11,363 research outputs found

    Denotational Fixed-Point Semantics for Constructive Scheduling of Synchronous Concurrency

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    The synchronous model of concurrent computation (SMoCC) is well established for programming languages in the domain of safety-critical reactive and embedded systems. Translated into mainstream C/Java programming, the SMoCC corresponds to a cyclic execution model in which concurrent threads are synchronised on a logical clock that cuts system computation into a sequence of macro-steps. A causality analysis verifies the existence of a schedule on memory accesses to ensure each macro-step is deadlock-free and determinate. We introduce an abstract semantic domain I(D, P) and an associated denotational fixed point semantics for reasoning about concurrent and sequential variable accesses within a synchronous cycle-based model of computation. We use this domain for a new and extended behavioural definition of Berry’s causality analysis in terms of approximation intervals. The domain I(D, P) extends the domain I(D) from our previous work and fixes a mistake in the treatment of initialisations. Based on this fixed point semantics the notion of Input Berry-constructiveness (IBC) for synchronous programs is proposed. This new IBC class lies properly between strong (SBC) and normal Berry-constructiveness (BC) defined in previous work. SBC and BC are two ways to interpret the standard constructive semantics of synchronous programming, as exemplified by imperative SMoCC languages such as Esterel or Quartz. SBC is often too restrictive as it requires all variables to be initialised by the program. BC can be too permissive because it initialises all variables to a fixed value, by default. Where the initialisation happens through the memory, e.g., when carrying values from one synchronous tick to the next, then IBC is more appropriate. IBC links two levels of execution, the macro-step level and the micro-step level. We prove that the denotational fixed point analysis for IBC, and hence Berry’s causality analysis, is sound with respect to operational micro-level scheduling. The denotational model can thus be viewed as a compositional presentation of a synchronous scheduling strategy that ensures reactiveness and determinacy for imperative concurrent programming

    Reactive concurrent programming revisited

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    In this note we revisit the so-called reactive programming style, which evolves from the synchronous programming model of the Esterel language by weakening the assumption that the absence of an event can be detected instantaneously. We review some research directions that have been explored since the emergence of the reactive model ten years ago. We shall also outline some questions that remain to be investigated

    Causality and Temporal Dependencies in the Design of Fault Management Systems

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    Reasoning about causes and effects naturally arises in the engineering of safety-critical systems. A classical example is Fault Tree Analysis, a deductive technique used for system safety assessment, whereby an undesired state is reduced to the set of its immediate causes. The design of fault management systems also requires reasoning on causality relationships. In particular, a fail-operational system needs to ensure timely detection and identification of faults, i.e. recognize the occurrence of run-time faults through their observable effects on the system. Even more complex scenarios arise when multiple faults are involved and may interact in subtle ways. In this work, we propose a formal approach to fault management for complex systems. We first introduce the notions of fault tree and minimal cut sets. We then present a formal framework for the specification and analysis of diagnosability, and for the design of fault detection and identification (FDI) components. Finally, we review recent advances in fault propagation analysis, based on the Timed Failure Propagation Graphs (TFPG) formalism.Comment: In Proceedings CREST 2017, arXiv:1710.0277

    Complexity analysis of reactive graph grammars

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    The aim of this paper is to present a way to calculate a complexity measurement of graph grammar specifications of reactive systems. The basic operation that describe the behavior of a graph grammar is a rule application. Therefore, this operation will be used to characterize the tasks to be performed within a system. The complexity measurement defined here ,vill give us the minimum numbei:· of steps that must be present in a computation that performs a desir_ed task

    Bidirectional Reactive Programming for Machine Learning

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    Reactive languages are dedicated to the programming of systems which interact continuously and concurrently with their environment. Values take the form of unbounded streams modeling the (discrete) passing of time or the sequence of concurrent interactions. While conventional reactivity models recurrences forward in time, we introduce a symmetric reactive construct enabling backward recurrences. Constraints on the latter allow to make the implementation practical. Machine Learning (ML) systems provide numerous motivations for all of this: we demonstrate that reverse-mode automatic differentiation, backpropagation, batch normalization, bidirectional recurrent neural networks, training and reinforcement learning algorithms, are all naturally captured as bidirectional reactive programs

    A timeband framework for modelling real-time systems

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    Complex real-time systems must integrate physical processes with digital control, human operation and organisational structures. New scientific foundations are required for specifying, designing and implementing these systems. One key challenge is to cope with the wide range of time scales and dynamics inherent in such systems. To exploit the unique properties of time, with the aim of producing more dependable computer-based systems, it is desirable to explicitly identify distinct time bands in which the system is situated. Such a framework enables the temporal properties and associated dynamic behaviour of existing systems to be described and the requirements for new or modified systems to be specified. A system model based on a finite set of distinct time bands is motivated and developed in this paper

    Time for Reactive System Modeling

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    Reactive systems interact with their environment by reading inputs and computing and feeding back outputs in reactive cycles that are also called ticks. Often they are safety critical systems and are increasingly modeled with highlevel modeling tools. The concepts of the corresponding modeling languages are typically aimed to facilitate formal reasoning about program constructiveness to guarantee deterministic output and are explicitly abstracted from execution time aspects. Nevertheless, the worst-case execution time of a tick can be a crucial value, where exceedance can lead to lost inputs or tardy reaction to critical events. This thesis proposes a general approach to interactive timing analysis, which enables the feedback of detailed timing values directly in the model representation to support timing aware modeling. The concept is based on a generic timing interface that enables the exchangeability of the modeling as well as the timing analysis tool for the flexible implementation of varying tool chains. The proposed timing analysis approach includes visual highlighting and modeling pragmatics features to guide the user to timing hotspots for timing related model revisions

    Truly Concurrent Logic via In-Between Specification

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    AbstractIn order to obtain a formalism for the specification of true concurrency in reactive systems, we modify the μ-calculus such that properties that are valid during the execution of an action can be expressed. The interpretation of this logic is based on transition systems that are used to model the ST-semantics. We show that this logic and step equivalence have an incomparable expressive power. Furthermore, we show that the logic characterizes the ST-bisimulation equivalence for finite process algebra expressions that do not contain synchronization mechanisms

    Analysis and Coordination of Mixed-Criticality Cyber-Physical Systems

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    A Cyber-physical System (CPS) can be described as a network of interlinked, concurrent computational components that interact with the physical world. Such a system is usually of reactive nature and must satisfy strict timing requirements to guarantee a correct behaviour. The components can be of mixed-criticality which implies different progress models and communication models, depending whether the focus of a component lies on predictability or resource efficiency. In this dissertation I present a novel approach that bridges the gap between stream processing models and Labelled Transition Systems (LTSs). The former offer powerful tools to describe concurrent systems of, usually simple, components while the latter allow to describe complex, reactive, components and their mutual interaction. In order to achieve the bridge between the two domains I introduce the novel LTS Synchronous Interface Automaton (SIA) that allows to model the interaction protocol of a process via its interface and to incrementally compose simple processes into more complex ones while preserving the system properties. Exploiting these properties I introduce an analysis to identify permanent blocking situations in a network of composed processes. SIAs are wrapped by the novel component-based coordination model Process Network with Synchronous Communication (PNSC) that allows to describe a network of concurrent processes where multiple communication models and the co-existence and interaction of heterogeneous processes is supported due to well defined interfaces. The work presented in this dissertation follows a holistic approach which spans from the theory of the underlying model to an instantiation of the model as a novel coordination language, called Streamix. The language uses network operators to compose networks of concurrent processes in a structured and hierarchical way. The work is validated by a prototype implementation of a compiler and a Run-time System (RTS) that allows to compile a Streamix program and execute it on a platform with support for ISO C, POSIX threads, and a Linux operating system
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