222 research outputs found

    A multiple expression alignment framework for genetic programming

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced AnalyticsAlignment in the error space is a recent idea to exploit semantic awareness in genetic programming. In a previous contribution, the concepts of optimally aligned and optimally coplanar individuals were introduced, and it was shown that given optimally aligned, or optimally coplanar, individuals, it is possible to construct a globally optimal solution analytically. Consequently, genetic programming methods, aimed at searching for optimally aligned, or optimally coplanar, individuals were introduced. This paper critically discusses those methods, analyzing their major limitations and introduces a new genetic programming system aimed at overcoming those limitations. The presented experimental results, conducted on five real-life symbolic regression problems, show that the proposed algorithms’ outperform not only the existing methods based on the concept of alignment in the error space, but also geometric semantic genetic programming and standard genetic programming

    Towards The Deep Semantic Learning Machine Neuroevolution Algorithm: An exploration on the CIFAR-10 problem task

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced AnalyticsSelecting the topology and parameters of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for a given supervised machine learning task is a non-trivial problem. The Deep Semantic Learning Machine (Deep-SLM) deals with this problem by automatically constructing CNNs without the use of the Backpropagation algorithm. The Deep-SLM is a novel neuroevolution technique and functions as stochastic semantic hill-climbing algorithm searching over the space of CNN topologies and parameters. The geometric semantic properties of the Deep-SLM induce a unimodel error space and eliminate the existence of local optimal solutions. This makes the Deep-SLM potentially favorable in terms of search efficiency and effectiveness. This thesis provides an exploration of a variant of the Deep-SLM algorithm on the CIFAR-10 problem task, and a validation of its proof of concept. This specific variant only forms mutation node ! mutation node connections in the non-convolutional part of the constructed CNNs. Furthermore, a comparative study between the Deep-SLM and the Semantic Learning Machine (SLM) algorithms was conducted. It was observed that sparse connections can be an effective way to prevent overfitting. Additionally, it was shown that a single 2D convolution layer initialized with random weights does not result in well-generalizing features for the Deep-SLM directly, but, in combination with a 2D max-pooling down sampling layer, effective improvements in performance and generalization of the Deep-SLM could be achieved. These results constitute to the hypothesis that convolution and pooling layers can improve performance and generalization of the Deep-SLM, unless the components are properly optimized.Selecionar a topologia e os parâmetros da Rede Neural Convolucional (CNN) para uma tarefa de aprendizado automático supervisionada não é um problema trivial. A Deep Semantic Learning Machine (Deep-SLM) lida com este problema construindo automaticamente CNNs sem recorrer ao uso do algoritmo de Retro-propagação. A Deep-SLM é uma nova técnica de neuroevolução que funciona enquanto um algoritmo de escalada estocástico semântico na pesquisa de topologias e de parâmetros CNN. As propriedades geométrico-semânticas da Deep-SLM induzem um unimodel error space que elimina a existência de soluções ótimas locais, favorecendo, potencialmente, a Deep-SLM em termos de eficiência e eficácia. Esta tese providencia uma exploração de uma variante do algoritmo da Deep-SLM no problemo de CIFAR-10, assim como uma validação do seu conceito de prova. Esta variante específica apenas forma conexões nó de mutação!nó de mutação na parte non convolucional da CNN construída. Mais ainda, foi conduzido um estudo comparativo entre a Deep-SLM e o algoritmo da Semantic Learning Machine (SLM). Tendo sido observado que as conexões esparsas poderão tratar-se de uma forma eficiente de prevenir o overfitting. Adicionalmente, mostrou-se que uma singular camada de convolução 2D, iniciada com valores aleatórios, não resulta, directamente, em características generalizadas para a Deep-SLM, mas, em combinação com uma camada de 2D max-pooling, melhorias efectivas na performance e na generalização da Deep-SLM poderão ser concretizadas. Estes resultados constituem, assim, a hipótese de que as camadas de convolução e pooling poderão melhorar a performance e a generalização da Deep-SLM, a não ser que os componentes sejam adequadamente otimizados

    Reconsideration and extension of Cartesian genetic programming

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    This dissertation aims on analyzing fundamental concepts and dogmas of a graph-based genetic programming approach called Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) and introduces advanced genetic operators for CGP. The results of the experiments presented in this thesis lead to more knowledge about the algorithmic use of CGP and its underlying working mechanisms. CGP has been mostly used with a parametrization pattern, which has been prematurely generalized as the most efficient pattern for standard CGP and its variants. Several parametrization patterns are evaluated with more detailed and comprehensive experiments by using meta-optimization. This thesis also presents a first runtime analysis of CGP. The time complexity of a simple (1+1)-CGP algorithm is analyzed with a simple mathematical problem and a simple Boolean function problem. In the subfield of genetic operators for CGP, new recombination and mutation techniques that work on a phenotypic level are presented. The effectiveness of these operators is demonstrated on a widespread set of popular benchmark problems. Especially the role of recombination can be seen as a big open question in the field of CGP, since the lack of an effective recombination operator limits CGP to mutation-only use. Phenotypic exploration analysis is used to analyze the effects caused by the presented operators. This type of analysis also leads to new insights into the search behavior of CGP in continuous and discrete fitness spaces. Overall, the outcome of this thesis leads to a reconsideration of how CGP is effectively used and extends its adaption from Darwin's and Lamarck's theories of biological evolution

    Mining Explicit and Implicit Relationships in Data Using Symbolic Regression

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    Identification of implicit and explicit relations within observed data is a generic problem commonly encountered in several domains including science, engineering, finance, and more. It forms the core component of data analytics, a process of discovering useful information from data sets that are potentially huge and otherwise incomprehensible. In industries, such information is often instrumental for profitable decision making, whereas in science and engineering it is used to build empirical models, propose new or verify existing theories and explain natural phenomena. In recent times, digital and internet based technologies have proliferated, making it viable to generate and collect large amount of data at low cost. This inturn has resulted in an ever growing need for methods to analyse and draw interpretations from such data quickly and reliably. With this overarching goal, this thesis attempts to make contributions towards developing accurate and efficient methods for discovering such relations through evolutionary search, a method commonly referred to as Symbolic Regression (SR). A data set of input variables x and a corresponding observed response y is given. The aim is to find an explicit function y = f (x) or an implicit function f (x, y) = 0, which represents the data set. While seemingly simple, the problem is challenging for several reasons. Some of the conventional regression methods try to “guess” a functional form such as linear/quadratic/polynomial, and attempt to do a curve-fitting of the data to the equation, which may limit the possibility of discovering more complex relations, if they exist. On the other hand, there are meta-modelling techniques such as response surface method, Kriging, etc., that model the given data accurately, but provide a “black-box” predictor instead of an expression. Such approximations convey little or no insights about how the variables and responses are dependent on each other, or their relative contribution to the output. SR attempts to alleviate the above two extremes by providing a structure which evolves mathematical expressions instead of assuming them. Thus, it is flexible enough to represent the data, but at the same time provides useful insights instead of a black-box predictor. SR can be categorized as part of Explainable Artificial Intelligence and can contribute to Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. The works proposed in this thesis aims to integrate the concept of “semantics” deeper into Genetic Programming (GP) and Evolutionary Feature Synthesis, which are the two algorithms usually employed for conducting SR. The semantics will be integrated into well-known components of the algorithms such as compactness, diversity, recombination, constant optimization, etc. The main contribution of this thesis is the proposal of two novel operators to generate expressions based on Linear Programming and Mixed Integer Programming with the aim of controlling the length of the discovered expressions without compromising on the accuracy. In the experiments, these operators are proven to be able to discover expressions with better accuracy and interpretability on many explicit and implicit benchmarks. Moreover, some applications of SR on real-world data sets are shown to demonstrate the practicality of the proposed approaches. Besides, in related to practical problems, how GP can be applied to effectively solve the Resource Constrained Scheduling Problems is also presented

    Metaheuristic Design Patterns: New Perspectives for Larger-Scale Search Architectures

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    Design patterns capture the essentials of recurring best practice in an abstract form. Their merits are well established in domains as diverse as architecture and software development. They offer significant benefits, not least a common conceptual vocabulary for designers, enabling greater communication of high-level concerns and increased software reuse. Inspired by the success of software design patterns, this chapter seeks to promote the merits of a pattern-based method to the development of metaheuristic search software components. To achieve this, a catalog of patterns is presented, organized into the families of structural, behavioral, methodological and component-based patterns. As an alternative to the increasing specialization associated with individual metaheuristic search components, the authors encourage computer scientists to embrace the ‘cross cutting' benefits of a pattern-based perspective to optimization algorithms. Some ways in which the patterns might form the basis of further larger-scale metaheuristic component design automation are also discussed

    Nonlinear Dynamic System Identification and Model Predictive Control Using Genetic Programming

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    During the last century, a lot of developments have been made in research of complex nonlinear process control. As a powerful control methodology, model predictive control (MPC) has been extensively applied to chemical industrial applications. Core to MPC is a predictive model of the dynamics of the system being controlled. Most practical systems exhibit complex nonlinear dynamics, which imposes big challenges in system modelling. Being able to automatically evolve both model structure and numeric parameters, Genetic Programming (GP) shows great potential in identifying nonlinear dynamic systems. This thesis is devoted to GP based system identification and model-based control of nonlinear systems. To improve the generalization ability of GP models, a series of experiments that use semantic-based local search within a multiobjective GP framework are reported. The influence of various ways of selecting target subtrees for local search as well as different methods for performing that search were investigated; a comparison with the Random Desired Operator (RDO) of Pawlak et al. was made by statistical hypothesis testing. Compared with the corresponding baseline GP algorithms, models produced by a standard steady state or generational GP followed by a carefully-designed single-objective GP implementing semantic-based local search are statistically more accurate and with smaller (or equal) tree size, compared with the RDO-based GP algorithms. Considering the practical application, how to correctly and efficiently apply an evolved GP model to other larger systems is a critical research concern. Currently, the replication of GP models is normally done by repeating other’s work given the necessary algorithm parameters. However, due to the empirical and stochastic nature of GP, it is difficult to completely reproduce research findings. An XML-based standard file format, named Genetic Programming Markup Language (GPML), is proposed for the interchange of GP trees. A formal definition of this standard and details of implementation are described. GPML provides convenience and modularity for further applications based on GP models. The large-scale adoption of MPC in buildings is not economically viable due to the time and cost involved in designing and adjusting predictive models by expert control engineers. A GP-based control framework is proposed for automatically evolving dynamic nonlinear models for the MPC of buildings. An open-loop system identification was conducted using the data generated by a building simulator, and the obtained GP model was then employed to construct the predictive model for the MPC. The experimental result shows GP is able to produce models that allow the MPC of building to achieve the desired temperature band in a single zone space

    Sample supervised search centric approaches in geographic object-based image analysis

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    Sample supervised search centric image segmentation denotes a general method where quality segments are generated based on the provision of a selection of reference segments. The main purpose of such a method is to correctly segment a multitude of identical elements in an image based on these reference segments. An efficient search algorithm traverses the parameter space of a given segmentation algorithm. A supervised quality measure guides the search for the best segmentation results, or rather the best performing parameter set. This method, which is academically pursued in the context of remote sensing and elsewhere, shows promise in assisting the generation of earth observation information products. The method may find applications specifically within the context of user driven geographic object-based image analysis approaches, mainly in respect of very high resolution optical data. Rapid mapping activities as well as general land-cover mapping or targeted element identification may benefit from such a method. In this work it is suggested that sample supervised search centric geographic segment generation forms the basis of a set of methods, or rather a methodological avenue. The original formulation of the method, although promising, is limited in the quality of the segments it can produce – it is still limited by the inherent capability of the given segmentation algorithm. From an optimisation viewpoint, various structures may be encoded forming the fitness or search landscape traversed by a given search algorithm. These structures may interact or have an interplay with the given segmentation algorithm. Various method variants considering expanded fitness landscapes are possible. Additional processes, or constituents, such as data mapping, classification and post-segmentation heuristics may be embedded into such a method. Three distinct and novel method variants are proposed and evaluated based on this concept of expanded fitness landscapes