis investigates the interference issues that arise when these two cell types are jointly deployed, complementing each other in what is currently known as a two-tier network. This thesis also provides new practical approaches to the inter-cell interference problem in both macro cell and femtocell OFDMA systems as well as in two-tier networks by means of the design of a novel framework and the use of mathematical optimisation. Special attention is paid to the formulation of optimisation problems and the development of well-performing solving methods (accurate and fast)

    Planification globale des réseaux mobiles de la quatrième génération (4G)

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    RÉSUMÉ Dans le contexte actuel où l’information est la clé du succès, peu importe le domaine où l’on se place, les réseaux de télécommunications sont de plus en plus sollicités. D’énormes quantités d’informations circulent sur les réseaux à chaque seconde. Il est primordial d’assurer la disponibilité de ces réseaux afin de garantir la transmission de ces données en toutes circonstances. Le problème de la planification des réseaux de télécommunications consiste à déterminer, parmi un ensemble de sites potentiels, ceux à utiliser afin de couvrir une zone géographique donnée. Il convient également de choisir les équipements à installer sur ces sites et de faire le lien entre eux en fonction de certaines contraintes bien définies. Depuis des dizaines d’années, plusieurs auteurs se sont penchés sur la résolution de ce problème dans le but de minimiser le coût d’installation du réseau. Ces auteurs se sont intéressés à divers aspects du problème sans le considérer dans sa globalité. Certaines études ont été effectuées récemment sur la planification globale des réseaux mobiles. Les auteurs se sont intéressés aux réseaux de la troisième génération et ont proposé un modèle pour résoudre le problème de façon globale. Cependant, ils n’ont pas pris en compte la tolérance du réseau aux pannes qui pourraient survenir. Cette thèse propose un cadre de planification globale pour les réseaux de la quatrième génération (la nouvelle génération des réseaux mobiles). La survivabilité du réseau est prise en compte dans cette étude. Le travail a été effectué en trois phases. Dans la première phase, un modèle global incluant la tolérance aux pannes a été conçu pour la planification des réseaux 4G (WiMAX) et résolu de manière optimale avec un solveur mathématique, en utilisant la programmation linéaire en nombres entiers. L’objectif du modèle consiste à minimiser le coût du réseau, tout en maximisant sa survivabilité. Afin de montrer la pertinence de la résolution globale, le modèle a été comparé à un modèle séquentiel avec les mêmes contraintes. Le modèle séquentiel consiste à subdiviser le problème en trois sous-problèmes et à les résoudre successivement. Un modèle global qui n’intègre pas les contraintes de fiabilité a également été conçu afin de vérifier l’effet des pannes sur le réseau. Les résultats obtenus par le modèle global proposé sont, en moyenne, 25% meilleurs que ceux des deux autres modèles. Le problème de planification globale des réseaux et le problème de survivabilité des réseaux de télécommunications sont deux problèmes NP-difficiles. La combinaison de ces deux problèmes donne un problème encore plus difficile à résoudre que chacun des problèmes pris séparément. La méthode exacte utilisée dans la première phase ne peut résoudre que des instances de petite taille. Dans la deuxième phase, nous proposons une métaheuristique hybride afin trouver de "bonnes solutions" en un temps "raisonnable" pour des instances de plus grande taille. La métaheuristique proposée est une nouvelle forme d’hybridation entre l’algorithme de recherche locale itérée et la méthode de programmation linéaire en nombres entiers. L’hybridation de ces deux méthodes permet de bénéficier de leurs avantages respectifs, à savoir l’exploration efficace de l’espace de recherche et l’intensification des solutions obtenues. L’intensification est effectuée par la méthode exacte qui calcule la meilleure solution possible à partir d’une configuration donnée tandis que l’exploration de l’espace est faite à travers l’algorithme de recherche locale itérée. Les performances de l’algorithme ont été évaluées par rapport à la méthode exacte proposée lors de la première phase. Les résultats montrent que l’algorithme proposé génère des solutions qui sont, en moyenne à 0,06% des solutions optimales. Pour les instances de plus grande taille, des bornes inférieures ont été calculées en utilisant une relaxation du modèle. La comparaison des résultats obtenus par l’algorithme proposé avec ces bornes inférieures montrent que la métaheuristique obtient des solutions qui sont, en moyenne à 2,43% des bornes inférieures pour les instances qui ne peuvent pas être résolues de manière optimale, avec un temps de calcul beaucoup plus faible. La troisième phase a consisté à la conception d’une métaheuristique multi-objectifs pour résoudre le problème. En effet, nous essayons d’optimiser deux objectifs contradictoires qui sont le coût du réseau et sa survivabilité. L’algorithme proposé permet d’offrir plus d’alternatives au planificateur, lui donnant ainsi plus de flexibilité dans la prise de décision.----------ABSTRACT In the current context where information is the key to success in any field where one stands, telecommunications networks are increasingly in demand. Huge amounts of information circulates on the networks every second. It is essential to ensure the availability of these networks to ensure the transmission of these data at any time. The problem of planning of telecommunication networks is to determine, from a set of potential sites, those to be used to cover a given geographical area. One should also choose the equipment to be installed on these sites and to link them according to certain well-defined constraints. For decades, several authors have focused on solving this problem in order to minimize the cost of network installation. These authors were interested in various aspects of the problem without considering it in its entirety. Some studies have recently been performed on the global planning of mobile networks. The authors were interested in the third generation networks. They proposed a model to solve the problem entirely, without breaking it down into sub-problems. However, they did not take into account the fault tolerance of network. This thesis proposes a global planning framework for the fourth generation (4G) networks (the new generation of mobile networks). The survivability of the network is taken into account in this study. The work was conducted in three phases. In the first phase, a global model including survivability has been designed for the planning of 4G (WiMAX) networks and solved optimally with a mathematical solver using the integer linear programing method. The objective of the model is to minimize the network cost while maximizing its survivability. To show the relevance of the global resolution, the model was compared to a sequential model with the same constraints. The sequential model is to divide the problem into three sub-problems and solve them successively. A global model which does not include survivability constraints has also been designed to test the effect of failures on the network. The results show that the proposed model performs on average 25% better than the two other models. The problem of global network planning and the problem of survivability of telecommunications networks are two NP-hard problems. The combination of these two problems provides a problem even more difficult to solve than each problem taken separately. The exact method used in the first phase can only solve small instances. In the second phase, we propose a hybrid metaheuristic to find `good solutions' in a `reasonable time' for instances of larger size. The proposed metaheuristic is a new form of hybridization between the iterated local search algorithm and the integer linear programing method. The hybridization of these two methods can benefit from their respective advantages, namely the efficient exploration of the search space and the intensification of the solutions obtained. The intensification is performed by the exact method that calculates the best possible solution from a given configuration while the exploration of the search space is made through the iterated local search algorithm. The performance of the algorithm have been evaluated with respect to the exact method given in the first phase. The results show that the proposed algorithm generates solutions that are on average 0,06% of the optimal solutions. For the larger instances, the lower bounds are calculated using a relaxation of the model. The comparison of the results obtained by the proposed algorithm with the lower bounds show that the metaheuristic obtains solutions that are on average 2,43% from the lower bounds, for the instances that cannot be solved optimally, within a much less computation time. The third phase involved the design of a multi-objective metaheuristics to solve the problem. Indeed, we try to optimize two conflicting objectives which are the cost of network and its survivability. The proposed algorithm allows us to offer more alternatives to the planner, giving him (her) more exibility in the decision making process

    A Real-time Energy-Saving Mechanism in Internet of Vehicles Systems

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    Emerging technologies, such as self-driving cars and 5G communications, are raising new mobility and transportation possibilities in smart and sustainable cities, bringing to a new echo-system often referred to as Internet of Vehicles (IoV). In order to efficiently operate, an IoV system should take into account more stringent requirements with respect to traditional IoT systems, e.g., ultra-broadband connections, high-speed mobility, high-energy efficiency and requires efficient real-time algorithms. This paper proposes an energy and communication driven model for IoV scenarios, where roadside units (RSUs) need to be frequently assigned and re-assigned to the operating vehicles. The problem has been formulated as an Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem (UFLP) for jointly solving the RSU-to-vehicle allocation problem while managing the RSUs switch-on and -off processes. Differently from traditional UFLP approaches, based on static solutions, we propose here a fast-heuristic approach, based on a dynamic multi-period time scale mapping: the proposed algorithm is able to efficiently manage in real-time the RSUs, selecting at each period those to be activated and those to be switched off. The resulting methodology is tested against a set of benchmark instances, which allows us to illustrate its potential. Results, in terms of overall cost –mapping both energy consumption and transmission delays–, number of active RSUs, and convergence speed, are compared with static approaches, showing the effectiveness of the proposed dynamic solution. It is noticeable a gain of up to 11% in terms of overall cost with respect to the static approaches, with a moderate additional delay for finding the solution, around 0.8 s, while the overall number of RSUs to be switched on is sensibly reduced up to a fraction of 15% of the overall number of deployed RSUs, in the most convenient scenario

    A Real-Time Energy-Saving Mechanism in Internet of Vehicles Systems

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    [EN] Emerging technologies, such as self-driving cars and 5G communications, are raising new mobility and transportation possibilities in smart and sustainable cities, bringing to a new echo-system often referred to as Internet of Vehicles (IoV). In order to efficiently operate, an IoV system should take into account more stringent requirements with respect to traditional IoT systems, e.g., ultra-broadband connections, high-speed mobility, high-energy efficiency and requires efficient real-time algorithms. This paper proposes an energy and communication driven model for IoV scenarios, where roadside units (RSUs) need to be frequently assigned and re-assigned to the operating vehicles. The problem has been formulated as an Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem (UFLP) for jointly solving the RSU-to-vehicle allocation problem while managing the RSUs switch-on and -off processes. Differently from traditional UFLP approaches, based on static solutions, we propose here a fast-heuristic approach, based on a dynamic multi-period time scale mapping: the proposed algorithm is able to efficiently manage in real-time the RSUs, selecting at each period those to be activated and those to be switched off. The resulting methodology is tested against a set of benchmark instances, which allows us to illustrate its potential. Results, in terms of overall cost-mapping both energy consumption and transmission delays-, number of active RSUs, and convergence speed, are compared with static approaches, showing the effectiveness of the proposed dynamic solution. It is noticeable a gain of up to 11% in terms of overall cost with respect to the static approaches, with a moderate additional delay for finding the solution, around 0.8 s, while the overall number of RSUs to be switched on is sensibly reduced up to a fraction of 15% of the overall number of deployed RSUs, in the most convenient scenario.The work of Luca Cesarano and Andrea Croce has been done during an abroad study period at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain, supported by Erasmus+ Study Programme of the European Union.Cesarano, L.; Croce, A.; Martins, LDC.; Tarchi, D.; Juan-Pérez, ÁA. (2021). A Real-Time Energy-Saving Mechanism in Internet of Vehicles Systems. IEEE Access. 9:157842-157858. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3130125157842157858

    Networks, Communication, and Computing Vol. 2

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    Networks, communications, and computing have become ubiquitous and inseparable parts of everyday life. This book is based on a Special Issue of the Algorithms journal, and it is devoted to the exploration of the many-faceted relationship of networks, communications, and computing. The included papers explore the current state-of-the-art research in these areas, with a particular interest in the interactions among the fields

    A survey of machine learning techniques applied to self organizing cellular networks

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    In this paper, a survey of the literature of the past fifteen years involving Machine Learning (ML) algorithms applied to self organizing cellular networks is performed. In order for future networks to overcome the current limitations and address the issues of current cellular systems, it is clear that more intelligence needs to be deployed, so that a fully autonomous and flexible network can be enabled. This paper focuses on the learning perspective of Self Organizing Networks (SON) solutions and provides, not only an overview of the most common ML techniques encountered in cellular networks, but also manages to classify each paper in terms of its learning solution, while also giving some examples. The authors also classify each paper in terms of its self-organizing use-case and discuss how each proposed solution performed. In addition, a comparison between the most commonly found ML algorithms in terms of certain SON metrics is performed and general guidelines on when to choose each ML algorithm for each SON function are proposed. Lastly, this work also provides future research directions and new paradigms that the use of more robust and intelligent algorithms, together with data gathered by operators, can bring to the cellular networks domain and fully enable the concept of SON in the near future

    Using GRASP and GA to design resilient and cost-effective IP/MPLS networks

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    The main objective of this thesis is to find good quality solutions for representative instances of the problem of designing a resilient and low cost IP/MPLS network, to be deployed over an existing optical transport network. This research is motivated by two complementary real-world application cases, which comprise the most important commercial and academic networks of Uruguay. To achieve this goal, we performed an exhaustive analysis of existing models and technologies. From all of them we took elements that were contrasted with the particular requirements of our counterparts. We highlight among these requirements, the need of getting solutions transparently implementable over a heterogeneous network environment, which limit us to use widely standardized features of related technologies. We decided to create new models more suitable to fit these needs. These models are intrinsically hard to solve (NP-Hard). Thus we developed metaheuristic based algorithms to find solutions to these real-world instances. Evolutionary Algorithms and Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures obtained the best results. As it usually happens, real-world planning problems are surrounded by uncertainty. Therefore, we have worked closely with our counterparts to reduce the fuzziness upon data to a set of representative cases. They were combined with different strategies of design to get to scenarios, which were translated into instances of these problems. Finally, the algorithms were fed with this information, and from their outcome we derived our results and conclusions