16 research outputs found

    Causal evidence of the involvement of the right occipital face area in face-identity acquisition

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    There is growing evidence that the occipital face area (OFA), originally thought to be involved in the construction of a low-level representation of the physical features of a face, is also taking part in higher-level face processing. To test whether the OFA is causally involved in the learning of novel face identities, we have used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) together with a sequential sorting – face matching paradigm (Andrews et al. 2015). First, participants sorted images of two unknown persons during the initial learning phase while either their right OFA or the Vertex was stimulated using TMS. In the subsequent test phase, we measured the participants’ face matching performance for novel images of the previously trained identities and for two novel identities. We found that face-matching performance accuracy was higher for the trained as compared to the novel identities in the vertex control group, suggesting that the sorting task led to incidental learning of the identities involved. However, no such difference was observed between trained and novel identities in the rOFA stimulation group. Our results support the hypothesis that the role of the rOFA is not limited to the processing of low-level physical features, but it has a significant causal role in face identity encoding and in the formation of identity-specific memory-traces

    Not all visual symmetry is equal: partially distinct neural bases for vertical and horizontal symmetry

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    Visual mirror symmetry plays an important role in visual perception in both human and animal vision; its importance is reflected in the fact that it can be extracted automatically during early stages of visual processing. However, how this extraction is implemented at the cortical level remains an open question. Given the importance of symmetry in visual perception, one possibility is that there is a network which extracts all types of symmetry irrespective of axis of orientation; alternatively, symmetry along different axes might be encoded by different brain regions, implying that that there is no single neural mechanism for symmetry processing. Here we used fMRI-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to compare the neural basis of the two main types of symmetry found in the natural world, vertical and horizontal symmetry. TMS was applied over either right Lateral Occipital Cortex (LO), right Occipital Face Area (OFA) or Vertex while participants were asked to detect symmetry in low-level dot configurations. Whereas detection of vertical symmetry was impaired by TMS over both LO and OFA, detection of horizontal symmetry was delayed by stimulation of LO only. Thus, different types of visual symmetry rely on partially distinct cortical networks

    TMS over right OFA affects individuation of faces but not of exemplars of objects

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    In addition to its well-documented role in processing of faces, the occipital face area in the right hemisphere (rOFA) may also play a role in identifying specific individuals within a class of objects. Here we explored this issue by using fMRI-guided TMS. In a first experiment, participants had to judge whether two sequentially presented images of faces or objects represented exactly the same exemplar or two different exemplars of the same class, while receiving online TMS over either the rOFA, the right lateral occipital cortex (rLO) or the Vertex (control). We found that, relative to Vertex, stimulation of rOFA impaired individuation of faces only, with no effect on objects; in contrast, TMS over rLO reduced individuation of objects but not of faces. In a second control experiment participants judged whether a picture representing a fragment of a stimulus belonged or not to the subsequently presented image of a whole stimulus (part-whole matching task). Our results showed that rOFA stimulation selectively disrupted performance with faces, whereas performance with objects (but not with faces) was selectively affected by TMS over rLO. Overall, our findings suggest that rOFA does not contribute to discriminate between exemplars of non-face objects

    Face yourself: The social neuroscience of mirror gazing

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    In philosophical and psychological accounts alike, it has been claimed that mirror gazing is like looking at ourselves as others. Social neuroscience and social psychology offer support for this view by showing that we use similar brain and cognitive mechanisms during perception of both others' and our own face. I analyse these premises to investigate the factors affecting the perception of one's own mirror image. I analyse mechanisms and processes involved in face perception, mimicry, and emotion recognition, and defend the following argument: because perception of others' face is affected by our feelings toward them, it is likely that feelings toward ourselves affect our responses to the mirror image. One implication is that negative self-feelings can affect mirror gazing instantiating a vicious cycle where the negative emotional response reflects a previously acquired attitude toward oneself. I conclude by discussing implications of this view for psychology and social studies

    The neural dynamics of familiarity-dependent face identity representation

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    Recognizing a face as belonging to a given identity is essential in our everyday life. Clearly, the correct identification of a face is only possible for familiar people, but ‘familiarity’ covers a wide range—from people we see every day to those we barely know. Although several studies have shown that the processing of familiar and unfamiliar faces is substantially different, little is known about how the degree of familiarity affects the neural dynamics of face identity processing. Here, we report the results of a multivariate EEG analysis, examining the representational dynamics of face identity across several familiarity levels. Participants viewed highly variable face images of 20 identities, including the participants' own face, personally familiar (PF), celebrity and unfamiliar faces. Linear discriminant classifiers were trained and tested on EEG patterns to discriminate pairs of identities of the same familiarity level. Time-resolved classification revealed that the neural representations of identity discrimination emerge around 100ms post-stimulus onset, relatively independently of familiarity level. In contrast, identity decoding between 200 and 400ms is determined to a large extent by familiarity: it can be recovered with higher accuracy and for a longer duration in the case of more familiar faces. In addition, we found no increased discriminability for faces of PF persons compared to those of highly familiar celebrities. One's own face benefits from processing advantages only in a relatively late time-window. Our findings provide new insights into how the brain represents face identity with various degrees of familiarity and show that the degree of familiarity modulates the available identity-specific information at a relatively early time window

    Investigating the role of the fusiform face area and occipital face area using multifocal transcranial direct current stimulation.

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    The functional role of the occipital face area (OFA) and the fusiform face area (FFA) in face recognition is inconclusive to date. While some research has shown that the OFA and FFA are involved in early (i.e., featural processing) and late (i.e., holistic processing) stages of face recognition respectively, other research suggests that both regions are involved in both early and late stages of face recognition. Thus, the current study aims to further examine the role of the OFA and the FFA using multifocal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). In Experiment 1, we used computer-generated faces. Thirty-five participants completed whole face and facial features (i.e., eyes, nose, mouth) recognition tasks after OFA and FFA stimulation in a within-subject design. No difference was found in recognition performance after either OFA or FFA stimulation. In Experiment 2 with 60 participants, we used real faces, provided stimulation following a between-subjects design and included a sham control group. Results showed that FFA stimulation led to enhanced efficiency of facial features recognition. Additionally, no effect of OFA stimulation was found for either facial feature or whole face recognition. These results suggest the involvement of FFA in the recognition of facial features

    O impacto da alexitimia na identificação facial

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    A identificação de faces é um processo fundamental na interação social humana. Tendo por base um sistema cognitivo e percetual complexo, algumas caraterísticas individuais podem comprometer o reconhecimento de faces. Diversos estudos referem que indivíduos com alexitimia apresentam dificuldades ao nível do reconhecimento das emoções, verificando-se uma associação positiva com sintomas psicopatológicos. Contudo, a investigação é escassa no que diz respeito ao estudo da identificação facial em indivíduos com alexitimia. Por forma a explorarmos a relação entre identificação facial e alexitimia, recorreu-se a uma amostra por conveniência, obtida junto de estudantes da Universidade da Beira Interior, com idade superior a 18 anos, tanto do género feminino (n=42), como masculino (n=22), com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 57 anos (M=21; DP=5.22), de diferentes cursos e ciclos de ensino. O protocolo de investigação foi constituído por um questionário sociodemográfico, pelo 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale e pelo The Glasgow Face Matching Test. Os resultados mostraram que uma maior dificuldade em descrever sentimentos está associada a um menor tempo de resposta na tarefa de identificação facial (r = -.312; p < .001). Também se observou que um pensamento mais orientado para o exterior está associado a uma menor taxa de acerto na tarefa de identificação facial (r = -.331; p = .008). Sendo este um estudo exploratório da relação entre as variáveis identificadas, espera-se que os resultados apresentados possam contribuir para uma maior investigação nesta área.The facial identification is a fundamental process in human social interaction. Based on a complex cognitive and perceptual system, some individual characteristics may compromise face recognition. Several studies indicate that individuals with alexithymia present difficulties in the recognition of emotions, and there is a positive association with psychopathological symptoms. However, research is scarce regarding the study of facial identification in subjects with alexithymia. To explore the relationship between facial identification and alexithymia, a convenience sample was obtained from students of the University of Beira Interior, with age over 18 years, both female (n = 42) and male (n = 22), aged between 18 and 57 years (M = 21; SD = 5.22) of different courses and teaching cycles. The research protocol consisted of a sociodemographic questionnaire, by the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale and by The Glasgow Face Matching Test. Results showed that a greater difficulty in describing feelings is associated with a shorter response time in the facial identification task (r = -.312; p < .001). It was also observed that a more outward-oriented thinking is associated with a lower hit rate in the task of facial identification (r = -.331; p = .008). As an exploratory study of the relationship between the variables identified, it is expected these results may contribute to a greater investigation in this area

    Profil temporel de l’efficacité du traitement visuel en reconnaissance d’objets et de visages

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    Les variations d’efficacité du traitement visuel dans le temps ont été étudiées par échantillonnage temporel aléatoire. Vingt-quatre adultes ont identifié des stimuli composés de bruit blanc visuel et d’images d’objets familiers (expérience 1) ou de visages célèbres (expérience 2). Le ratio signal-bruit variait à travers le temps selon des fonctions d’échantillonnage générées par l’intégration d’ondes sinusoïdales de différentes fréquences (5 à 55 Hz) et de phases et amplitudes aléatoires. Des vecteurs de classification (VC) temporels ont été calculés en soustrayant la somme pondérée des ratios signal-bruit associés aux mauvaises réponses de celle associée aux bonnes réponses. Des images de classification (IC) temps-fréquence ont été obtenues en appliquant la même procédure aux résultats d’analyses temps-fréquence réalisées sur la fonction d’échantillonnage de chaque essai. Les VC temporels des deux expériences sont très variables entre les participants. Par contre, les IC temps-fréquence sont remarquablement similaires à travers les participants (cohérence inter-sujets de .93 et .57 pour l’expérience 1 et 2 respectivement). Des comparaisons par test t nous indiquent de nombreuses différences entre les IC temps-fréquence des objets et visages familiers, mais aussi des objets non familiers et des mots analysés dans des études précédentes. Ainsi, ces IC sont sensibles à la classe de stimuli présentés, mais aussi à la familiarité de ces derniers. Les résultats témoignent d’une variation rapide dans l’efficacité de l’encodage visuel durant les 200 premières millisecondes d’exposition au stimulus et suggèrent que les IC du domaine temps-fréquence reflètent un aspect hautement fondamental du traitement visuel, hypothétiquement rattaché aux oscillations cérébrales.Variations in visual processing effectiveness through time were investigated using random temporal stimulus sampling. Twenty-four adults named photographs of either familiar objects (experiment 1) or famous faces (experiment 2). Stimuli were made by a linear combination of the target image and high density white visual noise. Signal-to-noise ratio varied throughout the 200 ms stimulus duration. A new temporal sampling function was generated on each trial by the integration of random amplitude and phase sinusoidal waves of frequency between 5 and 55 Hz (in 5 Hz steps). Temporal classification vectors (CV) were calculated by subtracting the weighted sum of the signal-to-noise ratio associated to errors from that associated to correct responses. Time-frequency classification images (CI) were obtained by applying the same procedure on the outcome of time-frequency analyses applied to the sampling functions of each trial. In both experiments, the temporal CVs were highly variable across participants, but the time-frequency CIs were remarkably similar across participants (inter-subject coherence of .93 and .57 for experiments 1 and 2 respectively). T-tests revealed multiple differences between the time-frequency CIs obtained with familiar objects and faces, but also with non-familiar objects and words analyzed in previous studies. Therefore, theses CIs are sensitive to stimulus type, but also to stimulus familiarity. The present results indicate rapid variations of visual encoding effectiveness in the initial 200 ms of stimulus exposure and suggests that the time-frequency CIs tap a highly fundamental aspect of visual processing, hypothetically linked to brain oscillations

    Prior experience modulates top-down predictive processing in the ventral visual areas

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    Repetition suppression(RS)refers to that the reduction of neural activities for repeated presentations of a given stimulus compared to its first presentation. Summerfield et al(2008) found the magnitude of RS is affected by the repetition probability of stimuli, called as P(rep) effect. Based on the predictive coding theory, prior experience about the sensory inputs is necessary to optimally achieve cognitive processes. But it remains unclear how prior experience modulates predictive processes. To address this issue, in Study I, we estimated the P(rep) effects for Chinese characters and German words in native Chinese and German participants to test whether prior experience affects the P(rep) effect of lexical stimuli. The results showed that the P(rep) effect is only manifest for words of a language with which participants had prior experience. Study II performed fMRI measurements before and after a 10-day perceptual learning (PL) training for cars to test the modulation of short-term experience on the P(rep) effect. The results replicated the P(rep) effect for faces and cars. More interestingly, the P(rep) effect can be temporarily abolished by the short-term PL experience. The third study investigated how prior experience modulates sensory inputs. Study 3a adopted a classic stimulus repetition paradigm to measure RS for faces, together with either concurrent short-term memory (STM) load or a control condition. The results showed that RS is significantly attenuated when visual STM is loaded. Study 3b manipulates attention by a face inversion detection task. The results showed that the RS effect appears in the STM condition when participants attend to faces. The main conclusions: i) predictive processes, as measured by the P(rep) effect, require extensive prior experiences with stimuli, but ii) these can also be modulated by short-term learning experience. Further, iii) STM and attention are two modulators of prior experiences on predictive processes