19 research outputs found

    Case Studies on Optimizing Algorithms for GPU Architectures

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    Modern GPUs are complex, massively multi-threaded, and high-performance. Programmers naturally gravitate towards taking advantage of this high performance for achieving faster results. However, in order to do so successfully, programmers must first understand and then master a new set of skills – writing parallel code, using different types of parallelism, adapting to GPU architectural features, and understanding issues that limit performance. In order to ease this learning process and help GPU programmers become productive more quickly, this dissertation introduces three data access skeletons (DASks) – Block, Column, and Row -- and two block access skeletons (BASks) – Block-By-Block and Warp-by-Warp. Each “skeleton” provides a high-performance implementation framework that partitions data arrays into data blocks and then iterates over those blocks. The programmer must still write “body” methods on individual data blocks to solve their specific problem. These skeletons provide efficient machine dependent data access patterns for use on GPUs. DASks group n data elements into m fixed size data blocks. These m data block are then partitioned across p thread blocks using a 1D or 2D layout pattern. The fixed-size data blocks are parameterized using three C++ template parameters – nWork, WarpSize, and nWarps. Generic programming techniques use these three parameters to enable performance experiments on three different types of parallelism – instruction-level parallelism (ILP), data-level parallelism (DLP), and thread-level parallelism (TLP). These different DASks and BASks are introduced using a simple memory I/O (Copy) case study. A nearest neighbor search case study resulted in the development of DASKs and BASks but does not use these skeletons itself. Three additional case studies – Reduce/Scan, Histogram, and Radix Sort -- demonstrate DASks and BASks in action on parallel primitives and also provides more valuable performance lessons.Doctor of Philosoph

    Relajaciones de ejecución definidas por el usuario para la mejora de la programabilidad en computación paralela de altas prestaciones

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, leída el 22-11-2019This thesis proposes the development and implementation of a new programming model basedon execution relaxations, and focused on High-Performance Parallel Computing. Specifically,the main goals of the thesis are:1. Advocate a development methodology in which users define the basic computing units(tasks), together with a set of relaxations in, possibly, multiple dimensions. These relaxationswill be translated, at execution time, into expanded (and complex) scheduling opportunitiesdepending on the underlying architectural features, yielding improvements in termsof desired output metrics (e.g., performance or energy consumption).2. Abstract away users from the complexity of the underlying heterogeneous hardware, delegatingthe proper exploitation of expanded scheduling choices to a system software component(typically referred as a runtime). This piece of software, armed with knowledge fromstatic architectural characteristics and dynamic status of the hardware at execution time,will exploit those combinations considered optimal among those relaxations proposed bythe user for each task ready for execution.3. Extend this abstraction in order to describe both computing systems, by means of executor/ allocator hierarchies that describe the heterogeneous computing architecture, and applications,in terms of sets of interdependent tasks. In addition, the relations between executorsand tasks are categorized into a new task-executor taxonomy, which motivates ambiguityfreeHPC programming frontends based on the STSE, Single Task - Single Executor classification,distinguished from fully-automated runtime backends.4. Propose a new programming model (STEEL) based on previous ideas, that gathers featuresconsidered to be basic for future task-based programming models, namely: performance,composability, expressivity and hard-to-misuse interfaces.5. Specify an API to support the STEEL programming model, and a runtime implementationleveraging techniques and programming paradigms supported by modern C++, illustratingits flexibility, ease of use and performance impact by means of simple use cases and examples.Hence, the proposed methodology stands for a clear and strict separation of concerns betweenthe involved actors in a parallel executions: user / codes and underlying hardware. This kind ofabstractions allows a delegation of the expert knowledge from the user toward the system software(runtime) in a systematic way, and facilitates the integration of mechanisms to automate optimizations,adapting performance to the specificities of the heterogeneous parallel architecture in whichthe code is instantiated and executed.From this perspective, the thesis designs, implements and validates mechanisms to perform aso-called complexity formalization, classifying many actions that are currently done by the userand building a framework in which these complexities can be delegated to the runtime system. Thedelegation of these decisions is already a step forward to next generation of programming modelsseeking performance, expressivity, programmability and portability...La presente tesis doctoral propone el diseño e implementación de un nuevo modelo de programación basado en relajaciones de ejecución y enfocado al ámbito de la Computación Paralela de Altas Prestaciones. Concretamente, los objetivos principales de la tesis son:1. Abogar por una metodología de desarrollo en la que el usuario define las unidades básicas de computo (tareas), junto con un conjunto de relajaciones en, posiblemente, múltiples dimensiones. Estas relajaciones se traducirán, en tiempo de ejecución, en oportunidades expandidas(y complejas) de planificación en función de la arquitectura subyacente, impactando así en métricas como rendimiento o consumo energético.2. Abstraer al usuario de la complejidad del hardware subyacente, delegando la correcta explotación de dichas posibilidades de planificación expandidas a un componente software de sistema (típicamente conocido como runtime). Dicho software, dotado de conocimiento tanto de las características estáticas de la arquitectura subyacente como del estado puntual de la misma en el momento de la ejecución, explotará las combinaciones consideradas optimas de entre las relajaciones propuestas por el usuario para cada tarea lista para set ejecutada.3. Extender dicha abstracción para describir tanto sistemas de cómputo, en forma de jerarquía de ejecutores y alojadores de memoria que en ´ultimo término describen una arquitectura de cómputo heterogénea, como aplicaciones, en forma de un conjunto de tareas interrelacionadas. Además, las relaciones entre ejecutores y tareas son clasificadas en una nueva taxonomía tarea-ejecutor, la cual motiva frontends de programación HPC sin ambigüedad basados en la clasificación STSE, Single Task - Single Executor, separada de backends runtime totalmente automatizados.4. Proponer un nuevo modelo de programación (STEEL) basado en la clasificación STSE que aglutine ciertas características consideradas básicas de cara al éxito de los futuros modelos de programación basados en tareas: rendimiento, facilidad de composición, expresividad e interfaces no permisivos ante fallos.5. Especificar una API que dé soporte al modelo de programación, así como una implementación runtime del mismo aprovechando técnicas y paradigmas soportados en el lenguaje C++ de última generación, e ilustrar su uso, flexibilidad e impacto en el rendimiento a través de ejemplos y casos de uso sencillos .La metodología que se propugna aboga por una clara y estricta separación de conceptos entre los actores básicos que componen una ejecución paralela: usuario / código y hardware subyacente. Este tipo de abstracciones permite delegar el conocimiento experto desde el usuario hacia el software de sistema, proporcionando así mecanismos para mecanizar y automatizar su optimización ,y adaptar su rendimiento a la arquitectura paralela sobre la que se instanciarán los códigos. Desde este punto de vista, la tesis diseña, implementa y valida mecanismos para llevar a cabo una formalización de la complejidad inherente a la programación paralela heterogénea, clasificando aquellas acciones que en la actualidad se llevan a cabo por parte del usuario en el proceso de desarrollo y optimización de código, y proporcionando un marco de trabajo en el que dicha complejidad puede ser delegada, de forma eficiente y consistente, a un runtime...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Power-constrained aware and latency-aware microarchitectural optimizations in many-core processors

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    As the transistor budgets outpace the power envelope (the power-wall issue), new architectural and microarchitectural techniques are needed to improve, or at least maintain, the power efficiency of next-generation processors. Run-time adaptation, including core, cache and DVFS adaptations, has recently emerged as a promising area to keep the pace for acceptable power efficiency. However, none of the adaptation techniques proposed so far is able to provide good results when we consider the stringent power budgets that will be common in the next decades, so new techniques that attack the problem from several fronts using different specialized mechanisms are necessary. The combination of different power management mechanisms, however, bring extra levels of complexity, since other factors such as workload behavior and run-time conditions must also be considered to properly allocate power among cores and threads. To address the power issue, this thesis first proposes Chrysso, an integrated and scalable model-driven power management that quickly selects the best combination of adaptation methods out of different core and uncore micro-architecture adaptations, per-core DVFS, or any combination thereof. Chrysso can quickly search the adaptation space by making performance/power projections to identify Pareto-optimal configurations, effectively pruning the search space. Chrysso achieves 1.9x better chip performance over core-level gating for multi-programmed workloads, and 1.5x higher performance for multi-threaded workloads. Most existing power management schemes use a centralized approach to regulate power dissipation. Unfortunately, the complexity and overhead of centralized power management increases significantly with core count rendering it in-viable at fine-grain time slices. The work leverages a two-tier hierarchical power manager. This solution is highly scalable with low overhead on a tiled many-core architecture with shared LLC and per-tile DVFS at fine-grain time slices. The global power is first distributed across tiles using GPM and then within a tile (in parallel across all tiles). Additionally, this work also proposes DVFS and cache-aware thread migration (DCTM) to ensure optimum per-tile co-scheduling of compatible threads at runtime over the two-tier hierarchical power manager. DCTM outperforms existing solutions by up to 12% on adaptive many-core tile processor. With the advancements in the core micro-architectural techniques and technology scaling, the performance gap between the computational component and memory component is increasing significantly (the memory-wall issue). To bridge this gap, the architecture community is pushing forward towards multi-core architecture with on-die near-memory DRAM cache memory (faster than conventional DRAM). Gigascale DRAM Caches poses a problem of how to efficiently manage the tags. The Tags-in-DRAM designs aims at efficiently co-locate tags with data, but it still suffer from high latency especially in multi-way associativity. The thesis finally proposes Tag Cache mechanism, an on-chip distributed tag caching mechanism with limited space and latency overhead to bypass the tag read operation in multi-way DRAM Caches, thereby reducing hit latency. Each Tag Cache, stored in L2, stores tag information of the most recently used DRAM Cache ways. The Tag Cache is able to exploit temporal locality of the DRAM Cache, thereby contributing to on average 46% of the DRAM Cache hits.A mesura que el consum dels transistors supera el nivell de potència desitjable es necessiten noves tècniques arquitectòniques i microarquitectòniques per millorar, o almenys mantenir, l'eficiència energètica dels processadors de les pròximes generacions. L'adaptació en temps d'execució, tant de nuclis com de les cachés, així com també adaptacions DVFS són idees que han sorgit recentment que fan preveure que sigui un àrea prometedora per mantenir un ritme d'eficiència energètica acceptable. Tanmateix, cap de les tècniques d'adaptació proposades fins ara és capaç d'oferir bons resultats si tenim en compte les restriccions estrictes de potència que seran comuns a les pròximes dècades. És convenient definir noves tècniques que ataquin el problema des de diversos fronts utilitzant diferents mecanismes especialitzats. La combinació de diferents mecanismes de gestió d'energia porta aparellada nivells addicionals de complexitat, ja que altres factors com ara el comportament de la càrrega de treball així com condicions específiques de temps d'execució també han de ser considerats per assignar adequadament la potència entre els nuclis del sistema computador. Per tractar el tema de la potència, aquesta tesi proposa en primer lloc Chrysso, una administració d'energia integrada i escalable que selecciona ràpidament la millor combinació entre diferents adaptacions microarquitectòniques. Chrysso pot buscar ràpidament l'adaptació adequada al fer projeccions òptimes de rendiment i potència basades en configuracions de Pareto, permetent així reduir de manera efectiva l'espai de cerca. Chrysso arriba a un rendiment de 1,9 sobre tècniques convencionals d'inhibició de portes amb una càrrega d'aplicacions seqüencials; i un rendiment de 1,5 quan les aplicacions corresponen a programes parla·lels. La majoria dels sistemes de gestió d'energia existents utilitzen un enfocament centralitzat per regular la dissipació d'energia. Malauradament, la complexitat i el temps d'administració s'incrementen significativament amb una gran quantitat de nuclis. En aquest treball es defineix un gestor jeràrquic de potència basat en dos nivells. Aquesta solució és altament escalable amb baix cost operatiu en una arquitectura de múltiples nuclis integrats en clústers, amb memòria caché de darrer nivell compartida a nivell de cluster, i DVFS establert en intervals de temps de gra fi a nivell de clúster. La potència global es distribueix en primer lloc a través dels clústers utilitzant GPM i després es distribueix dins un clúster (en paral·lel si es consideren tots els clústers). A més, aquest treball també proposa DVFS i migració de fils conscient de la memòria caché (DCTM) que garanteix una òptima distribució de tasques entre els nuclis. DCTM supera les solucions existents fins a un 12%. Amb els avenços en la tecnologia i les tècniques de micro-arquitectura de nuclis, la diferència de rendiment entre el component computacional i la memòria està augmentant significativament. Per omplir aquest buit, s'està avançant cap a arquitectures de múltiples nuclis amb memòries caché integrades basades en DRAM. Aquestes memòries caché DRAM a gran escala plantegen el problema de com gestionar de forma eficaç les etiquetes. Els dissenys de cachés amb dades i etiquetes juntes són un primer pas, però encara pateixen per tenir una alta latència, especialment en cachés amb un grau alt d'associativitat. En aquesta tesi es proposa l'estudi d'una tècnica anomenada Tag Cache, un mecanisme distribuït d'emmagatzematge d'etiquetes, que redueix la latència de les operacions de lectura d'etiquetes en les memòries caché DRAM. Cada Tag Cache, que resideix a L2, emmagatzema la informació de les vies que s'han accedit recentment de les memòries caché DRAM. D'aquesta manera es pot aprofitar la localitat temporal d'una caché DRAM, fet que contribueix en promig en un 46% dels encerts en les caché DRAM

    Database and System Design for Emerging Storage Technologies

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    Emerging storage technologies offer an alternative to disk that is durable and allows faster data access. Flash memory, made popular by mobile devices, provides block access with low latency random reads. New nonvolatile memories (NVRAM) are expected in upcoming years, presenting DRAM-like performance alongside persistent storage. Whereas both technologies accelerate data accesses due to increased raw speed, used merely as disk replacements they may fail to achieve their full potentials. Flash’s asymmetric read/write access (i.e., reads execute faster than writes opens new opportunities to optimize Flash-specific access. Similarly, NVRAM’s low latency persistent accesses allow new designs for high performance failure-resistant applications. This dissertation addresses software and hardware system design for such storage technologies. First, I investigate analytics query optimization for Flash, expecting Flash’s fast random access to require new query planning. While intuition suggests scan and join selection should shift between disk and Flash, I find that query plans chosen assuming disk are already near-optimal for Flash. Second, I examine new opportunities for durable, recoverable transaction processing with NVRAM. Existing disk-based recovery mechanisms impose large software overheads, yet updating data in-place requires frequent device synchronization that limits throughput. I introduce a new design, NVRAM Group Commit, to amortize synchronization delays over many transactions, increasing throughput at some cost to transaction latency. Finally, I propose a new framework for persistent programming and memory systems to enable high performance recoverable data structures with NVRAM, extending memory consistency with persistent semantics to introduce memory persistency.PhDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/107114/1/spelley_1.pd

    Proactive Interference-aware Resource Management in Deep Learning Training Cluster

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    Deep Learning (DL) applications are growing at an unprecedented rate across many domains, ranging from weather prediction, map navigation to medical imaging. However, training these deep learning models in large-scale compute clusters face substantial challenges in terms of low cluster resource utilisation and high job waiting time. State-of-the-art DL cluster resource managers are needed to increase GPU utilisation and maximise throughput. While co-locating DL jobs within the same GPU has been shown to be an effective means towards achieving this, co-location subsequently incurs performance interference resulting in job slowdown. We argue that effective workload placement can minimise DL cluster interference at scheduling runtime by understanding the DL workload characteristics and their respective hardware resource consumption. However, existing DL cluster resource managers reserve isolated GPUs to perform online profiling to directly measure GPU utilisation and kernel patterns for each unique submitted job. Such a feedback-based reactive approach results in additional waiting times as well as reduced cluster resource efficiency and availability. In this thesis, we propose Horus: an interference-aware and prediction-based DL cluster resource manager. Through empirically studying a series of microbenchmarks and DL workload co-location combinations across heterogeneous GPU hardware, we demonstrate the negative effects of performance interference when colocating DL workload, and identify GPU utilisation as a general proxy metric to determine good placement decisions. From these findings, we design Horus, which in contrast to existing approaches, proactively predicts GPU utilisation of heterogeneous DL workload extrapolated from the DL model computation graph features when performing placement decisions, removing the need for online profiling and isolated reserved GPUs. By conducting empirical experimentation within a medium-scale DL cluster as well as a large-scale trace-driven simulation of a production system, we demonstrate Horus improves cluster GPU utilisation, reduces cluster makespan and waiting time, and can scale to operate within hundreds of machines

    An Efficient NoC-based Framework To Improve Dataflow Thread Management At Runtime

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    This doctoral thesis focuses on how the application threads that are based on dataflow execution model can be managed at Network-on-Chip (NoC) level. The roots of the dataflow execution model date back to the early 1970’s. Applications adhering to such program execution model follow a simple producer-consumer communication scheme for synchronising parallel thread related activities. In dataflow execution environment, a thread can run if and only if all its required inputs are available. Applications running on a large and complex computing environment can significantly benefit from the adoption of dataflow model. In the first part of the thesis, the work is focused on the thread distribution mechanism. It has been shown that how a scalable hash-based thread distribution mechanism can be implemented at the router level with low overheads. To enhance the support further, a tool to monitor the dataflow threads’ status and a simple, functional model is also incorporated into the design. Next, a software defined NoC has been proposed to manage the distribution of dataflow threads by exploiting its reconfigurability. The second part of this work is focused more on NoC microarchitecture level. Traditional 2D-mesh topology is combined with a standard ring, to understand how such hybrid network topology can outperform the traditional topology (such as 2D-mesh). Finally, a mixed-integer linear programming based analytical model has been proposed to verify if the application threads mapped on to the free cores is optimal or not. The proposed mathematical model can be used as a yardstick to verify the solution quality of the newly developed mapping policy. It is not trivial to provide a complete low-level framework for dataflow thread execution for better resource and power management. However, this work could be considered as a primary framework to which improvements could be carried out

    On the Use of Migration to Stop Illicit Channels

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    Side and covert channels (referred to collectively as illicit channels) are an insidious affliction of high security systems brought about by the unwanted and unregulated sharing of state amongst processes. Illicit channels can be effectively broken through isolation, which limits the degree by which processes can interact. The drawback of using isolation as a general mitigation against illicit channels is that it can be very wasteful when employed naively. In particular, permanently isolating every tenant of a public cloud service to its own separate machine would completely undermine the economics of cloud computing, as it would remove the advantages of consolidation. On closer inspection, it transpires that only a subset of a tenant's activities are sufficiently security sensitive to merit strong isolation. Moreover, it is not generally necessary to maintain isolation indefinitely, nor is it given that isolation must always be procured at the machine level. This work builds on these observations by exploring a fine-grained and hierarchical model of isolation, where fractions of a machine can be isolated dynamically using migration. Using different units of isolation allows a system to isolate processes from each other with a minimum of over-allocated resources, and having a dynamic and reconfigurable model enables isolation to be procured on-demand. The model is then realised as an implemented framework that allows the fine-grained provisioning of units of computation, managing migrations at the core, virtual CPU, process group, process/container and virtual machine level. Use of this framework is demonstrated in detecting and mitigating a machine-wide covert channel, and in implementing a multi-level moving target defence. Finally, this work describes the extension of post-copy live migration mechanisms to allow temporary virtual machine migration. This adds the ability to isolate a virtual machine on a short term basis, which subsequently allows migrations to happen at a higher frequency and with fewer redundant memory transfers, and also creates the opportunity of time-sharing a particular physical machine's features amongst a set of tenants' virtual machines

    A Unified Infrastructure for Monitoring and Tuning the Energy Efficiency of HPC Applications

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) has become an indispensable tool for the scientific community to perform simulations on models whose complexity would exceed the limits of a standard computer. An unfortunate trend concerning HPC systems is that their power consumption under high-demanding workloads increases. To counter this trend, hardware vendors have implemented power saving mechanisms in recent years, which has increased the variability in power demands of single nodes. These capabilities provide an opportunity to increase the energy efficiency of HPC applications. To utilize these hardware power saving mechanisms efficiently, their overhead must be analyzed. Furthermore, applications have to be examined for performance and energy efficiency issues, which can give hints for optimizations. This requires an infrastructure that is able to capture both, performance and power consumption information concurrently. The mechanisms that such an infrastructure would inherently support could further be used to implement a tool that is able to do both, measuring and tuning of energy efficiency. This thesis targets all steps in this process by making the following contributions: First, I provide a broad overview on different related fields. I list common performance measurement tools, power measurement infrastructures, hardware power saving capabilities, and tuning tools. Second, I lay out a model that can be used to define and describe energy efficiency tuning on program region scale. This model includes hardware and software dependent parameters. Hardware parameters include the runtime overhead and delay for switching power saving mechanisms as well as a contemplation of their scopes and the possible influence on application performance. Thus, in a third step, I present methods to evaluate common power saving mechanisms and list findings for different x86 processors. Software parameters include their performance and power consumption characteristics as well as the influence of power-saving mechanisms on these. To capture software parameters, an infrastructure for measuring performance and power consumption is necessary. With minor additions, the same infrastructure can later be used to tune software and hardware parameters. Thus, I lay out the structure for such an infrastructure and describe common components that are required for measuring and tuning. Based on that, I implement adequate interfaces that extend the functionality of contemporary performance measurement tools. Furthermore, I use these interfaces to conflate performance and power measurements and further process the gathered information for tuning. I conclude this work by demonstrating that the infrastructure can be used to manipulate power-saving mechanisms of contemporary x86 processors and increase the energy efficiency of HPC applications