111 research outputs found

    Sistema de información del Conjunto Arqueológico de Carmona. Sevilla. España

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    [ES] El Conjunto Arqueológico de Carmona se encuentra realizando un proyecto de investigación, recopilación y mecanización y nueva elaboración de toda la documentación gráfica en torno al yacimiento arqueológico. La información anterior existente se encontraba en soportes y sistemas poco accesibles para los investigadores. Por tanto los trabajos realizados han consistido fundamentalmente en digitalización de la información gráfica existente, formación de una infraestructura topográfica sobre la que se han apoyado todos los procesos de georreferenciación y el levantamiento de todos los elementos que componen el yacimiento, anfiteatro, tumbas y rasgos arqueológicos por sistemas de registro tridimensional, escáner 3d, topografía de detalle y fotogrametría terrestre y aérea.En este momento el proyecto se encuentra en la fase de salidas gráficas y modelado 3d de la información resultante.Como resultado de los trabajos, el proyecto debe culminar con la creación de un sistema de información que agJiménez Hernández, A.; López Sánchez, JM.; Rodríguez Temiño, I. (2010). Sistema de información del Conjunto Arqueológico de Carmona. Sevilla. España. Virtual Archaeology Review. 1(2):117-122. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2010.4700OJS1171221

    Statistical analysis of the performance and simulation of a two-axis tracking PV system

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    The energy produced by a photovoltaic system over a given period can be estimated from the incident radiation at the site where the Grid Connected PV System (GCPVS) is located, assuming knowledge of certain basic features of the system under study. Due to the inherently stochastic nature of solar radiation, the question “How much energy will a GCPVS produce at this location over the next few years?” involves an exercise of prediction inevitably subjected to a degree of uncertainty. Moreover, during the life cycle of the GCPVS, another question arises: “Is the system working correctly?”. This paper proposes and examines several methods to cope with these questions. The daily performance of a PV system is simulated. This simulation and the interannual variability of both radiation and productivity are statistically analyzed. From the results several regression adjustments are obtained. This analysis is shown to be useful both for productivity prediction and performance checking exercises. Finally, a statistical analysis of the performance of a GCPVS is carried out as a detection method of malfunctioning parts of the system

    Towards Smarter Management of Overtourism in Historic Centres Through Visitor-Flow Monitoring

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    Historic centres are highly regarded destinations for watching and even participating in diverse and unique forms of cultural expression. Cultural tourism, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), is an important and consolidated tourism sector and its strong growth is expected to continue over the coming years. Tourism, the much dreamt of redeemer for historic centres, also represents one of the main threats to heritage conservation: visitors can dynamize an economy, yet the rapid growth of tourism often has negative effects on both built heritage and the lives of local inhabitants. Knowledge of occupancy levels and flows of visiting tourists is key to the efficient management of tourism; the new technologies—the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and geographic information systems (GIS)—when combined in interconnected networks represent a qualitative leap forward, compared to traditional methods of estimating locations and flows. A methodology is described in this paper for the management of tourism flows that is designed to promote sustainable tourism in historic centres through intelligent support mechanisms. As part of the Smart Heritage City (SHCITY) project, a collection system for visitors is developed. Following data collection via monitoring equipment, the analysis of a set of quantitative indicators yields information that can then be used to analyse visitor flows; enabling city managers to make management decisions when the tourism-carrying capacity is exceeded and gives way to overtourism.Funded by the Interreg Sudoe Programme of the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF

    Heritage’s potentiality from low medieval in the Cádiz province (Spain) as a tourist resource.

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    Durante los siglos XIII y XV asistimos a un proceso histórico en el que los reinos cristianos peninsulares se expanden por Andalucía Occidental frente al dominio musulmán. Este periodo histórico tiene muchas consecuencias desde el punto de vista de las transformaciones sociales, culturales y económicas, pero también, por el rico patrimonio inmueble que se destaca por su calidad y cuantía. El patrimonio histórico ha sido un recurso fundamental para el turismo desde el inicio de esta actividad. No obstante, es durante la década de 1960 cuando su uso turístico se intensifi ca bien mediante la promoción individualizada o por su integración en itinerarios turístico-culturales o rutas. De este modo, también se amplía su protección jurídica como forma de favorecer su puesta en valor y protección. Este trabajo tiene dos objetivos bien diferenciados. Por un lado, se realiza un estudio del patrimonio bajomedieval, y por otro lado se analiza su potencialidad turística y sus capacidades dentro del sector.During the thirteenth and fi fteenth centuries we witness a historical process in which the peninsular Christian kingdoms expand through Western Andalusia against Muslim rule. This historical period has many consequences from the point of view of social, cultural and economic transformations, but also, for the rich real estate that stands out for its quality and quantity. Historical heritage has been a fundamental resource for tourism since the beginning of this activity. However, it is during the 1960s when its tourist use is intensifi ed either by individualized promotion or by its integration into tourist-cultural itineraries or routes. In this way, its legal protection is also extended as a way to favor its enhancement and protection. This work has two distinct objectives. On the one hand a study of the late medieval heritage is carried out, and on the other hand its tourist potential and its capacities within the sector are analyzed

    Tourism, heritage and historical centers: cultural marketing strategies in Málaga

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    Nowadays, the recovery of historical centers has become a key reference to stimulate tourism and the development of this sector as an economic engine and source of wealth. Specifically, for Málaga, this has been a key factor to fuel tourism and economic development which apparently revert in a significant benefit for the municipality. Within the last decade Málaga has achieved to outstand among the most important cultural tourism destinations in the world thanks to a strong political push and the project leaded by the brand "Malaga City Museums". We propose the following communication analysis of the main actions that contribute to the financial recovery of Málaga taking advantage of a factor of great importance as it is tourism, given that we talk about the capital city of the Costa del Sol, and most importantly, its direct and potential impact on the economic activit

    3D survey of the Early-Middle Bronze Age Workshop Complex and cemetery area at Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (Cyprus)

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    Kouris Valley Project is an archaeological research project held from 2007 by University of Florence and directed by Prof. A. M. Jasink, under the field direction of Dr. L. Bombardieri in the Kourion area (Limassol, Cyprus). During the 2010 field season the collaboration of GeCo (Geomatics and Communication for Cultural Heritage Laboratory, University of Florence) was requested with the aim at the laser scanner survey of Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou site area. The survey involved two areas, a workshop and a cemetery, as well as some small ceramic finds. Range maps was used for different aims: to make a full-scale replica of a tomb to exhibit at Limassol museum and for the documentation of the excavation of the workshop. This one is a rather extreme case study: most significant artifacts are shallow carvings into bedrock and could be confused with natural elements. In this case the aim was to get automatic and accurate drawings comparable with traditional ones. The paper reviews the expressive potential of drawings done using different techniques and softwares, each one with its assets and restrictions

    SICAC: an information system for the Conjunto arqueológico de Carmona (Carmona Archaeological Ensemble) (Seville, Spain)

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    The Roman necropolis and amphitheater of Carmona (Seville, Spain) were excavated and opened to the public at the end of the Nineteenth century. Because of this long continuity, the Carmona Archaeological Ensemble boasts a special trait: a broad archaeological documentary archive. Efficient management of this store of information that is updated and added to on a daily basis required a computer application that could gather, integrate, conserve and facilitate the use of this volume of data from different sources. At the same time, it was considered necessary for researchers to have online access to the core substance of the information. Our information system for CAC was developed over the course of five years and is called SICAC. All of the graphic and alphanumerical data is organized in the same environment, thereby guaranteeing their integration, availability, quality and accessibility. SICAC has three platforms: desktop, online and mobile

    La escala sustentable de los destinos turísticos. Una revisión crítica de la capacidad de carga

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    En el contexto actual del turismo una de las variables principales a tener en cuenta es la intensidad de la relación turismo territorio, porque la sustentabilidad es un factor esencial de competitividad de los destinos turísticos. Por tal razón, una cuestión central a tener en cuenta en la gestión turística es la escala del modelo turístico y que ésta sea sustentable. La medición de tal intensidad según la bibliografía del turismo se podría analizar en función de indicadores de capacidad de carga. El tema de la capacidad de carga está ampliamente difundido y propone marcos metodológicos diversos, pero en la práctica su aplicación y su contribución a objetivos de gestión ambiental turística han sido limitadas. El objetivo es presentar una revisión crítica de aspectos teóricos / metodológicos de la capacidad de carga para establecer criterios que contribuyan a la aplicación operativa de capacidad de carga acorde a objetivos de gestión ambiental del espacio turístico.Fil: Bertoni, Marcela. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: López, María José. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Testa, Joaquín. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina

    Diagnóstico Situacional PEST-LA para Identificar los Problemas Turísticos de la Provincia de Cotopaxi, Ecuador

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    El turismo es una actividad económica en crecimiento en el mundo, que genera múltiples impactos positivos y negativos, para su crecimiento necesita el buen funcionamiento de los factores del macro-entorno, por lo que, el presente trabajo modificó la matriz PEST-LA y analizó los factores; político, económico, social-cultural, tecnológico, legal y ambiental de los cantones; La Mana, Salcedo, Saquisilí, Latacunga y Pujilí. Para su análisis se trabajó con 116 elementos y cada elemento analizado se subdividió en variables que fueron valoradas y calificadas con base en las evidencias encontradas, a través de información segundaria e información primaria (entrevistas a actores claves), obteniendo así; 74 elementos valorados como negativos (catalogados como problemas turísticos) y 42 elementos valorados como positivos, correspondientes al diagnóstico situacional de los problemas que no están permitiendo el desarrollo turístico en la provincia de Cotopaxi. Tourism is a growing economic activity in the world, which generates multiple positive and negative impacts, for its growth it needs the proper functioning of the macro-environment factors, therefore, this work modified the PEST-LA matrix and analyzed the facts; political, economic, socialcultural, technological, legal and environmental of the cantons; La Mana, Salcedo, Saquisilí, Latacunga and Pujilí. For its analysis we worked with 116 elements and each element analyzed was subdivided into variables that were assessed and qualified based on the evidence found, through secondary information and primary information (interviews with key actors), thus obtaining; 78 elements valued as negative (cataloged as tourist problems) and 38 elements valued as positive, corresponding to the situational diagnosis of problems that are not allowing tourism development in the province of Cotopaxi