15 research outputs found

    Environmental Sustainability in Maritime Infrastructures

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    This Special Issue is entitled “Environmental Sustainability in Maritime Infrastructures”. Oceans and coastal areas are essential in our lives from several different points of view: social, economic, and health. Given the importance of these areas for human life, not only for the present but also for the future, it is necessary to plan future infrastructures, and maintain and adapt to the changes the existing ones. All of this taking into account the sustainability of our planet. A very significant percentage of the world's population lives permanently or enjoys their vacation periods in coastal zones, which makes them very sensitive areas, with a very high economic value and as a focus of adverse effects on public health and ecosystems. Therefore, it is considered very relevant and of great interest to launch this Special Issue to cover any aspects related to the vulnerability of coastal systems and their inhabitants (water pollution, coastal flooding, climate change, overpopulation, urban planning, waste water, plastics at sea, effects on ecosystems, etc.), as well as the use of ocean resources (fisheries, energy, tourism areas, etc.)

    Land Squandering and Social Crisis in the Spanish City

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    The last two decades have been marked by intense and accelerated economic, political, and cultural processes that have affected urban spaces. These changes have occurred in different parts of cities (traditional centers, edges, peripheries) and at different levels of the urban system (large and medium-sized cities and in their respective areas of influence). Possibly the clearest expression of the spatial effects on cities can be perceived in their morphological transformations, their territorial dimensions, or in their social problems. Until 2008, urban–territorial processes were a reflection of the logic and inconsistencies of an expansive economic context and of a structural context that favored the development of cities through concurrent processes and actors. As a result, the built land and amount of urbanized and built surfaces increased, together with processes of the expansion and modernization of cities. Since 2008, the expansive economic cycle has ended, and there have been diverse negative consequences. Notably, the construction sector has come to an abrupt halt. Access to credit has also been reduced, and unemployment has increased. The economic recession has caused sociodemographic and socioeconomic issues exemplified by housing vulnerability, with dispossession, evictions, a shortage of social housing, and energy poverty

    Sustainable Rural Development: Strategies, Good Practices and Opportunities

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    In 2020, a Special Issue titled “Sustainable Rural Development: Strategies, Good Practices and Opportunities” was launched, in which 16 papers were published. The aim of this monograph was to study a problem that is occurring on a global scale and, above all, in the most developed countries, which is the population emigration from rural areas to urban areas due to the labour and service opportunities offered by the latter. This is causing a demographic deterioration of rural areas, and those that remain show high rates of ageing, masculinisation, or low demographic growth. In addition, and interrelated with this demographic deterioration, there is economic and environmental degradation. Rural areas are territories with increasingly lower purchasing power, job opportunities, and services for the population, which are classified as “spaces in crisis”. The papers in this Special Issue evidence the many public and private strategies that are being pursued to achieve sustainable rural development in declining areas. The diversity of approaches offer a vision of the practical application and the obstacles or difficulties that many of them are having to achieve their objectives. All of these strategies are intended to achieve economic dynamism that is respectful of the environment and from there to be able to reduce the regressive demographic processes in rural areas. These are different approaches that allow us to contribute, from scientific, holistic, and multidisciplinary knowledge, and they can help decision making in public policy and planning strategies

    Maritime Transport ‘14

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    Salt in our veins. The patrimonialization processes of artisanal salt and saltscapes in Europe and their contribution to local development

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    [eng] This thesis aims to understand the processes of patrimonialization that take place in artisanal salinas in Europe and analyzes how these can contribute to the preservation of heritage, landscape and local development in their environment. In the last century, artisanal salt making sites in Europe have suffered a progressive decline, as a result of profound socio- economic changes, that have affected productive activities in general. This has limited their ability to compete in the mainstream salt market, which has ultimately led to the permanent abandonment of the salt making activity in most cases. In others, however, local stakeholders (environmentalists, cultural associations, scholars, public administrations, others) have been able to spark, push forward and even consolidate a patrimonialization process based on the sustainable use of the associated heritage and landscape values. To achieve this, many products and services associated with the production of high quality salt, as well as ecocultural tourism activities and salt-related museums, and the provision of health services from salt sub-products have been designed and offered. These have contributed to maintain a multifunctional use of the site with a diversified socioeconomic activity with enough profitability, while respecting the natural values of the sites. In this process, the sites have therefore moved from a situation of managerial indifference or even abandonment, to a collective, highly motivated citizen-led effort to recover the heritage and natural values of the sites. At a certain point, as the complexity of the processes increased, this horizontal and generally altruistic approach, needed to evolve towards a new management environment led by professionals. In the end, these sites have thus progressed from the salt business to the business of salt-related heritage. In this thesis, three paradigmatic cases of successful patrimonialization have been analyzed in Europe: the marais salants of Guérande, in France; the salinas of Sečovlje in Slovenia and the Læsø saltworks in Denmark. In addition, the patrimonialization processes have also been studied in the nine Spanish inland salinas which have been protected by law as a monument at the time of writing: Añana (Álava), Arcos de las Salinas (Teruel), Espartinas (Madrid), Gerri de la Sal (Lleida), Imón and San Juan (Guadalajara), Peralta de la Sal (Huesca), Poza de la Sal (Burgos) and Rambla Salada (Murcia). In these cases, the processes have been found to be in very different stages, from a situation of decline and almost ruin, to a consolidated patrimonialization process. Many cases, however, have been found to be in intermediate situations, with a patrimonialization process still in in progress, with the threats and weaknesses this stage entails. The comparison of these differences has allowed to understand the challenges and difficulties faced by this type of cultural heritage and landscapes, as well as to identify the good practices that have contributed to their progression towards a consolidated stage. To this end, the methodology used in this work combined tools from different disciplinary backgrounds. On the one hand, a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators has allowed to perform a comparative analysis of the sites. On the other hand, the study of the local bibliography and the field visits, in combination with personal interviews and group dynamics, has allowed to elaborate the narratives of the patrimonialization processes of each site. The comparative study between the twelve salinas has also led to the development of a conceptual management model that gathers the good practices and prevents the pitfalls observed in the study sites. Hopefully this model will contribute to the sustainable use of similar cultural landscapes and heritage to those studied here.[cat] Aquesta tesi té com a objecte comprendre els processos de patrimonialització que tenen lloc en salines artesanals d'Europa i analitzar què poden aportar a la conservació del patrimoni i el paisatge, i al desenvolupament local. En el curs de l'últim segle, les salines artesanals europees han patit un declivi progressiu arran de la incidència de diversos factors socioeconòmics. Això ha limitat la seva capacitat per competir en el negoci tradicional de la sal, abocant-les en molts casos a l'abandonament definitiu. En d'altres, però, els agents socials (societat civil, administracions i altres) han sabut iniciar i fins i tot consolidar un procés de patrimonialització basat en l'aprofitament sostenible del patrimoni i el paisatge. En aquest context, s'han proposat productes molt diversos i serveis associats a la sal de qualitat, el turisme ecocultural i la salut, aconseguint mantenir una activitat socioeconòmica rendible alhora que respectuosa amb el medi ambient. Aquestes salines han passat així de viure del negoci de la sal a recolzar la seva activitat en el negoci del patrimoni. En aquesta tesi s'examinen tres casos de patrimonialització paradigmàtics a Europa: les salines de Guérande (França), Sečovlje (Eslovènia) i Læsø (Dinamarca). A més, s'analitza el procés de patrimonialització a les nou salines d'interior espanyoles que han estat declarades com a Bé d'Interès Cultural: Añana (Àlaba), Arcos de las Salinas (Terol), Espartinas (Madrid), Gerri de la Sal (Lleida), Imón i San Juan (Guadalajara), Peralta de la Sal (Osca), Poza de la Sal (Burgos) i Rambla Salada (Múrcia). En aquests casos, l'esmentat procés es troba en fases molt diverses, el que ha permès entendre els reptes i les dificultats a què s'enfronta aquesta mena de patrimoni i els seus paisatges culturals, així com identificar les bones pràctiques que s'hi ha donat. Amb aquesta finalitat, s'ha emprat una metodologia que combina l'ús d'indicadors qualitatius i quantitatius, amb entrevistes i dinàmiques de grup. Tot això s'ha complementat amb un estudi bibliogràfic i visites de camp a cada espai que han possibilitat reconstruir les narratives de la seva patrimonialització. L'anàlisi comparativa d'aquests dotze espais saliners ha permès, alhora, l'elaboració d'un model de gestió que pretén contribuir a l'aprofitament sostenible de paisatges culturals i d'espais patrimonials similars als que aquí s'han considerat.[spa] Esta tesis tiene como objeto comprender los procesos de patrimonialización que tienen lugar en salinas artesanales en Europa y analizar de qué manera éstos pueden aportar a la conservación del patrimonio, del paisaje y al desarrollo local en su entorno. Las salinas artesanales europeas han sufrido en el último siglo un progresivo declive, fruto de diversos factores socioeconómicos. Ello ha limitado su capacidad para competir en el negocio tradicional de la sal, abocando a algunas al abandono definitivo. En algunos casos, sin embargo, los agentes sociales (sociedad civil, administraciones, otros) han sabido iniciar e incluso consolidar un proceso de patrimonialización basado en un aprovechamiento sostenible del patrimonio y del paisaje. Para ello se han propuesto muy diversos productos y servicios asociados a la sal de calidad, el turismo ecocultural y la salud, logrando así mantener una actividad socioeconómica con suficiente rentabilidad al tiempo que se respeta al medio. Así, estas salinas han pasado de vivir del negocio de la sal al negocio del patrimonio. En esta tesis se han estudiado tres casos de patrimonialización paradigmáticos en Europa: las salinas de Guérande, en Francia; Sečovlje, en Eslovenia y Læsø, en Dinamarca. Además, se ha estudiado el proceso de patrimonialización en las nueve salinas de interior españolas que han sido protegidas como Bien de Interés Cultural: Añana (Álava), Arcos de las Salinas (Teruel), Espartinas (Madrid), Gerri de la Sal (Lleida), Imón y San Juan (Guadalajara), Peralta de la Sal (Huesca), Poza de la Sal (Burgos) y Rambla Salada (Murcia). En estos casos, los procesos se encuentran en fases muy diversas, lo que ha permitido entender los retos y las dificultades a los que se enfrentan este tipo de patrimonio y paisajes culturales, así como detectar las buenas prácticas que se han dado en ellos. A tal fin, se ha empleado una metodología que combina el uso de indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos, con entrevistas y dinámicas de grupo. Todo ello se ha complementado con el estudio bibliográfico y visitas de campo a cada espacio, lo que ha permitido elaborar las narrativas de la patrimonialización de cada uno de ellos. El estudio comparativo entre los doce espacios salineros ha conducido, así mismo, a la elaboración de un modelo de gestión, que esperemos contribuya al aprovechamiento sostenible de paisajes culturales y espacios patrimoniales similares a los estudiados aquí

    Book of cases on public and non-profit marketing: trends and responsible approaches in tourism

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    Debates around the negative impacts on natural and social environments are increasingly gaining relevance in marketing strategies in different sectors, requiring the development of responsible approaches. Under the theme “Trends and Responsible Approaches in Tourism”, the International Association of Public and Non-Profit Marketing (AIMPN / IAPNM), together with the Faculty of Economics and the Research Centre in Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs), University of Algarve, Portugal, organized the XIV International Congress on Teaching Cases Related to Public and Non-profit Marketing. The Congress took place on December 16, 2022, at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Portugal, virtually. The objective of this annual Congress is to disseminate case studies referring to activities of non- profit organizations, public institutions or companies. This book presents 53 cases peer-reviewed by a scientific committee and selected from the presentations performed by over 100 participants from diverse nationalities during this event. The Congress aims to disseminate best practices referring to activities of non-profit organizations, public institutions and companies and is addressed to students, teachers and professionals. Based on topics around non-profit, social and public marketing, examples of good practices carried out by third-sector organizations, companies and public organizations emerge. This approach, which is aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, offers discussions supporting future marketing strategies that can contribute to a better society. The cases have been organized into seven main areas: 1) senior cases, 2) green marketing, 3) well-being, marketing and tourism, 4) public and non-profit marketing, 5) responsible consumer behaviour trends and tourism management, 6) social responsibility and sustainability, and 7) social marketing.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio