15 research outputs found

    Causality Is Logically Definable-Toward an Equilibrium-Based Computing Paradigm of Quantum Agents and Quantum Intelligence (QAQI)

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    A survey on agents, causality and intelligence is presented and an equilibrium-based computing paradigm of quantum agents and quantum intelligence (QAQI) is proposed. In the survey, Aristotle’s causality principle and its historical extensions by David Hume, Bertrand Russell, Lotfi Zadeh, Donald Rubin, Judea Pearl, Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, David Bohm, and the causal set initiative are reviewed; bipolar dynamic logic (BDL) is introduced as a causal logic for bipolar inductive and deductive reasoning; bipolar quantum linear algebra (BQLA) is introduced as a causal algebra for quantum agent interaction and formation. Despite the widely held view that causality is undefinable with regularity, it is shown that equilibrium-based bipolar causality is logically definable using BDL and BQLA for causal inference in physical, social, biological, mental, and philosophical terms. This finding leads to the paradigm of QAQI where agents are modeled as quantum ensembles; intelligence is revealed as quantum intelligence. It is shown that the ensembles formation, mutation and interaction of agents can be described as direct or indirect results of quantum causality. Some fundamental laws of causation are presented for quantum agent entanglement and quantum intelligence. Applicability is illustrated; major challenges are identified in equilibrium based causal inference and quantum data mining

    Bipolar Quantum Logic Gates and Quantum Cellular Combinatorics – A Logical Extension to Quantum Entanglement

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    Based on bipolar dynamic logic (BDL) and bipolar quantum linear algebra (BQLA) this work introduces bipolar quantum logic gates and quantum cellular combinatorics with a logical interpretation to quantum entanglement. It is shown that: 1) BDL leads to logically definable causality and generic particle-antiparticle bipolar quantum entanglement; 2) BQLA makes composite atom-atom bipolar quantum entanglement reachable. Certain logical equivalence is identified between the new interpretation and established ones. A logical reversibility theorem is presented for ubiquitous quantum computing. Physical reversibility is briefly discussed. It is shown that a bipolar matrix can be either a modular generalization of a quantum logic gate matrix or a cellular connectivity matrix. Based on this observation, a scalable graph theory of quantum cellular combinatorics is proposed. It is contended that this work constitutes an equilibrium-based logical extension to Bohr’s particle-wave complementarity principle, Bohm’s wave function and Bell’s theorem. In the meantime, it is suggested that the result may also serve as a resolution, rather than a falsification, to the EPR paradox and, therefore, a equilibrium-based logical unification of local realism and quantum non-locality

    Revealing the Ubiquitous Effects of Quantum Entanglement-Toward a Notion of God Logic

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    Following Spinoza-Einstein’s interpretation of God or nature, the notion “God Logic” is proposed. This notion is to serve as an elicitation for a consistent set of necessary criteria for: 1) developing the logical foundation of quantum gravity as envisaged by Einstein, 2) revealing the ubiquitous effects of quantum entanglement as suggested by Roger Penrose, and 3) programming the universe as proposed by Seth Lloyd. An evolving set of eleven criteria is proposed for the notion. The possibility of inventing such a logical system is analyzed. A supersymmetrical candidate logic of negative-positive energy dynamic equilibrium is introduced and assessed against the set of criteria. It is shown that the first 10 criteria are met or partially met by the candidate. But the question whether the 11th criterion has been or can be met is left open for discussion and further research effort. The assessment leads to a few predictions. Notably, it is predicted that, should Boson-Fermion symmetry or broken symmetry be observed, it would be caused by bipolar symmetry or broken symmetry of negative-positive energies

    A Theory for All Music: Problems and Solutions in the Analysis of non-Western Forms

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    Professor Rahn takes the approach to the analysis of Western art music developed recently by theorists such as Benjamin Boretz and extends it to address non-Western forms. In the process, he rejects recent ethnomusicological formulations based on mentalism, cultural determinism, and the psychology of perception as potentially fruitful bases for analysing music in general. Instead he stresses the desirability of formulating a theory to deal with all music, rather than merely Western forms, and emphasizes the need to evaluate an analysis and compare it with other interpretations, and demonstrates how this may be done. The theoretical concepts which form the basis of Rahn's approach are discussed and applied: first to individual pieces of non-Western music which have enjoyed a fairly high profile in ethnomusicological literature, and second to repertoires or groups of pieces. The author also discusses the fields of anthropology and psychology, showing how his approach serves as a starting point for studies of perception and the concepts, norms, and values found in specific music cultures. In conclusion, he lists what he considers to be musical universals and takes up the more controversial issues implicit in his discussion

    Contemporary Natural Philosophy and Philosophies - Part 2

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    Modern technology has eliminated barriers posed by geographic distances between people around the globe, making the world more interdependent. However, in spite of global collaboration within research domains, fragmentation among research fields persists and even escalates. Disintegrated knowledge has become subservient to the competition in the technological and economic race, leading in the direction chosen not by reason and intellect but rather by the preferences of politics and markets. To restore the authority of knowledge in guiding humanity, we have to reconnect its scattered isolated parts and offer an evolving and diverse but shared vision of objective reality connecting the sciences and other knowledge domains and informed by and in communication with ethical and esthetic thinking and being. This collection of articles responds to the second call from the journal Philosophies to build a new, networked world of knowledge with domain specialists from different disciplines interacting and connecting with the rest of the knowledge-producing and knowledge-consuming communities in an inclusive, extended natural-philosophic, human-centric manner. In this process of reconnection, scientific and philosophical investigations enrich each other, with sciences informing philosophies about the best current knowledge of the world, both natural and human-made, while philosophies scrutinize the ontological, epistemological, and methodological foundations of sciences

    Criteria of Empirical Significance: Foundations, Relations, Applications

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    This dissertation consists of three parts. Part I is a defense of an artificial language methodology in philosophy and a historical and systematic defense of the logical empiricists' application of an artificial language methodology to scientific theories. These defenses provide a justification for the presumptions of a host of criteria of empirical significance, which I analyze, compare, and develop in part II. On the basis of this analysis, in part III I use a variety of criteria to evaluate the scientific status of intelligent design, and further discuss confirmation, reduction, and concept formation

    Criteria of Empirical Significance: Foundations, Relations, Applications

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    This dissertation consists of three parts. Part I is a defense of an artificial language methodology in philosophy and a historical and systematic defense of the logical empiricists' application of an artificial language methodology to scientific theories. These defenses provide a justification for the presumptions of a host of criteria of empirical significance, which I analyze, compare, and develop in part II. On the basis of this analysis, in part III I use a variety of criteria to evaluate the scientific status of intelligent design, and further discuss confirmation, reduction, and concept formation

    Contemporary Natural Philosophy and Philosophies—Part 2

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    This is a short presentation by the Guest Editors of the series of Special Issues of the journal Philosophies under the common title "Contemporary Natural Philosophy and Philosophies" in which we present Part 2. The series will continue, and the call for contributions to the next Special Issue will appear shortly

    Thrillology: Affective Intensities and the Everyday-Spectacular in American Literature and Culture

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    “Thrillology: Affective Intensities and the Everyday-Spectacular in American Literature and Culture” presents thrill as a powerful thematic component centered on immediate affective gratification informing character development and narrative. This perspective rethinks theme as always having an affective dimension that accompanies its conceptual articulations, with the former, in many cases, being the more important element. Thrilled psycho-emotional states emerge, in their own right, as legitimizations of individuality and cultural autonomy from the perspective of the passional subject. Engaging with a broad spectrum of literary and cultural sources spanning the last hundred years, this project investigates various ways in which the self-fulfilling affective intensity of thrill imparts a compelling spectacularization to everyday experience. Case studies featuring Naturalist novels by Norris, Sinclair, and Dreiser expose the pursuit of material success as an intoxicating affect that drives central figures, regardless of the attainment, and inevitable loss, of wealth. In contrast, Ishmael Reed’s MumboJumbo presents a very different frisson of social rebellion that is determined to find fulfillment within its defiance and re-appropriation of cultural identity, no matter the stacked-odds confronting protagonists. And, book-ending nearly a century of fictional engagements with the pervasiveness of fame, fortune, and celebrity in mainstream consciousness, Nathanael West’s Day of the Locust and Bret Easton Ellis’ Glamorama portray the pursuit of thrill as an end itself, regardless of any realization of stardom. Finally, these thrillological considerations extend into contemporary American social texts, here embodied by the recurring spectacle of the Super Bowl broadcast and the extravaganza of Apple.com’s 2010 web-based introduction of the iPad. Through its examination of thrill as a positive affective power and the capacity of such excitation to translate into modes of expression and identification, Thrillology adds new perspectives to the body of contemporary affect theoretical literary analysis that has been prominently concerned with the examination of negative affective dimensions. This project brings a variety of theoretical fields into conversation in order to achieve a versatile conception of thrill’s affect, combining literary and cultural modes of analysis that co-involve affect theory, performance studies, theorization of spectacle and The Everyday, and effects of mass-media and consumerism